None: Chapter 185

The story of the greatness of the Brahmana

मार्कण्डेय उवाच भूय एव महाभाग्यं ब्राह्मणानां निबोध मे। वैन्यो नामेह राजर्षिरश्वमेधाय दीक्षितः॥ तमत्रिर्गन्तुमारेभे वित्तार्थमिति नः श्रुतम्। भूयोऽर्थं नानुरुध्यत् सधर्मव्यक्तिनिदर्शनात्॥
Markandeya said : Hear from me again of the great glory of the Brahmanas. We have heard that a royal sage Vainya by name was engaged in celebrating the horse-sacrifice and that Atri was prepared to go to him for alms. But at last actuated by religious motives he abandoned his desire for riches.

स विचिन्त्य महातेजा वनमेवान्वरोचयत्। धर्मपत्नी समाहूय पुत्रांश्चेदमुवाच ह॥
After much deliberation (as to what he should do) that highly energetic (sage) became desirous of living in the forests and calling his wedded wife and sons together spoke to them thus

प्राप्स्यामः फलमत्यन्तं बहुलं निरुपद्रवम्। अरण्यगमनं क्षिप्रं रोचतां वो गुणाधिकम्॥
May it be your inclination to go to the forests soon; because (by repairing there) we shall attain the highly blissful and tranquil fulfillment (of our desires).

तं भार्या प्रत्युवाचाथधर्ममेवानुतन्वती। वैन्यं गत्वा महात्मानमर्थयस्वधनं बहु॥
To this his wife, actuated by virtuous motives, also replied “go to the high-souled Vainya and beg of him immense wealth.

स ते दास्यति राजर्षियजमानोऽर्थितोधनम्। तत आदाय विप्रर्षे प्रतिगृह्यधनं बहु॥
That royal sage engaged in horse sacrifice will give you the wealth begged by you. Then, O Brahmanic sage, having received from him vast wealth,

भृत्यान् सुतान् संविभज्य ततो व्रज यथेप्सितम्। एष वै परमोधर्मोधर्मविद्भिदाहृतः॥
And having distributed it among the sons and the attendants, you may go whither you like. This is the highest virtue as instanced by men versed in religion.

अत्रिरुवाच कथितो मे महाभागे गौतमेन महात्मना। वैन्योधर्मार्थसंयुक्तः सत्यव्रतसमन्वितः॥
Atri said: O highly fortunate (wife), I have been told by the noble-minded Gautama that Vainya is religious, conversant with (the principles of the science of) profit and devoted to truth.

द्वेष्टारः किंतु नः सन्ति वसन्तस्तत्र वै द्विजाः। यथा मे गौतमः प्राह ततो न व्यवसाम्यहम्॥
But he is surrounded by Brahmanas who are very envious of me. As Gautama has informed me of this I dare not go there.

तत्र स्म वाचं कल्याणीधर्मकामार्थसंहिताम्। मयोक्तामन्यथा ब्रूयुस्ततस्ते वै निरर्थिकाम्॥
For even if I speak these (highly) beneficial and religious words calculated to bring about the fulfillment of one's desires they will oppose me with speeches productive of no good.

गमिष्यामि महाप्राज्ञे रोचते मे वचस्तव। गाश्च मे दास्यते वैन्यः प्रभूतं चार्थसंचयम्॥
But, O highly wise (wife), I relish your proposal and will (therefore) go there. Vainya will bestow on me cows and immense wealth.

एवमुक्त्वा जगामाशु वैन्ययज्ञं महातपाः। गत्वा च यज्ञायतनमत्रिस्तुष्टाव तं नृपम्॥ वाक्यैर्मङ्गलसंयुक्तैः पूजयानोऽब्रवीद् वचः।
Markandeya continued Saying this, that sage of great devotion, soon repaired to Vainya's sacrifice. And reaching the sacrificial altar he eulogised the king. With noble speeches and then said these words.

अत्रिरुवाच राजन् धन्यस्तवमीशश्च भुवि त्वं प्रथमो नृपः॥
Atri said : O king, you are indeed blessed, you are the lord of all beings and are the greatest sovereign on earth.

