None: Chapter 22

The destruction of Saubha

वासुदेव उवाच ततोऽहं भरतश्रेष्ठ प्रगृह्य रुचिरंधनुः। शरैरपातयं सौभाच्छिरांसि विबुधद्विषाम्॥
Krishna said : O best of the Bharata race, then taking up my beautiful bow, I began to cut off with my arrows the heads of the enemies of the celestials from the (car) Saubha.

शरांश्चाशीविषाकारानूर्ध्वगांस्तिग्मतेजसः। प्रेषयं शाल्वराजाय शामुक्तान् सुवाससः॥
I began to discharge from the Saranga (bow) many excellent arrows of the forms of snakes, each capable of going to a great height and each possessing great energy.

ततो नादृश्यत तदा सौभं कुरुकुलोद्वह। अन्तर्हितं माययाभूत ततोऽहं विस्मितोऽभवम्॥
O perpetuator of the Kuru race, I could not then see the Saubha, for it had then disappeared on account of the illusion (displayed by the Danava). I became astonished.

अथ दानवसङ्घास्ते विकृताननमूर्धजाः। उदक्रोशन् महाराज विष्ठिते मयि भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, O great king, the host of Asuras of fearful visages and hair then sent up a loud roar as I was waiting for it (Saubha).

ततोऽस्त्रं शब्दसाहं वै त्वरमाणो महारणे। अयोजयं तद्वधाय ततः शब्द उपारमत्॥
In that great battle, I then with the object of destroying them, fixed on my bowstring the weapon capable of piercing the foes, if only their voice could be heard. Thereupon their roaring ceased.

हतास्ते दानवाः सर्वे यैः स शब्द उदीरित। शरैरादित्यसंकाशैर्ध्वलितैः शब्दसाधनैः॥
But all those Danavas that had sent up that shout were killed by my those arrows, which were as blazing as the sun and which were capable of striking (at a foe) if only his voice could be heard.

तस्मिन्नुपरते शब्दे पुनरेवान्यतोऽभवत्। शब्दोऽपरो महाराज तत्रापि प्राहरं शरैः॥
O great king, when the shout (of the Danavas) ceased at one place, it arose at another place. There also I sent up my arrows.

एवं दश दिशः सर्वास्तिर्यगूर्ध्वं च भारत। नादयामासुरसुरास्ते चापि निहता मया॥
O descendant of Bharata, in this way the Asuras sent up roars from all the ten quarters, above and across. But they were all killed by me.

ततः प्राग्ज्योतिषं गत्वा पुनरेव व्यदृश्यत। सौभं कामगमं वीर मोहयन्मम चक्षुषी॥
O hero, bewildering my eyes and going to Pragjotisha the Saubha, capable of going every where at will, reappeared again.

ततो लोकान्तकरणो दानवो दारुणाकृतिः। शिलावर्षेण महता सहसा मां समावृणोत्॥
Thereupon those agents of destruction, the Danavas of fearful forms, suddenly covered me with a great shower of rocks.

सोऽहं पर्वतवर्षेण वध्यमानः पुनः पुनः। वल्मीक इव राजेन्द्र पर्वतोपचितोऽभवम्॥
O king of kings, he tried to kill me again and again by showers of rocks; and I looked like an ant-hill covered with those rocks.

ततोऽहं पर्वतचितः सहयः सहसारथिः। अप्रख्यातिमियां राजन् सर्वतः पर्वतैश्चितः॥
O king, being covered with those rocks along with my horses, charioteer, (car with) flag-staff, I altogether disappeared from the view.

ततो वृष्णिप्रवीरा ये ममासन् सैनिकास्तदा। ते भयार्ता दिशः सर्वे सहसा विप्रदुद्रुवुः॥
Thereupon the foremost heroes of the Vrishni race who were in my army were seized with panic and they suddenly began to fly in all directions.

ततो हाहाकृतमभूत् सर्वं किल विशाम्पते। द्यौश्च भूमिश्च खं चैतादृश्यमाने तथा मयि॥
O king, seeing me in that state, the heaven the sky and the earth were all filled with exclamation of “Oh" and "Alas."

