Entering Kailasha etc.

लोमश उवाच उशीरबीजं मैनाकं गिरि श्वेतं च भारत। समतीतोऽसि कौन्तेय कालशैलं च पार्थिव।।।।
Lomasha said: O descendant of Bharata, O son of Kunti, O ruler of earth, you have now left behind the mountains Ushinara, Mainaka, Shveta and Kala.

एषा गङ्गा सप्तविधा राजते भरतर्षभ। स्थानं विरजसं पुण्यं यत्राग्निर्नित्यमिध्यते॥
O foremost of the Bharata race, here flow before you the seven Ganges. This spot is (very) pure and holy. Here Agni unceasingly blazes forth.

एतद् वै मानुषेणाद्य न शक्यं द्रष्टुमद्भुतम्। समाधि कुरुताव्यग्रास्तीर्थान्येतानि द्रक्ष्यथ॥
No man is able to get a sight of this wonder. Therefore concentrate your mind, so that you may with rapt attention see these Tirthas.

एतद् द्रक्ष्यसि देवानामाक्रीडं चरणाङ्कितम्। अतिक्रान्तोऽसि कौन्तेय कालशैलं च पर्वतम्॥
O son of Kunti, as we have passed the Kaola mountains you will now see the play-grounds of the celestials, marked with their foot-prints.

श्वेतं गिरि प्रवेक्ष्यामो मन्दरं चैव पर्वतम्। यत्र माणिवरो यक्षः कुबेरचैव यक्षराट्॥
We shall now ascend Shveta Giri and the Mandara mountain, where dwell Manivadra, Yaksha and Kubera, the king of the Yakshas.

अष्टाशीतिसहस्राणि गन्धर्वाः शीघ्रगामिनः। तथा किंपुरुषा राजन् यक्षाश्चैव चतुर्गुणाः॥ अनेकरूपसंस्थाना नानाप्रहरणाश्च ते। यक्षेन्द्रं मनुजश्रेष्ठ माणिभद्रमुपासते॥
O king, O foremost of men, here at this place eight thousand swift-going Gandharvas and as many Kimpurushes and four times as many Yakshas of various shapes, wielding many weapons, wait upon the chief of Yaksha Manivadra.

तेषामृद्धिरतीवात्र गतौ वायुसमाश्च ते। स्थानात् प्रच्यावयेयुर्ये देवराजमपि ध्रुवम्॥
In this place their power is very great and their speed is that of the wind. They are certainly capable of displacing the king of the celestials from his seat.

तैस्तात बलिभिर्गुप्ता यातुधानैश्च रक्षिताः। दुर्गमाः पर्वताः पार्थ समाधि परमं कुरु॥
O child, O son of Pritha, protected by them and watched over by the Rakshashas, these mountains have become inaccessible. Therefore perform the great concentration of mind.

कुबेरसचिवाश्चान्ये सैद्रा मैत्राश्च राक्षसाः। तैः समेष्याम कौन्तेय संयतो विक्रमेण च॥
O son of Kunti, here are the ministers of Kubera and his other friends who are all fearful Rakshashas. We shall have to meet them therefore gather up all your prowess.

कैलासः पर्वतो राजन् षड्योजनसमुच्छ्रितः। यत्र देवा समायान्ति विशाला यत्र भारत॥
O king, the Kailasa mountain is six yojanas in height. O descendant of Bharata, there is a large Jujube tree. Here often are the celestials,

असंख्येयास्तु कौन्तेय यक्षराक्षसकिनराः। नागाः सुपर्णा गन्धर्वाः कुबेरसदनं प्रति॥
In great members, also the Yakshas, the Rakshasha, the Kinnaras, the Nagas, the Suparnas, the Gandharvas when they go to the palace of Kubera.

तान् विगाहस्व पार्थाद्य तपसा च दमेन च। रक्ष्यमाणो मया राजन् भीमसेनबलेन च॥
O king, protected by me, as well as by the prowess of Bhimasena and also in consequence of your own asceticism and sclf-command, do mix with them today.

स्वस्ति ते वरुणो राजा यमश्च समितिंजयः। गङ्गा च यमुना चैव पर्वतश्च दधातु ते॥ मरुतश्च सहाश्विभ्यां सरितश्च सरांसि च। त्वस्ति देवासुरेभ्यश्च वसुभ्यश्च महाद्युते॥
May king Varuna, that conqueror in battles, Yama, Ganga and Yamuna, this mountain, the Marutas, the Ashinas, all rivers and lakes, vouchsafe to you safety. () greatly effulgent one, may you have safety from the celestials, the Asuras and the Vasus.

इन्द्रस्य जाम्बूनपर्वताद् वै शृणोमि घोषं तव देवि गङ्गे। गोपायैनं त्वं सुभगे गिरिभ्यः। सर्वाजमीढापचितं नरेन्द्रम्॥
"O Goddess Ganga, I hear your roar from this golden mountain which is sacred to Indra. (O blessed one, protect, in this mountain, this ruler of men adored of all the Ajamira race.

ददस्व शर्म प्रविविक्षतोऽस्य शैलानिमाछैलसुते नृपम्य। उक्त्वा तथा सागरगां स विप्रो यत्तो भवस्वेति शशास पार्थम्॥
O daughter of the mountain, this king is about to enter this mountainous regions. Therefore confer upon him your protection." Having thus addressed that ocean-going river, that Brahinana said to the son of Pritha to be careful.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच अपूर्वोऽयं सम्भ्रमो लोमशस्य कृष्णां सर्वे रक्षत मा प्रमादम्। देशो ह्ययं दुर्गतमो मतोऽस्य तस्मात् परं शौचमिहाचरध्वम्॥
Yudhishthira said : This confusion of Lomasha is astonishing. Therefore of you protect Krishna (Draupadi). Do not be careless. He knows very well this place as being difficult of access. Therefore practise here the greatest purity.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततोऽब्रवीद् भीममुदारवीर्य कृष्णां यत्तः पालय भीमसेन। शून्येऽर्जुनेऽसंनिहिते च तात त्वामेव कृष्णा भजते भयेषु॥
Vaishampayana said : He then thus spoke to the greatly powerful Bhima, "O Bhimasena, protect protect Krishna (Draupadi) with all care. O child, whether Arjuna be near or away, Krishna (Draupadi) always seeks your protection when in fear.”

ततो महात्मा स यमौ समेत्य मूर्धन्युपाघ्राय विमृज्य गात्रे। उवाच तौ बाप्पकलं स राजा मा भैष्टमागच्छतमप्रमत्तौ।॥
Thereupon the high-souled, king (Yudhishthira), coming to the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva) and smelling their heads and rubbing their body, said, "Do not fear. Proceed with caution."