None: Chapter 19O

Prophecy for the future

वैशम्पायन उवाच युधिष्ठिरस्तु कौन्तेयो मार्कण्डेयं महामुनिम्। पुन: पप्रच्छ साम्राज्ये भविष्यां जगतो गतिम्॥
Vaishampayana said : The son of Kunti, Yudhishthira again asked the great Rishi Markandeya about the future government of the earth,

युधिष्ठिर उवाच आश्चर्यभूतं १ प्रतः श्रुतं नो वदतां वर। मुने भार्गव यद् वृत्तं युगादौ प्रभवात्ययम्॥
Yudhishthira said: O Rishi, O descendant of Bhrigu, O foremost of speakers, the account of the destruction and recreation of things at the end of Yuga which we have heard from you is highly wonderful.

अस्मिन् कलियुगे त्वस्ति पुनः कौतूहलं मम। समाकुलेषुधर्मेषु किं नु शेषं भविष्यति॥
I am very curious to know what will happen in the Kali Yuga and when virtue will be destroyed, what would remain.

किंवीर्या मानवास्तत्र किमाहारविहारिणः। किमायुषः किंवसना भविष्यन्ति युगक्षये॥ कां च काष्ठांसमासाद्य पुनः सम्पत्स्यते कृतम्। विस्तरेण मुने ब्रूहि विचित्राणीह भाषसे॥
What will be the power of men then and what will be their food and what their amusements; what will be the length of their life, what their dress and what also will be the limit of time, after attaining which the Krita (age) will again begin. O Rishi, tell me all this. All that you narrate is varied and delightful.

इत्युक्तः स मुनिश्रेष्ठः पुनरेवाभ्यभाषत। रमयन् वृष्णिशार्दूलं पाण्डवांश्च महानृषिः॥
Vaishampayana said : Having been thus addressed, that great Rishi again began to narrate, delighting that foremost of the Vrishni race (Krishna) and the Pandavas.

मार्कण्डेय उवाच शृणु राजन् मया दृष्टं यत् पुरा श्रुतमेव च। अनुभूतं च राजेन्द्र देवदेवप्रसादजम्॥
Markandeya said : O king, hear all that has been and heard by me and all that has been known to me by intuition through the grace of the god of gods.

भविष्यं सर्वलोकस्य वृत्तान्तं भरतर्षभ। कलुषं कालमासाद्य कथ्यमानं निबोध मे॥
O best of the Bharata race, hear as I narrate the account of the world when the sinful time would come.

कृते चतुष्पात् सकलो निर्व्याजोपाधिवर्जितः। वृषः प्रतिष्ठितोधर्मो मनुष्ये भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, in the Krita age, everything was free from deceit and guile, avarice and covetousness. Virtue like a bull was among men with four legs complete.

अधर्मपादविद्धस्तु त्रिभिरंशैः प्रतिष्ठितः। त्रेतायां द्वापरेऽर्धेन व्यामिश्रोधर्म उच्यते॥
In the Treta sin took away one of its legs; and virtue had then (only) three legs. In the Dvapara, sin and virtue are mixed half and half.

त्रिभिरंशैरधर्मस्तु लोकानाक्रम्य तिष्ठति। तामसं युगमासाद्य तदा भरतसत्तम॥ चतुर्थांशेनधर्मस्तु मनुष्यानुपतिष्ठति। आयुर्वीर्यमथो बुद्धिर्बलं तेजश्च पाण्डव॥ मनुष्याणामनुयुगं ह्रसतीति निबोध मे। राजानो ब्राह्मणा वैश्याः शूद्राश्चैव युधिष्ठिर॥ व्याजैर्धर्म चरिष्यन्तिधर्मवैतंसिका नराः। सत्यं संक्षेप्स्यते लोके नरैः पण्डितमानिभिः॥
O best of the Bharata race, in the dark age (Kali) virtue being mixed with three parts of sin lives by the side of men. Accordingly virtue is said to wait upon men with only fourth part remaining. O Yudhishthira, know that the period of life, the energy, the intellect and the physical strength of men (gradually) decrease in every Yuga. O Yudhishthira, the Brahmanas, the Kshatriyas, the Vaishyas and Shudras will practise morality and virtue with deceit and men in general will deceive their fellow men by spreading the (false) net of virtue. Men with false pride of learning by their acts will make truth concealed.

