None: Chapter 187

The history of the Vaivasvata

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः स पाण्डवो विप्रं मार्कण्डेयमुवाच ह। कथयस्वेति चरितं मनोवैवस्वतस्य च॥शा
Vaishampayana said: Then that son of Pandu (Yudhishthira) spoke thus to the Brahmana Markandeya, “narrate (to me) the history of Vaivasvata Manu.”

मार्कण्डेय उवाच विवस्वतः सुतो राजन् महर्षिः सुप्रतापवान्। बभूव नरशार्दूल प्रजापतिसमद्युतिः॥
Markandeya said : O king, O foremost of men, there was a mighty great Rishi; he was the son of Vivasvata and he was as effulgent as Prajapati.

ओजसा तेजसा लक्ष्या तपसा च विशेषतः। अतिचक्राम पितरं मनुः स्वं च पितामहम्॥
He far excelled his father and grand-father in prowess, in strength, in fortune and also in religious penances.

अर्श्वबाहुर्विशालायां बदर्यां स नराधिप। एकपादस्थितस्तीव्र चकार सुमहत् तपः॥
Standing on one leg and with uplifted arms, that chief of men performed severe asceticism in the extensive Badari.

अवाक्शिरास्तथा चापि नेत्रैरनिमिषैर्दढम्। सोऽतप्यत तपो घोरं वर्षाणामयुतं तदा॥
With head downwards and with steadfast eyes he performed these severe austerities for ten thousand years.

तं कदाचित् तपस्यन्तमार्द्रचीरजटाधरम्। चीरिणीतीरमागम्य मत्स्यो वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Once upon a time when he, with wet clothes on and with matted looks on his head, was performing such austerities, there came a fish on the banks of the Chirini and spoke to him thus.

भगवन् क्षुद्रमत्स्योऽस्मि बलवद्भ्यो भयं मम। मत्स्येभ्यो हि ततो मां त्वं त्रातुमर्हसि सुव्रत॥
"O exalted one, I am a helpless little fish; I am afraid of the large ones; a vow-observing Rishi, you should extend your protection to me,

दुर्बलं बलवन्तो हि मत्स्या मत्स्य विशेषतः। आस्वदन्ति सदा वृत्तिर्विहिता नः सनातनी॥ तस्माद् भयौघान्महतो मज्जन्तं मां विशेषतः। त्रातुमर्हसि कर्तास्मि कृते प्रतिकृतं तव॥
Especially when this is the fixed custom amongst us that the big fishes prey upon the smaller ones. Therefore be pleased to save me from being drowned in the sea of terrors. I shall requite you for your help to me."

स मत्स्यवचनं श्रुत्वा कृपयाभिपरिप्लुतः। मनुर्वैवस्वतोऽगृहणात् तं मत्स्य पाणिना स्वयम्।।१०।
Having heard these words of the fish, the Vaivasvata Manu was filled with pity and took out the fish from the water with his own hands.

उदकान्तमुपानीय मत्स्यं वैवस्वतो मनुः। अलिञ्जरे प्राक्षिपत् तं चन्द्रांशुसदृशप्रभम्॥
The fish which had a body as bright as the rays of the moon, after being taken out of the water, was again put back in an earthen water vessel.

स तत्र ववृधे राजन् मत्स्यः परमसत्कृतः। पुत्रवत् स्वीकरोत् तस्मै मनुर्भावं विशेषतः॥
O king, thus being reared, that fish grew in size and Manu carefully tended it as if were a child of his.

अथ कालेन महता स मत्स्यः सुमहानभूत्। अलिञ्जरे यथा चैव नासौ समभवत् किल॥
After a long period of time that fish grew to be so large that there was no room for it in that vessel.

अथ मत्स्यो मनुं दृष्ट्वा पुनरेवाभ्यभाषत। भगवन् साधु मेऽद्यान्यत् स्थानं सम्प्रतिपादय॥
Manu saw that the fish again spoke to him thus, “O exalted one, appoint a better habitation for me."

