Birth of Jamadagni

वैशम्पायन उवाच स तत्र तामुषित्वैकां रजनीं पृथिवीपतिः। तापसानां परं चक्रे सत्कारं भ्रातृभिः सह॥
Vaishampayana said : That lord of earth (Yudhishthira) lived there for one night. He with his brothers gave the highest honours to the ascetics.

लोमशस्तस्य तान् सर्वानाचख्यौ तत्र तापसान्। भृगूनाङ्गिरसश्चैव वसिष्ठानथ काश्यपान्॥
Lomasha told him there the names of all the ascetics, namely the Bhrigus, the Angiras, the Vasishthas and the Kashyapas.

तान् समेत्य स राजर्षिरभिवाद्य कृताञ्जलिः। रामस्यानुचारं वीरमपृच्छदकृतव्रणम्॥ कदा तु रामो भगवांस्तापसान् दर्शयिष्यति। तेनैवाहं प्रसंगेन द्रष्टुमिच्छामि भार्गवम्॥
The royal sage (Yudhishthira) paid a visit to them all and made obeisance to thein with joined hands. He then thus asked Akritavrana who was the follower of heroic (Parshu) Rama. "When will the illustrious (Parshu) Rama show himself to the ascetics here? I desire on that occasion to see that descendant of Bhrigu.

अकृतव्रण उवाच आयानेवासि विदितो रामस्य विदितात्मनः। प्रीतिस्त्वयि च रामस्य क्षिप्रं त्वां दर्शयिष्यति॥
Akritavrana said : Your coming here is already known to Rama whose soul spontaneously knows everything. Rama is pleased with you. He will soon show himself to you.

चतुर्दशीमष्टमी च रामं पश्यन्ति तापसाः। अस्यां रात्र्यां व्यतीतायां भवित्री वश्चतुर्दशी॥
The ascetics see Rama on the fourteenth and eighth day of the lunar month. At the close of this night, the fourteenth day of the lunar course will set in.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच भवाननुगतो रामं जामदग्न्यं महाबलम्। प्रत्यक्षदर्शी सर्वस्य पूर्ववृत्तस्य कर्मणः॥
Yudhishthira said: You are a follower of the mighty Rama, the son of Jamadagni; you must have personally scen all the (great) deeds performed by him in the days of yore.

स भवान् कथयत्वद्य यथा रामेण निर्जिताः। आहवे क्षत्रिया: सर्वे कथं केन च हेतुना॥
Therefore narrate to us today how the Kshatriyas were vanquished by him in battle and what was the cause of it.

अकृतव्रण उवाच हन्त ते कथयिष्यामि महादाख्यानमुत्तमम्। भृगूणां राजशार्दूल वंशे जातस्य भारत।॥ रामस्य जामदग्न्यस्य चरितं देवसम्मितम्। हैहयाधिपतेश्चैव कार्तवीर्यस्य भारत॥
Akritavrana said : O foremost of kings, O descendant of Bharata, I shall with great pleasure narrate to you that excellent story of the celestials-like deeds of Rama, the son of Jamadagni, who was born in the race of Bhrigu. (I shall also narrate the history of) Kartavirya, the king of the Haihayas.

रामेण चार्जुनो नाम हैहयाधिपतिर्हतः। तस्य बाहुशतान्यासंस्त्रीणि सप्त च पाण्डव॥
The king of the Haihayas, named Arjuna, was killed by Rama. O son of Pandu, he had ons.

दत्तात्रेयप्रसादेन विमानं काञ्चनं तथा। ऐश्वर्यं सर्वभूतेषु पृथिव्यां पृथिवीपते॥
O lord of earth, through the favour of Dattatreya he possessed a golden car. His wealth was the whole earth including all creatures.

अव्याहतगतिश्चैव रथस्तस्य महात्मनः। रथेन तेन तु सदा वरदानेन वीर्यवान्॥
The car of that illustrious hero could go everywhere in an unobstructed course. Being greatly powerful by having received boons, he on that car.

ममर्द देवान् यक्षांश्च ऋषींश्चैव समन्ततः। भूतांश्चैव स सर्वांस्तु पीडयामास सर्वतः॥
Trampled upon the celestials, the Yakshas and all the Rishis. He always persecuted all creatures wherever they were bound.