सत्यहान्या ततस्तेषामायुरल्पं भविष्यति। आयुषः प्रक्षयाद् विद्यां नांशक्ष्यन्त्युपजीवितुम्॥
In consequence of the loss of truth the lives of men will be short and in consequence of the shortness of life they will not be able to acquire much knowledge.

विद्याहीनानविज्ञानाल्लोभोऽप्यभिभविष्यति। लोभक्रोधपरा मूढाः कामासक्ताश्च मानवाः॥
In consequence of the littleness of knowledge, they will have no wisdom. And for this, covetousness and avarice will overwhelm them all. Men being wedded to avarice, anger, ignorance and desire,

वैरबद्धा भविष्यन्ति परस्परवधैषिणः। ब्राह्मणाः क्षत्रिया वैश्याः संकीर्यन्तः परस्परम्॥ शूद्रतुल्या भविष्यन्ति तप:सत्यविवर्जिताः। अन्त्या मध्या भविष्यन्ति मध्याशान्त्या न संशयः।।
Will display enmity towards one another and will desire to take one another's life. Thus virtue diminished and their asceticism and truth gone Vaishyas. Brahmanas and Kshatriyas will all be equal to the Shudras. The lowest (orders of men) will rise to the middle (orders of men) and the middle will certainly descend to the lowest.

ईदृशो भविता लोको युगान्ते पर्युपस्थिते। वस्त्राणां प्रवरा शाणीधान्यानां कोरदूषकाः॥
At the end of Yuga such will be the state of the world. The robes made of flax will be considered the best and Koradushaka grain will be considered to be the best.

भार्यामित्राश्च पुरुषा भविष्यन्ति युगक्षये। मत्स्यामिषेण जीवन्तो दुहन्तश्चाप्यजैडकम्॥ गोषु नष्टासु पुरुषा येऽपि नित्यंधृतव्रताः। तेऽपि लोभसमायुक्ता भविष्यन्ति युगक्षये॥
At the end of Yuga men will consider their wives as only friends; they will live on fish and milk of goats and sheep's, for cows will then be extinct. At this time even those that always observe vows will become covetous.

अन्योन्यं परिमुष्णान्तो हिंसयन्तश्च मानवाः। अजपा नास्तिका: स्तेना भविष्यन्ति युगक्षये॥
At the end of Yuga men will be opposed to one another and seek one another's life. They will be atheists and thieves.

सरित्तीरेषु कुद्दालैर्वापयिष्यन्ति चौषधीः। ताश्चाप्यल्पफलास्तेषां भविष्यन्ति युगक्षये॥
They will dig even the banks of streams with their spades and sow grains there. But even these places will prove barren to them at this period of time.

श्राद्धे दैवे च पुरुषा येऽपि नित्यंधृतव्रताः। तेऽपि लोभसमायुक्ता भोक्ष्यन्तीह परस्परम्॥
Those men who are devoted to the rites in honour of the deceased and of the celestials will be covetous and will also appropriate and enjoy what belongs to others.

पिता पुत्रस्य भोक्ता च पितुः पुत्रस्तथैव च। अतिक्रान्तानि भोज्यानि भविष्यन्ति युगक्षये॥
The father will enjoy what belongs to the son and the son what belongs to the father. At such time things forbidden by the Shastras will be enjoyed by men.

न व्रतानि चरिष्यन्ति ब्राह्मणा वेदनिन्दकाः। न यक्ष्यन्ति न होष्यन्ति हेतुवादविमोहिताः। निम्नेष्वीहां करिष्यन्ति हेतुवादविमोहिताः॥
The Brahmanas will speak ill of the Vedas and they will not observe any vows. Their understanding being clouded by the science of controversy, they will neither perform sacrifices nor Homas. Deluded by the sciences of controversy, their heart will be led away to things mean and low.

