Speech of Kubera

धनद उवाच युधिष्ठिरधृतिर्दाक्ष्यं देशकालपराक्रमाः। लोकतन्त्रविधानानामेष पञ्चविधो विधिः॥
The giver of wealth said : O Yudhishthira, steadiness, ability place and time-these four are the causes of success in human affairs,

धृतिमन्तश्च दक्षाश्च स्वे स्वे कर्मणि भारत। पराक्रमविधानज्ञा नरा कृतयुगेऽभवन्॥
O Bharata, men of the Kriti Yuga (golden age) were steady and skilled in their own respective affairs and were well versed in the rules of prowess.

धृतिमान् देशकालज्ञः सर्वधर्मविधानवित्। क्षत्रियः क्षत्रियश्रेष्ठ प्रशास्ति पृथिवी चिरम्॥
O the best of the Kshatriyas, a Kshatriya who has patience, who is well versed in (the rules of) time and place and who is well acquainted with the laws of all duties, can govern the world for a long time.

य एवं वर्तते पार्थ पुरुषः सर्वकर्मसु। स लोके लभते वीर यशः प्रेत्य च सद्गतिम्॥
O Partha, the person who acts thus in all transaction obtains fame in this world and O hero, attains to an excellent state in the next.

देशकालान्तरप्रेप्सुः कृत्वा शक्रः पराक्रमम्। सम्प्राप्तस्त्रिदिवे राज्यं वृत्रहा वसुभिः सह॥
Sakra, the slayer of Vitra, with the Vasus desirous of availing himself of the opportunity, of right time and place, obtained the kingdom of heaven by displaying his prowess.

यस्तु केवलसंरम्भात् प्रपातं न निरीक्षते। पापात्मा पापबुद्धिर्यः पापमेवानुवर्तते॥
He who does not foresee his fall through anger and he who through wicked-mindedness and vicious tendency is addicted to sin,

कर्मणामविभागज्ञः प्रेत्य चेह विनश्यति। अकालज्ञः सुदुर्मेधाः कार्याणामविशेषवित्॥ वृथाऽचारसमारम्भः प्रेत्य चेह विनश्यति। साहसे वर्तमानानां निकृतीनां दुरात्मनाम्॥ सर्वसामर्थ्यलिप्सूनां पापो भवति निश्चयः। अधर्मज्ञोऽवलिप्तश्च बालबुद्धिरमर्षणः॥ निर्भयो भीमसेनोऽयं तं शाधि पुरुषर्षभ। आर्टिषेणस्य राजर्षेः प्राप्य भूयस्त्वमाश्रमम्॥
And he who is not versed in the propriety relative to acts meet with destruction in this world and in the next. The efforts of that stupid person become futile who is not versed in the rules of time and acts and he meets with destruction in this world and in the next. Rash, deceitful and wicked-minded people who aim at masterdom of every kind, commit sin. This Bhimasena is unrighteous, arrogant, senseless as a child and fearless; therefore, O the best of the Bharatas, chastise him. Getting again to the hermitage of the royal sage Arstisena,

तामिस्रं प्रथमं पक्षं वीतशोकभयो वस। अलकाः सह गन्धर्वैर्यक्षाश्च सह किन्नरैः॥
Dwell there without fear or anxiety during the first dark fortnight. The Gandharvas together with the inhabitants of the Alaka and the Kinnaras together with the Yakshas,

मन्नियुक्ता मनुष्येन्द्र सर्वे च गिरिवासिनः। रक्षिष्यन्ति महाबाहो सहितं द्विजसत्तमैः॥
And all the dwellers of the mountain, O the best of men and mighty-armed one, being appointed by me will protect you as well as these best of the Brahmanas.

साहसादनुसम्प्राप्तः प्रतिबुध्य वृकोदरः। वार्यतां साध्वयं राजंस्त्वयाधर्मभृतां वर॥
O king, O the best of the virtuous, O pure one, considering that Bhima has come here through rashness, do you check him. O king, henceforth creatures inhabiting this forest will always visit you, wait on you and protect you all.

अतः परं च वो राजन् द्रक्ष्यन्ति वनगोचराः। उपस्थास्यन्ति वो राजन् रक्षिष्यन्ते च वः सदा॥ तथैव चान्नपानानि स्वादूनि च बहूनि च। आहरिष्यन्ति मत्प्रेष्याः सदा वः पुरुषर्षभाः॥
O the best of men, my attendants will always procure for you various eatables and drinkable. sweet to the taste.

यथा जिष्णुर्महेन्द्रस्य यथा वायोवृकोदरः। धर्मस्य त्वं यथा तात योगोत्पन्नो निजः सुतः॥ आत्मजावात्मसम्पन्नौ यमौ चोभौ यथाश्विनोः। रक्ष्यास्तद्वन्ममापीह यूयं सर्वे युधिष्ठिर॥
As Vishnu (Arjuna) has a claim to the protection of Mahendra, Vrikodara of the wind god, you of Dharma and the powerful twins of the Ashvins, in virtue of being their respective offsprings, so, O Yudhishthira, you all have a claim to my protection.

अर्थतत्त्वविधानज्ञः सर्वधर्मविधानवित्। भीमसेनादवरजः फाल्गुनः कुशली दिवि॥
Falguni the next by birth to Bhimasena, versed in the science of profit and acquainted with the principles of all duties, is all right in heaven.

याः काश्चन मता लोके स्वाः परमसम्पदः। जन्मप्रभृति ताः सर्वाः स्थितास्तातधनंजये।॥
O child, those virtues which are considered in the world as leading to heaven, reside in Dhananjaya even from his very birth.

