History of Yayati

जनमेजय उवाच भगवच्छ्रोतुमिच्छामि पूरोर्वंशकरान् नृपान्। यद्वीर्यान् यादृशांश्चापि यावतो यत्पराक्रमान्॥
Janamejaya said : Adorable Sir, I desire to hear the history of those kings who were descended from Puru. Tell me what powers and what achievements each possessed?

न ह्यस्मिन् शीलहीनो वा निर्वीर्यो वा नराधिपः। प्रजाविरहितो वापि भूतपूर्वः कथंचन॥
I have heard that in the dynasty of Puru there was not a single king who was deficient in good behaviour or in prowess. There was none who has no sons.

तेषां प्रथितवृत्तानां राज्ञां विज्ञानशालिनाम्। चरितं श्रोतुमिच्छामि विस्तरेण तपोधन॥
O great ascetic, I desire to hear in detail the account of these kings who were endued with great learning and who possessed all accomplishments.

वैशम्पायन उवाच हन्त ते कथयिष्यामि यन्मां त्वं परिपृच्छसि। पूरोर्वंशधरान् वीराज्छक्रप्रतिमतेजसः। भूरिद्रविणविक्रान्तान् सर्वलक्षणपूजितान्॥
Vaishampayana said: As you ask me I shall tell you all about the heroic kings of Puru's royal dynasty, who were all equal to Indra in power. They possessed great affluence and commanded the respect of all, on account of their many accomplishments.

प्रवीरेश्वररौद्राश्वास्त्रयः पुत्रा महारथाः। पूरोः पौष्ट्यामजायन्त प्रवीरो वंशकृत् ततः॥
Puru begot on his wife Paushti three great car-warriors, namely Pravira, Ishvara and Raudrashva. Amongst these three, Pravira kept up the line.

मनस्युरभवत् तस्माच्छूरसेनीसुतः प्रभुः। पृथिव्याश्चतुरन्ताया गोप्ता राजीवलोचनः॥
Pravira begot on his wife Shuraseni, a son named Manasyu. This lotus-eyed king had his sovereignty over the whole earth bounded by the four seas.

शक्तः संहननो वाग्मी सौवीरीतनयास्त्रयः। मनस्योरभवन् पुत्राः शूराः सर्वे महारथाः॥
Manasyu begot on his wife Sauviri three sons, namely Shakta, Sanhanana and Vagmi; they were all great heroes and car-warriors.

अन्वम्भानुप्रभृतयो मिश्रकेश्यां मनस्विनः। रौद्राश्वस्य महेष्वासा दशाप्सरसि सूनवः॥ यज्वानो जज्ञिरे शूराः प्रजावन्तो बहुश्रुताः। सर्वे सर्वास्त्रविद्वांसः सर्वे धर्मपरायणाः॥
The wise and virtuous Raudrashva begoi on Apsara Mishrakeshi ten sons who were all great bow-men. They were great heroes and performed many sacrifices in honour of the celestial; they were learned in all the Shastras and were virtuous. All of them begot sons.

ऋचेयुरथ कक्षेयुः कृकणेयुश्च वीर्यवान्। स्थण्डिलेयुर्वनेयुश्च जलेयुश्च महायशाः॥ तेजेयुर्बलवान् धीमान् सत्येयुश्चेन्द्रविक्रमः। धर्मेयुः संनतेयुश्च दशमो देवविक्रमः॥
They were Richeyu, Kaksheyu, powerful Krikaneyu, Sthandileyu, Vaneyu, greatly famous Jaleyu, intelligent and strong Tejeyu, Indra-like powerful Satyeyu, Dharmeyu and celestial-like powerful Sannateyu.

अनाधृष्टिरभूत् तेषां विद्वान् भुवि तथैकराट्। ऋचेयुरथ विक्रान्तो देवानामिव वासवः॥
Amongst them all, Richeyu became the sole lord of the whole earth and was known by the name of Anadhrishti. He was in prowess like Indra.

अनाधृष्टिसुतस्त्वासीद् राजसूयाश्वमेधकृत्। मतिनार इति ख्यातो राजा परमधार्मिकः॥
Anadhrishti had a son, named Matinara who became a very virtuous king and greatly famous. He performed both Rajasuya and Ashvamedha sacrifices.

मतिनारसुता राजश्चत्वारोऽमितविक्रमाः। तंसुर्महानतिरथो दुह्यश्चाप्रतिमद्युतिः॥
Matinara had four greatly powerful sons, namely Tansu, Mahan, Atiratha and immeasurably glorious Druhyu.

तेषां तंसुर्महावीर्यः पौरवं वंशमुद्वहन्। आजहार यशो दीप्तं जिगाय च वसुन्धराम्॥
Amongst them, greatly powerful Tansu became the perpetuator of Puru's line. He subjugated the whole earth and gained great fame and splendour.

