Entering Gandamadana

युधिष्ठिर उवाच भीमसेन यमौ चोभौ पाञ्चालि च निबोधत। नास्ति भूतस्य नाशो वै पश्यतास्मान् वनेचरान्॥
Yudhishthira said: O Bhimasena, O Panchala princess, O twins, hear. Nothing of creatures perishes. Behold, we are now rangers of forest.

दुर्बला: क्लेशिताः स्मेति यद् ब्रुवामेतरेतरम्। अशक्येऽपि व्रजामो यद्धनंजयदिदृक्षया।॥
Weak and fatigued as we are, we have to help one another and pass over difficult places. Though incapable, yet we must proceed in order to see Dhananjaya (Arjuna).

तन्मे दहति गात्राणि तूलराशिमिवानलः। यच्च वीरं न पश्यामिधनंजयमुपान्तिकात्॥
It (his absence) burns my body as fire does a heap of cotton. I do not see the heroic Dhananjaya at my side.

तस्य दर्शनतृष्णं मां सानुजं वनमास्थितम्। याज्ञसेन्याः परामर्श स च वीर दहत्युत॥
With the thirst for seeing him, I live with my younger brothers in the forest. O hero, the great oppression committed on Yajnaseni (Draupadi) also burns me.

नकुलात् पूर्वजं पार्थं न पश्याम्यमितौजसम्। अजेयमुग्रधन्वानं तेन तप्ये वृकोदर॥
O Vrikodara, I do not see the immediate elder of Nakula, the immeasurably powerful Partha (Arjuna) who is invincible and who is the wielder of the strongest bow. For this, O Vrikodara, I am miserable.

तीर्थानि चैव रम्याणि वनानि च सरांसि चा चरामि सह युष्माभिस्तस्य दर्शनकाझया।॥ पञ्चवर्षाण्यहं वीरं सत्यसंधंधनंजयम्। यन्न पश्यामि बीभत्सुं तेन तप्ये वृकोदर॥
In order to see that hero, Dhananjaya firm in truthfulness, I have been wandering with you for these five years in various Tirthas, in charming forests and lakes. As I do not still see Vibhatsu (Arjuna)O Vrikodara I am miserable.

तं वै श्यामं गुडाकेशं सिंहविक्रान्तगामिनम्। न पश्यामि महाबाहुं तेन तप्ये वृकोदर॥
As I do not see the long armed, black, curlyhaired, lion-like (Arjuna), O Vrikodara, I am miserable.

कृतास्त्रं निपुणं युद्धेऽप्रतिमानधनुष्मताम्। न पश्यामि कुरुश्रेष्ठ तेन तप्ये वृकोदर॥
As I do not see that foremost of the Kurus, accomplished in arms, skillful in fight and matchless among bowmen, O Vrikodara I am miserable.

चरन्तमरिसंघेषु काले क्रुद्धमिवान्तकम्। प्रभिन्नमिव मातङ्गं सिंहस्कन्धंधनंजयम्॥ यः स शक्रादनवरो वीर्येण द्रविणेन च। यमयोः पूर्वजः पार्थः श्वेताश्वोऽमितविक्रमः॥ दुःखेन महताविष्टस्तं न पश्यामि फाल्गुनम्। अजेयमुग्रधन्वानं तेन तप्ये वृकोदर॥
As I, though very much distressed, do not see that son of Pritha, Dhananjaya who was born under the influence of the constellation Falguni, who ranges amidst enemies like angry Yama at the time of the universal dissolution, who possesses the prowess of an elephant with the juice trickling down its temple, who has lion-like shoulder, who is in no way inferior to Sakra (Indra) in energy and prowess, who is elder of the twins, who rides on white horses, who is immeasurably powerful, invincible and the wielder of the strongest bow, O Vrikodara, I am miserable.

सततं यः क्षमाशीलः क्षिप्यमाणोऽप्यणीयसा। ऋजुमार्गप्रपन्नस्य शर्मदाताभयस्य च॥
He is forgiving, even when he is insulted by the meanest foe. He confers benefit and protection upon the men who follow the righteous path.

स तु जिह्मप्रवृत्तस्य माययाभिजिघांसतः। अपि वज्रधरस्यापि भवेत् कालविषोपमः॥
To crafty men who want to injure him, even if he be the wielder of thunder (Indra), he is like a virulently poisonous snake.