उद्धृत्यालिञ्जरात् तस्मात् ततः स भगवान् मनुः। तं मत्स्यमनयद् वापी महतीं स मनुस्तदा॥
Then the exalted Manu, that conqueror of hostile cities, took it out of that vessel and carried it to a large tank and put it into its water).

तत्र तं प्राक्षिपच्चापि मनुः परपुरंजय। अथावर्धत मत्स्यः स पुनर्वर्षगणान् बहून्॥ द्वियोजनायता वापी विस्तृता चापि योजनम्। तस्यां नासौ समभवन्मत्स्यो राजीवलोचन॥ विचेष्टितुं च कौन्तेय मत्स्यो वाप्यां विशाम्पते। मनु मत्स्यस्ततो दृष्ट्वा पुनरेवाभ्यभाषत॥
The fish began to grow even there for a long period of time, till at last though the tank was (wo yojanas in length and one yojana in breadth. O lotus eyed son of Kunti, O ruler of men, he had no room (even) there to play about. Manu saw that the fish again spoke to him thus,

नयं मा भगवन् साधो समुद्रमहिषीं प्रियाम्। गङ्गां तत्र निवत्स्यामि यथा वा तात मन्यसे॥
"O exalted one, O pious one, O sire, take me to the Ganga, the favourite wife of the Ocean or do what you think proper.

निदेशे हि मया तुभ्यं स्थातव्यमनसूयता। वृद्धिर्हि मया प्राप्ता त्वत्कृते हि मयानघ॥
O sinless one, as I have grown to this size through your favour, I shall cheerfully do what you command me."

एवमुक्तो मनुर्मत्स्यमनयद् भगवान् वशी। नदीं गङ्गां तत्र चैनं स्वयं प्राक्षिपदच्युतः॥
Having been thus addressed, the up-right, continent and the adorable Manu took the fish to the river Ganga and put it into its water with his own hands.

स तत्र ववृधे मत्स्यः किंचित्कालमरिदम। ततः पुनर्मनुं दृष्ट्वा मत्स्यो वचनमब्रवीत्॥
O chastiser of foes, the fish there also began to grow for some time and then seeing Manu it spoke to him thus,

गङ्गायां हि न शक्नोमि बृहत्वाच्चेष्टितुं प्रभो। समुद्रं नय मामाशु प्रसीद भगवन्निति॥
"O lord, I am unable to move about in the Ganga on account of my huge body. Therefore, O exalted one, take me soon to the sea.”

उद्धृत्य गङ्गासलिलात् ततो मत्स्यं मनुः स्वयम्। समुद्रमनयत् पार्थ तत्र चैनमवासृजत्॥
O son of Pritha, Manu took it out of the Ganga and carried it to the sea and put it there.

सुमहानपि मत्स्यस्तु स मनोनयतस्तदा। आसीद् यथेष्टहार्यश्च स्पर्शगन्धसुखस्य वै॥
Notwithstanding its huge size Manu easily carried it and its touch and smell were also pleasant to him.

यदा समुद्रे प्रक्षिप्तः स मत्स्यो मनुना तदा। तत एनमिदं वाक्यं स्पयमान इवाब्रवीत्।॥
When that fish was thrown into the sea by Manu, it smilingly spoke these words to Manu,

भगवन् हि कृता रक्षा त्वया सर्वा विशेषतः। प्राप्तकालं तु यत् कार्यं त्वया तच्छूयतां मम॥
“O exalted one, you have protected me with special care; hear what you should do in the fullness of time.

अचिराद् भगवन् भौममिदं स्थावरजङ्गमम्। सर्वमेव महाभाग प्रलयं वै गमिष्यति॥
O exalted one, O greatly blessed one; the dissolution of all this mobile and immobile world is now near at hand.

सम्प्रक्षालनकालोऽयं लोकानां समुपस्थितः। तस्मात् त्वां बोधयाम्यद्य यत् ते हितमनुत्तमम्॥
The proper time for purging off this earth is almost come; therefore I tell you what will be good for you.