स्तुवन्ति त्वां मुनिगणास्त्वदन्यो नास्तिधर्मवित्। तमब्रवीदृषिः क्रुद्धो वचनं वै महातपाः॥
The sages pay their adorations to you. And there is none conversant with religion besides you.” Thereupon that sage of great austerities (Gautama) said to him in anger.

गौतम उवाच ते मैवमत्रे पुन या न प्रज्ञा समाहिता। अत्र नः प्रथमं स्थाता महेन्द्रो वै प्रजापतिः॥
Gautama said: O Atri, do you not repeat such (foolish words) again. Your understanding is not yet matured. In this world, Mahendra, the lord of all creatures, is the greatest monarch.

अथात्रिरपि राजेन्द्र गौतमं प्रत्यभाषत। अयमेव विधाता हि यथैवेन्द्रः प्रजापतिः। त्वमेव मुह्यसे मोहान्न प्रज्ञानं तवास्ति ह॥
O king of kings, thereupon, Atri replied to Gautama “this king is as much the dispenser of our destiny as Indra, the lord of all creatures. Your intellect is clouded with ignorance and you have no sense at (all)."

गौतम उवाच जानामि नाहं मुह्यामि त्वमेवात्र विमुह्यते। स्तौषि त्वं दर्शनप्रेप्सू राजानं जनसंसदि॥
Gautama said: I am sure, it is not I but you who are labouring under a misconception in this matter. Desirous of obtaining his favour you are flattering the king before this assembly of men.

न वेत्थ परमंधर्मं न चावैषि प्रयोजनम्। बालस्त्वमसि मूढश्च वृद्धः केनापि हेतुना॥
You are not conversant with what is the highest duty nor do feel any need for it. You are ignorant as a child; why then have you grown so old in years?

विवदन्तौ तथा तौ तु मुनीनां दर्शने स्थितौ। ये तस्य यज्ञे संवृत्तास्तेऽपृच्छन्त कथं त्विमौ॥
Markandeya continued When they were thus quarreling before the Munis who were engaged in the sacrifice, the latter enquired "What is the matter with these two men?

प्रवेशः केन दत्तोऽयमुभयोर्वैन्यसंसदि। उच्चैः समभिभाषन्तौ केन कार्येण धिष्ठितौ॥
Who did admit them to the court of Vainya? What is it that they are clamouring for?”

ततः परमधर्मात्मा काश्यपः सर्वधर्मवित्। विवादिनावनुप्राप्तौ तावुभौ प्रेत्यवेदयत्॥
Then the highly righteous Kashyapa versed in all duties stepping between the disputants inquired of them the cause of their quarrel.

अथाब्रवीत् सदस्यांस्तु गौतमो मुनिसत्तमान्। आवयोर्व्याहृतं प्रश्नं शृणुत द्विजसत्तमाः॥
Thereupon, Gautama addressing that assembly of the most exalted sages said. "O the best of Brahmanas, hear the cause of our dispute.

वैन्यं विधातेत्याहात्रिरत्र नौ संशयो महान्। श्रुत्वैव तु महात्मानो मुनयोऽभ्यद्रवन् दुतम्॥
Atri says that Vainya rules over our destiny. But we entertain a grave doubt on the point. Markandeya said : Hearing this, those high-souled sages soon repaired to

सनत्कुमारंधर्मज्ञं संशयच्छेदनाय वै। स च तेषां वचः श्रुत्वा यथातत्त्वं महातपाः। प्रत्युवाचाथ तानेवंधर्मार्थसहितं वचः॥
The righteous Sanatkumara in order to solve their doubt. And he (Sanatkumara) of great devotional spirit, hearing their their words, addressed them with these words of true religious import..

सनत्कुमार उवाच ब्रह्म क्षत्रेण सहितं क्षत्रं च ब्रह्मणा सह! संयुक्तौ दहतः शत्रून् वनानीवाग्निमारुतौ॥
Sanatkumara said: As (when) fire united with the wind burns down forests, so (when) a Brahmana's energy is united with that of a Kshatriya and vice versa it consumes all enemies.

