The colloquy between Bhima and Hanuman

वैशम्पायन उवाच एतच्छ्रुत्वा वचस्तस्य वानरेन्द्रस्यधीमतः। भीमसेनस्तदा वीरः प्रोवाचामित्रकर्षणः॥
Vaishampayana said : O chastiser foes, having heard these words of the intelligent monkey chief, the heroic Bhima thus spoke to him.

भीम उवाच को भवान् किं निमित्तं वा वानरं वपुरास्थितः। ब्राह्मणानन्तरो वर्णः क्षत्रियस्त्वां तु पृच्छति॥
Bhima said: Who are your august self? For what reason you are in the shape of a monkey? It is a Kshatriya, an order next to the Brahmanas who asks you.

कौरवः सोमवंशीयः कुन्त्या गर्भेणधारितः। पाण्डवो वायुतनयो भीमसेन इति श्रुतः॥
I am a descendant of Kuru, born in the Lunar dynasty, born by Kunti in her womb, a son of Pandu, begotten by Vayu, known by the name of Bhimasena.

स वाक्यं कुरुवीरस्य स्मितेन प्रतिगृह्य तत्। हनूमान् वायुतनयो वायुपुत्रमभाषत।॥
Vaishampayana said : Hearing the words of that Kuru hero, Hanuman smiled and that son of Vayu thus spoke to the son of Vayu (Bhima).

हनूमानुवाच वानरोऽहं न ते मार्ग प्रदास्यामि यथेप्सितम्। साधु गच्छ निवर्तस्व मा त्वं प्राप्स्यसि वैशसम्॥
Hanuman said : I am a monkey; I shall not grant you the passage you desire. Desist like an honest man and go back. Do not meet with destruction.

भीमसेन उवाच वैशसं वास्तु यद्वान्यन्न त्वां पृच्छामि वानर। प्रयच्छ मार्गमुत्तिष्ठ मा मत्तः प्राप्स्यसे व्यथाम्॥
Bhima said: O monkey, I do not ask you about destruction or anything else. Give me way. Arise, do not meet with grief at my hand.

हनूमानुवाच नास्ति शक्तिर्ममोत्थातुं व्याधिना क्लेशितो ह्यहम्। यद्यवश्यं प्रयातव्यं लवयित्वा प्रयाहि माम्॥
Hanuman said : I am suffering from illness, therefore I have no strength to rise. If you are resolved to go, then go overleaping me.

भीम उवाच निर्गुणः परमात्मा तु देहं व्याप्यावतिष्ठते। तमहं ज्ञानविज्ञेयं नावमन्ये न लवये॥
Bhima said: The attributes Supreme Soul pervades all bodies. I cannot disregard him who is knowable by only knowledge. Therefore I cannot overleap you.

यद्यागमैर्न विद्यां च तमहं भूतभावनम्। क्रमेयं त्वां गिरि चैव हनूमानिव सागरम्॥
Had I not known him from whom all creatures have become manifest, I would have overleaped you, also this mountain, even as Hanuman did the ocean.

हनूमानुवाच कएष हनुमान् नाम सागरो येन लवित्तः। पृच्छामि त्वां नरश्रेष्ठ कथ्यतां यदि शक्यते॥
Hanuman said: Who is he of the name of Hanuman who leaped over the ocean. O foremost of men I ask you, relate it if you can.

भीम उवाच भ्राता मम गुणश्लाघ्यो बुद्धिसत्त्वबलान्वितः। रामायणेऽतिविख्यातः श्रीमान् वानरपुङ्गवः॥
Bhima said: He was my brother, excellent in all accomplishments and endued with with both intelligence and strength. That handsome and foremost of monkeys is celebrated in the Ramayana.

रामपत्नीकृते येन शतयोजनविस्तृतः। सागर: प्लवगेन्द्रेण क्रमेणैकेन लवित्तः॥
The ocean extending over one hundred yojanas was leaped over by that monkey for Rama's wife.

स मे भ्राता महावीर्यस्तुल्योऽहं तस्य तेजसा। बले पराक्रमे युद्धे शक्तोऽहं तव निग्रहे॥
That greatly powerful hero was my brother; I am equal to him in might, strength and prowess. I am able also to chastise you.

उत्तिष्ठ देहि मे मार्ग पश्य चाद्य पौरुषम्। मच्छासनमकुर्वाणं त्वां वा नेष्ये यमक्षयम्॥
Arise therefore, give me way or witness my prowess today. If you fail to do what I say, I send you to the abode of Yama.

मे वैशम्पायन उवाच विज्ञाय तं बलोन्मत्तं बाहुवीर्येण दर्पितम्। हृदयेनावहस्यैनं हनूमान् वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Vaishampayana said: Knowing him to be intoxicated and proud of his strength of arms. Hanuman slighted him (very much) in his mind and he thus spoke to him.

हनूमानुवाच प्रसीद नास्ति मे शक्तिरुत्थातुं जरयानघ। ममानुकम्पया त्वेतत् पुच्छमुत्सार्य गम्यताम्॥
Hanuman said: O sinless one, be kind towards me. I have no strength to rise in consequence of old age. From pity for me go by moving aside my tail.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्ते हनुमता हीनवीर्यपराक्रमम्। मनसाचिन्तयद् भीमः स्वबाहुबलदर्पितः॥
Vaishampayana said : Having been thus addressed by Hanuman, Bhima, proud of his own strength, thought in his mind that one (Hanuman) to be destitute of energy and prowess.