त्रसानां स्थावराणां च यच्चेङ्गं यच्च नेङ्गति। तस्य सर्वस्य सम्प्राप्तः कालः परमदारुणः॥
The terrible doom has now come to the mobile and the immobile things of the creation, those that have locomotion and those that have not.

नौश्च कारयितव्या ते दृढा युक्तवटारका। तत्र सप्तर्षिभिः सार्धमारुहेथा महामुने॥
You should (at once) build a strong and huge ark and furnish it with a long rope. O great Rishis, get into it with the seven Rishis.

बीजानि चैव सर्वाणि यथोक्तानि द्विजैः पुरा। तस्यामारोहयेर्नावि सुसंगुप्तानि भागशः॥
Take with you all the different seeds which were enumerated in the days of yore by the twice-born Brahmanas; and you must separately and carefully preserve them.

नौस्थश्च मां प्रतीक्षेथास्ततो मुनिजनप्रिय। आगमिष्याम्यहं शृङ्गी विज्ञेयस्तेन तापस॥
O beloved of the Rishis, while remaining in that ark wait for me, and I shall appear to you in the shape of a homed animal. O ascetic, recognise me then.

एवमेतत् त्वया कार्यमापृष्टोऽसि व्रजाम्यहम्। ता न शक्या महत्यो वै आपस्ततु मया विना॥
I now depart, you should act according to my instructions, for without my help, you cannot save yourself from the fearful flood.”

नाभिशक्यमिदं चापि वचनं मे त्वया विभो। एवं करिष्य इति तं स मत्स्यं प्रत्यभाषत॥
He (Manu) then thus replied to that fish, "O lord, I do not doubt all that you have said. I shall do all this."

जग्मतुश्च यथाकाममनुज्ञाप्य परस्परम्। ततो मनुर्महाराज यथोक्तं मत्स्यकेन ह॥
Giving instructions to each other, they both went away as they pleased. O great king, then Manu as told by the fish,

बीजान्यादाय सर्वाणि सागरं पुप्लुवे तदा। नौकया शुभया वीर महोर्मिणमरिंदम॥
O chastiser of foes, O hero, procured all the different seeds and set sail in an excellent vessel on the surging sea.

चिन्तयामास च मनुस्तं पृथिवीपते। स च तच्चिन्तितं ज्ञात्वा मत्स्यः परपुरंजय॥
O ruler of earth, O conqueror of hostile cities, he thought of that fish and that fish also, knowing his thought,

शृङ्गी तत्राजगामाशु तदा भरतसत्तम। तं दृष्ट्वा मनुजव्याघ्र मनुर्मत्स्यं जलार्णवे॥ शृङ्गिणं तं यथोक्तेन रूपेणादिमिवोच्छ्रितम्। वटारकमयं पाशमथ मत्स्यस्य मूर्धनि॥
O best of the Bharata race, appeared there with horns in its head. O foremost of men, seeing in the ocean that fish with the horn emerging like a rock (as he was told before, he (Manu) threw the noose (made by the rope) on the head of that fish,

मनुर्मनुजशार्दूल तस्मिन् शृङ्गे न्यवेशयत्। संयतस्तेन पाशेन मत्स्यः परपुरंजय॥ वेगेन महता नावं प्राकर्षल्लवणाम्भसि। स च तांस्तारयन् नावा समुद्रं मनुजेश्वर॥ नृत्यमानमिवोर्मीभिर्गर्जमानमिवाम्भसा। क्षोभ्यमाणा महाबातैः सा नौस्तस्मिन् महोदधौ॥ घूर्णते चपलेव स्त्री मत्ता परपुरंजय। नैव भूमिर्न च दिशः प्रदिशो वा चकाशिरे॥
O foremost of men, O conqueror of hostile cities, fattened by the noose, the fish towed the ark with great force over the salt water. O best of men, it dragged him in that vessel in the roaring and bellowing sea. Tossed by the tempest on the great ocean, the vessel reeled about like a drunken harlot. O conqueror of hostile cities, neither land nor the four cardinal points of the horizon could be then distinguished.

