The construction of Vajra

युधिष्ठिर उवाच भूय एवाहमिच्छामि महर्षेस्तस्यधीमतः। कर्मणां विस्तरं श्रोतुमगस्त्यस्य द्विजोत्तम॥
Yudhishthira said: O foremost of Brahmanas, I desire to hear in detail more of the achicvements of the highly intelligent great Rishi Agastya.

लोमश उवाच शृणु राजन् कथां दिव्यामद्भुतामतिमानुषीम्। अगस्त्यस्य महाराज प्रभावममितौजसः॥
Lomasha said : O king, O great monarch, listen to the excellent, wonderful and extraordinary account of Agastya and also about his immeasurably effulgent prowess.

आसन् कृतयुगे घोरा दानवा युद्धदुर्मदाः। कालकेया इति ख्याता गणाः परमदारुणाः॥
There in the Treta Yuga were some fearful Danavas who were invincible in battle. They were known by the name of Kalkeyas and they possessed fearful prowess.

ते तु वृत्रं समाश्रित्य नानाप्रहरणोद्यताः। समन्तात् पर्यधावन्त महेन्द्रप्रमुखान् सुरान्॥
Placing themselves under the command of) Vritra and arming themselves with various weapons, they pursued the celestials with Indra at their head to all directions.

ततो वृत्रवधे यत्नमकुर्वंस्त्रिदशाः पुरा। पुरंदरं पुरस्कृत्य ब्रह्माणमुपतस्थिरे॥
Thereupon the celestials resolved upon the destruction of Vritra and they all went to Brahma with Purandra (Indra) at their head.

कृताञ्जलींस्तु तान् सर्वान् परमेष्ठीत्युवाच ह। विदितं मे सुराः सर्वं यद् वः कार्यं चिकीर्पितम्॥
Seeing them all standing before him with joined hands. Parameshti (Brahma) thus spoke to them, “O celestials, I know all that you desire.

तमुपायं प्रवक्ष्यामि यथा वृत्रं वधिष्यथा दधीच इति विख्यातो महानृषिरुदारधीः॥ तं गत्वा सहिताः सर्वे वरं वै सम्प्रयाचत। स वो दास्यतिधर्मात्मा सुप्रीतेनान्तरात्मना॥
I shall tell you the means by which Vritra will be killed. There is a highly intelligent great Rishi, well-known by the name of Dadhichi. Go to him all together and ask from him a boon. That Rishi, of virtuous mind and well pleased heart, will grant you the boon.

स वाच्यः सहितैः सर्वैर्भवद्भिर्जयकाक्षिभिः । स्वान्यस्थीनि प्रयच्छेति त्रैलोक्यस्य हिताय वै॥
Desirous as you are of victory, go all together to him and tell him, "Give us your bones for the good of the three worlds."

स शरीरं समुत्सृज्य स्वान्यस्थीनि प्रदास्यति। तस्यास्थिभिर्महाघोरं वज्रं संस्क्रियतां दृढम्॥
Giving up his body, he will give his bones to you. With those bones make a greatly fearful and strong weapon (to be called) Vajra (thunder).

महच्छत्रुहणं घोरं षडधे भीमनिःस्वनम्। तेन वज्रेण वै वृत्रं वधिष्यति शतक्रतुः॥
It will have six sides, it will be fearful, it will make terrible roars, it will be able to destroy even the greatest enemies . With that Vajra, Shatakratu (Indra) will kill Vitra.

एतद् वः सर्वमाख्यातं तस्माच्छीघ्रं विधीयताम्। एवमुक्तास्ततो देवा अनुज्ञाप्य पितामहम्॥ नारायणं पुरस्कृत्य दधीचस्याश्रमं ययुः। सरस्वत्याः परे पारे नानादुमलतावृतम्॥
I have told you all. Do all this without delay." Having been thus addressed, the celestials bidding farewell to the Grandsire (Brahima). Went to the hermitage of Dadhichi with Narada at their head. It (hermitage) stood on the opposite bank of the Sarasvati, covered with various plants and creepers.