राजा वै प्रथितोधर्मः प्रजानां पतिरेव च। स एव शक्रः शुक्रश्च सधाता च बृहस्पतिः॥
The king is noted for establishing religion and he is the protector of his subjects. He is (like) Indra (a protector of all beings) like Shukra (a propounder of morals) like Brihaspati (an adviser) and (therefore) he is (justly) styled the ruler of our destiny.

प्रजापतिविराट् सम्राट् क्षत्रियो भूपतिर्नृपः। य एभिः स्तूयते शब्दैः कस्तं नार्चितुमर्हति॥
Is there (therefore) anybody who considers himself above worshipping the individual to whom such appellations as 'Prajapati' (the lord of all creatures), 'Virata', 'Emperor', 'Kshatriya' (one who preserves from pain), 'lord of earth,' and 'Monarch', are applied in praise?

पुरायोनियुधाजिच्च अभिया मुदितो भवः। स्वर्णेता सहजिद् बभुरिति राजाभिधीयते॥
The monarch is further styled 'the prime cause,' (of social order), 'the conqueror of battles,' (and therefore) the preserver of the (peace), 'the watchman', 'the contented', 'the lord', 'guide to heaven,' 'the easily victorious', 'Vishnu like.'

सत्ययोनिः पुराविच्च सत्यधर्मप्रवर्तकः। अधर्मादृषयो भीता बलं क्षत्रे समादधन्॥
'Of effective wrath,' 'the victorious in wars' and 'the introducer of true religion.' The Rishis afraid of committing sins made over the (temporal) powers to the Kshatriyas.

आदित्यो दिवि देवेषु तमो नुदति तेजसा। तथैव नृपतिर्भूमाबधर्मान्नुदते भृशम्॥
Like the sun among the gods in heaven who destroys darkness by his rays the king among men eradicates sin from the earth.

ततो राज्ञः प्रधानत्वं शास्त्रप्रामाण्यदर्शनात्। उत्तरः सिद्ध्यते पक्षो येन राजेति भाषितम्॥
Therefore by the authority of the Shastras the greatness of the king is established. And I declare for him who has spoken in favour of the king.

मार्कण्डेय उवाच ततः स राजा संहृष्टः सिद्धे पक्षे महामनाः। तमत्रिमब्रवीत् प्रीतः पूर्वं येनाभिसंस्तुतः॥
Markandeya said : Then the high minded king, greatly satisfied with the victorious party who first spoke in high terms of him, gladly addressed him with these words.

यस्मात् पूर्वं मनुष्येषु ज्यायांसं मामिहाब्रवीः। सर्वदेवैश्च विप्रर्षे सम्मितं श्रेष्ठमेव च।॥
'O Brahmanic sage, as you have styled me the greatest and best of men, here and have compared me with the gods,

तस्मात् तेऽहं प्रदास्यामि विविधं वसु भूरि च। दासीसहरं श्यामानां सुवस्त्राणामलंकृतम्॥
I will therefore confer on you immense and dressed and well-adorned Shyama maids.

दशकोटीर्हिरण्यस्य रुक्मभारांस्तथा दश। एतद् ददामि विप्रर्षे सर्वज्ञस्त्वं मतो हि मे॥
I bestow on you one hundred millions of coins and ten Bharas (each bhara is equal to 32 maunds) of gold. According to my belief you are conversant with everything.

तदत्रिया॑यतः सर्वं प्रतिगृह्याभिसत्कृतः। प्रत्युज्जगाम तेजस्वी गृहानेव महातपाः॥
And the energetic Atri, thus honored by the king and having rightfully accepted all the wealth returned home.

प्रदाय चधनं प्रीतः पुत्रेभ्यः प्रयतात्मवान्। पः समभिसंधाय वनमेवान्वपद्यत॥
And having distributed that wealth among his sons, that self-contained sage gladly went to the forests with the view of performing asceticism.