Return of Arjuna in the Yaksha Yuddha

वैशम्पायन उवाच तस्मिन् नगेन्द्रे वसतां तु तेषां महात्मनां सद्बतमास्थितानाम्। रतिः प्रमोदश्च बभूव तेषामाकाङ्क्षतां दर्शनमर्जुनस्य॥
Vaishampayana said : Those noble-minded (Pandavas), the observers of pious vows, desirous of beholding Arjuna dwelling in that best of mountains, became passionately attached (to it) and got themselves amused.

स्तेजस्विनः सत्यधृतिप्रधानान्। र्गन्धर्वसङ्घाश्च महर्षयश्च॥
Numerous Gandharvas and Maharshis gladly came to those powerful and energetic ones of chaste desires-(princes), the foremost of those gifted with truth and fortitude.

तं पादपैः पुष्पधरैरुपेतं नगोत्तमं प्राप्य महारथानाम्। मनःप्रसादः परमो बभूव यथा दिवं प्राप्य मरुद्गणानाम्॥
Getting to that excellent mountain, adorned with blossoming trees, those mighty carwarriors were supremely glad at heart as the Maruts on reaching the heavenly regions.

मयूरहंसस्वननादितानि पुष्पोपकीर्णानि महाचलस्य। शृङ्गाणि सानूनि च पश्यमाना गिरेः परं हर्षमवाप्य तस्थुः॥
Beholding the summit and the table-land of that mighty mountain, covered with flowers and ringing with the cries of peacocks and cranes, they remained there feeling great joy.

साक्षात् कुबेरेण कृताश्च तस्मिन् नगोत्तमे संवृतकूलरोधसः। कादम्बकारण्डवहंसजुष्टाः पद्माकुलाः पुष्करिणीरपश्यन्॥
On that excellent mountain they beheld tanks, excavated by Kubera himself, full of lotuses and frequented by Kadamvas, Karandavas and swans and with their banks covered with (trees).

क्रीडाप्रदेशांश्च समृद्धरूपान् सुचित्रमाल्यावृतजातशोभान्। मणिप्रकीर्णाश्च मनोरमांश्च यथा भवेयुर्धनदस्य राज्ञः॥
(They beheld also) magnificent sporting grounds, pleasant to the mind and covered with arrays of beautiful and variegated garlands and studded with gems and suited to the taste of the king (Kubera), the giver of wealth.

अनेकवर्णश्च सुगन्धिभिश्च महाद्रुमैः संततमभ्रजालैः। तपःप्रधानाः सततं चरन्तः शृङ्गं गिरेश्चिन्तयितुं न शेकुः॥
The best of ascetics, always wandering (there) could not (sufficiently) comprehended (the sublimity) of that mountain summit furnished as it was with various many-coloured trees and covered with masses of clouds.

स्वतेजसा तस्य नगोत्तमस्य महौषधीनां च तथा प्रभावात्। दहोनिशानां पुरुषप्रवी॥
O great hero, by reason of the splendour of this excellent mountain itself and of the brilliancy of the annual herbs there was no difference between day and night.

यमास्थितः स्थावरजङ्गमानि विभावसुर्भावयतेऽमितौजाः। स्तत्र स्थितास्ते ददृशुर्नृसिंहाः॥
Those best of men saw the rising and setting of Vibhavasu of unrivalled splendour, while, dwelling in that mountain, remaining where he (the sun) nourishes all the mobile and the immobile (creatures).

रवेस्तमिस्रागमनिर्गमांस्ते तथोदयं चास्तमनं च वीराः। समावृताः प्रेक्ष्य तमोनुदस्य गभस्तिजालैः प्रदिशो दिशश्च॥
Having witnessed the setting in and exit of darkness, the rising and the setting of the sun and all the cardinal points covered with his (sun's rays), those heroes,

स्वाध्यायवन्तः सततक्रियाश्च धर्मप्रधानाश्च शुचिव्रताश्च। सत्ये स्थितास्तस्य महारथस्य सत्यव्रतस्यागमनप्रतीक्षाः॥
Awaiting the arrival of that mighty carwarrior, firm in truth and of true vows, were engaged in reciting the Vedas, constantly practising rituals, chiefly discharging the religious duties and observing pure vows.

इहैव हर्षोऽस्तु समागतानां क्षिप्रं कृतास्त्रेणधनंजयेन। इति ब्रुवन्तः परमाशिषस्ते पार्थास्तपोयोगपरा बभूवुः॥
Saying "let all those assembled experience joy by meeting speedily here with Arjuna skilled in arms," those highly blessed Parthas became absorbed in Yoga.

दृष्ट्वा विचित्राणि गिरौ वनानि किरीटिनं चिन्तयतामभीक्ष्णम्। बभूव रात्रिदिवसश्च तेषां संवत्सरेणैव समानरूपः॥
Inspite of beholding many romantic forests on the mountain, as they could not help constantly thinking of Arjuna, every day and night appeared to them (long) as a year.

यदैवधौम्यानुमते महात्मा कृत्वा जटां प्रव्रजित: स जिष्णुः। तदैव तेषां न बभूव हर्षः कुतो रतिस्तद्गतमानसानाम्॥
From that very moment when the nobleminded Vishnu, with Dhaumya's leave, matting his hair, went abroad, they (Pandavas) did not experience joy. How could they, lost in his thought, experience any happiness there (on that mountain however romantic it might be)?

भ्रातुर्नियोगात् तु युधिष्ठिरस्य वनादसौ वारणमत्तगामी। स्तदैव ते शोकहता बभूवुः॥
Since the very moment when in accordance with the command of his brother Yudhishthira, Vishnu, endowed with the gait of an elephant (with exuberance of spirits), left the forest Kamyaka they became buried in deep sorrow.

मस्त्रार्थिनं वासवमभ्युपेतम्।। स्तस्मिन् नगे भारत भारतानाम्॥
O Bharata, in this way the Bharatas passed a month with great difficulty on that mountain thinking of Sitasvha Arjuna, who had gone to Vasava, desirous of learning the (science of) arims.

उषित्वा पञ्च वर्षाणि सहस्राक्षनिवेशने। अवाप्य दिव्यान्यस्त्राणि सर्वाणि विबुधेश्वरात्॥
(On the other hand) dwelling five years in the abode of the thousand-cyed (Indra) and from that lord of the celestials obtaining all the heavenly weapons,

आग्नेयं वारुणं सौम्यं वायव्यपथ वैष्णवम्। ऐन्द्रं पाशुपतं ब्राह्मं पारमेष्ठ्यं प्रजापतेः॥
(Namely) those of Agni, Varuna, Soma, Bhrigu, Vishnu, Indra, Pashupati, Brahma, Parameshthi, Prajapati,

यमस्यधातुः सवितुस्त्वष्टुर्वैश्रवणस्य च। तानि प्राप्य सहस्राक्षादभिवाद्य शतक्रतुम्॥
Yama, Dhata, Savita, Tashta and Vaisravana and getting these weapons, paying homage to the performer of hundred sacrifices.

अनुज्ञातस्तदा तेन कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणम्। आगच्छदर्जुनः प्रीतः प्रहृष्टो गन्धमादनम्॥
And going round him, Arjuna with his permission, returned Gandhamadana delighted and fully pleased.