Birth of Skanda

मार्कण्डेय उवाच तस्मिञ्जाते महासत्त्वे महासेने महाबले। समुत्तस्थुर्महोत्पाता घोररूपाः पृथग्विधाः॥
Markandey said : When that powerful, mighty and high-souled one (Mahasena) was born, various kinds of fearful evil omens appeared.

स्त्रीपुंसोर्विपरीतं च तथा द्वन्द्वानि यानि च। ग्रहा दीप्ता दिशः खं च ररास च मही भृशम्॥
The nature of male and female, of heat and cold and of such other pairs of contraies was reversed. The planets, the cardinal points and the firmaments became radient with light and the earth began to roar.

ऋषयश्च महाघोरान् दृष्ट्वोत्पातान् समन्ततः। अकुर्वञ्छान्तिमुद्विग्ना लोकानां लोकभावनाः॥
The Rishis who always sought the welfare of the world, seeing these fearful omens on all sides, began with anxious hearts to restore tranquility in the universe.

निवसन्ति वने ये तु तस्मिश्चैत्ररथे जनाः। तेऽब्रुवन्नेष नोऽनर्थः पावकेनाहितो महान्॥ संगम्य षड्भिः पत्नीभिः सप्तर्षिणामिति स्म ह।
Those men who lived in that Chaitraratha forest said, “All this disasters have fallen on us in consequence of Agni holding intercourse with the six wives of the seven Rishis."

अपरे गरुडीमाहुस्त्वयानर्थोऽयमाहृतः॥ यैर्दृष्टा सा तदा देवी तस्या रूपेण गच्छती। न तु तत् स्वाहया कर्म कृतं जानाति वै जनः॥
Others who saw her (Svaha) as a bird said, “This has been brought about by a bird.” None ever thought that Svaha was the cause of all this mischief.

सुपर्णी तु वचः श्रुत्वा ममायं तनयस्तिवति। उपगम्य शनैः स्कन्दमाहाहं जननी तव॥
Having heard that the child was hers, Svaha slowly went to Skanda and told him, “I am your mother.”

अथ सप्तर्षयः श्रुत्वा जातं पुत्रं महौजसम्। तत्यजुः षट् तदा पत्नीविना देवीमरुन्धतीम्॥
The seven Rishis, hearing that a greatly powerful son was born (to them), abandoned their six wives except the adorable lady Arundhuti.

षड्भिरेव तदा जातमाहुस्तद्वनवासिनः। सप्तर्षीनाह च स्वाहा मम पुत्रोऽयमित्युत॥ अहं जाने नैतदेवमिति राजन् पुनः पुनः।
Because all the dwellers of that forest said that those six women were the cause of the birth of that child. O king, Svaha also said again and again to the seven Rishis, "O Rishis, this child is mine. Your wives are not its mother."

विश्वामित्रस्तु कृत्वेष्टिं सप्तर्षीणां महामुनिः॥ पावकं कामसंतप्तमदृष्टः पृष्ठतोऽन्वगात्। तत् तेन निखिलं सर्वमवबुद्धं यथातथम्॥
The great Rishi Vishwamitra, after performing the sacrifice of the seven Rishis, had followed unseen Agni when he had been afflicted with desire and therefore he knew all as then happened.

विश्वामित्रस्तु प्रथमं कुमारं शरणं गतः। स्तवं दिव्यं सम्प्रचक्रे महासेनस्य चापि सः॥
Vishwamitra was first to seek the protection of Kumara. He offered excellent prayers in honour of Mahasena.

मङ्गलानि च सर्वाणि कौमाराणि त्रयोदश। जातकर्मादिकास्तस्य क्रियाश्चक्रे महामुनिः॥
All the thirteen auspicious rites of childhood such as the birth and other ceremonies were all performed by the great Rishi in respect of that child.

षड्वक्त्रस्य तु माहात्म्यं कुक्कुटस्य तु साधनम् शक्त्या देव्याः साधनं च तथा पारिषदामपि॥ विश्वामित्रश्चाकारैतत् कर्म लोकहिताय वै। तस्मादृषिः कुमारस्य विश्रामित्रोऽभवत् प्रियः॥
For the good of the world, he promulgated the virtues of the six-faced Skanda and performed ceremonies in hour of the cock, the goddess Shakti and the first followers of Skanda. For this reason Vishwamitra became a great favourite of Kumara.

