Gathering of the golden lotuses

वैशम्पायन उवाच स गत्वा नलिनी रम्यां राक्षसैरभिरक्षिताम्। कैलासशिखराभ्याशे ददर्श शुभकाननाम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Going there, he (Bhima) saw, near the Kailasha peak, that charming lake adorned with lotuses and surrounded by blessed woods and guarded by the Rakshasas.

कुबेरभवनाभ्याशे जातां पर्वतनिर्झरैः। सुरम्यां विपुलच्छायां नानादुमलताकुलाम्॥
It was made by the waters of) the springs of the mountains near the abode of Kubera. It was charming, it had wide spreading shade, it was adorned with various trees and creepers.

हरिताम्बुजसंच्छन्नां दिव्यां कनकपुष्कराम्। नानापक्षिजनाकीर्णां सूपतीर्थामकर्दमाम्॥
It was covered with green lilies, it was filled with golden lotuses, it swarmed with various birds, its banks were beautiful and free from mud.

अतीवरम्यां सुजला जातां पर्वतसानुषु। विचित्रभूतां लोकस्य शुभामद्भुतदर्शनाम्॥
Situated on the mountain, this charming sheet of water was the wonder of the world; it was beautiful and delightful to behold.

तत्रामृतरसं शीतं लघु कुन्तीसुतः शुभम्। ददर्श विमलं तोयं पिबंश्च बहु पाण्डवः॥
The son of Kunti saw that ambrosial lake; its water was cool, light, clear and fresh. The Pandava (Bhima) drank much of its water.

तां तु पुष्करिणी रम्यां दिव्यसौगन्धिकावृताम्। जातरूपमयैः पद्मश्छन्नां परमगन्धिभिः॥ वैदूर्यवरनालैश्च बहुचित्रैमनोरमैः। हंसकारण्डवोद्भूतैः सृजद्भिरमलं रजः॥
That celestials lake was covered with heavenly Sugandhika lotuses. It was also filled with beautiful, variegated, charming and fragrant golden lotuses with beautiful stalks made of Vaidurya gems. Being disturbed by the and Karandavas, they were scattering fresh and pure farina.

आक्रीडं राजराजस्य कुबेरस्य महात्मनः। गन्धर्वैरप्सरोभिश्च देवैश्च परमार्चिताम्॥
It was the play-ground of the king of the kings, the high-souled Kubera. It was adorned swans by the Gandharvas, the Apsaras and the celestials.

सेवितामृषिभिर्दिव्यैर्यक्षैः किम्पुरुषैस्तथा। राक्षसैः किन्नरैश्चापि गुप्तां वैश्रवणेन च॥
It was frequented by the celestials Rishis, the Yakshas, the Kimpurushas, the Rakshasas and the Kinniras. It was well-protected by Vaishravana (Kubera).

तां च दृष्टवैव कौन्तेयो भीमसेनो महाबलः। बभूव परमप्रीतो दिव्यं सम्प्रेक्ष्य तत् सरः॥
When the greatly powerful son of Kunti, Bhimasena saw that celestials lake, he became greatly delighted.

तच्च क्रोधवशा नाम राक्षसा राजशासनात्। रक्षन्ति शतसाहस्रश्चित्रायुधपरिच्छदाः॥
At the command of their king hundreds and thousands of Rakshasas, called Krodhavasas, clad in uniforms and armed with various weapons, were guarding it.

ते तु दृष्ट्वैव कौन्तेयमजिनैः प्रतिवासितम्। रुक्माङ्गदधरं वीरं भीमं भीमपराक्रमम्॥ सायुधं बद्धनिस्त्रिंशमशङ्कितमरिदमम्। पुष्करेप्सुमुपायान्तमन्योन्यमभिचक्रुशुः॥
As that chastiser of foes, that son of Kunti, Bhima of fearful prowess clad in deer skins, wearing golden armlets and girding on his sword, fearlessly proceeded with the desire of gathering those lotuses, the Rakshasas saw him; and they immediately shouted out addressing one another.

अयं पुरुषशार्दूल: सायुधोऽजिनसंवृतः। यच्चिकीर्षुरिह प्राप्तस्तत् सम्प्रष्टुमिहार्हथ॥
“You should enquire why this foremost of mien, clad in deer skins and armed with weapons, has come here."

ततः सर्वे महाबाहु समासाद्य वृकोदरम्। तेजोयुक्तमपृच्छन्त कस्त्वमाख्यातुमर्हसि॥
Thereupon they all came to the mightyarmed and effulgent Vrikodara (Bhima) and asked, "Who are you? you should answer our question.

मुनिवेषधरश्चैव सायुधश्चैव लक्ष्यसे। यदर्थमभिसम्प्राप्तस्तदाचक्ष्व महामते॥
We see, you are in the garb of an ascetic, but yet you are armed with weapons. O highminded one, tell us why you have come (here).”