ततो विषण्णमनसो मम राजन् सुहृज्जनाः। रुरुदुशुक्रुशुश्चैव दुःखशोकसमन्विताः॥
O king, my friends, afflicted with sorrow and grief, then wept and wailed in sorrowful hearts.

द्विषतां च प्रहर्षोऽभूदार्तिश्चाद्विषतामपि। एवं विजितवान् वीर पश्चादश्रौषमच्युत॥
O hero, O undeteriorating one, delight filled the hearts of the enemies as sorrow filled those of iny men. I heard of this after I had defeated the enemy.

ततोऽहमिन्द्रदयितं सर्वपाषाणभेदनम्। वज्रमुद्यम्य तान् सर्वान् पर्वतान् समशातयम्॥
Then wielding the thunder, the favourite (weapon) of Indra, which is (ever) capable of grinding stones, I destroyed that entire mass of rocks.

ततः पर्वतभारार्ता मन्दप्राणविचेष्टिताः। हया मम महाराज वेपमाना इवाभवन्॥
O great king, my horses, afflicted with the weight of the rocks and almost at the point of death, stood trembling.

मेघजालमिवाकाशे विदार्याभ्युदितं रविम्। दृष्ट्वा मां बान्धवाः सर्वे हर्षमाहारयन् पुनः॥
Seeing me, all my friends rejoiced as men are rejoiced on seeing the sun rising in the sky after dispersing the clouds.

ततः पर्वतभारार्त्तान् मन्दप्राणविचेष्टितान्। हयान् संदृश्य मां सूतः प्राह तात्कालिकं वचः॥
Seeing my horses, afflicted with the weight of the rocks and almost at the point of death, my charioteer spoke to me in words suitable to the occasion.

साधु सम्पश्य वार्ष्णेय शाल्वं सौभपतिं स्थितम्। अलं कृष्णावमन्यैनं साधु यत्नं समाचर॥
"O descendant of the Vrishni race, behold there stays Shalva, the lord of Saubha. Do not disregard him. Exert yourself.

मार्दवं सखितां चैव शाल्वादद्य व्यपाहर। जहि शाल्वं महाबाहो मैनं जीवय केशव॥
O mighty-armed Keshava, abandon all mildness and consideration for Shalva. Kill him, do not allow him to live (any longer).

सर्वैः पराक्रमैर्वीर वध्यः शत्रुरमित्रहन्। न शत्रुरवमन्तव्यो दुर्बलोऽपि बलीयसा॥
O hero, O slayer of your enemies, a foe should be killed with all exertion. Even a weak enemy should not be disregarded by a strong man.

योऽपि स्यात् पीठगः कश्चित् किं पुनः समरे स्थितः स त्वं पुरुषशार्दूल सर्वयत्नौरिमं प्रभो॥ जहि वृष्णिकुलश्रेष्ठ मा त्वां कालोऽत्यगात् पुनः नैष मार्दवसाध्यो वै मतो नापि सखा तव॥ येन त्वं योधितो वीर द्वारका चावमर्दिता। एवमादि तु कौन्तेय श्रुत्वाहं सारथेर्वचः॥ तत्त्वमेतदिति ज्ञात्वा युद्धे मतिमधारयम्। वधाय शाल्वराजस्य सौभस्य च निपातने॥
Even if he is at his feet, not to speak of one who dares for stay in battle. O lord, put forth every exertion. And conquer him. O best of the Vrishni race, O hero, do not make any further delay. That one is not to be killed by milder means. In my opinion he can never be a friend who devastated Dvarka and who is now fighting with you." O son of Kunti, hearing such words of my charioteer. And knowing that what he had said was true, I again engaged myself in the fight with the intention of killing Shalva and destroying his Saubha (car).

