None: Chapter 224

Birth of Skanda

कन्योवाच अहं प्रजापतेः कन्या देवसेनेति विश्रुता। भगिनी दैत्यसेना मे सा पूर्वं केशिना हृता॥
The lady said : I am the daughter of Prajapati; I am called Devsena. My sister Daityasena has already been carried away by Keshin.

सदैवावां भगिन्यौ तु सखीभिः सह मानसम्। आगच्छावेह रत्यर्थमनुज्ञाप्य प्रजापतिम्॥
We, two sisters, always used to come with our maids to this Mandara mountain to sport with the permission of Prajapati.

नित्यं चावां प्रार्थयते हर्तुं केशी महासुरः। इच्छत्येनं दैत्यसेना न चाहं पाकशासन॥
The great Asura daily paid his court to us. O chastiser of Paka, Daityasena agreed, but I did not.

सा हृतानेन भगवन् मुक्ताहं त्वद्बलेन तु। त्वया देवेन्द्र निर्दिष्टं पतिमिच्छामि दुर्जयम्॥
O exalted one, she was carried away, but I have been rescued by your prowess. O lord of the celestials, I desire that you should select for me an invincible husband.

इन्द्र उवाच मम मातृष्वसेयी त्वं माता दाक्षायणी मम। आख्यातुं त्वहमिच्छामि स्वयमात्मबलं त्वया।॥
Indra said: You are one of my cousins, for your mother is a sister of my mother Dakshayani. I desire that you should speak to me about your own prowess.

कन्योवाच अबलाहं महाबाहो पतिस्तु बलवान् मम। वरदानात् पितुर्भावी सुरासुरनमस्कृतः॥
Devasena said: O mighty-armed deity, I am a Abala (weak woman), but my husband must be powerful. By my father's boon he will be adorable of the celestials and the Asura.

इन्द्र उवाच कीदृशं तु बलं देवि पत्युस्तव भविष्यति। एतदिच्छाम्यहं श्रोतुं तव वाक्यमनिन्दिते॥
Indra said: O lady, O faultless one, I desire to hear what sort of power your husband must wield.

कन्योवाच देवदानवयक्षाणां किन्नरोरगरक्षसाम्। जेता यो दुष्टदैत्यानां महावीर्यो महाबलः॥ यस्तु सर्वाणि भूतानि त्वया सह विजेष्यति। स हि मे भविता भर्ता ब्रह्मण्यः कीर्तिवर्धनः॥
Devasena said : That mighty, celebrated and powerful being who will be ever devoted to Brahma, who will be able to conquer the Devas, the Danavas, the Yakshas, the Kinnaras, the Nagas, the Rakshashas and the evil minded Daityas and who will be able to subjugate all the worlds, should be my husband.

मार्कण्डेय उवाच इन्द्रस्तस्या वचः श्रुत्वा दुःखितोऽचिन्तयद् भृशम्। अस्या देव्याः पतिर्नास्ति यादृशं सम्प्रभाषते॥
Having heard her these words, he (Indra) became sorry and pensive. (He thought), “There is no husband for this lady like the one she desires to possess.

अथापश्यत् स उदये भास्करं भास्करद्युतिः। सोमं चैव महाभागं विशमानं दिवाकरम्॥
That sun-like effulgent one then saw the sun on the Udaya (rising) mountain. He also saw the greatly exalted moon entering into the sun.

अमावास्यां प्रवृत्तायां मुहूर्ते रौद्र एव तु। देवासुरं च संग्रामं सोऽपश्यदुदये गिरौ॥
It being the time of the new moon, Shatakratu saw in that Rudra (fearful) moment that the celestials and the Asuras were fighting on the Udaya mountain.

लोहितैश्च घनैर्युक्तां पूर्वां संध्यां शतक्रतुः। अपश्यल्लोहितोदं च भगवान् वरुणालयम्॥
Shatakratu saw that the morning twilight was tinged with red clouds. The exalted one also saw that the abode of Varuna (ocean) had become as red as blood.

भृगुभिश्चाङ्गिरोभ्यश्च हुतं मन्त्रैः पृथग्विधैः। हव्यं गृहीत्वा वह्निं च प्रविशन्तं दिवाकरम्॥
He also saw that Agni, carrying oblations offered with various mantras by Bhrigu, Angira and others, entered the disc of the sun.

