The story of Sukanya

लोमश उवाच तं दृष्ट्वा घोरवदनं मदं देवः शतक्रतुः। आयान्तं भक्षयिष्यन्तं व्यात्ताननमिवान्तकम्॥
Lomasha said: Having seen the fearful-faced Mada, coming with open mouth like death himself with the intention of devouring him, the deity Shatakratu (Indra).

भयात् संस्तम्भितभुजः सृक्किणी लेलिहन् मुहुः। ततोऽब्रवीद् देवराजश्च्यवनं भयपीडितः॥ सोमाविश्विनावेतावद्यप्रभृति भार्गव भविष्यतः सत्यमेतद् वचो विप्रः प्रसीद मे॥
Licked the corner of his mouth when his arms were paralyzed. Being afflicted with fear, the celestials king thus spoke, O son of Bhrigu, O Brahmanas, I truly tell you that from this day the two Ashvins will be entitled to receive the Soma juice. Therefore be merciful to me.

न ते मिथ्या समारम्भो भवत्वेष परो विधिः। जानामि चाहं विप्रर्षे न मिथ्या त्वं करिष्यसि॥
O Brahmana Rishi, your attempts can never be futile. Let this be the rule. I know your act can never be in vain.

सोमाविश्विनावेतौ यथा वाद्य कृतौ त्वया। भूय एव तु ते वीर्यं प्रकाशेदिति भार्गव॥
O son of Bhrigu, these two Ashvins are now entitled to drink the Soma juice as you have made them today. O son of Bhrigu, I have done it to spread the fame of your powers.

सुकन्यायाः पितुश्चास्य लोके कीर्तिः प्रथेदिति। अतो मयैतद् विहितं तव वीर्यप्रकाशनम्॥
My object was to spread the fame of the father of Sukanya all over the world. It has been done by me, so that your fame may spread.

तस्मात् प्रसादं कुरु मे भवत्वेवं यथेच्छसि। एवमुक्तस्य शक्रेण भार्गवस्य महात्मनः॥
Therefore be merciful to me. Let it be as you desire." Having been thus addressed by Indra, the high-souled son of Bhrigu.

स मन्युर्व्यगमच्छीघ्नं मुमोच च पुरंदरम्। मदं च व्यभजद् राजन् पाने स्त्रीषु च वीर्यवान्॥ अक्षेषु मृगयायां च पूर्वसृष्टं पुनः पुनः। तदा मदं विनिक्षिष्य शक्रं संतर्प्य चेन्दुना॥
Was soon appeased; and he set free Purandara (Indra). O king, that mighty Rishi distributed Mada and put it piece-meal in drinks, in women, in gambling and in the field of sports. This Mada was formerly created again and again. Having thus thrown away Mada, he adored Indra with Soma.

अश्विभ्यां सहितान् देवान् याजयित्वा च तं नृपम्। विख्याप्य वीर्यं लोकेषु सर्वेषु वदतां वरः॥
He then assisted that king (Sharyati) to perform sacrifices to all the celestials together with the Ashvins. That foremost of speakers thus spread his fame all over the world.

सुकन्यया सहारण्ये विजहारानुकूलया। तस्यैतद् द्विजसंघुष्टं सरो राजन् प्रकाशते॥
O king, he then happily lived with his loving wife Sukanya in the forest. This is, O king, his lake resounding with the voice of the birds.

अत्र त्वं सह सोदर्यैः पितृन् देवांश्च तर्पया एतद् दृष्ट्वा महीपाल सिकताक्षं च भारत॥ सैन्धवारण्यमासाद्य कुल्यानां कुरु दर्शनम्। पुष्करेषु महाराज सर्वेषु च जलं स्पृश॥ स्थाणोर्मन्त्राणि च जपन् सिद्धि प्राप्स्यसि भारत। संधियोर्नरश्रेष्ठ त्रेताया द्वापरस्य च॥
You must with you brothers offer oblations here to the Pitris and the celestials. O ruler of earth, O descendant of Bharata, having seen it and Sikataksha, you should then go to the Saindhava forest and see many artificial rivers there. O great king, you should touch the waters of all the currents there and then, O descendant of Bharata, uttering the mantras of Sthanu, you will attain to ascetic success. O foremost of men, it is the time of junction between Treta and Dvapara Yugas.

