History of Ashtavakra

अष्टावक्र उवाच अन्धस्य पन्था बधिरस्य पन्थाः स्त्रियः पन्था भारवाहस्य पन्थाः। राज्ञः पन्था ब्राह्मणेनासमेत्य समेत्य तु ब्राह्मणस्यैव पन्थाः॥
Ashtavakra said: When no Brahmana passes along a path, it then belongs first to the blind, then to the deaf, then to women, then to the carriers of burden and then (last of all) to the king But when a Brahmana is met on the way, it solely belongs to him.

राजोवाच पग्था अयं तेऽद्य मयातिदिष्टो येनेच्छसि तेन कामं व्रजस्व। निन्द्रोऽपि नित्यं नमते ब्राह्मणानाम्॥
The king said : I leave the path, go in whatever way you like. Even the smallest fire is not to be slighted. Indra himself always bows down to a Brahmana.

अष्टावक्र उवाच प्राप्तौ स्व यज्ञं नृप संदिद्दसू कौतूहलं नौ बलवन्नरेन्द्र। प्राप्ताविहावामतिथी प्रवेशं काक्षावहे द्वारपतेस्तवाज्ञाम्॥
Ashtavakra said : O king, O ruler of men, we have come to see the sacrifice, our curiosity was very great. We have come as Athithis (guests). We ask your order on the gate-keeper.

ऐन्द्रद्युम्ने यज्ञदृशाविहावां विवक्षू वै जनकेन्द्रं दिदृक्षा वयं च नौ द्वारपालो रुणद्धि॥
O son of Indradumnya, we have come here with the desire of seeing the sacrifice and to see and to speak with king Janaka. We are burning with anger, for the gate-keeper stops us.

द्वारपाल उवाच बन्देः समादेशकरा वयं स्म निबोध वाक्यं च मयेर्यमाणम्। न वै बालाः प्रविशन्त्यत्र विप्रा वृद्धा विदग्धाः प्रविशन्त्यत्र विप्राः॥
The gate-keeper said : We carry out the word of Bandi. Hear what I say. The boy are not permitted to enter here; only old and learned Brahmanas are allowed to enter.

अष्टावक्र उवाच यद्यत्र वृद्धेषु कृतः प्रवेशो युक्तं प्रवेष्टुं मम द्वारपाल। वयं हि वृद्धाश्चरितव्रताश्च वेदप्रभावेण समन्विताश्च॥
Ashtavakra said: O gate-keeper, if this be the order that only old men can enter here, then we can enter. We also are old and we have observed severe vows. We are endued with the effulgence of the Vedas,

शुश्रूषवश्चापि जिन्द्रियाश्च ज्ञानागमे चापि गताः स्म निष्ठाम्। र्बालोऽप्यग्निहति स्पृश्यमानः॥
We have served our preceptor and we have subdued our passions and we have also obtained proficiency in knowledge. It is said that even boys must not be slighted; for the smallest fire if touched burns.

द्वारपाल उवाच मेकाक्षरां बहुरूपां विराजम्। अङ्गात्मानं समवेक्षस्व बालं किं श्लाघसे दुर्लभो वै मनीषी॥
The gate-keeper said: O boy, if you know, recite the verse demonstrating the existence of the Supreme Being, adored by the celestials sages and composed of one letter though multifarious. Do not indulge in vain boasting. Learned men are very rare.

अष्टावक्र उवाच र्यथाष्ठीला शाल्मलेः सम्प्रवृद्धा। ह्रस्वोऽल्पकायः फलितो विवृद्धो यश्चाफलस्तस्य न वृद्धभावः॥
Ashtavakra said: True growth can not be inferred from the mere growth of the body, as the growth of the knots of Salmali tree cannot tell its age. That tree is called full grown, which, though slender and short, bears fruits.