शत्रोरपि प्रपन्नस्य सोऽनृशंसः प्रतापवान्। दाताभयस्य बीभत्सुरमितात्मा महाबलः॥
The high-souled and Immeasurably powerful Vivatsu shows mercy and extends protection even to an enemy when he is fallen.

सर्वेषामाश्रयोऽस्माकं रणेऽरीणां प्रमर्दिता। आहर्ता सर्वरत्नानां सर्वेषां नः सुखावहः॥
He is the refuge of us all and he destroys his enemies in battle. He can gather all wealth and he keeps us all happy.

रत्नानि यस्य वीर्येण दिव्यान्यासन् पुरा मम। बहूनि बहुजातीनि यानि प्राप्तः सुयोधनः॥
It was through his prowess I formerly possessed various kinds of precious jewels which Suyodhana (Duryodhana) has now got.

यस्य बाहुबलाद् वीर सभा चासीत् पुरा मम। सर्वरत्नमयी ख्याता त्रिषु लोकेषु पाण्डव॥
O hero, O son of Pandu, it was through his prowess I formerly possessed the Assembly Hall adorned with all sorts of jewels and celebrated over the three worlds.

वासुदेवसमं वीर्ये कार्तवीर्यसमं युधि। अजेयममितं युद्धे तं न पश्यामि फाल्गुनम्॥
He is like Vasudeva in prowess, he is invincible and matchless in battle like Kartavirya. I do not (now) see that Falguni.

संकर्षणं महावीर्यं त्वां च भीमापराजितम्। अनुयातः स्ववीर्येण वासुदेवं च शत्रुहा।॥
That chastiser of foes (Arjuna) is equal to the invincible and most powerful Sankarsana (Baladeva) and Vasudeva (Krishna).

यस्य बाहुबले तुल्यः प्रभावे च पुरंदरः। जवे वायुर्मुखे सोमः क्रोधे मृत्युः सनातनः॥
He is equal to Purandara (Indra) in strength of arms and prowess; he is equal to the wind in speed, to the moon in beauty and to the eternal Death in anger.

ते वयं तं नरव्याघ्रं सर्वे वीर दिदृक्षवः। प्रवेक्ष्यामो महाबाहो पर्वतं गन्धमादनम्॥
O mighty armed one, in order to see that hero, that foremnost of men, we shall all go to the Gandainadana mountain.

विशाला बदरी यत्र नरनारायणाश्रमः। तं सदाध्युषितं यःक्ष्यामो गिरिमुत्तमम्॥
In which is situated the hermitage Nara and Narayana and on which stands the great Badari tree. It is inhabited by the Yakshas. We shall see that excellent mountain.

कुबेरनलिनी रम्यां राक्षसैरभिसेविताम्। पद्भिरेव गमिष्यामस्तप्यमाना महत् तपः॥
Practising great asceticism, we shall go walking to the charming lake of Kubera guarded by the Rakshashas.

न च यानवता शक्यो गन्तुं देशो वृकोदर। न नृशंसेन लुब्धेन नाप्रशान्तेन भारत॥
O Vrikodara, no vehicle can go to that place. O descendant of Bharata, no cruel, avaricious and hot-tempered man can go there.

तत्र सर्वे गमिष्यामो भीमार्जुनगवेषिणः। सायुधा बद्धनिस्त्रिंशाः सार्धं विप्रैर्महाव्रतैः॥
O Bhima, in order to see Arjuna, we shall all go there guiding on our swords and wielding our bows. We shall be accompanied by Brahmanas of strict vows.

मक्षिकादंशमशकान् सिंहान् व्याघ्रान् सरीसृपान्। प्राप्नोत्यनियतः पार्थ नियतस्तान् न पश्यति॥
O son of Pritha, the sinful men meet there flies, gad-flies, mosquitoes, tigers, lions and reptiles, but pure-souled men do not meet them.

ते वयं नियतात्मानः पर्वतं गन्धमादनम्। प्रवेक्ष्यामो मिताहाराधनंजयदिदृक्षवः॥
Therefore with regulated diet and with subdued passions, we to the Gandamadana with the desire of seeing Dhananjaya. shall go