Entering Gandamadana

लोमश उवाच द्रष्टारः पर्वताः सर्वे नद्यः सपुरकाननाः। तीर्थानि चैव श्रीमन्ति स्पृष्टं च सलिल करैः॥
Lomasha said: You have seen many mountains and rivers, towns and forests and also many charming Tirthas, the sacred water of which you have touched with your hands.

पर्वतं मन्दरं दिव्यमेष पन्थाः प्रयास्यति। समाहिता निरुद्विग्नाः सर्वे भवत पाण्डवाः॥
O sons of Pandu, this way leads to the celestials Mandara mountain; therefore be attentive and free from all anxieties.

अयं देवनिवासो वै गन्तव्यो वो भविष्यति। ऋषीणां चैव दिव्यानां निवासः पुण्यकर्मणाम॥
You will now go to the abode of the celestials Rishis of virtuous deeds.

एषा शिवजला पुण्या याति सौम्य महानदी। बदरीप्रभवा राजन् देवर्षिगणसेविता॥
O king, here flows the great and beautiful river (Alakananda) of sacred water rising from the Badari tree. It is ever adored by the celestials Rishis,

एषा वैहायसैनित्यं बालखिल्यैर्महात्मभिः। अर्चिता चोपयाता च गन्धर्वैश्च महात्मभिः॥
It is always adored by the high-souled. Vaihayasa, Valakhilyas and the Gandharvas,

अत्र साम स्म गायन्ति सामगाः पुण्यनि:स्वनाः। मरीचिः पुलहश्चैव भृगुश्चैवाङ्गिरास्तथा॥
And the singers of the Sama (Veda) the Rishis, Marichi, Pulaha, Bhrigu and Angirasa chant the hymns in this place.

अत्राछिकं सुरश्रेष्ठो जपते समरुद्गणः। साध्याश्चैवाश्विनौ चैव परिधावन्ति तं तदा॥
Here does the lord of the celestials with the Marutas perform his daily prayers. The Siddhas and the Ashvins wait upon him.

चन्द्रमाः सह सूर्येण ज्योतीषि च ग्रहैः सह। अहोरात्रविभागेन नदीमेनामनुव्रजन्॥
The moon with the sun and with all the luminaries and with the planets always go to this river by day and by night.

एतस्याः सलिलं मूर्ध्नि वृषाङ्कः पर्यधारयत्। गङ्गाद्वारे महाभाग येन लोकस्थितिर्भवेत्॥
O greatly blessed one, that protector of the world, Vrishanka (Shiva) received on his head the all of the waters of this river at the source of the Ganges.

एतां भगवती देवीं भवन्तः सर्व एव हि। प्रयतेनात्मना तात प्रतिगम्याभिवादत॥
O child, now come to this goddess of six attributes and bow down before her with concentrated mind.

तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा लोमशस्य महात्मनः। आकाशगङ्गां प्रयताः पाण्डवास्तेऽभ्यवादयन्॥
Vaishampayana said : Having heard the words of the illustrious Lomasha the Pandavas reverentially worshipped the river which flows from the sky.

अभिवाद्य च ते सर्वे पाण्डवाधर्मचारिणः। पुनः प्रयाताः संहृष्टाः सर्वैर्ऋषिगणैः सह॥
Having worshipped her, all the virtuous Pandavas accompanied by the Rishis again cheerfully proceeded.

ततो दूरात् प्रकाशन्तं पाण्डुरं मेरुसंनिभम्। ददृशुस्ते नरश्रेष्ठा विकीर्णं सर्वतोदिशम्॥
Those best of men then saw at a distance some white objects of vast proportions which looked like the Meru (mountain) stretching in all directions.

तान् प्रष्टुकामान् विज्ञाय पाण्डवान् स तु लोमशः। उवाच वाक्यं वाक्यज्ञः शृणुध्वं पाण्डुनन्दनाः॥
Seeing the Pandavas eager to ask him about it, Lomasha, skillful in speech, thus spoke. “Hear, O sons of Pandu.

एतद् बिकीर्णं सुश्रीमत् कैलासशिखरोपमम्। यत् पश्यसि नरश्रेष्ठ पर्वतप्रतिमं स्थितम्॥ एतान्यस्थीनि दैत्यस्य नरकस्य महात्मनः। पर्वतप्रतिमं भाति पर्वतप्रस्तराश्रितम्॥
O foremost of men, what you see before you and what is of vast proportions looking like a mountain and appearing as beautiful as the Kailasa, is the collection of bones of the greatly powerful Daitya Naraka. As they have been kept on a mountain one mistakes it for a mountain.