निम्ने कृषि करिष्यन्ति योक्ष्यन्तिधुरिधेनुकाः। एकहायनवत्सांश्च योजयिष्यन्ति मानवाः॥
Men will till low-lands and employ cows and calves that are but one year old in drawing the plough and carrying the burdens.

पुत्रः पितृवधं कृत्वा पिता पुत्रवधं तथा। निसद्वेगो बृहद्वादी न निन्दामुपलप्स्यते॥
Sons having killed their fathers and fathers having killed their sons will incur no opprobrium by doing it; and they ever will take glory in them.

म्लेच्छभूतं जगत् सर्वं निष्क्रियं यज्ञवर्जितम्। भविष्यति निरानन्दमनुत्सवमथो तथा॥
The whole world will be filled with Mlechchha conduct and Mlechchha notions, All (religious) rites and sacrifices will cease; there will be joy no where and general festivities will disappear.

प्रायशः कृपणानां हि तथाबन्धुमतामपि। विधवानां च वित्तानि हरिष्यन्तीह मानवाः॥
Men will rob the possessions of helpless persons, of those that are friendless and of those that are widows.

स्वल्पवीर्यबलाः स्तब्धा लोभमोहपरायणाः। तत्कथादानसंतुष्टा दुष्टानामपि मानवाः॥ परिग्रहं करिष्यन्ति मायाचारपरिग्रहाः। समाह्वयन्तः कौन्तेय राजानः पापबुद्धयः॥ परस्परवधोयुक्ता मूर्खाः पण्डितमानिनः। भविष्यन्ति युगस्यान्ते क्षत्रिया लोककण्टकाः॥
Possessing little energy and strength and no knowledge and being addicted to avarice, ignorance and sinful practices, men will accept with joy the gifts made by the wicked-minded people with contemptuous words. O son of Kunti, the kings with their hearts wedded to sin, having no knowledge and always being proud of their wisdom will fight with one another with the intention of taking one another's lives. The Kshatriyas will be at the end of the Yuga the thorns of the earth.

अरक्षितारो लुब्धाच मानाहङ्कारदर्पिताः। केवलं दण्डरुचयो भविष्यन्ति युगक्षये॥
Full of avarice, swelling with pride and vanity, unable and unwilling to protect (their subjects) they will take pleasure in punishing (their subjects).

आक्रम्याक्रम्य साधूनां दारांश्चापिधनानि च। भोक्ष्यन्ते निरनुक्रोशा रुदतामपि भारत॥
Again and again attacking the good and the honest and feeling no pity for them even when they will cry in grief, the Kshatriyas will, O descendant of Bharata, rob them of their wives and wealth.

न कन्यां याचते कश्चिात्रापि कन्या प्रदीयते। स्वयंग्राहा भविष्यन्ति युगान्ते समुपस्थित्ते॥
When this Yuga will come, no one will ask for a girl (for marriage) and no one also will give away a girl. The girls will themselves chocse their own husbands.

राजानश्चाप्यसंतुष्टाः परार्थान् मूढचेतसः। सर्वोपायैर्हरिष्यन्ति युगान्ते पर्युपस्थिते॥
The kings with their mind darkened by ignorance and discontented with what they have, will at such a time rob their subjects by every means in their power.

म्लेच्छीभूतं जगत् सर्वं भविष्यति न संशयः। हस्तो हस्तं परिमुषेद् युगान्ते समुपस्थिते॥
There is no doubt the world will be then Mlechchhafield. When this Yuga would come, the right hand will deceive the left and the left the right.

सत्यं संक्षिप्यते लोके नरैः पण्डितमानिभिः। स्थविरा बालमतयो बालाः स्थविरबुद्धयः॥
Men with false pride of learning will diminish truth. The old will display the folly of the young and the young will show in them the dotage of the old.

भीरुस्तथा शूरमानी शूरा भीरुविषादिनः। न विश्वसन्ति चान्योन्यं युगान्ते पर्युपस्थिते॥
The cowards will have the reputation of bravery and the brave will be as melancholy (fools) as the cowards. At this age men will not trust one another.