दमो दानं बलं बुद्धिींकृतिस्तेज उत्तमम्। एतान्यपि महासत्त्वे स्थितान्यमिततेजसि॥
In that high-souled being of unrivalled energy reside all these (qualities) of selfcontrol, charity, strength, intelligence, modesty, patience and excellent energy.

न मोहात् कुरुते जिष्णुः कर्म पाण्डव गर्हितम्। न पार्थस्य मृषोक्तानि कथयन्ति नरा नृषु॥
O Pandavas, Vishnu never commits any disgraceful act (even) through ignorance. And men never speak to their fellows of his ever having uttered lies.

स देवपितृगन्धर्वैः कुरूणां कीर्तिवर्धनः। मानितः कुरुतेऽस्त्राणि शक्रसद्मनि भारत।॥
That augmenter of the glory of the Kurus, honoured by the Devas, Pitris and the Gandharvas, is learning the science of weapons in the abode of Sakra.

योऽसौ सर्वान् महीपालान् धर्मेण वशमानयत्। स शान्तनुर्महातेजाः पितुस्तव पितामहः॥ प्रीयते पार्थ पार्थेन दिवि गाण्डीवधन्वना। सम्यक् चासौ महावीर्यः कुलधुर्येण पार्थिवः॥
O king, O Partha, he that reduced to subjection all the rulers of the earth with justice-that highly energetic and highly powerful Shantanu himself, the grandsire of your father-is in heaven fully pleased with Partha, the wielder of the Gandiva and the foremost of his race.

पितॄन् देवानृषीन् विप्रान् पूजयित्वा महातपाः। सप्त मुख्यान् महामेधानाहरद् यमुनां प्रति॥
That one of fervid devotion, who having worshipped the Pitris, the Devas, the Rishi and the Brahmanas on the banks of the Yamuna, performed seven horse sacrifices,

अधिराजः स राजंस्त्वां शान्तनुः प्रपितामहः। स्वर्गजिच्छक्रलोकस्थः कुशलं परिपृच्छति॥
Even that great emperor Shantanu, your great grandsire, who has conquered (i.e., got access to heaven is inquiring about your welfare, residing in the region of Sakra.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वचनंधनदेन प्रभाषितम्। पाण्डवाश्च ततस्तेन बभूवुः सम्प्रहर्षिताः॥
Vaishampayana said : The Pandavas, having listened to these words spoken by the giver of wealth, were much pleased with them.

ततः शक्तिं गदां खड्धनुश्च भरतर्षभः। प्राध्वं कृत्वा नमश्चक्रे कुबेराय वृकोदरः॥
Then Vrikodara-the most exalted of the Bharatas-lowering his club, mace sword and bow, saluted Kubera.

ततोऽब्रवीद्धनाध्यक्षः शरण्यः शरणागतम्। मानहा भव शत्रूणां सुहृदां नन्दिवर्धनः॥
Thereupon seeing him crave his protection, the lord of wealth, capable of affording protection, said "be you the destroyer of the pride of (your) enemies and enhancer of the joy of (your) friends.

स्वेषु वेश्मसु रम्येषु वसतामित्रतापनाः। काभान्न परिहास्यन्ति यक्षा वो भरतर्षभाः।॥
O the tormentors of foes, do you dwell in your own pleasant abode. O the most exalted of the Bharatas, the Yakshas will procure for you the articles desired by you.

शीघ्रमेव गुडाकेशः कृतास्त्रः पुनरेष्यति। साक्षान्मघवता सृष्टः सम्प्राप्स्यतिधनंजयः॥
Having mastered the science of weapons Gudakesha will return soon, Dhananjaya, on being bidden farewell to by Maghavana himself, will meet with you.

एवमुत्तमकर्माणमनुशिष्य युधिष्ठिरम्। श्वेतं गिरिवरश्रेष्ठं प्रययौ गुह्यकाधिपः॥
The lord of the Guhyakas having thus instructed Yudhishthira, disposed to good deeds, vanished from that excellent of mountains.

तं परिस्तोमसंकीर्णैर्नानारत्नविभूषितैः। यानैरनुययुर्यक्षा राक्षसाश्च सहस्रशः॥
Thousands of Yakshas and Rakshasas followed him in conveyances covered with painted cushions and adorned with many gems.

पक्षिणामिव निर्घोषः कुबेरसदनं प्रति। बभूव परमाश्वानामैरावतपथे यथा॥
As the excellent horses (swift) as birds proceeded towards the abode of Kubera a noise arose in the region of Indra.

ते जग्मुस्तूर्णमाकाशंधनाधिपतिवाजिनः। प्रकर्षन्त इवाभ्राणि पिबन्त इव मारुतम्॥
The steeds of the lord of wealth careered along the firmament as if drawing forwards the sky and drinking the atmosphere.

ततस्तानि शरीराणि गतसत्त्वानि रक्षसाम्। अपाकृष्यन्त शैलाचाद्धनाधिपतिशासनात्॥
Then the dead bodies of the Rakshasas were removed from the summit of the mountain by order of the lord of wealth.

तेषां हि शापकालः स कृतोऽगस्त्येनधीमता। समरे निहतास्तस्माच्छापस्यान्तोऽभवत् तदा॥
As this period, was appointed by the intelligent Agastya as the limit of their curse, therefore they were absolved from (this) imprecation in being slain in battle.

पाण्डवाश्च महात्मानस्तेषु वेश्मसु तां क्षपाम्। सुखमूषुर्गतोद्वेगा: पूजिताः सर्वराक्षसैः॥
The noble-minded Pandavas dwelt happily for several sights in those mansions without anxiety and honoured by all the Rakshasas,