पुरातनेन देवेन विष्णुना परमात्मना। दैत्यो विनिहतस्तेन सुरराजहितैषिणा॥
In the days of yore, this Daitya was killed by the Supreme Soul, the eternal deity Vishnu, for the good of the king of the celestials.

दशवर्षसहस्राणि तपस्तप्यन् महामनाः। ऐन्द्रं प्रार्थयते स्थानं तप:स्वाध्यायविक्रमात्॥
That high-souled Daitya performed great asceticism for ten thousand years with the desire of getting possession of Indra's kingdom.

तपोबलेन महता बाहुवेगबलेन च। नित्यमेव दुराधर्षोधर्षयन् स दितेः सुतः॥
That son of Diti, becoming thus unrivalled by the power of his asceticism, as well as, that of arms, always harassed (Indra).

स तु तस्य बलं ज्ञात्वाधर्मे च चरितव्रतम्। भयाभिभूतः संविग्नः शक्र आसीत् तदानघ॥
O sinless one, Sakra (Indra) became agitated. Afflicted with fear by learning his prowess, asceticism and observance of religious vows,

तेन संचिन्तितो देवो मनसा विष्णुरव्ययः। सर्वत्रगः प्रभुः श्रीमानागतश्च स्थितौ बभौ॥
He mentally thought of the eternal deity Vishnu; and the graceful lord of the universe who is present everywhere appeared and stood before him.

ऋषयश्चापि तं सर्वे तुष्टुवुश्च दिवौकसः। तं दृष्ट्वा ज्वलमानश्रीभगवान् हव्यवाहनः॥ नष्टतेजाः समभवत् तस्य तेजोऽभिभर्त्सितः। तं दृष्ट्वा वरदं देवं विष्णुं देवगणेश्वरम्॥
The Rishis and the celestials propitiated Vishnu with prayers. In his presence even the exalted and blazing Havyavahana (fire), lost his effulgence. Seeing that giver of boons, the deity Vishnu, the lord of all the celestials,

प्राञ्जलिः प्रणतो भूत्वा नमस्कृत्य च वज्रभृत्। प्राह वाक्यं ततस्तत्त्वं यतस्तस्य भयं भवेत्॥
The wielder of thunder (Indra) with joined hands and bowed down head, told him soon the cause of his fear.

विष्णुरुवाच जानामि ते भयं शक्र दैत्येन्द्रान्नरकात् ततः। ऐन्द्रं प्रार्थयते स्थानं तप:सिद्धेन कर्मणा॥
Vishnu said: “O Sakra, I know your fear originates from the lord of the Daityas, Naraka. By his successful asceticism he desires to obtain Indra's kingdom.

सोऽहमेनं तव प्रीत्या तप:सिद्धमपिध्रुवम्। वियुनज्मि देहाद् देवेन्द्र मुहूर्त प्रतिपालय॥
O lord of the celestials, although he has achieved success in asceticism. I shall sever his soul from his body to do you good. Wait for a moment."

तस्य विष्णुर्महातेजाः पाणिना चेतनां हरत्। स पपात ततो भूमौ गिरिराज इवाहतः॥
Lomasha said: Thereupon the greatly powerful Vishnu deprived him (Naraka) of his senses by striking him with his hands. He (Naraka) the fell down on the ground dead, like a great mountain.

तस्यैतदस्थिसंघातं मायाविनिहतस्य वै। इदं द्वितीयमपरं विष्णोः कर्म प्रकाशते॥
He was thus killed by a miracle and his bones were then gathered at this spot. Here thus is manifest another great deed of Vishnu.

नष्टा वसुमती कृत्स्ना पाताले चैव मज्जिता। पुनरुद्धरिता तेन वाराहेणैकङ्गिणा॥
Once the whole earth was lost, it sunk into the nether regions. But she was again lifted up by him (Vishnu) who had assumed the form of a boar.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच भगवन् विस्तरेणेमां कथां कथय तत्त्वतः। कथं तेन सुरेशेन नष्टा वसुमती तदा॥ योजनानां शतं ब्रह्मन् पुनरुद्धरिता तदा। केन चैव प्रकारेण जगतोधरणीध्रुवा॥ शिवा देवी महाभागा सर्वसस्यप्ररोहिणी। कस्य चैव प्रभावाद्धि योजनानां शतं गता॥ केन तद् वीर्यसर्वस्वं दर्शितं परमात्मनः। एतत् सर्वं यथातत्त्वमिच्छामि द्विजसत्तम। श्रोतुं विस्तरशः सर्वं त्वं हि तस्य प्रतिश्रयः॥
Yudhishthira said: O exalted one, narrate in detail how Vishnu, the lord of the celestials, raised up the earth sunk down one hundred yojanas. How was also that support of all created things, the greatly blessed Earth, who dispenses blessings and produces all sorts of course, made stable? By whom she was forced to sink one hundred yojanas and under what circumstances was this greatest exploit of the Supreme Being exhibited? O foremost of Brahmanas, I desire to hear all this in detail as it happened. You know all about it.

