The colloquy between Yudhishthira and the Snake

वैशम्पायन उवाच युधिष्ठिरस्तमासाद्य सर्पभोगेन वेष्टितम्। दयितं भ्रातरधीमानिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Vaishampayana said : The intellectual Yudhishthira, beholding his dear brother coiled by the body of the snake addressed him thus.

कुन्तीमातः कथमिमापापदं त्वमवाप्तवान्। कश्शायं पर्वताभोगप्रतिमः पन्नगोत्तमः॥
“O son of Kunti, how have you met with this disaster? And who is this best of serpents endued with a body (huge) as a mountain.

सधर्मराजमालक्ष्य भ्राता भ्रातरमग्रजम्। कथयामास तत् सर्वं ग्रहणादि विचेष्टितम्॥
beholding his elder brother Dharmaraja, he narrated to him fully as to how he came into the clutches of the serpent.

भीम उवाच अयमार्य महासत्त्वो भक्षार्थं मां गृहीतवान्। नहुषो नाम राजर्षिः प्राणवानिव संस्थितः॥
Bhimasena said: O worshipful brother, this powerful (serpent) has caught me for his food. He is the royal sage Nahusha living in the seipent-shape.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच मुच्यतामयमायुष्मन् भ्राता मेऽमितविक्रमः। वयमाहारमन्यं ते दास्यामः क्षुनिवारणम्॥
Yudhishthira said: O long-lived serpent, (kindly) liberate my exceedingly powerful brother. We will give you some other food to satisfy your hunger.

सर्प उवाच आहारो राजपुत्रोऽयं मया प्राप्तो मुखागतः। गम्यतां नेह स्थातव्यं श्वो भवानपि मे भवेत्॥
The snake replied Having come to my mouth, I have got this son of a king for my food. Do leave this place. You ought not to remain here. For, (if do) I will eat you tomorrow.

व्रतमेतन्महाबाहो विषयं मम यो व्रजेत्। स मे भक्षो भवेत् तात त्वं चापि विषये मम॥
O mighty-armed child, it is (so) ordained that he who will step into my jurisdiction, shall become my food. You are also in my jurisdiction.

चिरेणाद्य मयाऽऽहारः प्राप्तोऽयमनुजस्तव। नाहमेनं विमोक्ष्यामि न चान्यमभिकाझये।॥
After a long period (of abstinence) I have got this your younger brother for my food. I will not (therefore) release him. Nor do I want any other meal.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच देवो वा यदि वा दैत्य उरगो वा भवान् यदि। सत्यं सर्प वचो ब्रूहि पृच्छति त्वां युधिष्ठिरः। किमर्थं च त्वया चस्तो भीमसेनो भुजङ्गम॥
Yudhishthira said: O serpent, Yudhishthira asks you to tell (him) truly whether you are a god or a demon or a uraga. What have you seized Bhimasena for?

किमाहृत्य विदित्वा वा प्रीतिस्ते स्याद् भुजङ्गम्। किमाहारं प्रयच्छामि कथं मुञ्चेद् भवानिमम्॥
O snake, by obtaining or knowing what will you be satisfied? What food shall I provide for you? Under what conditions will you let him off?

सर्प उवाच नहुषो नाम राजाहमासं पूर्वस्तवानघ। प्रथितः पञ्चमः सोमादायोः पुत्रो नराधिप।॥
The snake replied O sinless being, O monarch, I was your ancestor, the son of Ayu and fifth in descent from Soma and was known by the name of king Nahusha.

क्रतुभिस्तपसा चैव स्वाध्यायेन दमेन च। त्रैलोक्यैश्चर्यमव्यचं प्राप्तोऽहं विक्रमेण च॥
By sacrifices, asceticism, study of the Vedas, self-control and prowess I easily gained mastery over the three worlds.

तदैश्वर्यं समासाद्य दो मामगमत् तदा। सह्रां हि द्विजातीनामुवाह शिबिकां मम॥
Having attained to such an eminence I was elated with pride. Thousands of Brahmanas carried my palanquin.

