Arrival at Sugandhika

वैशम्पायन उवाच गते तस्मिन् हरिवरे भीमोऽपि बलिनां वरः। तेन मार्गेण विपुलं व्यचरद् गन्धमादनम्॥
Vaishampayana said: When that best of monkeys had gone away, that foremost of powerful men Bhima, went by that way over the extensive Gandhamadana.

अनुस्मरन् वपुस्तस्य श्रियं चाप्रतिमां भुवि। माहात्म्यमनुभावं च स्मरन् दाशरथेर्ययौ॥
He went on, reflecting on Hanumana's body and effulgence which were matchless on earth and also the greatness and dignity of Dasharatha's son.

स तानि रमणीयानि वान्युपवनानि च। विलोकयामास तदा सौगन्धिकवनेप्सया॥ फुल्लद्रुमविचित्राणि सरांसि सरितस्तथा। नानाकुसुमचित्राणि पुष्पितानि वनानि च॥
Going in search of the place where grew the lotuses (in question), Bhima saw romantic forests, groves, rivers, lakes, trees adorned with blossoms and sylvan wood-lands beautified by various flowers.

मत्तवारणयूथानि पङ्कक्लिन्नानि भारत। वर्षतामिव मेघानां वृन्दानि ददृशे तदा॥
O descendant of Bharata, he saw herds of mad elephants besmeared with mud. They looked like masses of clouds pouring rains.

हरिणैश्चपलापाङ्गैर्हरिणीसहितैर्वनम्। सशष्पकवलैः श्रीमान् पथि दृष्ट्वा द्रुतं ययौ॥
When proceeding quickly, that handsome hero saw in the forest, deer of quick glances with grass in their mouth standing along with their mates.

महिषैश्च वराहैश्च शार्दूलैश्च निषेवितम्। व्यपेतभीर्गिरि शौर्याद् भीमसेनो व्यगाहत॥ कुसुमानन्तगन्धैश्च ताम्रपल्लवकोमलैः।। याच्यमान इवारण्ये दुमैर्मारुतकम्पितैः॥ कृतपद्माञ्जलिपुटा मत्तषट् पदसेविताः। प्रियतीर्थवना मार्गे पद्मिनी: समतिक्रम॥
Bhimasena, fearless from his great prowess, went into that hilly region inhabited by the buffaloes, bears and leopards, as if he had been invited by the forest-trees, shaken by the breeze, ever fragrant with flowers and bearing beautiful copper-coloured twigs. He passed by lakes, each having romantic descents and woods, adorned with lotuses and lilies, which were swarıned with maddened black bees. On account of the presence of the lotus-buds, they appeared as if they had joined hands (before Bhima).

मज्ज्मानमनोदृष्टिः फुल्लेषु गिरिसानुषु। द्रौपदीवाक्यपाथेयो भीमः शीघ्रतरं ययौ॥
Having for his provisions, on the way, the words of Draupadi, Bhima proceeded on with great speed, keeping his mind and eyes fixed on the charming slopes of the mountain.

परिवृत्तेऽहनि ततः प्रकीर्णहरिणे वने। काञ्चनैर्विमलैः पौर्ददर्श विपुलां नदीम्॥
When the time of noon had passed away, he saw the forest scattered over by deer and also by a great river full of fresh golden lotuses.

हंसकारण्डवयुतां चक्रवाकोपशोभिताम्। रचितामिव तस्याद्रेर्मालां विमलापङ्कजाम्॥
Swarmed with swans and Karandavas and adorned with Chakravakas, it (the river) appeared like a garland of pure lotuses worn by the mountain.

तस्यां नद्यां महासत्त्वः सौगन्धिकवनं महत्। अपश्यत् प्रीतिजननं बालार्कसदृशद्युति॥
That greatly powerful hero saw, there, the great Sugandhika forest, delightful and effulgent as the sun.

तद् दृष्ट्वा लब्धकामः स मनसा पाण्डुनन्दनः। वनवासपरिक्लिष्टां जगाम मनसा प्रियाम्॥
Seeing it, the son of Pandu (Bhima) thought in his mind that his object had been fulfilled. He also mentally presented himself before his beloved (Draupadi) worn out by exile.