लोमश उवाच यत् तेऽहं परिपृष्टोऽस्मि कथामेतां युधिष्ठिर। तत् सर्वमखिलेनेह श्रूयतां मम भाषतः॥ पुरा कृतयुगे तात वर्तमाने भयंकरे। यमत्वं कारयामास आदिदेवः पुरातनः॥
Lomasha said: O Yudhishthira, hear all in detail as I narrate the story which you have asked me to relate. O child, in the days of yore, in a terrible time in the Treta Yuga the ancient and primeval deity performed the duties of Yama.

यमत्वं कुर्वतस्तस्य देवदेवस्यधीमतः। न तत्र म्रियते कश्चिज्जायते वा तथाप्युत॥
O undeteriorating one, when the god of gods began to perform the duties of Yama, there was no death (on earth), but births were numerous.

वर्धन्ते पक्षिसंघाश्च तथा पशुगवेडकम्। गवांश्वं च मृगाश्चैव सर्वे ते पिशिताशनाः॥
Birds, beasts, kine, sheep, deer and all kinds of wild animals began to multiply.

तथा पुरुषशार्दूल मानुषाश्च परंतप। सहस्रशो ह्ययुतशो वर्धन्ते सलिलं यथा।॥
O foremost of men, O chastiser of foes, men also began to multiply by thousands and tens of thousands like water.

एतस्मिन् संकुले तात वर्तमाने भयंकरे। अतिभाराद् बसुमती योजनानां शतं गता॥
O child, by this terrible increase of creatures, the Earth sank down one thousand yojanas.

सा वै व्यथतसर्वाङ्गी भारेणाक्रान्तचेतना। नारायणं वरं देवं प्रपन्ना शरणं गता॥
Being afflicted with pain all over her body and being deprived of her senses by this excessive weight (on her), she sought the protection of the foremost of deities NaraNarayana.

पृथिव्युवाच भगवंस्त्वत्प्रसादाद्धि तिष्ठेयं सुचिरं त्विह। भारेणास्मि समाक्रान्ता न शक्नोमि स्म वर्तिमुम्॥
The Earth said: O exalted deity, it is through your favour I was able to remain so long in my position. But (now) I have been overcome with (a heavy) burden and I am now unable to hold myself any longer.

ममेमं भगवन् भारं व्यपनेतुं त्वमर्हसि। शरणागतास्मि ते देव प्रसादं कुरु मे विभो॥
O exalted deity, you should remove this burden. O deity, O lord, I ask your protection. Extend your favour towards me.

तस्यास्तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा भगवानक्षरः प्रभुः। प्रोवाच वचनं हृष्टः श्रव्याक्षरसमीरितम्॥
Lomasha said: Having heard her these words, the eternal deity of six attributes, cheerfully spoke these words to her with great distinctness.

विष्णुरुवाच न ते महि भयं कार्यं भारार्ते वसुधारिणि। अहमेवं तथा कुर्मि यथा लघ्वी भविष्यसि॥
Vishnu said: O Earth, O holder of treasures, O burdened earth, do not be afraid; I shall act in the way by which you will be relieved of your burden.

लोमश उवाच स तां विसर्जयित्वा तु वसुधां शैलकुण्डलाम्। ततो वराहः संवृत्त एकशृङ्गो महाद्युतिः॥
Lomasha said : Having thus sent away the earth adorned with mountains as her ear-rings, he then became a greatly effulgent boar with one tusk.

रक्ताभ्यां नयनाभ्यां तु भयमुत्पादयन्निव। धूमं च ज्वलयल्ल्क्ष्म्या तत्र देशे व्यवर्धत॥
Causing terror with his red eyes and ernitting smokes from his blazing lustre, he began to swell in magnitude in that place.

स गृहीत्वा वसुमती शृङ्गेणेकेन भास्वता। योजनानां शतं वीर समुद्धरति सोऽक्षरः॥
O hero, then holding the earth with his single tusk that eternal one raised her up one hundred yojanas.