पर्व चैव चतुर्विशं तदा सूर्यमुपस्थितम्। तथा धर्मगतं रौद्रं सोमं सूर्यगतं च तम्॥
He also saw the twenty four Parvas adoring the sun. The beautiful Soma was also present in the sun with such surroundings.

समालोक्यैकतामेव शशिनो भास्करस्य च। समवायं तु तं रौद्रं दृष्ट्वा शक्रोऽन्वचिन्तयत्॥
Having seen this union of the sun and the moon and also that terrible conjunction, Indra thus reflected.

सूर्याचन्द्रमसोधैरं दृश्यते परिवेषणम्। एतस्मिन्नेव रात्र्यन्ते महद् युद्धं तु शंसति॥
“This fearful conjunction of the sun and the moon forebodes a terrible battle at the ends of this night.

सरित्सिन्धुरपीयं तु प्रत्यसृग्वाहिनी भृशम्। शृगालिन्यग्निवक्त्रा च प्रत्यादित्यं विराविणी॥
The river Sindhu is flowing with a current of fresh blood. The jackals with fiery faces are crying to the sun.

एष रौद्रश्च सङ्घातो महान् युक्तश्च तेजसा। सोमस्य वह्निसूर्याभ्यामद्भुतोऽयं समागमः॥
This great conjunction is terrible and it is full of effulgence. This union of the sun, moon and the fire is very wonderful.

जनयेद् यं सुतं सोमः सोऽस्या देव्याः पतिर्भवेत्। अग्निश्चैतैर्गुणैर्युक्तः सर्वैरग्निश्च देवता॥
If Soma beget a son now, that son may become the husband of this damsel. Agni has also similar surroundings. Agni is also a deity of heaven.

एष चेज्जनयेद् गर्भ सोऽस्या देव्याः पतिर्भवेत्। एवं संचिन्त्य भगवान् ब्रह्मलोकं तदा गतः॥
If he too beget a son, that son may become the husband of this damsel. “Having thus, though the exalted one went to the abode of Brahma.

गृहीत्वा देवसेनां तामवदत् स पितामहम्। उवाच चास्या देव्यास्त्वं साधुशूरं पतिं दिश॥
Taking Devasena with him. Saluting the Grandsire he said, "Grant this lady a good warrior for her husband."

ब्रह्मोवाच मयतच्चिन्तितं कार्यं त्वया दानवसूदन। तथा स भविता गर्भो बलवानुरुविक्रमः॥
Brahma said: O slayer of Danavas, it shall be as you desire. The issue of this union will be very powerful and mighty.

स भविष्यति सेनानीस्त्वया सह शतक्रतो। अस्या देव्याः पतिश्चैव स भविष्यति वीर्यवान्॥
O Shatakratu, that powerful being will be the husband of this lady and the generallissimo of your army,

एतच्छ्रुत्वा नमस्तस्मै कृत्वासौ सह कन्यया। तत्राभ्यगच्छद् देवेन्द्रो यत्र देवर्षयोऽभवन्॥ वसिष्ठप्रमुखा मुख्या विप्रेन्द्राः सुमहाबलाः।
Having heard this, Indra, with that damsel bowed to him; and then he went to the place where those great Brahmanas, the mighty celestials Rishis, Mahatmans and other lived.

भागार्थं तपसो धातुं तेषां सोमं तथाध्वरे॥ पिपासवो ययुर्देवा: शतक्रतुपुरोगमाः।
With Indra at their head, the celestials with the desire of drinking the Soma to receive their respective shares, went to the sacrifices of those Rishis.

इष्टि कृत्वा यथान्यायं सुसमिद्धे हुताशने॥ जुहुवुस्ते महात्मानो हव्यं सर्वदिवौकसाम्।
Having duly performed the ceremony with the blazing fire, those high-souled men offered oblation to the dwellers of heaven.

