Departure of the Yadus

सात्यकिरुवाच न राम कालः परिदेवनाय यदुत्तरं त्वत्र तदेव सर्वे। समाचरामो हनतीतकालं युधिष्ठिरो यद्यपि नाह किंचित्॥
Satyaki said : ORama, this is not the time for lamentation. Let us do without any further delay that which is proper and suited to the present occasion, though Yudhishthira does not say anything.

ये नाथवन्तोऽद्य भवन्ति लोके ते नात्मना कर्म समारभन्ते। तेषां तु कार्येषु भवन्ति नाथा: शिव्यादयो राम यथा ययातः॥
Those in the world who have other persons to look after them do not undertake to do anything themselves. They have others to do their work as did Shibi and others of Yayati.

येषां तथा राम समारभन्ते कार्याणि नाथाः स्वमतेन लोके। ते नाथवन्तः पुरुषप्रवीरा नानाथवत् कृच्छ्रमवाप्नुवन्ति॥
O Rama, those, whose help-mate sact according to their own opinion, those men having others to look after them, never meet with disaster like men who have none to help them.

कस्मादिमौ रामजनार्दनौ च प्रद्युम्नसाम्वौ च मया समेतौ। स्त्रैलोक्यनाथानभिगम्य पार्थाः॥
How is it that when the sons of Pritha have these two men, Rama and Janardana (Krishna) also Pradyumna, Samba and myself, all able to protect the three worlds, that they are living in the forest?

निर्यातु साध्वद्य दशार्हसेना प्रभूतनानायुधचित्रवर्मा। यमक्षयं गच्छतुधार्तराष्ट्रः सबान्धवो वृष्णिबलाभिभूतः॥ त्वं ह्येव कोपात् पृथिवीमपीमां संवेष्टयेस्तिष्ठस्तु शार्ङ्गधन्वा। सधार्तराष्ट्र जहि सानुबन्धं वृत्रं यथा देवपतिर्महेन्द्रः॥
It is proper that this very day the army of the Dasharahas should march out, variously armed and well clad in armours. Let the sons of Dhritarashtra be attacked with the Vrishni soldiers and let them all go with their friends to the abode of Yama. Let him alone who wields the bow made of horn (Krishna), let yourself alone who, if roused, is capable of subverting the wholé, earth, kill the sons of Dhritarashtra with all their friends as the chief of the celestials killed Vitra.

भ्राता च मे यः स सखा गुरुश्च जनार्दनस्यात्मसमश्च पार्थः। यदर्थमैच्छन् मनुजाः सुपुत्रं शिष्यं गुस्श्चाप्रतिकूलवादम्॥
The son of Pritha (Arjuna) is my brother, he is my friend, he is also my preceptor; and he is like the second self of Krishna. It is for this reason that men desire for a worthy son and that a preceptor seeks an obedient and obliging pupil.

यदर्थमभ्युद्यतमुत्तमं तत् करोति कर्माचयमपारणीयम्। विहत्य सर्वाणि रणेऽभिभूया।८॥
It is for this reason the time has (at last) come for that, excellent work which is the best of all works and which is difficult to perform. I shall baffle his (Duryodhana's) showers of weapons by my excellent weapon, I shall overpower all in battle.

कायाच्छिरः सर्पविषाग्निकल्पैः शरोत्तमैरुन्मथितास्मि रामा खड्न चाहं निशितेन संख्ये कायाच्छिरस्तस्य बलात् प्रमथ्य।॥
O Rama, I shall in anger cut off his head from his body with my excellent weapons which are like snakes or poison or fire. I shall by force with my sword sever his head from his body in the field of battle.

ततोऽस्य सर्वाननुगान् हनिष्ये दुर्योधनं चापि कुरुश्च सर्वान्। आत्तायुधं मामिह रौहिणेय पश्यन्तु भैमा युधि जातहर्षाः॥
Then I shall kill all his followers, Duryodhana and all the Kurus. O son of Rohini, let the followers of Bhima look at me with joy when I take up my weapons at the field of battle.

नग्निं महाकक्षमिवान्तकाले। प्रद्युम्नमुक्तान् निशितान् न शक्ताः सोढुं कृपद्रोणविकर्णकर्णाः॥
I shall alone kill all the chief men of the Kurus as fire burns heaps of straw at the end of the Yuga. Kripa, Drona, Vikarna and Karna, are not (at all) able to withstand the sharp arrows shot by Pradyumna.