षट्पदोद्गीतनिनदैविघुष्टं सामगैरिव। पुंस्कोकिलरवोन्मिश्रं जीवं जीवकनादितम्॥
It resounded with the hum of bees as if they were reciting Samas. It echoed with the melodious notes of males Kokilas and Chakoras.

महिषैश्च वराहैश्च सृमरैश्चमरैरपि। तत्र तत्रानुचरितं शार्दूलभयवर्जितैः॥
Buffaloes, bears, deer and Chamaras (cows) wandered there at pleasure without having any fear of tigers.

करेणुभिर्वारणैश्च प्रभिन्नकरटामुखैः। सरोऽवगाडैः क्रीडद्भिः समन्तादनुनादितम्॥
Male elephants with juice trickling down from their rent temples sported with the female elephants in the streams and filled the place with their roars.

सिंहव्यात्रैर्महानादानदगिरनुनादितम्। अपरैश्चापि संलीनैर्गुहाकन्दरशायिभिः॥ तेषु तेष्ववकाशेषु शोभितं सुमनोरमम्। त्रिविष्टपसमप्रख्यं दधीचाश्रममागमन्॥
The place echoed with the roars of lions and tigers. And here and there might be seen lions with grisly manes lying stretched in caves and glens, thus beautifying them with their presence. They then (celestials) came to the hermitage of Dadhichi which was like heaven itself.

तत्रापश्यन् दधीचं ते दिवाकरसमद्युतिम्। जाज्वल्यमानं वपुषा यथा लक्ष्या पितामहम्॥
They saw there Dadhichi as effulgent as the sun and as blazing in the grace of person as the Grandsire (Brahma).

तस्य पादौ सुरा राजन्नभिवाद्य प्रणम्य च। अयाचन्त वरं सर्वं यथोक्तं परमेष्ठिना॥
O king, bowing at his feet and saluting him, the celestials all together asked from him for the boon as directed by Parameshti (Brahma).

ततो दधीचः परमप्रतीतः सुरोत्तमांस्तानिदमभ्युवाच। करोमि यद् वो हितमद्य देवाः स्वं चापि देहं स्वयमुत्सृजामि॥
Thereupon Dadhichi, becoming very much pleased and addressing those foremost of celestials said, “O celestials, I shall do today what is to your benefit. I shall even give up my body myself."

स एवमुक्त्वा द्विपदां वरिष्ठः प्राणान् वशी स्वान् सहसोत्ससर्ज। ततः सुरास्ते जगृहुः परासोरस्थीनि तस्याथ यथोपदेशम्॥
Having said this, that foremost of men of subdued soul suddenly gave up his life. Thereupon the celestials took the bones of the dead Rishi, as they had been directed.

स्त्वष्टारमागम्य तमर्षमूचुः। त्वष्टा तु तेषां वचनं निशम्य प्रहृष्टरूपः प्रयतः प्रयत्नात्॥
Then the celestials with glad heart went to Tvashtri (Vishwakarma) and told him the means of their victory. Tyashtri also hearing their words was filled with joy; and with great attention and care.

चकार वज्रं भृशमुचरूपं कृत्वा च शक्रं स उवाच हृष्टः। अनेन वज्रप्रवरेण देव भस्मीकुरुष्वाद्य सुरारिमुचम्॥
He made the Vajra of greatly fearful, appearance. Having made it he cheerfully said to Sakra (Indra), “O god, with this best of weapons Vajra reduce today the fearful enemies of the celestials to ashes.

ततो हतारिः सगणः सुखं वै प्रशाधि कृत्स्नं त्रिदिवं दिविष्ठः। त्वष्ट्रा तथोक्तस्तु पुरंदरस्तद् वज्रं प्रहृष्टः प्रयतो ह्यगृहणात्॥
O chief of the celestials, killing the foe rule happily the kingdom of heaven with your own friends." Having been thus addressed by Tvashtri Purandara (Indra) cheerfully took the Vajra from his hands with proper respects.