अयं हि दृश्यते पार्थ सर्वपापप्रणाशनः। अत्रोपस्पृश्य चैव त्वं सर्वपापप्रणाशने॥
O son of Pritha, by seeing it, one is cleansed of all his sins. Perform your oblations here in this place which is capable of destroying all sins.

आर्चीकपर्वतश्चैव निवासो वै मनीषिणाम्। सदाफलः सदास्रोतो मरुतां स्थानमुत्तमम्॥
Yonder is the Archika hill, inhabited by cultured men. Fruits of all seasons grow here at all times and the streams run forever. It is an excellent place.

चैत्याश्चैते बहुविधास्त्रिदशानां युधिष्ठिर। एतच्चन्द्रमसस्तीर्थमृषयः पर्युपासते। वैखानसा बालखिल्या: पावका वायुभोजनाः॥
O Yudhishthira, there are may caverns here of various forms made by the celestials. This is the Tirtha of the moon and it is surrounded on all sides by the Rishis, who are the Vaisyas, the Valkhilyas, the Pavakas and the Vayuvakhas.

शृङ्गाणि त्रीणि पुण्यानि त्रीणि प्रस्रवणानि च। सर्वाण्यनुपरिक्रम्य यथाकाममुपस्पृश।॥
There are three peaks and three sacred springs; you may walk round them all one by one; you can perform your oblations at pleasure.

शान्तनुश्चात्र राजेन्द्र शुनश्च नराधिपः। नरनारायणौ चोभौ स्थान प्राप्ताः सनातनम्॥
O king of kings, O ruler of men, Santanu, Sanaka and Nara and Narayana, have obtained eternal regions from this place.

इह नित्यशया देवाः पितरश्च महर्षिभिः। अर्चीकपर्वते तेपुस्तान् यजस्व युधिष्ठिर।॥
O Yudhishthira, here did the Pitris, the celestials and the great Rishis always lie down. They all performed asceticism on the Archika mountain. Perform sacrifice here.

इह ते वै चरून् प्राश्नऋषयश्च विशाम्पते। यमुना चाक्षयस्रोता कृष्णश्छेह तपोरतः॥
O king, here did they cook charu (rice with milk) with the Rishis; here is also the Yamuna of everlasting current where Krishna engaged himself in asceticism.

यमौ च भीमसेनाश्च कृष्णा चामित्रकर्शन। सर्वे चात्र गमिष्यामस्त्वयैव सह पाण्डव॥
O son of Pandu, O chastiser of foes, the twins, Bhimasena and Krishna (Draupadi) and all of us will accompany you to this spot,

एतत् प्रस्रवणं पुण्यमिन्द्रस्य मनुजेश्वर। यत्रधाता विधाता च वरुणश्चोर्ध्वमागताः॥
O ruler of men, this is the sacred spring of Indra where Dhata, Vidhata and Varuna rose upwards.

इह तेऽप्यवसन् राजन् क्षान्ताः परमधर्मिणः। मैत्राणामृजुबुद्धीनामयं गिरिवरः शुभः॥
O king, here do they live observing forbearance and practising the greatest virtue. This excellent and auspicious mountain is fit for kind and can did persons.

एषा सा यमुना राजन् महर्षिगणसेविता। नानायज्ञचिता राजन् पुण्या पापभयापहा॥
This is that Yamuna, O king which is frequented by the great Rishis, the scene of many sacrifices, it is holy and it destroys all fear of sin.

अत्र राजा महेष्वासो मान्धातायजत स्वयम्। साहदेविश्व कौन्तेय सोमको ददतां वरः॥
son of Kunti, here did the great bow-man, king Mandhata, himself perform sacrifices, so did also Somaka, the son of Sahadeva, that foremost of all boon-givers.