पुच्छे प्रगृह्य तरसा हीनवीर्यपराक्रमम्। सालोश्यमन्तकस्यैनं नयाम्यद्येह वानरम्॥
He thought, “Taking fast hold of his tale I will send this monkey destitute of energy and prowess to the abode of Yama."

सावज्ञमथ वामेन स्मयञ्जग्राह पाणिना। न चाशकच्चालयितुं भीमः पुच्छं महाकपेः॥
Therefore with a smile, Bhima carelessly took hold of the tail with his left hand, but he could not move that tail of the mighty monkey.

उच्चिक्षेप पुनर्दोवा॑मिन्द्रायुधमिवोच्छ्रितम्। नोद्धर्तुमशकद् भीमो दोर्ध्यामपि महाबलः॥
Then with both arms he pulled the tail resembling the sacrificial) pole raised up in honour of Indra. But the mighty Bhima failed to raise the tail with both his arms.

उत्क्षिप्तभूर्विवृत्ताक्षः संहतभृकुटीमुखः। स्विन्नगात्रोऽभवद् भीमो न चोद्धर्तुं शशाक तम्॥
His eyes were contracted up and his eye falls rolled, his face was contracted into wrinkles and his body was covered with sweat but still he failed to raise it.

यत्नवानपि तु श्रीमॉल्लाङ्कलोद्धरणोद्धरः। कयेः पार्श्वगतो भीमस्तस्थौ व्रीडानताननः॥
When he failed to raise it after many attempts, the illustrious Bhima came to the side of the monkey and stood before him in great shame.

प्रणिपत्य च कौन्तेयः प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यमब्रवीत्। प्रसीद कपिशार्दूल दुरुक्तं क्षम्यतां मम॥
That son of Kunti bowing down his head and joining his two hands, thus spoke to him, "O foremost of monkeys, be kind towards me. Forgive my harsh words.

सिद्धो वा यदि वा देवो गन्धर्वो वाथ गुह्यकः। पृष्टः सन् काम्यया ब्रूहि कस्त्वं वानररूपधृक्॥
Are you a Siddha, a celestials, a Gandharva or a Guhaka, I ask you in curiosity. Who are you in the shape of a monkey?

न चेद् गुह्यं महाबाहो श्रोतव्यं चेद् भवेन्मम्। शिष्यवत् त्वां तु पृच्छामि उपपन्नोऽस्मि तेऽनघ॥
O mighty armed hero (tell me) if it is not a secret and if I deserve to hear it. O sinless one, I seek your refuge and ask you as a disciple.

हनूमानुवाच यत् ते मम परिज्ञाने कौतूहलमरिदम। तत् सर्वमखिलेन त्वं शृणु पाण्डवनन्दन॥
Hanuman said: O chastiser of foes, as you are curious to know all about me, I shall narrate to you all. O son of Pandu, listen to it.

अहं केसरिणः क्षेत्रे वायुना जगदायुषा। जातः कमलपत्राक्ष हनूमान् नाम वानरः॥
O lotus eyed hero, I am born in the womb of Kesari, begotten by Vayu who is the life of the universe. I am the monkey, named Hanuman.

सूर्यपुत्रं च सुग्रीवं शक्रपुत्रं च वालिनम्। सर्वे वानरराजानस्तथा वानरयूथपाः॥ उपतस्थुर्महावीर्या मम चामित्रकर्षण। सुग्रीवेणाभवत् प्रीतिरनिलस्याग्निना यथा॥
O chastiser of foes, all the mighty monkey chiefs waited upon that son of the sun, Sugriva and that son of Indra, Bali, Friendship between Sugriva and myself was like that between the wind and the fire.

निकृत: स ततो भ्रात्रा कस्मिश्चित् कारणान्तरे। ऋष्यमूके मया सार्धं सुग्रीवो न्यवसच्चिरम्॥
For some cause Sugriva was driven out by his brother and lived for a long time with me at the Hrishvamukha.

अथ दाशरथिर्वीरो रामो नाम महाबलः। विष्णुर्मानुषरूपेण चचार वसुधातमल्॥
Once upon a time, the greatly powerful son of Dasharatha by name Rama who was Vishnu in human form wandered over the earth.

स पितुः प्रियमन्विच्छन् सहभार्यः सहानुजः। सधनुर्धन्विनां श्रेष्ठो दण्डकारण्यमाश्रितः॥
In order to please his father, he with his wife and brother, armed with the best of bows, resided in the Dandaka forest.

तस्या भार्या जनस्थानाच्छलेनापाहृता बलात्। राक्षसेन्द्रेण बलिना रावणेन दुरात्मना।॥ सुवर्णरत्नचित्रेण मृगरूपेण रक्षसा। वञ्चयित्वा नरव्याघ्रं मारीचेन तदानघ॥
O sinless one, his wife was carried away by force and by stratagem from Janasthana by the mighty lord of the Rakshasas, the wicked minded Ravana deceiving that foremost of men through the Rakshasa Maricha who assumed the forn of a deer marked with gems and golden spots.