एकाहार्यं युगं सर्वं लोभमोहव्यवस्थितम्। अधर्मो वर्द्धते तत्र न तुधर्मः प्रवर्तते॥
Full of avarice and ignorance all the world will have but one sort of food, sin will increase and virtue will fade away.

ब्राह्मणाः क्षत्रिया वैश्या न शिष्यन्ति जनाधिप। एकवर्णस्तदा लोको भविष्यति युगक्षये॥
O ruler of men, the Brahmanas, the Kshatriyas and the Vaishyas will disappear, leaving no trace of their orders. At this time all men will be of one order.

न क्षस्यति पिता पुत्रं पुत्रश्च पितरं तथा। भार्याश्च पतिशुश्रूषां न करिष्यन्ति संक्षय॥
Fathers will not forgive their sons and the sons will not forgive their fathers; at this time wives will not serve their husbands.

ये यवान्ना जनपदा गोधूमान्नास्तथैव च। तान् देशान् संश्रयिष्यन्ति युगान्ते पर्युपस्थिते॥
When this age will come men will seek those countries where men's staple food is wheat and barley.

स्वैराचाराश्च पुरुषा योषितश्च विशाम्पते। अन्योन्यं न सहिष्यन्ति युगान्ते पर्युपस्थिते॥
O king, men and women will become perfectly free in their conduct. When this age will come, they will not tolerate one another's acts.

म्लेच्छभूतं जगत् सर्वं भविष्यति युधिष्ठिर। न श्राद्धैस्तर्पयिष्यन्ति दैवतानीह मानवाः॥
O Yudhishthira, the whole world will be then Mlechchhafied; men will no more gratify the celestials performing the Shraddha ceremony.

न कश्चित्कस्यचिच्छ्रोता न कश्चित्कस्यचिद् गुरुः। तमोग्रस्तस्तदा लोको भविष्यति जनाधिप।॥
O ruler of men, no one will listen to the words of others and none will be considered as another's preceptor. The whole world will be enveloped by fearful (intellectual) darkness.

परमायुश्च भविता तदा वर्षाणि षोडश। ततः प्राणान् विमोक्ष्यन्ति युगान्ते समुपस्थिते॥
Then the length of men's life will be sixteen years. When this age would come men will die at this age.

पञ्चमे वाथ षष्ठे वा वर्षे कन्या प्रसूयते। सप्तपवर्षाष्टवर्षाश्च प्रजास्यन्ति नरास्तदा॥
Girls of five and six years will give birth to children and boys of seven or eight years of age will be fathers.

पत्यौ स्त्री तु तदा राजन् पुरुषो वा स्त्रियं प्रति। युगान्ते राजशार्दूल न तोषमुपयास्यति॥
O king, O foremost of monarchs, when this age would come the wife will not remain content with her husband and the husband also will not remain content with his wife.

अल्पद्रव्या वृथालिङ्गा हिंसा च प्रभविष्यति। न कश्चित् कस्यचिद् दाता भविष्यति युगक्षये॥
When this age would come, the possession of men will be small and they will falsely bear the marks of religion. The world will be filled with avarice and jealousy. No one will be a giver to the other.

अट्टशूला जनपदाः शिवशूलाश्चतुष्पथाः। केशशूलाः स्त्रियश्चापि भविष्यन्ति युगक्षये॥
The country will be afflicted with dearth and famine. The roads will be filled with lustful men and unchaste women. Women will also hate their husbands.

म्लेच्छाचाराः सर्वभक्षा दारुणाः सर्वकर्मसु। भाविनः पश्चिमे काले मुनष्या नात्र संशयः॥
When this age will come, men will certainly adopt the Mlechchha conduct; they will eat all things; they will be free in all their all acts.

क्रयविक्रयकाले च सर्वः सर्वस्य वञ्चनम्। युगान्ते भरतश्रेष्ठ वित्तलोभात् करिष्यति॥
O best of the Bharata race, led by avarice, men will deceive one another when they will buy and sell.

