The words of Krishna

वासुदेव उवाच नैतत् कृच्छ्रमनुप्राप्तो भवान् स्याद् वसुधाधिप। यद्यहं द्वारकायां स्यां राजन् संनिहितः पुरा॥
Krishna said: O king of the earth, had I been then present at Dvarka, O king, this misfortune would not have overtaken you.

आगच्छेयमहं द्यूतमनाहूतोऽपि कौरवैः। आम्बिकेयेन दुर्धर्ष राज्ञा दुर्योधनेन च। वारयेयमहं द्यूतं बहून् दोषान् प्रदर्शयन्॥
Even if uninvited by the Kauravas the son of Ambika, (Dhritarashtra) and the king bling match, O irrepressible one and I would have been able to prevent it by pointing out to them) its many evils,

भीष्मद्रोणौ समानाय्य कृपं बाह्रीकमेव च। वैचित्रवीर्यं राजानमलं द्यूतेन कौरव॥ पुत्राणां तव राजेन्द्र त्वनिमित्तमिति प्रभो। तत्राचक्षमहं दोषान् यैर्भवान् व्यतिरोपितः॥
And by inviting to my help Bhishma, Drona, Kripa and Valhika. O descendant of Kuru, I would have said to the king, the son of Vichitravirya, for your sake, "O lord of kings, your sons should desist from gambling." I would have also pointed out the evils by which you have been reduced to this distress.

वीरसेनसुतो यैस्तु राज्यात् प्रभ्रंशितः पुरा। अतर्कितविनाश्च देवनेन विशाम्पते॥
And in the days of yore Virasena's son was deprived of his kingdom. Do king of the earth, gambling brings on unthought of misfortunes.

सातत्यं च प्रसङ्गस्य वर्णयेयं यथातथम्॥
I would have also described duly the continued desire of playing.

स्त्रियोऽक्षा मृगया पानमेतत् कामसमुत्थितम्। दुःखं चतुष्टयं प्रोक्तं यैर्नरो भ्रश्यते श्रियः॥ तत्र सर्वत्र वक्तव्यं मन्यन्ते शास्त्रकोविदाः। विशेषतश्च वक्तव्यं छूते पश्यन्ति तद्विदः॥
Women, gambling, hunting and drinking which originate from desire have been designated as the four evils by which people are deprived of their prosperity. Those conversant with the sacred lore observe that evils exist in all these and the wise consider that they particularly exist in gambling.

एकाहाद् द्रव्यनाशोऽत्रध्रुवं व्यसनमेव च। अभुक्तनाशश्चार्थानां वाक्पारुष्यं च केवलम्॥ एतच्चान्यच्च कौरव्य प्रसङ्गिकटुकोदयम्। द्यूते ब्रूयां महाबाहो समासाद्याम्बिकासुतम्॥
From gambling proceeds, the destruction of property, misfortune, the squandering of untasted wealth and the use, of harsh words only. O mighty armed hero, O descendant of Kuru, approaching the son of Ambika, I would have pointed out these evils of gambling and other attendant evils.

एवमुक्तो यदि मया गृहणीयाद् वचनं मम। अनामयं स्याद्धर्मश्च कुरूणां कुरुवर्धन॥
Being thus accosted by me, if he had listened to my words, the well-being and the virtue of the Kurus, O enhancer of the Kuru race, would have been secured.

न चेत् स मम राजेन्द्र गृहणीयान्मधुरं वचः। पथ्यं च भरतश्रेष्ठ निगृहणीयां बलेन तम्॥
And if he had not accepted, O king of kings, my sweet words like medicine. O foremost of the Bharata race, I would have compelled him to accept them by force.

अथैनमपनीतेन सुहृदो नाम दुहृदः। सभासदोऽनुवर्तेरंस्तांश्च हन्यां दुरोदरान्॥
And if he had been supported by his courtiers who pass for his friends, but who are in reality his enemies, I would have destroyed all his retinue and the gamblers present there.

असांनिध्यं तु कौरव्य ममानर्तेष्वभूत् तदा। येनेदं व्यसनं प्राप्ता भवन्तो द्यूतकारितम्॥
O descendant of Kuru, it is on account of my absence at that time from the country of Anartha that you have been beset by the misfortunes engendered by gambling.

सोऽहमेत्य कुरुश्रेष्ठ द्वारकां पाण्डुनन्दन। अश्रौषं त्वां व्यसनिनं युयुधानाद् यथातथम्॥
Having reached Dvarka, O foremost of Kurus. O son of Pandu, I heard all about your misfortune from Yuyudhana.

श्रुत्वैव चाहं राजेन्द्र परमोद्विग्नमानसः। तूर्णमभ्यागतोऽस्मि त्वां द्रष्टुकामो विशाम्पते॥
Having heard this, O king of kings and having been stricken with great anxiety. I have speedily come here, O king, to see you.

अहो कृच्छ्रमनुप्राप्ताः सर्वे स्म भरतर्षभ। सोऽहं त्वां व्यसने मग्नं पश्यामि सह सोदरैः॥
O Bharata chief, you have all been overtaken by great calamity; I see you along with your brothers sunk in misfortune.