None: Chapter 219

The history of Angiras

मार्कण्डेय उवाच बृहस्पतेश्चान्द्रमसी भार्याऽऽसीद् या यशस्विनी। अग्नीन् साजनयत् पुण्यान् षडेकां चापि पुत्रिकाम्॥
Markandeya said : Brihaspati had a celebrated wife belonging to the lunar world. He begot on her six sons, all of them by different fires and one daughter.

आहुतिष्वेव यस्याग्नेहविषाद्यं विधीयते। सोऽग्निद्र्हस्पतेः पुत्रः शंयुर्नाम महाव्रतः॥
The fire in which oblations of ghee are offered at the Paurnamashya and at other sacrifices was a son of Brihaspati and that high-souled one is called Shanyu.

चातुर्मास्येषु यस्येष्टमश्वमेधेऽचजः प्रभुः। दीप्तो ज्वालैरनेकाभैरग्निरेकोऽथ वीर्यवान्॥
At the Chaturmasya and the Ashvamedha sacrifices, animals are first offered in his honour; this powerful fire is indicated by numerous flames.

शंयोरप्रतिमा भार्या सत्या सत्याथ धर्मजा। अग्निस्तस्य सुतो दीप्तस्तिस्रः कन्याश्च सुव्रताः॥
Shanyu's wife was called Satya; she was of matchless beauty; she sprang from Dharma for the sake of truth, the blazing fire was his son and he had three daughters of great religious merit.

प्रथमेनाज्यभागेन पूज्यते योऽग्निरध्वरे। अग्निस्तस्य भरद्वाजः प्रथमः पुत्र उच्यते॥ पौर्णमासेषु सर्वेषु हविषाऽऽज्यं स्रुवोद्यतम्। भरतो नामतः सोऽग्निर्द्वितीयः शंयुतः सुतः॥
The fire which is honoured with the first oblations at sacrifices is his first son called Bharadvaja, the second son of Shanyu is called Bharata in whose honour oblations of Ghee are offered with the sacrificial laddle at all the Paurnamasya sacrifices.

तिस्रः कन्या भवन्त्यन्या यासां स भरतः पतिः। भरतस्तु सुतस्तस्य भरत्येका च पुत्रिका॥
Besides these, there were then other sons, of whom Bharata was the eldest. He had a son named Bharata and a daughter called Bharati.

भरतो भरतस्याग्नेः पावकस्तु प्रजापतेः। महानत्यर्थमहितस्तथा भरतसप्तम॥
The Bharata Agni was the son of Prajapati Bharata Agni. O best of the Bharata race, because he was greatly honoured, therefore he was called “great".

भरद्वाजस्य भार्या तु वीरा वीरस्य पिण्डदा। प्राहुराज्येन तस्येज्यां सोमस्येव द्विजाः शनैः॥
Vira was the wife of Bharadvaja, she gave birth to Vira. It is said by the Brahmanas that he is worshipped like Soma with offering of Ghee.

हविषा यो द्वितीयेन सोमेन सह युज्यते। रथप्रभू रथध्वानः कुम्भरेताः स उच्यते॥
He is joined with Soma in the secondary oblations of Ghee and is called Rathaprabhu and Rathadhvana and Kumbhareta.

सरय्वां जनयत् सिद्धिं भानु भाभिः समावृणोत्। आग्नेयमानयन् नित्यमाह्वाने ह्येष सूयते॥
He begot a son on his wife Sarayu named Siddhi and covered the Sun with his splendour. As he is the presiding genius of fire, he is always mentioned in all fire hymn.

यस्तु न च्यवते नित्यं यशसा वर्चसा श्रिया। अग्निनिश्च्यवनो नाम पृथिवीं स्तौति केवलम्॥
The fire Nischyavana only praises the earth; he never suffers in reputation, splendour and prosperity.