ऐश्वर्यमदमत्तोऽहमवमन्य ततो द्विजान्। इमामगस्त्येन दशामानीतः पृथिवीपते॥
Intoxicated with the drink of prosperity I then insulted the twice-born ones; and was, (therefore), O monarch, brought to this (miserable) plight by Agastya,

न तु मामजहात् प्रज्ञा यावदद्येति पाण्डव। तस्यैवानुग्रहाद् राजन्नगस्त्यस्य महात्मनः॥
But, O Pandava, even till now I have not lost my memory. And it is by the grace of the highsouled Agastya,

षष्ठे काले मयाऽऽहारः प्राप्तोऽयमनुजस्तव। नाहमेनं विमोक्ष्यामि न चान्यदपि कामये।॥
That I have got your younger brother in the sixth portion of the day, for my meal. I will neither release him nor do I want any other (food).

प्रश्नानुच्चारितानद्य व्याहरिष्यसि चेन्मम। अथ पश्चाद् विमोक्ष्यामि भ्रातरं ते वृकोदरम्॥
But if today you answer the questions put by me, I will then liberate your brother Vrikodara.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच ब्रूहि सर्प यथाकामं प्रतिवक्ष्यामि ते वचः। अपि चेच्छक्नुयां प्रीतिमाहर्तुं ते भुजङ्गम्॥
Yudhishthira said: Ask (me), O serpent whatever you like. In order to cause your satisfaction I shall, if I can, answer your questions.

वेद्यं च ब्राह्मणेनेह तद् भवान् वेत्ति केवलम्। सर्पराज ततः श्रुत्वा प्रतिवक्ष्यामि ते वचः॥
You are no doubt aware what ought to be known by the Brahmanas. Therefore, O king of snakes, on hearing your words I shall answer them.

सर्प उवाच ब्राह्मणः को भवेद् राजन् वेद्यं किं च युधिष्ठिर। ब्रवीह्यतिमतिं त्वां हि वाक्यैरनुमिमीमहे॥
The snake said : O king, whom can we call a Brahmana and O Yudhishthira, what is it that ought to be known? From what you have said I deem you to be endowed with very high intelligence.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच सत्यं दानं क्षमा शीलमानृशंस्यं तपो घृणा। दृश्यन्ते यत्र नागेन्द्र स ब्राह्मण इति स्मृतः॥
Yudhishthira said : O monarch of snakes, it is said that he is a Brahmana in whom are found (the qualities of) truthfulness, charity, forgiveness, good conduct, benevolence, asceticism and mercy.

वेद्यं सर्प परं ब्रह्म निर्दुःखमसुखं च यत्। यत्र गत्वा न शोचन्ति भवतः किं विवक्षितम्॥
And, O serpent, that which ought to be . known is the Supreme Brahma (universal soul) devoid of the feelings of) pleasure and pain and attaining access to which creatures are past all misery.

सर्प उवाच चातुर्वण्र्यं प्रमाणं च सत्यं च ब्रह्म चैव हि। शूद्रेष्वपि च सत्यं च दानमक्रोध एव च। आनृशंस्यमहिंसा च घृणा चैव युधिष्ठिर॥
The serpent said : O Yudhishthira, even in the Shudras are found truthfulness, charity, forgiveness, benevolence, mercy, kindness and knowledge of the Veda which promotes the welfare of the four orders, which is true and which is the guide in religious matters.

वेद्यं यच्चात्र निर्दुःखमसुखं च नराधिप। ताभ्यां हीनं पदं चान्यन्न तदस्तीति लक्षये॥
And, O king of men, that which is to be known is asserted by you as devoid of pleasure and pain; but I do not find any such thing in which these feelings are absent,

युधिष्ठिर उवाच शूद्रे तु यद् भवेल्लम द्विजे तच्च न विद्यते। न वै शूद्रो भवेच्छूद्रो ब्राह्मणो न च ब्राह्मणः॥
Yudhishthira said : Thc Shudra in whom these characteristics are present is no Shudra (i.e.) something higher, a Brahma and the Brahmana in whom these are wanting is no Brahmana at all (i.e.) a Shudra.

