History of Yayati

शान्तनुरुवाच आपवो नाम को न्वेष वसूनां किं च दुष्कृतम्। यस्याभिशापात् ते सर्वे मानुषीं योनिमागताः॥
Shantanu said : Who was Apava and what fault was committed by the Vasus that they had to be born among men in consequence of his curse?

अनेन च कुमारेण त्वया दत्तेन किं कृतम्। यस्य चैव कृतेनायं मानुषेषु निवत्स्यति॥
What also had this child done that he should have to live among men?

ईशा वै सर्वलोकस्य वसवस्ते च वै कथम्। मानुषेषूदपद्यन्त तन्ममाचक्ष्व जाह्नवि॥
Why also the lord of the three worlds, the Vasus, were condemned to be born among men? O daughter of Jahnu, tell me all.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्ता तदा गङ्गा राजानमिदमब्रवीत्। भर्तारं जाह्नवी देवी शान्तनुं पुरुषर्षभ॥
Vaishampayana said : Having been thus addressed, the celestial lady, the daughter of Jahnu, Ganga, replied to her husband, the best of men, Shantanu.

गनोवाच यं लेभे वरुणः पुत्रं पुरा भरतसत्तम। वसिष्ठनामा स मुनिः ख्यात आपव इत्युत॥
Ganga said: O best of the Bharata race, the son that was formerly born of Varuna, was the Rishi named Vasistha. He was subsequently known by the name of Apava.

तस्याश्रमपदं पुण्यं मृगपक्षिसमन्वितम्। मेरोः पार्श्वे नगेन्द्रस्य सर्वर्तुकुसुमावृतम्॥
His hermitage stood by the side of the best of mountains, the Meru. The place. was holy and abounded in deer and birds. It was covered with all the best flowers.

स वारुणिस्तपस्तेपे तस्मिन् भरतसत्तम। वने पुण्यकृतां श्रेष्ठः स्वादुमूलफलोदके।॥
O best of the Bharata race, that foremost of all virtuous men, the son of Varuna, practised his penances in that forest, abounding in sweet roots, fruits and water.

दक्षस्य दुहिता या तु सुरभीत्यभिशब्दिता। गां प्रजाता तु सा देवी कश्यपाद् भरतर्षभ।॥
Daksha had a daughter who was known as Surabhi. O best of the Bharata race, that lady gave birth to a cow by Kashyapa.

अनुग्रहार्थं जगतः सर्वकामदुहां वरा। तां लेभे गां तु धर्मात्मा होमधेनुं स वारुणिः॥
The virtuous-minded son of Varuna, obtained that best of kine, capable of granting every desire, for the purpose of his Homa rites and for benefiting the world,

सा तस्मिंस्तापसारण्ये वसन्ती मुनिसेविते। चचार पुण्ये रम्ये च गौरपेतभया तदा॥
That cow dwelt in that forest adored of all the Rishis. She roamed fearlessly in those sacred and delightful woods.

अथ तद् वनमाजग्मुः कदाचिद् भरतर्षभ। पृथ्वाद्या वसवः सर्वे देवा देवर्षिसेवितम्॥
O best of the Bharata race, once on a time came to that forest adored by the celestials Rishis, all the celestial Vasus, Prithu being at then head.

ते सदारा वनं तच्च व्यचरन्त समन्ततः। रेमिरे रमणीयेषु पर्वतेषु वनेषु च॥
They roamed with their wives into that forest and enjoyed themselves in those delightful woods and mountains.

तत्रैकस्याथ भार्या तु वसोर्वासवविक्रम! संचरन्ती वने तस्मिन् गां ददर्श सुमध्यमा॥
O Indra like powerful man, one of the slender-waisted of the Vasus saw that cow roaming in the forest.