ज्ञानानि चाप्यविज्ञाय करिष्यन्ति क्रियास्तथा। आत्मच्छन्देन वर्तन्ते युगान्ते समुपस्थिते॥
When this age would come, men will perform the ceremonies and rites without knowing the ordinances; they will behave as they would like.

स्वभावात् क्रूरकर्माणश्चान्योन्यमभिशंसिनः। भवितारो जनाः सर्वे सम्प्राप्ते तु युगक्षये॥
When this age would come, led by their nature, men will act with cruelty and will speak ill of one another.

आरामांश्चैव वृक्षांश्च नाशयिष्यन्ति निर्व्यथाः। भविता संशये लोके जीवितस्य हि देहिनाम्॥
People will pitilessly destroy trees and gardens. Men will be filled with anxiety for their livelihood.

तथा लोभाभिभूताश्च भविष्यन्ति नरा नृप। ब्राह्मणांश्च हनिष्यन्ति ब्राह्मणस्वोपभोगिनः॥
O king, led away by covetousness, men will kill the Brahmanas and appropriate and enjoy their wealth.

हाहाकृता द्विजाश्चैव भयार्ता वृषलार्दिताः। त्रातारमलभन्तो वै भ्रमिष्यन्ति महीमिमाम्॥
The Brahmanas, being persecuted by the Shudras and afflicted with fear and exclaiming "Oh" "Alas" will rove over the world with none to protect them.

जीवितान्तकरा: क्रूरा रौद्राः प्राणिविहिंसकाः। यदा भविष्यन्ति नरास्तदा संक्षेप्स्यते युगम्॥
When men will kill others, when they will be wicked, cruel and destroyers of all animals, then will that (Kali) Yuga would come,

आश्रयिष्यन्ति च नदी: पर्वतान् विषमाणि च। प्रधावमाना वित्रस्ता द्विजाः कुरुकुलोद्वह॥ दस्युभिः पीडिता राजन् काका इव द्विजोत्तमाः। कुराजभिश्च सततं करभारप्रपीडिताः॥
Operpetuator of the Kuru race, O king, the foremost of Brahmanas, being persecuted by the robbers, will like crows fly in fear and in great speed to rivers, to mountains and to inaccessible regions. Being afflicted with tasks imposed on them by cruel kings,

धैर्यं त्यक्त्वा महीपाल दारुणे युगसंक्षये। विकर्माणि करिष्यन्ति शूद्राणां परिचारकाः॥
O ruler of earth, they will lose all patience in this fearful age. They will do all improper works and become the servants of the Shudras.

शूद्राधर्मं प्रवक्ष्यन्ति ब्राह्मणाः पर्युपासकाः। श्रोतारश्च भविष्यन्ति प्रामाण्येन व्यवस्थिताः॥
The Shudras will explain religion, Brahmanas will listen to them and settle their duties by accepting such interpretations (as made by the Shudras).

विपरीतश्च लोकोऽयं भविष्यत्यधरोत्तरः। एडूकान् पूजयिष्यन्ति वर्जयिष्यन्ति देवताः॥
The low will become the high and all sources of things will appear in contrary shape. Abandoning the celestials, men will worship the bones.

शूद्राः परिचरिष्यन्ति न द्विजान् युगसंक्षये। आश्रमेषु महर्षीणां ब्राह्मणावसथेषु च॥
At this age, the Shudras will cease to serve the Brahmanas. In the hermitages of the Brahmanas, in their schools and colleges,

देवस्थानेषु चैत्येषु नागानामालयेषु च। एडूकचिला पृथिवीं न देवगृहभूषिता॥
In places sacred to the gods and in sacrificial grounds and in sacred tanks, the earth will be disfigured with tombs and walls containing bones and they will have no temples dedicated to the celestials.