ईलिनं तु सुतं तंसुर्जनयामास वीर्यवान्। सोऽपि कृत्स्नामिमां भूमिं विजिग्ये जयतां वरः॥
Tansu begot a greatly powerful son, named Ilina. He also became the foremost of all conquerors and subjugated the whole world.

रथन्तर्यां सुतान् पञ्च पञ्चभूतोपमांस्ततः। ईलिनो जनयामास दुष्यन्तप्रभृतीन् नृपान्॥
Ilina begot on his wife, Rathantari, five sons, Dushyanta being the eldest. They were all as great in power as the five elements.

दुष्यन्तं शूरभीमौ च प्रवसुं वसुमेव च। तेषां श्रेष्ठोऽभवद् राजा दुष्यन्तो जनमेजय॥
(They were) Dushyanta, Shura, Bhima, Pravasu and Vasu. O Janamejaya, amongst them the eldest Dushyanta became king.

दुष्यन्ताद् भरतो जज्ञे विद्वाञ्छाकुन्तलो नृपः। तस्माद् भरतवंशस्य विप्रतस्थे महद् यशः॥
Dushyanta begot on his wife, Shakuntala, a learned son, named Bharata who became king. From him was the Bharata dynasty and from his spread its great fame.

भरतस्तिसृषु स्त्रीषु नव पुत्रानजीजनत्। नाभ्यनन्दत तान् राजा नानुरूपा ममेत्युत॥
Bharata begot on his three wives nine sons, but none of them was like his father and Bharata was not satisfied with any of them.

ततस्तान् मातरः क्रुद्धाः पुत्रान् निन्युर्यमक्षयम्। ततस्तस्य नरेन्द्रस्य वितथं पुत्रजन्म तत्॥
Thereupon their mothers, becoming angry, killed them all. Therefore, the procreation of that great king was in vain.

ततो महद्भिः क्रतुभिरीजानो भरतस्तदा। लेभे पुत्रं भरद्वाजाद् भुमन्युं नाम भारत॥
The king then performed a great sacrifice and obtained a son, named Bhumanyu through the grace of Bharadvaja.

ततः पुत्रिणमात्मानं ज्ञात्वा पौरवनन्दनः। भुमन्युं भरतश्रेष्ठ यौवराज्येऽभ्यषेचयत्॥
O best of the Bharata race, the descendant of Puru, regarding himself as really possessing a son, installed him as his heir-apparent.

ततो दिविरथो नाम भुमन्योरभवत् सुतः। सुहोत्रश्च सुहोता च सुहविः सुयजुस्तथा॥ पुष्करिण्यामचीकश्च भुमन्योरभवन् सुताः। तेषां ज्येष्ठः सुहोत्रस्तु राज्यमाप महीक्षिताम्॥
Bhumanyu begot on his wife Pushkarini six sons, namely Suhotra, Suhota Suhavi, Suyaju, Richika and Diviratha. The eldest of them Suhotra obtained the throne of the world.

राजसूयाश्वमेधाद्यैः सोऽयजद् बहुभिः सवैः। सुहोत्रः पृथिवीं कृत्स्नां बुभुजे सागराम्बराम्॥ पूर्णां हस्तिगजाश्चैश्च बहुरत्नसमाकुलाम्। मम व मही तस्य भूरिभारावपीडिता॥ हस्त्यश्वरथसम्पूर्णा मनुष्यकलिला भृशम्। सुहोने राजनि तदा धर्मतः शासति प्रजाः॥
He performed many Rajasuya and Horsesacrifices. He subjugated the whole earth bounded by the four seas, And full of elephants, kine, horses and great wealth of gems and gold. The earth was, as it were, sinking with the weight of numberless human beings, elephants, horses and cars. Suhotra virtuously ruled over all his subjects.

चैत्ययूपाङ्किता चासीद् भूमिः शतसहस्रशः। प्रवृद्धजनसस्या च सर्वदैव व्यरोचत॥
During his reign, the surface of the whole earth was dotted all over with hundreds and thousands of sacrificial stakes. The earth became full of corns and human beings.

ऐक्ष्वाकी जनयामास सुहोत्रात् पृथिवीपतेः। अजमीढं सुमीढं च पुरुमीढं च भारत॥
O descendent of the Bharata race, the lord of the earth Suhotra begot on his wife, Aikshvaki three sons, namely Ajamidha, Sumidha and Purumidha.

अजमीढो वरस्तेषां तस्मिन् वंशः प्रतिष्ठितः। षट् पुत्रान् सोऽप्यजनयत् तिसृषु स्त्रीषु भारत॥
The eldest of them Ajamidha became the perpetuator of the royal line. O descendant of the Bharata race, he begot six sons upon his three wives.

ऋक्षं धूमिन्यथो नीली दुष्यन्तपरमेष्ठिनौ। केशिन्यजनयजह्ल सुतौ व्रजनरूपिणौ॥
Riksha was born in the womb of Dhumini, Dushyanta and Parameshti in that of Nili and Jahnu, Jala and Rupina in that of Keshini.

