Entering Gandamadana

युधिष्ठिर उवाच अन्तर्हितानि भूतानि बलवन्ति महान्ति च। अग्निना तपसा चैव शक्यं गन्तुं वृकोदर।॥
Yudhishthira said: O Vrikodara, there are in this place, many invisible beings who are all powerful and huge. We shall however be able to pass through them by the merit of our Agnihotra and asceticism.

संनिवतय कौन्तेय क्षुत्पिपासे बलाश्रयात्। ततो बलं च दाक्ष्यं च संश्रयस्व वृकोदर॥
O son of Kunti, by collecting your prowess, restrain your hunger and thirst, O Vrikodara, have recourse to your strength and cleverness,

ऋषेस्त्वया श्रुतं वाक्यं कैलास पर्वतं प्रति। बुद्ध्या प्रपश्य कौन्तेय कथं कृष्णा गमिष्यति॥
O son of Kunti, you have heard what the Rishi (Lomasha) has said about the Kailasa mountain. After due deliberation think, how Krishna (Draupadi) should pass through is place.

अथवा सहदेवेनधौम्येन च समं विभो। सूतैः पौरोगवैश्चैव सर्वेश्च परिचारकैः॥ रथैरश्चैश्च ये चान्ये विप्राः क्लेशासहाः पथि। सर्वैस्त्वं सहितो भीम निवर्तस्वायतेक्षण॥
Or, O exalted Bhima of large eyes, you should better return with Sahadeva, with Dhaumya, with all our charioteers, cooks, scrvants, cars, horses and also the Brahmanas who are worn out with travel.

त्रयो वयं गमिष्यामो लध्वाहारा यतव्रताः। अहं च नकुलश्चैव लोमशश्च महातपाः॥
The great ascetic Lomasha, Nakula and I shall proceed living on light food and observing vows.

ममागमनमाकाङ्क्षन् गङ्गाद्वारे समाहितः। वसेह द्रौपदी रक्षन् यावदागमनं मम॥
In expectation of my return, wait carefully at the source of the Ganges and protect Draupadi till I come back.

भीम उवाच राजपुत्री श्रमेणार्ता दुःखार्ता चैव भारत। व्रजत्येव हि कल्याणी श्वेतवाहदिदृक्षया॥
Bhima said: O descendant of Bharata, although this blessed princess is afflicted with toil she easily proceeds along in the hope of seeing Shvetavahana (Arjuna).

तव चाप्यरतिस्तीता वर्तते तमपश्यतः। गुडाकेशं महात्मानं संग्रामेष्वपलायिनम्॥
Your dejection also is very great at not seeing the high-souled Gudukesha (Arjuna) who never retreats from battle.

किं पुनः सहदेवं च मां च कृष्णां च भारत। द्विजाः कामं निवर्तन्तां सर्वे च परिचारकाः॥
O descendant of Bharata, you will be more dejected if you do not see Sahadeva, Krishna (Draupadi) and myself. Let the Brahmanas return with our servants,

सूताः पौरोगवाश्चैव यं च मन्येत नो भवान्। न ह्यहं हातुमिच्छामि भवन्तमिह कर्हिचित्॥
Charioteers, cooks and others whom you may command. I shall never leave you here.

शैलेऽस्मिन् राक्षसाकीर्णे दुर्गेषु विषमेषु च। इयं चापि महाभागा राजपुत्री पतिव्रता।॥
In these rugged and inaccessible mountainous regions infested by Rakshashas. This greatly blessed princess, ever devoted to her husbands,

त्वामृते पुरुषव्याघ्र नोत्सहेद् विनिवर्तितुम्। तथैव सहदेवोऽयं सततं त्वामनुव्रतः॥
O foremost of men, will not return without you. This Sahadeva is always devoted to you;

न जातु विनिवर्तेत मनोज्ञो ह्यहमस्य वै। अपि चात्र महाराज सव्यसाचिदिदृक्षया॥ सर्वे लालसभूताः स्म तस्माद् यास्यामहे सह। यद्यशक्यो स्थैर्गन्तुं शैलोऽयं बहुकन्दरः॥
O great king, I know his character well; he will never return (without you). We are all cager to see Savyasachi (Arjuna) and therefore we will all go together. If we cannot go on our cars over this mountain of many defiles,

पद्भिरेव गमिष्यामो मा राजन् विमना भव। अहं वहिष्ये पाञ्चालीं यत्र यत्र न शक्ष्यति॥
We shall walk on foot. O King, you need not trouble yourself about it. I shall carry the Panchala Princess, wherever and whenever she will be incapable of walking.