तस्यां चोद्धार्यमाणायां संक्षोभः समजायत। देवाः संक्षुभिताः सर्वे ऋषयश्च तपोधनाः॥ हाहाभूतमभूत् सर्वं त्रिदिवं व्योम भूस्तदा। न पर्य वस्थितः कश्चिद् देवो वा मानुषोऽपि वा॥
When she was thus raised up, a great agitation was created. All the celestials the Rishis and the ascetics were agitated; and the earth, the sky and the heaven were filled with “Alas! Oh!". Neither the celestials nor men could find peace.

ततो ब्राह्मणामासीनं ज्वलमानमिव श्रिया। देवाः सर्षिगणाश्चैव उपतस्थुरनेकशः॥
Then the celestials and the Rishis all approached Brahma who was seated as if blazing in his own prosperity.

उपसर्प्य च देवेशं ब्रह्माणं लोकसाक्षिकम्। भूत्वा प्राञ्जलयः सर्वे वाक्यमुच्चारयंस्तदा।॥
Coming to the deity Brahma, the witness of the acts of all beings, they with joined hands thus said to these words.

लोकाः संक्षुभिताः सर्वे व्याकुलं च चराचरम्। समुद्राणां च संक्षोभस्त्रिदशेश प्रकाशते।॥
The Celestialss said: "O lord of heaven, all created beings have become agitated; all the mobile and immobile creatures have become restless. The ocean are also in great agitation.

सैषा वसुमती कृत्स्ना योजनानां शतं गता। किमेतद् किं प्रभावेण येनेदं व्याकुलं जगत्। आख्यातु नो भवाशीघ्रं विसंज्ञाः स्मेह सर्वशः॥
This whole earth has gone one hundred yojanas down. What is the cause of all this? By whom the whole universe has been agitated? Kindly explain the cause to us without delay; we are all bewildered.

ब्रह्मोवाच असुरेभ्यो भयं नास्ति युष्माकं कुत्रचित् क्वचित्। श्रूयतां यत्कृतेष्वेष संक्षोभो जायतेऽमराः॥
Brahma said: O immortals, there is no fear from the Asuras in any matter or in any place. Hear why all this agitation has taken place.

योऽसौ सर्वत्रगः श्रीमानक्षरात्मा व्यवस्थितः। तस्य प्रभावात् संक्षोभस्त्रिदिवस्य प्रकाशते॥
This heaven has been agitated from the prowess of the illustrious being, who is omnipresent, eternal and the never-perishing soul.

यैषा वसुमती कृत्स्ना योजनानां शतं गता। समुद्धता पुनस्तेन विष्णुना परमात्मना।॥
That supreme soul, Vishnu, has lifted up again the earth which sank down one hundred yojanas.

तस्यामुद्धार्यमाणायां संक्षोभः समजायत। एवं भवन्तो जानन्तु छिद्यतां संशयश्च वः॥
On account of thus raising her up, this agitation has taken place. Know this to be the cause and dispel your doubts.

देवा ऊचुः क्व तद् भूतं वसुमती समुद्धरति हृष्टवत्। तं देशं भगवन् ब्रूहि तत्र यास्यामहे वयम्॥
The Celestialss said : O exalted deity, where is that God, who so easily raises up the earth? Tell us the place; we shall all go there.

ब्रह्मोवाच हन्त गच्छत भद्रं वो नन्दने पश्यत स्थितम्। एषोऽत्र भगवाश्रीमान् सुपर्णः सम्प्रकाशते॥
Brahma said: Go there. Be blessed, you will find him in the Nandana. Yonder is the exalted and adored Suparna (Garuda).

वाराहेणैव रूपेण भगवॉल्लोकभावनः। कालानल इवाभाति पृथिवीतलमुद्धरम्॥
After having raised the earth, the Supreme Being, the creator of the world, blazes forth in the form of a boar like consuming fire at the universal dissolution,

एतस्योरसि सुव्यक्तं श्रीवत्समभिराजते। पश्यध्वं विबुधाः सर्वे भूतमेतदनामयम्॥
On his breast is to be seen (the gem) Srivatsa. Behold all of you that being who does not know deterioration.

लोमश उवाच ततो दृष्ट्वा महात्मानं श्रुत्वा चामन्त्र्य चामराः। पितामहं पुरस्कृत्य जग्मुर्देवा यथागतम्॥
Lomasha said: The immortals, with the Grandsire at their head, after having seen that great soul and heard his praise, went back to the place whence they came.

वैशम्पायन उवाच श्रुत्वा तु तां कथां सर्वे पाण्डवा जनमेजय। लोमशादेशितेनाशु पथा जग्मुः प्रहृष्टवत्॥
Vaishampayana said : O Janamejya, having heard this story, all the Pandavas with great alacrity proceeded by the way pointed out by Lomasha.