नन्दिनी नाम राजेन्द्र सर्वकामधुगुत्तमाम्। सा विस्मयसमाविष्टा शीलद्रविणसम्पदा॥ द्यवे वै दर्शयामास तां गां गोवृषभेक्षण। आपीनां च सुदोग्ध्रीं च सुबालधिखुरां शुभाम्॥ उपपन्नां गुणैः सर्वैः शीलेनानुत्तमेन च। एवंगुणसमायुक्तां वसवे वसुनन्दिनी॥ दर्शयामास राजेन्द्र पुरा पौरवनन्दन। द्यौस्तदा तां तु दृष्ट्वैव गां गजेन्द्रेन्द्रविक्रम॥ उवाच राजस्तां देवीं तस्या रूपगुणान् वदन्। एषा गौरुत्तमा देवी वारुणेरसितेक्षणा॥ ऋषेस्तस्य वरारोहे यस्येदं वनमुत्तमम्। अस्याः क्षीरं पिबेन्मर्त्यः स्वादु यो वै समुध्यमे॥ दशवर्षसहस्राणि स जीवेत् स्थिरयौवनः। एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु सा देवी नृपोत्तम सुमध्यमा॥ तमुवाचानवद्याङ्गी भर्तारं दीसतेजसम्। अस्ति मे मानुषे लोके नरदेवात्मजा सखी॥ नाम्ना जितवती नाम रूपयौवनशालिनी। उशीनरस्य राजर्षेः सत्यसंधस्य धीमतः॥ दुहिता प्रथिता लोके मानुषे रूपसम्पदा। तस्या हेतोर्महाभाग सवत्सां गां ममेप्सिताम्॥
O king, her name was Nandini and she could grant every desire; she possessed the wealth of all accomplishments and large eyes, full udders, fine tail, handsome hoop and every auspicious signs. She gave much milk. Seeing her such, the wife of the Vasu showed her in astonishment to her husband named Dyonai. O descendant of Puru, o king, this cow of many qualifications was formerly shown by the daughter of the Vasus to the Vasu. O elephantlike powerful man, when that cow was shown to Dyonai, o king, he began to admire her qualities and thus spoke to the lady (his wife). “O black-eyed lady of beautiful thighs, this excellent cow belongs to the Rishi, the son of Varuna, to whom belongs this excellent wood. O slender-waisted lady, he who drinks the milk of this cow lives young for ten-thousand years." O best of kings, having heard this, that lady of slender-waist thus addressed her husband of burning effulgence. I have a friend among men on earth, named Jitavati, the daughter of a king, who possesses great beauty and youth. She is daughter of the royal sage, truthful and intelligent Ushinara. Her wealth of beauty is famous all over the world. O illustrious one, for her, I desire to posses this cow with her calf.

आनयस्वामरश्रेष्ठ त्वरितं पुण्यवर्धन! यावदस्याः पयः पीत्वा सा सखी मम मानद॥ मानुषेषु भवत्वेका जरारोगविवर्जिता। एतन्मम महाभाग कर्तुमर्हस्यनिन्दित॥
O best of the celestials, O virtue increasing one, bring her soon. So that my that human friend, drinking her milk, becomes the only person on earth free from disease and decrepitude. O illustrious god, O blameless god, you should grant me my this desire.

प्रियं प्रियतरं ह्यस्मानास्ति मेऽन्यत् कथंचन। एतच्छुत्वा वचस्तस्या देव्याः प्रियचिकीर्षया॥ पृथ्वाद्यैर्धातृभिः सार्धं द्यौस्तदा तां जहार गाम्। तया कमलपत्राक्ष्या नियुक्तो द्यौस्तदा नृप॥ ऋषेस्तस्य तपस्तीनं न शशाक निरीक्षितुम्। हृता गौः सा तदा तेन प्रपातस्तु न तर्कितः॥
"There is nothing which would be more agreeable to me." Having heard her these words, Dyo, in order to please that celestial lady, stole the cow with the help of Prithu and his other brothers. O king, commanded by his lotus-eyed wife, Dyo did her bidding, for getting the great ascetic merits of the Rishi who owned her (the cow). He did not know then that he would have to fall foe the sin of stealing the cow.

अथाश्रमपदं प्राप्तः फलान्यादाय वारुणिः। न चापश्यत् स गां तत्र सवत्सां काननोत्तमे।॥
When in the evening the son of Varuna returned to his hermitage with the fruits he had collected, he did not find the cow and its calf. Then he began to search for her in that excellent wood.

ततः स मृगयामास वने तस्मिंस्तयोधनः। नाध्यगच्छच मृगयंस्तां गां मुनिरुदारधीः॥
The noble-minded and greatly intelligent ascetic searched for the cow everywhere in the woods; but though he searched long, yet he could he not find her.

ज्ञात्वा तथापनीतां तां वसुभिर्दिव्यदर्शनः। ययौ क्रोधवशं सद्यः शशाप च वसूंस्तदा॥
The man of ascetic vision then found that she had been stolen by the Vasus. His anger was at once roused and he cursed the Vasus-

यस्मान्मे वसवो जहाँ वै दोग्ध्रीं सुवालधिम्। तस्मात् सर्वे जनिष्यन्ति मानुषेषु न संशयः॥
Saying, “As the Vasus have stolen my cow sweet milk and handsome tail, they shall certainly be born as men on earth.”

