None: Chapter 167

The colloquy between Arjuna and Yudhishthira

वैशम्पायन उवाच यथागतं गते शक्रे भ्रातृभिः सह सङ्गतः। कृष्णया चैव बीभत्सुर्धर्मपुत्रमपूजयत्॥
Vaishampayana said : Sakra having left for his own abode. Vivatsu together with (his) brothers and Krishna paid homage to the son of Dharma.

अभिवादयमानं तं मूर्युपाघ्राय पाण्डवम्। हर्षगद्गदया वाचा प्रहृष्टोऽर्जुनमब्रवीत्॥
Having smelt the head of the Pandava Arjuna who was bowing down to him, (the son of Dharma), highly glad, addressed (him) in words, broken on account of joy, thus

कथमर्जुन कालोऽयं स्वर्गे व्यतिगतस्तव। कथं चास्त्राण्यवाप्तानि देवराजश्च तोषितः॥
"O Arjuna, how have you spent this period in heaven? And how have you obtained the weapons and pleased the king of the gods?

सम्यग् वा ते गृहीतानि कच्चिदस्त्राणि पाण्डव। कच्चित् सुराधिपः प्रीतो रुद्रो वास्त्राण्यदाद् तव॥
O Pandava, have you thoroughly secured the weapons? Have the king of the gods and Rudra cheerfully given you the weapons?

यथा दृष्टश्च ते शक्रो भगवान् वा पिनाकधृक्। यथैवास्त्राण्यवाप्तानि यथैवाराधितश्च ते॥
How did you see the divine Sakra and the wielder of the Pinaka (Shiva) and how did you obtain the weapons and how did you worship (them),

यथोक्तवांस्त्वां भगवान् शतक्रतुररिंदम। कृतप्रियस्त्वयास्मीति तस्य ते किं प्रियं कृतम्॥
And what good service you rendered to that tormentor of foes the worshipful performer of hundred sacrifices that he said "I have been pleased with you,”

एतदिच्छाम्यहं श्रोतुं विस्तरेण महाद्युते। यथा तुष्टो महादेवो देवराजस्तथानघ॥
All this, O you of brilliant lustre, I am desirous of hearing in detail. O pure one, how Mahadeva and the king of the gods were pleased (with you).

यच्चापि वज्रपाणेस्तु प्रियं कृतमरिंदम। एतदाख्याहि मे सर्वमखिलेनधनंजय॥
What good (service) you rendered to the wielder of the thunderbolt-the tormentor of foes, O Dhananjaya, relate to me (all) this fully"

अर्जुन उवाच शृणु हन्त महाराज विधिना येन दृष्टवान्। शतक्रतुमहं देवं भगवन्तं च शङ्करम्॥
Arjuna rcplied Listen, O great king, in what manner I beheld the divine performer of hundred sacrifices and worshipful Shankara.

विद्यामधीत्य तां राजस्त्वयोक्तामरिमर्दन। भवता च समादिष्टस्तपसे प्रस्थितो वनम्॥
O destroyer of foes, having studied that (branch of) learning as directed by you, I repaired to the forest at your command for practicing asceticism.

भृगुतुङ्गमथो गत्वा काम्यकादास्थितस्तपः। एकरात्रोषितः कञ्चिदपश्यं ब्राह्मणं पथि॥
Having repaired from Kamyaktua Brigutunga and having spent there one night in practicing asceticism I met a Brahmana on the way.

स मामपृच्छत् कौन्तेय क्वासि गन्ता ब्रवीहि मे। तस्मा अवितथं सर्वमब्रुवं कुरुनन्दन॥
He asked me 'O son of Kunti, tell me where you will go' O son of Kuru, thereupon, I related to him everything faithfully.

स तथ्यं मम तच्छ्रुत्वा ब्राह्मणो राजसत्तम। अपूजयत मां राजन् प्रीतिमांश्चाभवन्मयि॥
O best of kings, hearing me narrate faithfully (everything) that Brahmana became well disposed towards me and, O king, greeted me.