अन्वजानाच्च स्वाहाया रूपान्यत्वं महामुनिः। अब्रवीच्च मुनीन् सर्वान् नापराध्यन्ति वै स्त्रियः॥ श्रुत्वा तु तत्त्वतस्तस्मात् ते पत्नीः सर्वतोऽत्यजन्
That great Rishi told the seven Rishis all about the transformation of Svaha (as their wives) and also told them that their wives are perfectly innocent. (Even) having heard this, the seven Rihsis abandoned their wives,

मार्कण्डेय उवाच स्कन्दं श्रुत्वा तदा देवा वासवं सहिताऽब्रुवन्॥ अविषाबलं स्कन्दं जहि शक्राशु माचिरम्। यदि वा न निहंस्येनं देवेन्द्रोऽयं भविष्यति॥ त्रैलोक्यं संनिगृह्यास्मांस्त्वां च शक्र महाबल।
Hearing of Skanda, the celestial then all spoke thus to Vasava (Indra), "O Shakra, soon kill Skanda, for his prowess is unbearable. If you do not destroy him, he will conquer us with all the three worlds. Vanquishing you, he will become the mighty lord of the celestial.

स तानुवाच व्यथितो बालोऽयं सुमहाबलः॥ स्रष्टारमपि लोकानां युधि विक्रम्य नाशयेत्। न बालमुत्सहे हन्तुभिति शक्रः प्रभाषते॥
Thus spoke Indra to those who were afflicted, 'This child possesses great prowess. He can himself destroy (even) the creator of universe in battle with his prowess. I therefore do not dare to destory him.' Thus said Shakra again and again.

तेऽब्रुवन् नास्ति ते वीर्यं यत् एवं प्रभाषसे। सर्वास्त्वद्याभिगच्छन्तु स्कन्दं लोकस्य मातरः॥ कामवीर्या जन्तु चैनं तथेत्युक्त्वा च ता ययुः।
They (the celestial) said, “You have no heroism in you, therefore you speak thus. Let the mothers of the universe go today to Skanda. They can muster at will any power they like. Let them kill this child. Saying, “So be it,” they (mothers) went away.

तमप्रतिबलं दृष्ट्वा विषण्णवदनास्तु ताः॥ अशक्योऽयं विचन्त्यैवं तमेव शरणं ययुः। ऊचुश्चैनं त्वमस्माकं पुत्रो भव महाबल॥
But seeing him matchlessly powerful, they became dispirited. Considering him to be invincible, they sought his protection and said to him, "O greatly powerful one, become our son.

अभिनन्दस्व नः सर्वाः प्रस्नुताः स्नेहविक्लवाः। तासां तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा पातुकाम: स्तनान् प्रभुः॥ ताः सम्पूज्य महासेन: कामांश्चासां प्रदाय सः। अपश्यदग्निमायान्तं पितरं बलिनां बली॥
We are full of affection for you. We are desirous of giving you our breasts (to be sucked). The milk oozes out from our breasts." Having heard these words, the mighty Mahasena desired to suck their breasts. He received them with due respect and complied with their request. Then that mightiest of mighty ones saw that his father Agni was coming towards him.

स तु सम्पूजजितस्तेन सह मातृगणेन ह। परिवार्य महासेनं रक्षमाणः स्थितः शिवः॥
That Sive (the doer of good) was duly honoured by his son; and he with the mothers stayed there near Mahasena to tend him.

सर्वासां या तु मातृणां नारी क्रोधसमुद्भवा। धात्री स्वपुत्रवत् स्कन्दं शूलहस्ताभ्यरक्षत॥
That lady amongstst the mothers who was born of anger kept watch over Skanda with a spike in hand as a mother guards her own child.

लोहितस्योदधेः कन्या क्रूरा लोहितभोजना। परिष्वज्य महासेनं पुत्रवत् पर्यरक्षत॥ अग्निर्भूत्वा नैगमेयश्छागवक्त्रो बहुप्रजः। रमयामास शैलस्थं बालं क्रीडनकैरिव॥
That irascible daughter of blood who lived in blood embraced Mahasena in her breast and nursed him like a mother. And Agni, transforming himself as a teacher with a goat's mouth and followed by numerous children, began to gratify that child with toys on his that mountain abode.