द्वारपाल उवाच वृद्धेभ्य एवेह मतिं स्म बाला गृहणन्ति कालेन भवन्ति वृद्धाः। न हि ज्ञानमल्पकालेन शक्यं कस्माद् बालः स्थविर इव प्रभाषसे॥
The gate-keeper said : Boys receive instruction from the old and they thus in due time grow old. Knowledge cannot be obtained in a short time. Therefore why being but a child do you talk like an old man?

अष्टावक्र उवाच । न तेन स्थविरे भवति येनास्य पलितं शिरः। बालोऽपि यः प्रजानाति तं देवा: स्थविरं विदुः॥
Ashtavakra said : One is not old, because his hair has turned white. Even boys who possess knowledge are considered to be old by the celestials.

न हायनैर्न पलितैर्न वित्तेन न बन्धुभिः। ऋषयश्चक्रिरेधर्मं योऽनूचान: स नो महान्॥
The Rishis have not ordained that a man's merit depends on years or on gray hair or wealth or friend. To us one who is versed in the Vedas is great.

दिदृक्षुरस्मि सम्प्राप्तो वन्दिनं राजसंसदि। निवेदयस्व मां द्वा:स्थ राज्ञे पुष्करमालिने।॥
O gate-keeper, I have come with the desire of secing Bandi. Go, inform the king (Janaka) adorned with the garlands of lotuses.

द्रष्टास्यद्य वदतोऽस्मान् द्वारपाल मनीषिभिः। सह वादे विवृद्धे तु बन्दिनं चापि निर्जितम्॥
O gate-keeper, you will today see me engaged in a controversial fight with all the learned men and also with Bandi and you will (also) find him defeated by me.

पश्यन्तु विप्राः परिपूर्णविद्याः सहैव राज्ञा सपुरोधमुख्याः। उताहो वाप्युच्चतां नीचता वा तूष्णीभूतेष्वेव सर्वेष्वथाद्य॥
When others will be silenced, then the learned men and the king with his chief priests will judge my superiority or inferiority.

द्वारपाल उवाच कथं यज्ञं दशवर्षो विशेस्त्वं विनीतानां विदुषां सम्प्रवेशम्। उपायतः प्रयतिष्ये तवाहं प्रवेशने कुरु यत्नं यथावत्॥
The gate-keeper said : How can you, who are but in your tenth year, hope to enter into the grounds of this sacrifice into which only learned and educated men are admitted? I shall however try some means to admit you. You too make an attempt.

अष्टावक्र उवाच भो भो राजञ्जनकानां वरिष्ठ त्वं वै सम्राट् त्वयि सर्वं समृद्धम्। त्वं वा कर्ता कर्मणां यज्ञियानां ययातिरेको नृपतिर्वा पुरस्तात्॥
Ashtavakra said: O king, O best of Janaka's race, you are an emperor and all wealth rest in you. In the days of yore, Yayati was the (great) performer of sacrifices and in the modern age you are the great performer of sacrifices.

वृद्धान् बन्दी वादविदो निगृह्य वादे भग्नानप्रतिशङ्कमानः। जले सर्वान् मज्जयतीति नः श्रुतम्॥
We have heard that the learned Bandi, after defeating (in controversy), men who are experts in discussion, causes them to be drowned by faithful servants employed by you.

सोऽहं श्रुत्वा ब्राह्मणानां सकाशाद् ब्रह्माद्वैत कथयितुमागतोऽस्मि। क्वासौ बन्दी यावदेनं समेत्य नक्षत्राणीव सविता नाशयामि॥
Having heard this from the Brahmanas, I have come to expound the doctrine of the Supreme Being. Where is that Bandi? Tell me, so that I may destroy him, as the sun destroys the stars.

राजोवाच मविज्ञाय त्वं वाक्यबलं परस्य। विज्ञातवीर्यैः शक्यमेवं प्रवक्तुं दृष्टचासौ ब्राह्मणैर्वेदशीलैः॥
The King said: You hope to defeat Bandi, because you do not know his power. Can they, who know him, speak as you do? He had been tested by the Brahmanas who were experts in discussion.