ततो मामब्रवीत् प्रीतस्तप आतिष्ठ भारत। तपस्वी नचिरेण त्वं द्रक्ष्यसे विबुधाधिपम्॥
And being pleased, he said to me "practice asceticism. By asceticism you will soon behold the lord of the gods.'

ततोऽहं वचनात् तस्य गिरिमारुह्य शैशिरम्। तपोऽतप्यं महाराज मासं मूलफलाशनः॥
Then, following his instructions I ascended the mountain Saisira (Himalayas) and began to practice asceticism, living on fruits and roots in the (first) month.

द्वितीयश्चापि मे मासो जलं भक्षयतो गतः। निराहारस्तृतीयेऽथ मासे पाण्डवनन्दन॥
(And), O son of Pandu, I spent the second month living on water only and in the third I ate nothing at all.

अर्श्वबाहुश्चतुर्थं तु मासमस्मि स्थितस्तदा। न च मे हीयते प्राणस्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
In the fourth month I remained with upraised arms; and it is a wonder that my strength did not diminish.

पञ्चमे त्वथ सम्प्राप्ते प्रथमे दिवसे गते। वराहसंस्थितं भूतं मत्समीपं समागमत्॥
And when the first day of the fifth month had passed away, there appeared before me a being having the appearance of a boar,

निघ्नन् प्रोथेन पृथिवीं विलिखंचरणैरपि। सम्मार्जञ्जठरेणोर्वी विवर्तश्च मुहुर्मुहुः॥
Ploughing the earth with his mouth, striking (it) with his feet, rubbing the ground with his belly and roving constantly to and fro in a frightful manner.

अनु तस्यापरं भूतं महत् कैरातसंस्थितम्। धनुर्बाणासिमत् प्राप्तं स्त्रीगणानुगतं तदा॥
He was followed by another great being, in the shape of a hunter, armed with bow, arrows and sword and accompanied by females.

ततोऽहंधनुरादाय तथाक्षय्ये महेषुधी। अताडयं शरेणाथ तद् भूतं लोमहर्षणम्॥
Then, taking up my bow and two inexhaustible quivers, I pierced that creature, causing the hair stand on the end, with an arrow.

युगपत् तं किरातस्तु विकृष्य बलवद्धनुः। अभ्याजने दृढतरं कम्पयत्रिव मे मनः॥
The hunter too, drawing his strong bow simultaneously (with me), wounded him more efficiently, as if making my mind tremble.

स तु मामब्रवीद् राजन् मम पूर्वपरिग्रहः। मृगयाधर्ममुत्सृज्य किमर्थं ताडितस्त्वया॥
And he said to me, O King, "why have you, disregarding the rules of hunting aimed at the animal first struck by me?

एष ते निशितैर्बाणैर्दप॑ हन्मि स्थिरो भव। सधनुष्मान् महाकायस्ततो मामभ्यभाषत॥
Stay (awhile), I will destroy your pride with these sharpened arrows." Then that hugebodied being taking up his bow rushed against me.

ततो गिरिमिवात्यर्थमावृणोन्मां महाशरैः। तं चाहं शरवर्षेण महता समवाकिरम्॥
He then cnveloped me entirely with mighty arrows (just) as a mountain (is covered with a mighty shower). I too, surrounded him with a mighty shower of shafts.

ततः शरैर्दीप्तमुखैर्यन्त्रितैरनुमन्त्रितैः। प्रत्यविध्यमहं तं तु वजैरिव शिलोच्चयम्॥
Then I pierced him with steady arrows of blazing points and inspired with mantras (just) as a mountain is pierced by a thunderbolt.

तस्य तच्छतधा रूपमभवच्च सहस्रधा। तानि चास्य शरीराणि शरैरहमताडयम्॥
Thereupon his body became multiplied a hundred and a thousand times. (But) I pierced all his bodies with arrows.

पुनस्तानि शरीराणि एकीभूतानि भारत। अदृश्यन्त महाराज तान्यहं व्यधमं पुनः॥
Again, O Bharata, O great king, seeing that all his bodies became merged into one, 1 struck at it a second time.