दारुकं चाब्रुवं वीर मुहूर्त स्थीयतामिति। ततोऽप्रतिहतं दिव्यमभेद्यमतिवीर्यवत्॥ आग्नेयमस्त्रं दयितं सर्वसाहं महाप्रभम्। योजयं तत्रधनुषा दानवान्तकरं रणे॥
O hero, telling Daruka "Stay for a moment,” I then in that Danava-destroying battle fixed on my bow-string, my favourite fire-weapon of celestials origin, of blazing splendour of irresistible force, of great effulgence and of bursting energy, incapable of being ever baffled and capable of penetrating into everything.

यक्षाणां राक्षसानां च दानवानां च संयुगे। राज्ञां च प्रतिलोमानां भस्मान्तकरणं महत्॥ क्षुरान्तममलं चक्रं कालान्तकयमोपमम्। अनुमन्त्र्याहमतुलं द्विषतां विनिबर्हणम्॥ जहि सौभं स्ववीर्येण ये चात्र रिपवो ममा इत्युक्त्वा भुजवीर्येण तस्मै प्राहिणवं रुषा॥
“Destroy Saubha with all the enemies that are in it" and saying this, after having inspired it with Mantras. I hurled in anger with the strength of my arms the greatly powerful discuss which reduces to ashes all the Yakshas, Rakshasas, Danavas and kings born in impure races and which is as sharp-edged as the razor, which is without stain as Yama himself, which is incomparable and which kills all enemies.

रूपं सुदर्शनस्यासीदाकाशे पततस्तदा। द्वितीयस्येव सूर्यस्य युगान्ते प्रपतिष्यतः॥
Rising into the sky, the Sudarshana (discuss) seemed to look like the exceedingly effulgent sun at the end of the Yuga.

तत् समासाद्य नगरं सौभं व्यपगतत्विषम्। मध्येन पाटयामास क्रकचो दार्विवोच्छ्रितम्॥
Approaching the city of Saubha, the splendour of which had disappeared, it went right through it as a saw divides a tall tree.

द्विधा कृतं ततः सौभं सुदर्शनबलाद्धतम्। महेश्वरशरोद्भूतं पपात त्रिपुरं यथा।॥
Cut in twain by the force of the Sudarshana, the Saubha fell like the city of Tripura shaken by the weapon of the great God (Shiva).

तस्मिन् निपतिते सौभे चक्रमागात् करं मम। पुनश्चादाय वेगेन शाल्वायेत्हमब्रुवम्॥
When the Saubha fell, the discuss came (back) to my hand. Taking it up, I once more hurled it with great, force, saying “Go to Shalva."

ततः शाल्वं गदां गुर्वीमाविध्यन्तं महाहवे। द्विधा चकार सहसा प्रजज्वाल च तेजसा॥
Thereupon it suddenly cut Shalva in twain who was at the point of hurling a great club in that great battle. With its effulgence it soon set the foe (Shalva) ablaze.

तस्मिन् विनिहते वीरे दानवास्त्रस्तचेतसः। हाहाभूता दिशो जग्मुरर्दिता मम सायकैः॥
When that brave warrior was killed by my bow, the disheartened Danavas fled in all directions, exclaiming “Oh” and “Alas.”

ततोऽहं समवस्थाप्य रथं सौभसमीपतः। शङ्ख प्रध्माप्य हर्षेण सुहृदः पर्यहर्षयम्॥
Thereupon taking my chariot in front of the city of Saubha, I cheerfully blew my conch and gladdened the hearts of my friends.

तन्मेरुशिखराकारं विध्वस्ताट्टालगोपुरम्। दह्यमानमभिप्रेक्ष्य स्त्रियस्ताः सम्प्रदुद्रुवुः॥
Seeing their city as high as the peak of the Meru (mountain) with its palaces and gateways utterly destroyed and all ablaze (in fire), the Danavas all fled in fear.

एवं निहत्य समरे सौभं शाल्वं निपात्य च। आनान् पुनरागम्य सुहृदां प्रीतिमावहम्॥
Having thus killed Shalva and destroyed Saubha, I returned to the Anartas and delighted my friends.