ततो देवाः समेत्याहुर्ऋषयश्च महाव्रताः। देवदेवं सुरारिनं विष्णुं सत्यपराक्रमम्॥ भगवन् भूतरक्षार्थमर्जुनं जहि वै प्रभो। विमानेन च दिव्येन हैहयाधिपतिः प्रभुः॥ शचीसहायं क्रीडन्तं धर्षयामास वासवम्। ततस्तु भगवान् देवः शक्रेण सहितस्तदा। कार्तवीर्यविनाशार्थ मन्त्रयामास भारत॥
Thereupon the celestials and the Rishis of great vows all met together; and they thus spoke to the god of gods, the slayer of Asuras, Vishnu of great prowess, “O lord, O exalted one, kill Arjuna to protect all creatures. The lord, the ruler of the Haihayas, on his celestials car, chastised Vasava (Indra) when he was sporting with Sachi. O descendant of Bharata, thereupon the exalted deity (Vishnu) held a consultation with Sakra (Indra) as how to kill Kartavirja.

यत् तद् भूतहितं कार्यं सुरेन्द्रेण निवेदितम्। सम्प्रतिश्रुत्य तत् सर्वं भगवाँल्लोकपूजितः॥ जगाम बदरीं रम्यां स्वमेवाश्रममण्डलम्। एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु पृथिव्यां पृथिवीपतिः॥ कान्यकुब्जे महानासीत् पार्थिवः सुमहाबलः। गाधीति विश्रुतो लोके वनवासं जगाम ह॥ वने तु तस्य वसतः कन्या जज्ञेऽप्सर:समा। ऋचीको भार्गवस्तां च वरयामास भारत॥
All that was beneficial to the world was told by the lord of celestials. The exalted one, the adored of all the world, (Vishnu) promising to do all. Indra adviced the welfare of all creatures. Then hearing everythig, lord of all world went to Badari, his most favourite hermitage. At this very time there lived on earth a mighty king in Kanyakubja, monarch of great prowess, known in the world by the name of Gadhi. But he retired into the forest. .When he was living in the forest, a daughter was born to him as beautiful as an Apsara. O descendant of Bharata, Rechika, the son of Bhrigu asked her for marriage.

तमुवाच ततो गाधिर्ब्राह्मणं संशितव्रतम्। उचितं नः कुले किंचित् पूर्वैर्यत् सम्प्रवर्तितम्॥ एकत: श्यामकर्णानां पाण्डुराणां तरस्विनाम्। सहस्रं वाजिनां शुल्कमिति विद्धि द्विजोत्तम॥
Thereupon Gadhi thus spoke to that Brahmana of rigid vows, "There is a custom in our family, established from the days of yore. O foremost of Brahmanas, know, the bridegroom must give a dowry of one thousand swift and brown coloured and black-eared horses.

न चापि भगवान् वाच्यो दीयतामिति भार्गव। देया मे दुहिता चैव त्वद्विधाय महात्मने।॥
O son of Bhrigu, O exalted one, you cannot be asked to give (such a dowry). O exalted one, my daughter also cannot be refused (when asked by you). Do what is proper."

ऋचीक उवाच एकतः श्यामकर्णानां पाण्डुराणां तरस्विनाम्। दास्याम्यश्वसहस्रं ते मम भार्या सुतास्तु ते॥
Richika said: I shall give you one thousand swift, browncoloured and black-eared horses. Let your daughter become my wife.

अकृतव्रण उवाच स तथेति प्रतिज्ञाय राजन् वरुणमब्रवीत्। एकतः श्यामकर्णानां पाण्डुराणां तरस्विनाम्॥ सहस्रं वाजिनामेकं शुल्कार्थं मे प्रदीयताम्। तस्मै प्रादात् सहस्रं वै वाजिनां वरुणस्तदा॥
Akritavrana said: O king, having thus promised, he (Rechika) thus spoke to Varuna, "Give me one thousand swift, brown-coloured and black-eared horses to be my dowry. Varuna immediately gave him one thousand (such) horses.

तदश्वतीर्थं विख्यातमुत्थिता यत्र ते हयाः। गङ्गायां कान्यकुब्जे वै ददौ सत्यवतीं तदा।॥ ततो गाधिः सुतां चास्मै जन्याश्चासन् सुरास्तदा। लब्वा हयसहस्रं तु तांश्च दृष्ट्वा दिवौकसः॥ धर्मेण लब्ध्वा तां भार्यामृचीको द्विजसत्तमः। यथाकामं यथाजोषं तया रेमे सुमध्यया॥
The place, where the horses rose from the Ganges in Kanyakubja, is celebrated as the Horse-Tiriha. And then the king bestowed Satyavati (his daughter to Rechika). In the marriage of the daughter of Gadhi even the celestials were present. Thus that foremost of Brahmana Rechika obtained one thousand horses. Saw the dwellers of heaven and got a wife according to the ordinance. He then sported with that slender-waisted damsel at pleasure.