जानामि वीर्यं च जयात्मजस्य काणिर्भवत्येष यथा रणस्थः। साम्बः ससूतं सरथं भुजाभ्यां दुःखासनं शास्तु बलात् प्रमथ्य॥
I know the power of this son (of Krishna). I know how Krishna's son conducts himself in the field of battle. Samba will with great force chastise by his arms Dushashana with his charioteer and car.

न विद्यते जाम्बवतीसुतस्य रणे विषां हि रणोत्कटस्य। एतेन बालेन हि शम्बरस्य दैत्यस्य सैन्यं सहसा प्रणुन्नम्॥
Nothing exists which can withstand the force of the son of Jambavati when he becomes irresistible in fight on the field of battle. The army of the Daitya Shamba was speedily routed (by him) when he was but a boy.

रेतेन संख्ये निहतोऽश्वचक्रः। को नाम साम्बस्य महारथस्य रणे समक्षं रथमभ्युदयात्॥
Ashvachakra whose thighs were round and whose mascular arms were of exceeding length was killed by him in battle. Who is there who can go before the car of the great car-warrior Samba?

यथा प्रविश्यान्तरमन्तकस्य काले मनुष्यो न विनिष्क्रमेता तथा प्रविश्यान्तरमस्य संख्ये को नाम जीवन् पुनराव्रजेत्॥
As men coming within the clutches of death can never come out of it, so who is there that once coming under his clutches in the field of battle, escapes with his life.

द्रोणं च भीष्मं च महारथौ तौ सुतैर्वृतं चाप्यथ सोमदत्तम्। सर्वाणि सन्यानि च वासुदेवः प्रधक्ष्यते सायकवह्निजालैः॥
The son of Vasudeva will consume by the shower of his fiery weapons all the soldiers together with those two great car-warriors, Bhishma and Drona and also Somadatta surrounded by his sons.

किं नाम लोकेष्वविषयमस्ति कृष्णस्य सर्वेषु सदेवकेषु। श्चक्रायुधस्याप्रतिमस्य युद्धे॥
Who is there in all the world including the celestials whom Krishna cannot fight on equal footing? When he takes up his weapons, wields his excellent arrows, arms himself with the discus, he becomes matchless in fight.

महीमिमांधार्तराष्ट्रर्विसंज्ञैः। हृतोत्तमाङ्गैनिहतैः करोतु कीर्णां कुशैर्वेदिमिवाध्वरेषु॥
Let Anirudha also take up in his hand buckler and sword, let him cover the earth with Dhritarashta's sons, their heads being severed from their bodies, as in a sacrifice the altar is covered with Kusha (grass).

गदोल्मुको बाहुकभानुनीथाः शूरच संख्ये निशथः कुमारः। रणोत्कटौ सारणचारुदेष्णौ कुलोचितं विप्रथयन्तु कर्म॥
Gada, Ulmuka, Bahuka, Bhanu, Nitha and heroic in battle but young in age, Nishatha, Sarana and Charudeshna, irresistible in war, let all of them perform feats befitting their race.

सवृष्णिभोजान्धकयोधमुख्या समागता सात सात्वतशूरसेना। ल्लोके यशः स्फीतमुपाकरोतु॥
Let the united armies of Satvatas and the Suras, together with the chief heroes of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas, killing the sons of Dhritarashtra in the field of battle, spread their fame all over the world,

ततोऽभिमन्युः पृथिवीं प्रशास्तु यावद् व्रतधर्मभृतां वरिष्ठः। युधिष्ठिरः पारयते महात्मा द्यूते यथोक्तं कुरुसत्तमेन॥
Let Abhimanyu rule the earth so long this foremost of virtuous men, the high-souled Yudhishthira is engaged in fulfilling the vow which this best of the Kuru race took on the occasion of the celebrated gambling match.

स्ततो महीं भोक्ष्यतिधर्मराजः। मेतद्धि नः कृत्यतमं यशस्यम्॥
After his enemies are all defeated by the arrows discharged by us, let the virtuous king then rule over the earth. There will be then no son of Dhritarashtra (Duryodhana) or the son of the charioteer (Karna). This is the most important work for us to do and this will surely lead us to fame.