इति मे वर्तते बुद्धिर्मा राजन् विमना भव। सुकुमारौ तथा वीरौ माद्रीनन्दिकरावुभौ। दुर्गे संतारयिष्यामि यत्राशक्तौ भविष्यतः॥
I have decided upon this; therefore do not trouble yourself about it. I shall carry these two heroes, the tender sons of Madri, the delight of their mother, over difficult tracts, wherever they will be incapable of walking.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच एवं ते भाषमाणस्य बलं भीमाभिवर्धताम्। यत् त्वमुत्सहसे वोढुं पाञ्चालीं च यशस्विनीम्॥
Yudhishthira said: O Bhima, let your strength increase for your speaking thus. You boldly undertake to carry the illustrious Panchala princess.

यमजौ चापि भद्रं ते नैतन्यत्र विद्यते। बलं तव यशश्चैवधर्मः कीर्तिश्च वर्धताम्॥
And also the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva). Be blessed; such courage does not exist in others. May your strength, fame and virtue increase.

यत् त्वमुत्सहसे नेतुं भ्रातरौ सह कृष्णया। मा ते ग्लानिर्महाबाहो मा च तेऽस्तु पराभवः॥
O mighty-armed hero, as you propose to carry our two brothers will Krishna (Draupadi), let not exhaustion or defeat come to you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः कृष्णाब्रवीद् वाक्यं प्रहसन्ती मनोरमा। गमिष्यामि न संतापः कार्यो मां प्रति भारत॥
Vaishampayana said : Thereupon the charming Krishna (Draupadi) smilingly said, “O descendant of Bharata, I shall go, you need not be anxious for me."

लोमश उवाच तपसा शक्यते गन्तुं पर्वतो गन्धमादनः। तपसा चैव कौन्तेय सर्वे योक्ष्यामहे वयम्॥
Lomasha said: O son of Kunti, one can go to Gandamadana by asceticism; therefore we shall all practise asceticism,

नकुलः सहदेवश्च भीमसेनश्च पार्थिवा अहं च त्वं च कौन्तेय द्रक्ष्यामः श्वेतवाहनम्॥
O king, O son of Kunti, Nakula, Sahadeva, Bhimsena, you and myself then shall see Shvetavahana (Arjuna).

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवं सम्भाषमाणास्ते सुबाहुविषयं महत्। ददृशुर्मुदिता राजन् प्रभूतगजवाजिमत्॥
Vaishampayana said : O king, having thus conversed, they saw with delight the extensive kingdom of Suvaka abounding in horses and elephants.

किराततङ्गणाकीर्णं पुलिन्दशतसंकुलम्। हिमवत्यमरैर्जुष्टं बह्वाश्चर्यसमाकुलम्। सुबाहुश्चापि तान् दृष्ट्वा पूजया प्रत्यगृहणत॥ विषयान्ते कुलिन्दानामीश्वरः प्रीतिपूर्वकम्। ततस्ते पूजितास्तेन सर्व एव सुखोषिताः॥
Densely inhabited by the Kiratas and the Tanganas, crowded by hundred of Pulindas, frequented by the celestials and full of wonders. Seeing them Suvaka, the king of the Pulindas, received them in due honour and with great cheerfulness, on the frontier of his kingdom. They, too being thus received, lived there (for some time) with great comfort.

प्रतस्थुर्विमले सूर्ये हिमवन्तं गिरि प्रति। इन्द्रसेनमुखांश्चापि भृत्यान् पौरोगवांस्तथा॥ सूदांश्च पारिबहाँश्च द्रौपद्याः सर्वशो नृप। राज्ञः कुलिन्दाधिपते: परिदाय महारथाः॥ पद्भिरेव महावीर्या ययुः कौरवनन्दनाः। ते शनैः प्राद्रवन् सर्वे कृष्णया सह पाण्डवाः। तस्माद् देशात् सुसंहृष्टा द्रष्टुकामाधनंजयम्॥
They started for the Himalaya mountain when the sun shone brightly in the sky. Having left in the care of the king of the Pulindas all their servants, Indrasena and others, also the cooks and stewards and also all accoutrements of Draupadi and also everything else, those mighty car-warriors, those greatly powerdescendants of Kuru started for that country. They proceeded cautiously with Krishna (Draupadi); they were all cheerful in the expectation of seeing Arjuna.