भविष्यति युगे क्षीणे तद् युगान्तस्य लक्षणम्। यदा रौद्राधर्महीना मांसादाः पानपास्तथा॥ भविष्यन्ति नरा नित्यं तदा संक्षेप्स्यते युगम्। पुष्पं पुष्पे यदा राजन् फले वा फलमाश्रितम्॥ प्रजास्यति महाराज तदा संक्षेप्स्यते युगम्। अकालवर्षी पर्जन्यो भविष्यति गते युगे॥
All this will take place in the (Kali) Yuga. Know these are the signs of the (Kali) Yuga. When men becoine always fierce, sinful, carnivorous, addicted to intoxicating drinks then does the (Kali) Yuga come. O king, when flowers will be produced in flowers, the fruits in fruits, then does the (Kali) Yuga come. In this Yuga the clouds pour rain unseasonably.

अक्रमेण मनुष्याणां भविष्यन्ति तदा क्रियाः। विरोधमथ यास्यन्ति वृषला ब्राह्मणैः सह॥
Ceremonial rites of men do not follow one another in due order and the Shudras quarrel with the Brahmanas.

मही म्लेच्छजनाकीर्णा भविष्यति ततोऽचिरात्। करभारभयाद् विप्रा भजिष्यन्ति दिशो दश॥
Soon is the earth filled with the Miechchhas and Brahmanas for fear of heavy taxes fly in all directions.

निर्विशेषा जनपदास्तथा विष्टिकरार्दिताः। आश्रमानुपलस्यन्ति फलमूलोपजीविनः॥
All distinctions among men disappear. With honorary tasks and offices, men go to the forests and live on fruits and roots.

एवं पर्याकुले लोके मर्यादा न भविष्यति। न स्थास्यन्त्युपदेशे च शिष्या विप्रियकारिणः॥
When the world will be so afflicted, there will be no rectitude of conduct. Disciples will not heed their preceptors instructions, nay they will even try to injure them.

आचार्योऽपनिधिश्चैव भय॑ते तदनन्तरम्। अर्थयुक्त्या प्रवत्स्यन्ति मित्रसम्बन्धिबान्धवाः॥
Preceptors impoverished for the want of wealth will be disregarded by men. Friends and relations and kinsmen will perform friendly offices for only the sake of wealth.

अभावः सर्वभूतानां युगान्ते सम्भविष्यति। दिशः प्रज्वलिताः सर्वा नक्षत्राण्यप्रभाणि च॥ ज्योतींषि प्रतिकूलानि वाताः पर्याकुलास्तथा। उल्कापाताश्च बहवो महाभयनिदर्शकाः॥
When that age would come, every one will be in want. All the directions will be in a blaze; the stars and the constellations will have no brilliancy and the planets and planetary conjunctions will be inauspicious. The curse of the wind will be confused and innumerable meters will flash though the sky, foreboding great fear.

षड्भिरन्यैश्च सहितो भास्करः प्रतपिष्यति। तुमुलाश्चापि निर्झदा दिग्दाहाश्चापि सर्वशः॥
The sun will appear with six other suns. There will be great noise on every side and everywhere there will be (great) conflagrations.

कबन्धान्तर्हितो भानुरुदयास्तमने तदा। अकालवर्षी भगवान् भविष्यति सहस्रदृक्॥
The sun from his rising to setting will be covered by Rahu. The exalted deity of one thousand eyes (Indra) will unceasingly shower rains,

सस्यानि च न रोक्ष्यन्ति युगान्ते पर्युपस्थिते। अभीक्ष्णं क्रूरवादिन्यः परुषा रुदितप्रियाः॥
When this age will come, crops will not grow in (great) abundance. The women will always be very harsh in speech; they will become pitiless and fond of weeping.

भतॄणां वचने चैव न स्थास्यन्ति ततः स्त्रियः। पुत्राश्च मातापितरौ हनिष्यन्ति युगक्षये॥
They will never obey the orders of their husbands. When this age will come, sons will kill fathers and mothers,

सूदयिष्यन्ति च पतीन् स्त्रियः पुत्रानपाश्रिताः। अपर्वणि महाराज सूर्यं राहुपैष्यति॥
Women living uncontrolled will kill their husbands and sons. O great king, Rahu will then devour the sun out of season.