वासुदेव उवाच असंशयं माधव सत्यमेतद् गृहणीम ते वाक्यमदीनसत्त्व। स्वाभ्यां भुजाभ्यामजितां तु भूमि नेच्छेत् कुरूणामृषभः कथंचित्॥
Krishna said: O descendant of Madhu, there is no doubt what you say is true. O greatly courageous hero, we accept your words. This foremost of Kurus, (Yudhishthira) does not desire to possess the land that is not won by his won prowess of arms.

न ह्येष कामान्न भयान्न लोभाद् युधिष्ठिरो जातु जह्यात् स्वधर्मम्। भीमार्जुनौ चातिरथौ यमौ च तथैव कृष्णा दुपदात्मजेयम्॥
Neither for the sake of pleasure, nor from fear, nor from covetousness would Yudhishthira ever abandon the rules of his (Kshatriya) order, nor would the two great carwarriors, Bhima and Arjuna, nor the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva), nor Krishna, the daughter of Drupada.

उभौ हि युद्धेऽप्रतिमौ पृथिव्यां वृकोदरश्चैवधनंजयश्च। न्माद्रीसुताभ्यां च पुरस्कृतोऽयम्॥
Vrikodara (Bhima) and Dhananjaya (Arjuna) are both unrivalled in fight on earth. Why should he not rule over the earth when the two sons of Madri are there to espouse his cause?

यदा तु पञ्चालपतिर्महात्मा सकेकयश्चेदिपतिर्वयं च। स्तदैव सर्वे रिपवो हि न स्युः॥
When the illustrious king of Panchala together with the king of Kekaya and we also, would put forth our united strength, then the enemies of Yudhishthira would surely be annihilated.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच नेदं चित्रं माधव यद् ब्रवीषि सत्यं तु मे रक्ष्यतमं न राज्यम्। कृष्णस्तु मां वेद यथावदेकः कृष्णं च वेदाहमथो यथावत्॥
Yudhishthira said: O descendant of Madhu, there is nothing to be surprised that you should speak thus. To me truth is over my sovereignty. It is Krishna alone who knows what I am and it is I alone who know what Krishna is.

यदैव कालं पुरुषप्रवीरो वेत्स्यत्ययं माधव विक्रमस्य। तदा रणे त्वं च शिनिप्रवीर सुयोधनं जेष्यसि केशवश्च॥
O descendant of Madhu, O foremost of the Sinis, when this best of men (Krishna) will perceive that the proper time is come for displaying courage, you and he will then defeat Suyodhana (Duryodhana).

प्रतिप्रयान्त्वद्य दशार्हवीरा दृष्टोऽस्मि नाथैर्नरलोकनाथैः। धर्मेऽप्रमादं कुरुताप्रमेया द्रष्टास्मि भूयः सुखिनः समेतान्॥
Let the heroes of the Dasharaha race go back today. They are my patrons, these best of men have come here to visit me. O immeasurably powerful heroes, never fall off from the path of virtue. I shall see you again when you will be happily assembled together.

तेऽन्योन्यमामन्त्र्य तथाभिवाद्य वृद्धान् परिष्वज्य शिशुंश्च सर्वान्। स्ते चापि तीर्थान्यनुसंविचेरुः॥
Vaishampayana said: Then after mutual greeting and obeisance to the seniors and embracing the youthful, those foremost of the Yadus and the sons of Pandu separated. The Yadus went home and they (the Pandavas, continued their journey to the Tirthas.

विसृज्य कृष्णं त्वथधर्मराजो विदर्भराजोपचितां सुतीर्थाम्। जगाम पुण्यां सरितं पयोष्णी सभ्रातृभृत्यः सह लोमशेन॥
Having parted with Krishna, Dharmaraja with his younger brothers and with Lomasha and with servants went to the sacred river Payoshini the landing place of which was constructed by the king of Vidharbha.

सुतेन सोमेन विमिश्रतोयां पयः पयोष्णीं प्रति सोऽध्युवास। द्विजातिमुख्यैर्मुदितैर्महात्मा संस्तूयमानः स्तुतिभिर्वराभिः॥
He lived on the banks of the Payoshini waters of which were mingled with the Soma juice. There the illustrious Yudhishthira was greeted with excellent laudatory terms by the chiefs of the Brahmanas who came to see him there.