तदेतत् कारणं राजन् यदहं नागसाह्वयम्। नागमं परवीरन न हि जीवेत् सुयोधनः॥ मय्यागतेऽथवा वीर द्यूतं न भविता तथा। अद्याहं किं करिष्यामि भिन्नसेतुरिवोदकम्॥
O king, O slayer of hostile heroes, this is the reason why I could not come to Hastinapur. If I had come Duryodhana would not have been alive and the gambling match would not have taken place. What can I do today? It is difficult stop the water when the dam is broken."

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्त्वा महाबाहुः कौरवं पुरुषोत्तमः। आमन्त्र्य प्रययौ श्रीमान् पाण्डवान् मधुसूदनः॥
Vaishampayana said: Having thus spoken to the Kurus, that handsome slayer of Madhu, that foremost of men, that mighty-armed hero, saluting the Pandavas, was prepared to go away.

अभिवाद्य महाबाहुर्धर्मराज युधिष्ठिरम्। राज्ञा मूर्धन्युपाघ्रातो भीमेन च महाभुजः॥
The mighty-armed hero was saluted in return by king Dharmaraja Yudhishthira. And the mighty-armed Bhima also smelt the crown of his head.

परिष्वक्तश्चार्जुनेन यमाभ्यां चाभिवादितः। सम्मानितश्चधौम्येन द्रौपद्या चार्चितोऽश्रुभिः॥
He was embraced by Arjuna; and the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva) saluted him with all reverence. He was duly honoured by Dhaumya and worshipped by Draupadi with her tears.

सुभद्रामभिमन्युं च रथमारोप्य काञ्चनम्। आरुरोह रथं कृष्णः पाण्डवैरभिपूजितः॥
Causing Subhadra and Abhimanyu to ascend his golden car, Krishna, being duly worshipped by the Pandavas, ascended it himself.

शैब्यसुग्रीवयुक्तेन रथेनादित्यवर्चसा। द्वारकां प्रययौ कृष्णः समाश्वास्य युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Consoling Yudhishthira, Krishna started for Dvarka on his car which was as effulgent as the sun and to which were yoked (his horses) Shaivya and Sugriva.

ततः प्रयाते दाशार्हेधृष्टद्युम्नोऽपि पार्षतः। द्रौपदेयानुपादाय प्रययौ स्वरं तदा॥
When the hero of the Dashahara race had gone away, Dhristadyumna, the son of Prishata, taking with him the son of Draupadi started for his own city.

धृष्टकेतुः स्वसारं च समादायाथ चेदिराट्। जगाम पाण्डवान् दृष्ट्वा रम्यां शुक्तिमती पुरीम्॥
After seeing the Pandavas the king of Chedi, Dhristaketu also, taking his sister (Karenumati, the wife of Nakula) started for his beautiful city, named Suktimati.

केकयाश्चाप्यनुज्ञाताः कौन्तेयेनामितौजसा। आमन्त्र्य पाण्डवान् सर्वान् प्रययुस्तेऽपि भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, the Kaikeyas also, with the permission of Kunti's immeasurably energetic son (Yudhishthira) and having reverentially saluted all the Pandavas. went away.

ब्राह्मणाच विशश्चैव तथा विषयवासिनः। विसृज्यमानाः सुभृशं न त्यजन्ति स्म पाण्डवान्॥
Though the Brahmanas, the Vaishyas and the (other) inhabitants of his kingdom, were repeatedly requested to go, but they did not leave the Pandavas.

समवायः स राजेन्द्र सुमहाद्भुतदर्शनः। आसीन्महात्मनां तेषां काम्यके भरतर्षभ॥
O king of kings, O best of the Bharata race, the crowd of people that surrounded those high-souled men the (Pandavas) in the forest of Kamyaka was extraordinary.

युधिष्ठिरस्तु विप्रांस्ताननुमान्य महामनाः। शशास पुरुषान् काले रथान् योजयतेति वै॥
Honouring those high-souled Brahmanas, Yudhishthira in due time ordered his men to "Make ready the chariots."