समाहूतो हुतवहः सोऽद्भुतः सूर्यमण्डलात्॥ विनिःसृत्य ययौ वह्निर्वाग्यतो विधिवत् प्रभुः। आगम्याहवनीयं वै तैर्द्विजैर्मन्त्रतो हुतम्॥ स तत्र विविधं हव्यं प्रतिगृह्य हुताशनः। ऋषिभ्यो भरतश्रेष्ठ प्रायच्छत दिवौकसाम्॥
The Adbhuta fire, that carrier of oblations, was invoked with mantras. Coming out of the disc of the sun, that exalted fire restrained his speech and went there. O best of the Bharata race, entering the sacrificial fire that had been made and into which various offerings were made by the Rishis with mantras, the fire took them with him and made them over to the dwellers of heaven.

निष्क्रामंश्चाप्यपश्यत् स पत्नीस्तेषां महात्मनाम्। स्वेष्वासनेषूपविष्टाः स्वपन्तीश्च तथा सुखम्॥
Coming out from that place, he saw the wives of those high-souled Rishis sleeping comfortably on their respective beds,

रुक्मवेदिनिभास्तास्तु चन्द्रलेखा इवामलाः। हुताशनार्चिप्रतिमाः सर्वास्तारा इवाद्भुताः॥
Their complexion was like that of an alter of gold. It was spotless like the disc of moon. It was scattering the beam of light like flames and their bauty was like that of galaxy in the sky.

स तत्र तेन मनसा बभूव क्षुभितेन्द्रियः। पत्नीदृष्ट्वा द्विजेन्द्राणां वह्निः कामवशं ययौ।॥
Seeing the wives of those foremost of Brahmanas with eager eyes, his mind became greatly agitated; he was filled with desires.

भूयः संचिन्तयामास न न्याय्यं क्षुभितो ह्यहम्। साध्व्यः पत्न्यो द्विजेन्द्राणामकामाः कामयाम्यहम्॥ नैताः शक्या मया द्रष्टुं स्प्रष्टुं वाप्यनिमित्ततः। गार्हपत्यं समाविश्य तस्मात् पश्याम्यभीक्ष्णशः॥
Restraining his heart, he considered to be very improper it to be thus moved (will desire). He thought, “The wives of these illustrated Brahınanas are chaste and faithful. They are beyond the reach of other people's desires. I am filled with desire to possess them. I shall therefore by becoming their household fire gratify myself with daily looking at them.”

मार्कण्डेय उवाच संस्पृशन्निव सर्वास्ताः शिखाभिः काञ्चनप्रभाः। पश्यमानश्च मुमुदे गार्हपत्यं समाश्रितः॥
Thus transforming himself into a household fire Adbhuta fire was highly gratified with seeing those gold complexioned ladies and touching them with his flames.

निरुष्य तत्र सुचिरमेवं वह्रिर्वशं गतः। मनस्तासु विनिक्षिप्य कामयानो वराङ्गनाः॥
Attracted by their beauty, he lived there for a long time. Being filled with great love for them, he gave them his heart.

कामसंतप्तहदयो देहत्यागविनिश्चितः। अलाभे ब्राह्मणस्त्रीणामग्निर्वनमुपागमत्॥
Being disappointed to win the hearts of those Brahmana women and being much afflicted by love, he went to a forest to commit suicide.

स्वाहा तं दक्षदुहिता प्रथमं कामयत् तदा। सा तस्य छिद्रमन्वैच्छच्चिरात्प्रभृति भाविनी॥
But a little while ago, Svaha, the daughter of Daksha, had bestowed her heart on him. That lady was seeking to detect his weak moments.

अप्रमत्तस्य देवस्य न च पश्यत्यनिन्दिता। सा तं ज्ञात्वा यथावत् तु वह्नि वनमुपागतम्॥ तत्त्वतः कामसंतप्तं चिन्तयामास भाविनी। अहं सप्तर्षिपत्नीनां कृत्वा रूपाणि पावकम्॥ कामयिष्यामि कामार्ता तासां रूपेण मोहितम्। एवं कृते प्रीतिरस्य कामावाप्तिश्च मे भवेत्॥
That faultless lady did not succeed in finding out any weakness in that cool and collected deity of fire. But now that the fire-deity had gone to the forest afflicted with the pangs of love; she thought thus, "As I am too much afflicted with love, I shall assume the disguise of the wives of the seven Rishis and in that disguise I shall find out the deity of fire who is so much smitten with their charms. He will be then gratified and my desire also will be satisfied.