अणुवृहच्छिरा भूत्वा बृहच्चाणुशिराः पुनः। एकीभूतस्तदा राजन् सोऽभ्यवर्तत मां युधि॥
He now assumed a diminutive body with large head and then a large body with a small head. And again assuming his former shape, he came before me to fight.

यदाभिभवितुं बाणैर्न च शक्नोमि तं रणे। ततो महास्त्रमातिष्ठं वायव्यं भरतर्षभ॥
When, O most exalted of the Bharatas, I could not crush him with arrows in the combat, I aimed (at him) the mighty weapon presided over by the wind god.

न चैनमशकं हन्तुं तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्। तस्मिन् प्रतिहते चास्त्रे विस्मयो मे महानभूत्॥
(But) it was a wonder (to me) that I could not hurt him (even with that). And when that weapon produced no effect I was lost in great wonder.

भूय एव महाराज सविशेषमहं ततः। अस्त्रपूगेन महता रणे भूतमवाकिरम्॥
Again O king, with a vigorous effort I covered him, in that encounter, with numerous mighty weapons.

स्थूणाकर्णभयो जालं शरवर्षमथोल्बणम्। शलभास्त्रमश्मवर्ष समास्थायाहमभ्ययाम्॥
I then discharged at him. Sthunakarna, Varuna, Saravarsa, Ulvana, Salava and Asmavarsa weapons.

जग्रास प्रसभं तानि सर्वाण्यस्त्राणि मे नृप। तेषु सर्वेषु जग्धेषु ब्रह्मास्त्रं महदादिशम्॥
But, O king, he instantly devoured all those weapons discharged by me. And when all those had been swallowed up, I aimed (at him) the weapon presided over by Brahma.

ततः प्रज्वलितैर्बाणैः सर्वतः सोपचीयते। उपचीयमानश्च मया महास्त्रेण व्यवर्धत।॥
He was then completely covered with flaming arrows (issuing from that weapon) and when thus covered with that mighty weapon his body began to expand.

तत: संतापिता लोका मत्प्रसूतेन तेजसा। क्षणेन हि दिशः खं च सर्वतो हि विदीपितम्॥
Then on account of the energy of that weapon discharged by me, all the world became oppressed and all the points and the firmament became suddenly illuminated.

तदप्यस्त्रं महातेजाः क्षणेनैव व्यशातयत्। ब्रह्मास्त्रे तु हते राजन् भयं मां महदाविशत्॥
(But) that highly-energetic being instantly baffled even that weapon. And, O king, that weapon presided over by Brahma being destroyed, I was seized with a terrible fear.

ततोऽहंधनुरादाय तथाक्षय्ये महेषुधी। सहसाभ्यहनं भूतं तान्यप्यस्त्राण्यभक्षयत्॥
Thereupon instantly taking up my bow and the inexhaustible quivers, I aimed at him, (but) that being devoured those weapons also.

हतेष्वस्त्रेषु सर्वेषु भक्षितेष्वायुधेषु च। मम तस्य च भूतस्य बाहुयुद्धमवर्तत॥
All the weapons being (thus) baffled and devoured, that being and myself became engaged in a wrestling.

व्यायाम मुष्टिभिः कृत्वा तलैरपि समागतैः। अपारयंश्च तद् भूतं निश्चेष्टमगमं महीम्॥
At first we dealt blows and then gave slaps; but unable to crush him, I (at last) fell down on the ground deprived of sensation.

ततः प्रहस्य तद् भूतं तत्रैवान्तरधीयत। सह स्त्रीभिर्महाराज पश्यतो मेऽद्धृतोपमम्॥
Then, O great king, that being, giving forth a laugh, vanished with the women even at that very spot. And this struck me with wonder.

एवं कृत्वा स भगवांस्ततोऽन्यद् रूपमास्थितः। दिव्यमेव महाराज वसानोऽद्भुतमम्बरम्॥
That divine being, having done this great king, appeared in another divine form, wearing a wonderful garment.

हित्वा किरातरूपं च भगवांस्त्रिदशेश्वरः। स्वरूपं दिव्यमास्थाय तस्थौ तत्र महेश्वरः॥
(Then) that divine lord of the gods, Maheshvara, giving up the from of hunter, ance.