विपाप्मा कलुषैर्मुक्तो विशुद्धश्चार्चिषा ज्वलन्। विपापोऽग्निः सुतस्तस्य सत्यः समयधर्मकृत्॥
The sinless fire Satya blazing with pure flame was his son. He is free from all stain, he is not defiled by sin, he is the regulator of time.

आक्रोशतां हि भूतानां यः करोति हि निष्कृतिम्। अग्निः स निष्कृति म शोभयत्यभिसेविते॥
That fire has another name called Nishkriti, because he accomplishes the Nishkriti of all creatures, when properly worshipped, he gives good fortune.

अनुकूजन्ति येनेह वेदनार्ताः स्वयं जनाः। तस्य पुत्रः स्वनो नाम पावकः स रुजस्करः॥ यस्तु विश्वस्य जगतो बुद्धिमाक्रम्य तिष्ठति। तं प्राहुरध्यात्मविदो विश्वजिन्नाम पावकम्॥
Son of Satya is called Svana who is the generator of all diseases, he inflicts severe sufferings on men for which they loudly cry. He moves in the intelligence of all creatures; the other fire is called Vishvajit by mean of spiritual wisdom.

अन्तराग्निः स्मृतो यस्तु भुक्तं पचति देहिनाम्। स जज्ञे विश्वभुड्नाम सर्वलोकेषु भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, the fire, which is known as the internal heat by which all foods are digested, is called Sarvabhuk and was begotten by him.

ब्रह्मचारी यतात्मा च सततं विपुलव्रतः। ब्राह्मणाः पूजयन्त्येनं पाकयज्ञेषु पावकम्॥
He is self-controlled, he is of great religious merit, he is a Brahmachari and he is worshipped by the Brahmanas at the Paka sacrifice.

पवित्रा गोमती नाम नदी यस्याभवत् प्रिया। तस्मिन् कर्माणि सर्वाणि क्रियन्ते धर्मकर्तृभिः॥
The sacred river Gomati was his wife and by him all religious-minded men perform their sacrifices.

वडवाग्निः पिबत्यम्भो योऽसौ परमदारुणः। ऊर्श्वभागूर्ध्वभाङ्नाम कविः प्राणाश्रितस्तु यः॥
That terrible water-drinking sea fire called Vadava has the tendency to go upwards and hence it is called Urdhvabhaga, It stands in the Prana.

उदग्द्वारं हविर्यस्य गृहे नित्यं प्रदीयते। ततः स्विष्टं भवेदाज्यं स्विष्टकृत् परमः स्मृतः॥
The sixth son is called the Svishtakrit, for him oblations became Shveta; Udagdvara oblations are always made in his honour.

यः प्रशान्तेषु भूतेषु मन्युर्भवति पावकः। क्रुद्धस्य तु रसो जज्ञे मन्युतीव्रा च पुत्रिका। स्वाहेति दारुणा क्रूरा सर्वभूतेषु तिष्ठति॥
When all creatures are calmed the fire named Brihaspati becomes full of fury. This inexorable, fearful and highly wrathful fire is the daughter of Brihaspati. He is known by the name of Svaha and is present in everything.

त्रिदिवे यस्य सदृशो नास्ति रूपेण कश्चन। अतुलत्वात् कृतो देवैर्नाम्ना कामस्तु पावकः॥
He had a son like whom there was none in heaven in personal beauty. And therefore he was called by the celestials “Kama Agni”.

संहर्षाद् धारयन् क्रोधं धन्वी स्रग्वी रथे स्थितः। समरे नाशयेच्छनमोघो नाम पावकः॥ उक्थो नाम महाभाग त्रिभिरुक्थैरभिष्टुतः। महावाचं त्वजनयत् समाश्वासं हि यं विदुः॥
He had another son, called Amogha, who was the destroyer of all his enemies in battle. Assured of success he controls his wrath. He is armed with a bird, he is seated on a chariot and is adorned with garlands of flowers; she had another son named Uktha, praised by the three Uktha. He is the originator of the great words (the Vedas) and he is therefore called Samasvasa.