Going to Lakshavatarana

लोमश उवाच अस्मिन् किल स्वयं राजन्निष्टवान् वै प्रजापतिः। सत्रमिष्टीकृतं नाम पुरा वर्षसहस्रिकम्॥
Lomasha said: O king, here did Prajapati himself perform a sacrifice in the days of yore. It was called Ishtikrita which occupied one thousands years.

अम्बरीषश्च नाभाग इष्टवान् यमुनामनु। यत्रेष्ट्वा दश पद्मानि सदस्येभ्योऽभिसृष्टवान्॥
The son of Nabhaga, Ambrisha, performed a sacrifice near the Yumuna in which he gave away ten padmas (of gold coins) to the Sadasyas.

यज्ञैश्च तपसा चैव परां सिद्धिमवाप सः। देशश्च नाहुषस्यायं यज्वनः पुण्यकर्मणः॥ सार्वभौमस्य कौन्तेय ययातेरमितौजसः। स्पर्धमानस्य शक्रेण तस्येदं यज्ञवास्त्विह॥
O son of Kunti, he obtained the greatest success by his sacrifices and asceticism; this is the place where the king of all kings, the immeasurably powerful Yayati, the son of Nahusha, performed his sacrifices. He competed with Indra and he performed his sacrifices here.

पश्य नानाविधाकारैरग्निभिर्निचितां महीम्। मज्जन्तीमिव चाक्रान्तां ययातेर्यज्ञकर्मभिः॥
Behold how the ground is studded with places for sacrificial altars of all sorts. (Behold), the earth appears as if she is sinking under the preasure of Yayati's good works.

एषा शम्येकपत्रा या सरकं चैतदुत्तमम्। पश्य रामह्रदानेतान् पश्य नारायणाश्रमम्॥
Here is the Shami tree which has but one; single leaf; this is an excellent work. Behold the lake of Rama and the hermitage of Narayana.

एतच्च कपुत्रस्य योगैर्विचरतो महीम्। प्रसर्पणं महीपाल रौप्यायाममितौजसः॥
O ruler of earth, this is the path which was followed by immeasurably effulgent son of Richika who roamed over the earth practising Yoga on the banks of the Raupya.

अत्रानुवंशं पठतः शृणु मे कुरुनन्दन। उलूखलैराभरणैः पिशाची यदभाषत॥
O descendant of Kuru, hear what a Pishacha woman, adorned with pestles as her ornaments, said as I was reciting the table of genealogy.

युगन्धरे दधि प्राश्य उषित्वा चाच्युतस्थले। तद्वद् भूतलये स्नात्वा सपुत्रा वस्तुमर्हसि॥
(She said), "Having eaten curd Yugandhara and lived in Achyutasthala and at also bathed in Bhutalya you should live with your sons.

एकरात्रमुषित्वेह द्वितीयं यदि वत्स्यसि। एतद् वै ते दिवावृत्तं रात्रौ वृत्तमतोऽन्यथा॥
Having spent here the first night, if you pass the second night here, the events of the nighttime will then be different from the day-time.

अद्य चात्र निवत्स्यामः क्षपां भरतसत्तम। द्वारमेतत् तु कौन्तेय कुरुक्षेत्रस्य भारत॥
O foremost of the Bharata race, O descendant of Bharata, O son of Kunti, we shall today live here. This is the gate of Kurukshetra.

अत्रैव नाहुषो राजा राजन् क्रतुभिरिष्टवान्। ययातिर्बहुरत्नौधैर्यवेन्द्रो मुदमभ्यगात्॥
O king, here did king Yayati, the son of Nahusha, perform sacrifices in which gifts of gems were in great abundance and by which Indra was much gratified.

एतत प्लक्षावतरणं यमुनातीर्थमुत्तमम्। एतद् वै नाकपृष्ठस्य द्वारमाहुर्मनीषिणः॥
This is Plakshavatarana, an excellent tirtha in the Yamuna. The learned men call it the gate of heaven.

अन्न सारस्वतैर्यज्ञैरीजानाः परमर्षयः। यूपोलूखलिकास्तात गच्छन्त्यवभृथप्लवम्॥
O child, after performing the Sarasvata sacrifice and using the sacrificial stakes as their pestles, the great Rishis perform here these ablutions prescribed at the end of a sacrifice.

अत्र वै भरतो राजा राजन् क्रतुभिरिष्टवान्। हयमेधेन यज्ञेन मेध्यमश्वमवासृजत्॥ असकृत् कृष्णसारङ्गंधर्मेणाप्य च मेदिनीम्। अत्रैव पुरुषव्याघ्र मरुत्तः सत्रमुत्तमम्॥ प्राप चैवर्षिमुख्येन संवर्तेनाभिपालितः। अत्रोपस्पृश्य राजेन्द्र सर्वा ल्लोकान् प्रपश्यति। पूयते दुष्कृताच्चैव अत्रापि समुपस्पृश॥
O monarch, king Bharata performed sacrifices here. To perform a horse-sacrifice, he here set free the horse which was the intended victim and which was marked with black strips. He ruled the earth with righteousness. O foremost of men, here did Maruta, protected by Samvarata the foremost of Rishis, succeed in performing excellent sacrifices. O king of kings, bathing here one obtains all the regions. He is purified from all his evil deeds. Therefore bathe at this place.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तत्र सभ्रातृकः स्नात्वा स्तूयमानो महर्षिभिः। लोमशं पाण्डवश्रेष्ठ इदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Vaishampayana said: Being praised by the great Rishis he (Yudhishthira) bathed there with his brothers. Then that foremost of the Pandavas thus spoke to Lomasha.

सर्वाल्लोकान् प्रपश्यामि तपसा सत्यविक्रम। इहस्थः पाण्डवश्रेष्ठं पश्यामि श्वेतवाहनम्॥
Yudhishthira said: O greatly powerful Rishis, I see all the worlds by virtue of asceticism. I also see that foremost of the Pandavas Svetavahana (Arjuna).

लोमश उवाच एवमेतन्महाबाहो पश्यन्ति परमर्षयः। सरस्वतीमिमां पुण्यां पुण्यैकशरणावृताम्॥
Lomasha said: O mighty-armed hero, it is as you say. Thus do great Rishis see (all the worlds). Yonder is the sacred Sarasvati, thronged by persons who consider her to be their sole refuge.

यत्र स्नात्वा नरश्रेष्ठधूतपाप्मा भविष्यसि। इह सारस्वतैर्यज्ञैरिष्टवन्तः सुरर्षयः। ऋषयश्चैव कौन्तेय तथा राजर्षयोऽपि च॥
O foremost of men, bathing in it, you will be freed from all your sins. O son of Kunti, the celestials Rishis performed here the Sarasvata sacrifice; so did the Rishis and the royal sages.

वेदी प्रजापतेरेषा समन्तात् पञ्चयोजना। कुरोर्वै यज्ञशीलस्य क्षेत्रमेतन्महात्मनः॥
This is the altar of the Prajapati; it is five yojanas in extent on all sides round. This is the field of the high-souled Kurus who always performed sacrifices.