तं विवाहे कृते राजन् सभार्यमवलोककः। आजगाम भृगुः श्रेष्ठं पुत्रं दृष्ट्वा ननन्द ह॥
O king, when the marriage ceremony was over, Bhrigu came to see his excellent son, who with his wife duly worshipped him; and seeing them he (Bhrigu) was greatly pleased.

भार्यापती तमासीनं गुरुं सुरगणार्चितम्। अर्चित्वा पर्युपासीनौ प्राञ्जली तस्थतुस्तदा।॥
When the preceptor (Bhrigu), the adored of all the celestials, was seated, the husband and wife after duly worshipping him with joined hands stood before him and waited for his command.

ततः स्नुषां स भगवान् प्रहृष्टो भृगुरब्रवीत्। वरं वृणीष्व सुभगे दाता ह्यस्मि तवेप्सितम्॥
Thereupon the exalted Bhrigu with a delighted heart thus spoke to nis daughter-inlaw, “O blessed girl, ask for a boon. I ain ready to grant you what you desire."

सा वै प्रसादयामास तं गुरुं पुत्रकारणात्। आत्मनश्चैव मातुश्च प्रसादं च चकार सः॥
She gratified the preceptor (Bhrigu) in order to obtain a son for herself and for her mother; and he too granted her desire.

भृगुरुवाच ऋतौ त्वं चैव माता च स्नाते पुंसवनाय वै। आलिङ्गेतां पृथग् वृक्षौ साश्वत्थं त्वमुदुम्बरम्॥
Bhrigu said : At the time of the season you and your mother after bathing at the proper time must einbrace two different trees, she as Ashvatha tree and you a fig tree.

चरुद्वयमिदं भद्रे जनन्याश्च तवैव च। विश्वमावर्तयित्वा तु मया यत्नेन साधितम्॥
O blessed girl, after having ransacked the whole universe these two Charus have been prepared by me with the utmost care.

प्राशितव्यं प्रयत्नेन चेत्युक्त्वादर्शनं गतः। आलिङ्गने चरौ चैव चक्रतुस्ते विपर्ययम्॥
They must be taken with the greatest care." And he then disappeared. But they made an exchange, both in the case of the Charus and the embracing (of trees).

ततः पुनः स भगवान् काले बहुतिथे गते। दिव्यज्ञानाद् विदित्वा तु भगवानागतः पुनः॥
After a long time that exalted Rishi (Bhrigu) again came there. Knowing all by his divine knowledge he again came there.

अथोवाच महातेजा भृगुः सत्यवतीं स्नुषाम्। उपयुक्तश्चरुर्भद्रे वृक्षे चालिङ्गनं कृतम्॥ विपरीतेन ते सुभूर्मात्रा चैवासि वञ्चिता। ब्राह्मणः क्षत्रवृत्तिः तव पुत्रो भविष्यति॥
Thereupon the greatly effulgent Bhrigu thus spoke to his daughter-in-law Satyavati, “O blessed girl, O maiden of lovely brow, you have taken the wrong Charu and embraced the wrong tree. It was your mother who have deceived you. Your son, though a Brahmana, will adopt the practices of the Kshatriyas.

क्षत्रियो ब्राह्मणाचारो मातुस्तव सुतो महान्। भविष्यति महावीर्यः साधूगां मार्गमास्थितः॥
The mighty son of your mother, though a Kshatriya, will adopt the practices of a Brahmanas. His power will be great; he will tread the path of the righteous.

ततः प्रसादयामास श्वशुरं सा पुनः पुनः। न मे पुत्रो भवेदीदृक कामं पौत्रो भवेदिति॥
Thereupon she again and again adored her father-in-law, saying, "Let not my son be of this character; let my grandson be such."

एवमस्त्विति सा तेन पाण्डव प्रतिनन्दिता। जमदग्निं ततः पुत्रं जज्ञे सा काल आगते॥
O son of Pandu, he replied, “Be it so;" and he was pleased to grant her prayer. When the proper time came, her son was born, named Jamadagani.

तेजसा वर्चसा चैव युक्तं भार्गवनन्दनम्। स वर्धमानस्तेजस्वी वेदस्याध्यनेन च॥ बहूनृषीन् महातेजाः पाण्डवेयात्यवर्तत।
This descendant of Bhrigu was endued with both splendour and grace. He grew in years as well as in strength; and he excelled all in the Vedas.

तं तु कृत्स्नोधनुर्वेदः प्रत्यभाद् भरतर्षभ। चतुर्विधानि चास्त्राणि भास्करोपमवर्चसम्॥
O best of the Bharata race, the science of arms with four kinds of weapons rivalling the lustre of the sun spontaneously and without instruction came to him.