सर्वमाम्भसमेवासीत् खं द्योश्च नरपुङ्गव। एवंभूते तदा लोके संकुले भरतर्षभ॥
O foremost of men, there was water everywhere; the water covered the heaven and the sky. O best of the Bharata race, when the world was thus flooded,

अदृश्यन्तर्षयः सप्त मनुर्मत्स्यस्तथैव च। एवं बहून् वर्षगणांस्तां नावं सोऽथ मत्स्यकः॥ चकर्षातन्द्रितो राजंस्तस्मिन् सलिलसंचये। ततो हिमवतः शृङ्ग यत् परं भरतर्षभ।॥ तत्राकर्षत् ततो नावं स मत्स्यः कुरुनन्दन। अथाब्रवीत् तदा मत्स्यस्तानृषीन् प्रहसन् शनैः॥
None but Manu, the seven Rishis and the fish could be seen. O king, for many years it diligently dragged the boat on the flood. Then, O descendant of Kuru, O best of the Bharata race, it then dragged the ark to the peak of the Himalayas. Then that fish smilingly spoke thus to those Rishis.

अस्मिन् हिमवतः शृङ्गे नावं बध्नीत मा चिरम्। सा बद्धा तत्र तैस्तूर्णमृषिभिर्भरतर्षभ॥
"Without delay bind the ark to peak of the Himalayas." O best of the Bharata race, they soon tied the vessel there.

नौमत्स्यस्य वचः श्रुत्वा शृङ्गे हिमवतस्तदा। तच्च नौबन्धनं नाम शृङ्गं हिमवतः परम्॥
On the Himalayan peakon hearing the words of the fish. Since that day that great Himalayan peak is called Naukabandhana.

ख्यातमद्यापि कौन्तेय तद् विद्धि भरतर्षभ। अथाब्रवीदनिमिषस्तानृषीन् सहितस्तदा॥
And is celebrated as such up to date. O son of Kunti, know this. Then that fish thus spoke to those Rishis assembled together,

अहं प्रजापतिर्ब्रह्मा मत्परं नाधिगम्यते। मत्स्यरूपेण यूयं च मयास्मान्मोक्षिता भयात्॥
“I am the Lord of creatures, Brahma; none is greater than myself. In ihe form of a fish I have saved you from this fear.

मनुना च प्रजाः सर्वाः सदेवासुरमानुषाः। इष्टव्याः सर्वलोकाश्च यच्चेङ्गं यच्च नेङ्गति॥
Manu will create all beings, gods Asuras and men and all those who have power of locomotion and who have not.

तपया चापि तीव्रण प्रतिभास्य भविष्यति। मत्प्रसादात् प्रजासर्गे न च मोहं गमिष्यति॥
By practising severe asceticism, he will acquire this power. With my blessings, illusion will have no power over him."

इत्युक्त्वा वचनं मत्स्यः क्षणेनादर्शनं गतः। इष्टुकामः प्रजाश्चापि मनुर्वैवस्वतः स्वयम्॥
Having said this, the fish disappeared in a moment. Vaivasvata Manu also became esirous of creating the creatures.

प्रमूढोऽभूत् प्रजासर्गे तपस्तेपे महत् ततः। तपसा महता युक्तः सोऽथ उरष्टुं प्रचक्रमे॥ सर्वाः प्रजा मनुः साक्षाद् यथावद् भरतर्षभ। इत्येतन्मात्स्यकं नाम पुराणं परिकीर्तितम्॥
In this work of creation, illusion overtook him: he therefore performed great asceticism, Having obtained ascetic success, O best of the Bharata race, Manu again took up the work of creation in proper and exact order. I have thus narrated to you the old story called the Legend of the Fish.

आख्यानमिदमाख्यातं सर्वपापहरं मया। य इदं शृणुयान्नित्यं मनोश्चरितमादितः। स सुखी सर्वपूर्णार्थः सर्वलोकमियान्नरः॥
He who every day hears this old history of Manu obtains all happiness and all other objects of desires and goes to heaven.