अदृश्यत ततः साक्षाद् भगवान् गोवृषध्वजः। उमासहायो व्यालधृग् बहुरूपः पिनाकधूक्॥
(Then) that very divine being, the wielder of the Pinaka, capable of assuming many shapes, having the bull for his emblem and bearing serpents, appeared before me with Uma.

स मामभ्येत्य समरे तथैवाभिमुखं स्थितम्। शूलपाणिरथोवाच तुष्टोऽस्मीति परंतप॥
He with the trident in his hand, coming up to me and seeing me ready for fight, O tormentor of foes, said "I am pleased (with you)."

ततस्तद्धनुरादाय तूणौ चाक्षय्यसायको। प्रादान्ममैव भगवान्धारयस्वेति चाव्रवीत्॥
Then, holding (my) bow and the two arrowcase furnished with inexhaustible shafts, that divine one returned them to me saying "crave some boon.

तुष्टोऽस्मि तव कौन्तेय ब्रूहि किं करवाणि ते। यत् ते मनोगतं वीर तद् ब्रूहि वितराम्यहम्॥
O son of Kunti, I am pleased (with you). Say what I shall do for you. Tell me, O hero, what is your wish. I will fulfill it.

अमरत्वमपाहाय ब्रूहि यत् ते मनोगतम्। ततः प्राञ्जलिरेदाहमस्त्रेषु गतमानसः॥
Tell me what it is that you cherish in your mind if it be not immortality." Thereupon with joined hands and with my mind bent on obtaining weapons,

प्रणम्य मनसा शर्वं ततो वचनमाददे। भगवान् मे प्रसन्नश्चेदीप्सितोऽयं वरो मम॥
And adòring him inwardly, I said these words “O god, if you are pleased with me, I crave this boon, (viz.).

अस्त्राणीच्छाम्यहं ज्ञातुं यानि देवेषु कानिचित्। ददानीत्येव भगवानब्रवीत् त्र्यम्बकश्च माम्॥
I am to have a knowledge of all the weapons presided over by the gods.” Then the god, Traymbaka, said to me" I will give (them).

रौद्रमस्त्रं मदीयं त्वामुपस्थास्यति पाण्डव। प्रददौ च मम प्रीत: सोऽस्त्रं पाशुपतं महत्॥
O Pandava, my own weapon, Rudra, shall ever be present to you.” (And) being satisfied (with me) he granted that mighty weapon, Pashupatha.

उवाच च महादेवो दत्त्वा मेऽस्त्रं सनातनम्। न प्रयोज्यं भवेदेतन्मानुषेषु कथञ्चन॥
Having bestowed upon me that eternal weapon, Mahadeva said “this (weapon) shall by no means be discharged against men.

जगद् विनिर्दहेदेवमल्पतेजसि पातितम्। पीड्यमानेन बलवत् प्रयोज्यं स्याद्धनंजय॥
If hurled at a being of small energy it will burn up the universe. This powerful weapon can be discharged only when you will be hard pressed.

अस्त्राणां प्रतिघाते च सर्वथैव प्रयोजयेत्। तदप्रतिहतं दिव्यं सर्वास्त्रप्रतिषेधनम्॥
This celestials weapon, as baffling all the weapons, can at all times be discharged in order to ward off other weapons.

मूर्तिमन्मे स्थितं पार्श्वे प्रसन्ने गोवृषध्वजे। उत्सादनममित्राणां परसेनानिकर्तनम्॥
The god Vrishadhvaja (one having the bull for his emblem) being thus pleased, there remained manifest by my side that (weapon) capable of annihilating enemies and destroying the hostile forces,

दुरासदं दुष्प्रसह सुरदानवराक्षसैः। अनुज्ञातस्त्वहं तेन तत्रैव समुपाविशम्॥
Unrivalled and difficult to be endured by the gods, the Danavas and the Rakshasas. Commanded by him, I then sat down there,

प्रेक्षतश्चैव मे देवस्तत्रैवान्तरधीयत॥
(And) in my very sight he disappeared at that very spot.