यत्रैतल्लक्ष्यते सर्प वृत्तं स ब्राह्मणः स्मृतः। यत्रैतन्न भवेत् सर्प तं शूद्रमिति निर्दिशेत्॥
And, O serpent, it is asserted that he who is distinguished by these qualities is a Brahmana and he who does not posses them is a Shudra.

यत् पुनर्भवता प्रोक्तं न वेद्यं विद्यतीति च। ताभ्यां हीनमतोऽन्यत्र पदमस्तीति चेदपि॥
Again, as regards your remark that the object to be known does not exist, for, nothing that is devoid of these (feelings) of pleasure and pain can have any existence.

एवमेतन्मतं सर्प ताभ्यां हीनं न विद्यते। यथा शीतोष्णयोर्मध्ये भवेन्नोष्णं न शीतता॥
It seems (at indeed first sight) that existence is impossible without these (feelings). But as cold is characterised by an absence of heat and heat cold,

एवं वै सुखदुःखाभ्यां हीनमस्ति पदं क्वचित्। एषा मम मतिः सर्प यथा वा मन्यते भवान्॥
So cannot there exist an object characterised by the absence of both these feelings (of pleasure and pain). O Serpent, this is my opinion, what do you say?

सर्प उवाच यदि ते वृत्ततो राजन् ब्राह्मणः प्रसमीक्षितः। वृथा जातिस्तदाऽऽयुष्मन् कृतिर्यावन्न विद्यते॥
The serpent said : If, O monarch, as you assert, a Brahmana is recognised by certain virtues, then, O longlived one, the distinction of castes is to no purpose so long as he does not posses these qualities.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच जातिरत्र महासर्प मनुष्यत्वे महामते। संकरात् सर्ववर्णानां दुष्परीक्ष्येति मे मतिः॥
Yudhishthira said : O highly intelligent and mighty snake, I think, here in this world it is very difficult to ascertain one's caste on account of promiscuous intercourse of all the orders.

सर्वे सर्वास्वपत्यानि जनयन्ति सदा नराः। वाङ्मथुनमथो जन्म मरणं च समं नृणाम्॥
Men of all the four orders are without restriction constantly begetting children on women of all the castes. And speech, cohabitation, birth and death of men of all the orders are similar in all respects.

इदमाएं प्रमाणं च ये यजामह इत्यपि। तस्माच्छीलं प्रधानेष्टं विदुर्ये तत्त्वदर्शिनः॥
The proof of this, i.e. the difficulty of ascertaining one's caste is found in such expressions, made use of by the Rishis, as *whatever caste may belong to, we celebrate the sacrifice." It is, on this account, that the wise have asserted that the character is the chief and needful thing.

प्राङ् नाभिवर्धनात् पुंसो जातकर्म विधीयते। तत्रास्य माता सावित्री पिता त्वाचार्य उच्यते॥
The natal ceremony of a male person is performed even before the severance of the navel chord. On that occasion his mother is designated Savitri and his father Acharya (priest).

तावच्छूद्रसमो ह्येष यावद् वेदे न जायते। तस्मिन्नेवं मतिद्वैधे मनुः स्वायम्भुवोऽब्रवीत्॥
Before initiation into the Vedas every man is regarded as a Shudra. There being a difference of opinion on the point Svyambhuva Manu has laid down;

कृतकृत्याः पुनर्वर्णा यदि वृत्तं न विद्यते। संकरस्त्वत्र नागेन्द्र बलवान् प्रसमीक्षितः॥
That if having gone through the purificatory rites (as laid down in the Vedas) the first three orders do not regulate their conduct, according to thein, in that case, O mightiest of serpents, the mixed castes should be considered as superior to them

यत्रेदानीं महासर्प संस्कृतं वृत्तमिष्यते। तं ब्राह्मणमहं पूर्वमुक्तवान् भुजगोत्तम॥
O great Snake, O excellent Serpent, I have ere now designated him as a Brahmana who observes the principles of good behaviour.

सर्प उवाच श्रुतं विदितवेद्यस्य तव वाक्यं युधिष्ठिर। भक्षयेयमहं कस्माद् भ्रातरं ते वृकोदरम्॥
The snake said: O Yudhishthira, I have listened to your words. You are acquainted with what ought to be known. (Therefore) how can I (now) devour your brother Vrikodara?