मविज्ञाय तु बलं बन्दिनोऽस्य। समागता ब्राह्मणास्तेन पूर्वं न शोभन्ते भास्करेणेव ताराः॥
You hope to defeat Bandi, only because you do not know his powers. Many Brahmanas that assembled did not shine before him as the stars do not shine before the sun.

स्तस्यान्तिकं प्राप्य विलुप्तशोभाः। विज्ञानमत्ता नि:सृताश्चैव तात कथं सदस्यैर्वचनं विस्तरेयुः॥
Being desirous of defeating him, they proud of their learning, have lost their glory on simply appearing before him. They have retired from his presence without even venturing to speak with the members of the assembly.

अष्टावक्र उवाच विवादितोऽसौ न हि मादृशैर्हि सिंहीकृतस्तेन वदत्यभीतः। समेत्य मां निहतः शेष्यतेऽद्य मार्गे भग्नं शकटमिवाचलाक्षम्॥
Ashtavakra said : Bandi has never had an occasion to hold a discussion with a man like me. It is only for this reasor, that he considers himself as a lion and goes about roaring like one. But when he will meet me today, he will lie down (dead) as a cart breaks down on the road when its wheels have been deranged.

राजोवाच त्रिंशकद्वादशांशस्य चतुर्विंशतिपर्वणः। यस्त्रिषष्टिशतारस्य वेदार्थं स परः कविः॥
The King said : He alone is a really learned man who understands the thing that has thirty divisions, twelve parts, twenty-four joints and three hundred and sixty spokes.

अष्टावक्र उवाच चतुर्विंशतिपर्व त्वां षण्नाभि द्वादशप्रधि। तत् त्रिषष्टिशतारं वै चक्रं पातु सदागति॥
Ashtavakra said: May that ever-revolving wheel (Time) that has twenty-four joints, six naves twelve peripheries and sixty spokes protect you.

राजोवाच वडवे इव संयुक्ते श्येनपाते दिवौकसाम्। कस्तयोर्गर्भमाधत्ते गर्भं सुषुवतुश्च कम्॥
The King said : Who among the celestials gives birth to those who which go together like two yoked mares and swoop down like hawks; and to what also do they give birth?

अष्टावक्र उवाच मा स्म ते ते गृहे राजञ्छात्रवाणामपिध्रुवम्। वातसारथिरागन्ता गर्भं सुषुवतुश्च तम्॥
Ashtavakra said : O king, may God keep away from your house those two (thunder and lightning), nay cven from the house of your enemies. He who appears with the wind as his charioteer (cloud or mind) gives, birth to them and they also produce him.

राजोवाच किंस्वित् सुप्तं न निमिषति किंस्विज्जातं न चोपति। कस्य स्विद्धृदयं नास्ति किं स्विद् वेगेन वर्धते॥
The King said: What is it that does not close its eyes even when it is asleep? What is it that does not move when born? What is it that has no heart and what is it that increases in its speed?

अष्टावक्र उवाच मत्स्यः सुप्तो न निमिषत्यण्डं जातं न चोपति। अश्मनो हृदयं नास्ति नदी वेगेन वर्धते॥
Ashtavakra said: It is a fish that does not close its eyes when asleep. It is an egg that does not move even when born. It is stone that has no heart. It is a river that increases in its speed.

राजोवाच न त्वां मन्ये मानुषं देवसत्त्वं न त्वं बाल: स्थविरः सम्मतो मे। न ते तुल्यो विद्यते वाक्प्रलापे तस्माद् द्वारं वितराम्येष बन्दी॥
The King said : Opossessor of divine energy, it appears that you are not a human being. I do not consider that you are a boy. I consider you to be a grown up man. There is none who can be compared with you in learning. Therefore I give you admittance. Yonder is Bandi.