चापि सर्वतः प्रज्वलिष्यति। पानीयं भोजनं चापि याचमानास्तदाध्वगाः॥ न लप्स्यन्ते निवासं च निरस्ताः पथि शेरते। निर्घातवायसा नागाः शकुनाः समृगद्धिजाः॥ रूक्षा वाचो विमोक्ष्यन्ति युगान्ते पर्युपस्थिते।
When this age, will come, fire will blaze up in all directions. Travellers, being unable to obtain food, drink and shelter even, when they ask for them, will lie down on the wayside. Crows, snakes, vultures and kites and other animals and birds will utter discordant cries.

युगान्ते हुतभुक् मित्रसम्बन्धिनश्चापि संत्यक्ष्यन्ति नरास्तदा॥ जनं परिजनं चापि युगान्ते पर्युपस्थिते। अथ देशान् दिशश्चापि पत्तनानि पुराणि च॥ क्रमशः संश्रयिष्यन्ति युगान्ते पर्युपस्थिते। हा तात हा सुतेत्येवं तदा वाचः सुदारुणाः॥
When that age would come, men will abandon their friends and relatives, servants and followers. When this age will come, leaving the countries, directions, towns and cities that they occupy, men will one after the other seek for new ones. "Oh father, O son," uttering such frightful words,

विक्रोशमानश्चान्योन्यं जनो गां पर्यटिष्यति। ततस्तुमुलसङ्घाते वर्तमाने युगक्षये॥
Men in great affliction will rove over the (various) countries. When this terrible age would be over,

द्विजातिपूर्वको लोकः क्रमेण प्रभविष्यति। ततः कालान्तरेऽन्यस्मिन् पुनर्लोकविवृद्धये॥
Creatures would come into existence again beginning with the Brahmanas. When that age will pass away, creation will again increase,

भविष्यति पुनर्दैवमनुकूलं यदृच्छया। यदा सूर्यश्च चन्द्रश्च तथा तिष्यबृहस्पती॥
Providence will again be propitious at will. When the sun, the moon and the Brihaspati.

एकराशौ समेष्यन्ति प्रपत्स्यति तदा कृतम्। कालवर्षी च पर्जन्यो नक्षत्राणि शुभानि च॥
Will with the constellation of Pushya enter the same, the clouds will incessantly shower rains and stars and planets will be auspicious.

प्रदक्षिणा ग्रहाश्चापि भविष्यन्त्यनुलोमगाः। क्षेमं सुभिक्षमारोग्यं भविष्यति निरामयम्॥
The planets, duly revolving in their orbits will be be greatly propitious. Abundance, prosperity, wealth and peace will be every where.

कल्की विष्णुयशा नाम द्विजः कालप्रचोदितः। उत्पत्स्यते महावीर्यो महाबुद्धिपराक्रमः॥
Impelled by Time a Brahmana named Kalki Vishnuyasha will be born. He will possess great energy, intelligence and prowess.

सम्भूतः सम्भलग्रामे ब्राह्मणावसथे शुभे। मनसा तस्य सर्वाणि वाहनान्यायुधानि च॥ उपस्थास्यन्ति योधाश्च शस्त्राणि कवचानि च। सधर्मविजयी राजा चक्रवर्ती भविष्यति॥
He will be born at a village called Sambhala in a blessed Brahmana family. As soon as thought of, vehicles, weapons, warriors and arms and armours will all be at his command. He will be the imperial sovereign ever victorious by the strength of his virtue.

स चेमं संकुलं लोकं प्रसादमुपनेष्यति। उत्थितो ब्राह्मणो दीप्तः क्षयान्तकृदुदारधीः॥ संक्षेपको हि सर्वस्य युगस्य परिवर्तकः। स सर्वत्र गतान् क्षुद्रान् ब्राह्मणैः परिवारितः। उत्सादयिष्यति तदा सर्वम्लेच्छगणान् द्विजः॥
He will restore order and peace in this world overcrowded with creatures and contradictory in its laws. That effulgent and greatly intelligent Brahmana will destroy all things. He will be the destroyer of all and he will be the makes of a new Yuga, That twice-bom one surrounded by the Brahmanas, will exterminate all the low and despicable Mlechchhas wherever they will be found.