एवं शशाप भगवान् वसुंस्तान् भरतर्षभ। वशं क्रोधस्य समप्राप्त आपवो मुनिसत्तमः॥
O best of the Bharata race, the illustrious Apava, the best of Rishis, thus cursed the Vasus out of anger.

शप्त्वा च तान् महाभागस्तपस्येव मनो दधे। एवं स शप्तवान् राजन् वसूनष्टौ तपोधनः॥ महाप्रभावो ब्रह्मर्षिर्दैवान् क्रोधसमन्वितः। अथाश्रमपदं प्राप्तास्ते वै भूयो महात्मनः॥ शप्ताः स्म इति जानन्त ऋषिं तमुपचक्रमुः। प्रसादयन्तस्तमृषि वसवः पार्थिवर्षभ।॥ लेभिरे न च तस्मात् ते प्रसादमृषिसत्तमात्। आपवात् पुरुषव्याघ्र सर्वधर्मविशारदात्॥
Having thus cursed them, the illustrious man again engaged himself in asceticism. O king, when the celestial Vasus were thus cursed in anger by that Brahmarshi and ascetic of great power. They soon came to the hermitage of the illustrious man; as soon as they came to know of it. O best of men, Apava, learned in the ruled of every virtue. O best of kings, the Vasus tried to pacify that Rishi, but they failed to obtain grace from that best of Rishis.

उवाच च स धर्मात्मा शप्ता यूयं धरादयः। अनुसंवत्सरात् सर्वे शापमोक्षमवाप्स्यथ॥
The virtuous Rishi said, “You have been cursed by me along with Dhara and others. But you shall be freed from my curse within a year of your birth among men.

अयं तु यत्कृते यूयं मया शप्ताः स वत्स्यति। द्यौस्तदा मानुषे लोके दीर्घकालं स्वकर्मणा॥
But he for whose act you have all been cursed by me, that Dyo, will have to remain on earth for long for his own (sinful) act.

नानृतं तचिकीर्षामि क्रुद्धो युष्मान् यदब्रुवम्। न प्रजास्यति चाप्येष मानुषेषु महामनाः॥
I shall not make my words futile though uttered in anger. But Dyo shall not beget offspring when dwelling on earth.

भविष्यति च धर्मात्मा सर्वशास्त्रविशारदः। पितुः प्रियहिते युक्तः स्त्रीभोगान् वर्जयिष्यति॥
"He will be virtuous-minded and learned in all Shastras. He will be very obedient to his father and abstain from the pleasure of women."

एवमुक्त्वा वसून् सर्वान् स जगाम महानृषिः। ततो मामुपजग्मुस्ते समेता वसवस्तदा॥
Thus addressing all the Vasus, the great Rishi, went away. And the Vasus all came to me.

अयाचन्त च मांराजन् वरं तच्च मया कृतम्। जाताजातान् प्रक्षिपास्मान् स्वयं गङ्गे त्वमम्भसि॥
O king, they prayed to me for a boon, saying, "O Ganga, as soon as each of us will, be born, you yourself should throw us into the water."

एवं तेषामहं सम्यक् शप्तानां राजसत्तम। मोक्षार्थं मानुषाल्लोकाद् यथावत् कृतवत्यहम्॥
O best of kings, I did act accordingly. (I threw them into the waters) in order to free them from their earthly life, the effect of that curse.

अयं शापादृषेस्तस्य एक एव नृपोत्तम। द्यौ राजन् मानुषे लोके चिरं वत्स्यति भारत॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, O excellent king, the only one, namely Dyo himself, is to live earth on account of the Rishi's curse.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एतदाख्याय सा देवी तत्रैवान्तरधीयत। आदाय च कुमार तं जगामाथ यथेप्सितम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Having said this, the goddess disappeared then and there. Taking her son with her, she went away to the place she wished to go.

स तु देवव्रतो नाम गाङ्गेय इति चाभवत्। धुनामा शान्तनोः : पुत्रः शान्तनोरधिको गुणैः॥
That son of Shantanu was named both Gangeya and Devavrata and he excelled his father in all accomplishments.

शान्तनुश्चापि शोकार्तो जगाम स्वपुरं ततः। तस्याहं कीर्तयिष्यामि शान्तनोरधिकान् गुणान्॥
Shantanu then went to his own capital with a sorrowful heart. I shall now narrate to you the many accomplishments of Shantanu,

महाभाग्यं च नृपते रतस्य महात्मनः। यस्येतिहासो द्युतिमान् महाभारतमुच्यते॥
And the great fortune of the illustrious king of the Bharata race, the history of whom is called this effulgent Mahabharata.