तथेमे सर्वपञ्चाला दुष्यन्तपरमेष्ठिनोः। अन्वयाः कुशिका राजन् जह्रोरमिततेजसः॥
All the Panchalas were descended from Dushyanta and Parameshti. The Kushikas were the descendants of the greatly effulgent Jahnu.

जलरूपिणयोज्येष्ठमृक्षमाहुर्जनाधिपम्। ऋक्षात् संवरणो जज्ञे राजन् वंशकरः सुतः॥
Riksha was elder than Jala and Rupina; he begot Samvarana, who was the perpetuator of the line.

आर्भे संवरणे राजन् प्रशासति वसुंधराम्। संक्षयः सुमहानासीत् प्रजानामिति न श्रुतम्॥ व्यशीर्यत ततो राष्ट्रं क्षयैर्नानाविधैस्तदा। क्षुन्मृत्युभ्यामनावृष्ट्या व्याधिभिश्च समाहतम्॥
O king, it has been heard by us that when Samvarana, the son of Riksha, was ruling the earth, there occurred a great loss of people on account of famine, plague, draught and disease.

अभ्यघ्नन् भारतांश्चैव सपत्नानां बलानि च। चालयन् वसुधां चेमां बलेन चतुरङ्गिणा॥ अभ्ययात् तं च पाञ्चाल्यो विजित्य तरसा महीम्। अक्षौहिणीभिर्दशभिः स एनं समरेऽजयत्॥
The Bharata princes were defeated by the armies of their enemies; and the Panchalas, set out with their four kinds of troops to conquer the earth. They soon brought the whole earth under their sway and with their ten Akshauhinis of soldiers the king of the Panchalas defeated the princes of Bharata.

ततः सदारः सामात्यः सपुत्रः ससुहृजनः। राजा संवरणस्तस्मात् पलायत महाभयात्॥
Samvarana then fled in fear with his wife, sons, relatives and ministers from that place.

सिन्धोर्नदस्य महतो निकुञ्जे न्यवसत् तदा। नदीविषयपर्यन्ते पर्वतस्य समीपतः॥
He took shelter in the forest on the banks of the river Sindhu which extended up to the foot of the mountain.

तत्रावसन् बहून् कालान् भारता दुर्गमाश्रिताः। तेषां निवसतां तत्र सहस्रं परिवत्सरान्॥
There lived the Bharatas within their fort for many years; and thus full one thousand years: and thus full one thousand years passed away.

अथाभ्यगच्छद् भरतान् वसिष्ठो भगवानृषिः। तमागतं प्रयत्नेन प्रत्युद्गम्याभिवाद्य च॥ अध्यमभ्याहरंस्तस्मै ते सर्वे भारतास्तदा। निवेद्य सर्वमृषये सत्कारेण सुवर्चसे॥ तमासने चोपविष्टं राजा ववे स्वयं तदा। पुरोहितो भवान् नोऽस्तु राज्याय प्रयतेमहि॥
(And when they were living there), the illustrious Rishi Vasistha one day came to those exiled Bharatas. On his approach, they went out and duly worshipped him. All the Bharatas offered him Arghya and entertaining him with reverence, they told every thing to the great Rishi. When he was seated on his seat, the king himself addressed him thus, "O illustrious man, be our priest. We shall try to regain our kingdom."

ओमित्येवं वसिष्ठोऽपि भारतान् प्रत्यपद्यत। अथाभ्यषिञ्चत् साम्राज्ये सर्वक्षत्रस्य पौरवम्॥ विषाणभूतं सर्वस्यां पृथिव्यामिति नः श्रुतम्। भरताध्युषितं पूर्वं सोऽध्यतिष्ठत् पुरोत्तमम्॥
Vasistha replied to the Bharatas by saying Om. We have heard that Vasistha installed the best of the Pauravas (Samvarana) as the lord over all the Kshatriya races. The king retook the capital that was lost.

पुनर्बलभृतश्चैव चक्रे सर्वमहीक्षितः। ततः स पृथिवीं प्राप्य पुनरीजे महाबलः॥ आजमीढो महायज्ञैर्बहुभिर्भूरिदक्षिणैः। ततः संवरणात् सौरी तपती सुषुवे कुरुम्॥
He then began to make all the other kings of the world to pay tribute to him. That powerful monarch, thus getting possession of the whole earth, performed many sacrifices in which great presents were made to the Brahmanas. Samvarana begot on his wife Tapati, the daughter of Surya, a son named Kuru.

राजत्वे तं प्रजाः सर्वा धर्मज्ञ इति वव्रिरे। तस्य नाम्नाभिविख्यातं पृथिव्यां कुरुजाङ्गलम्॥
As Kuru was greatly virtuous, he was installed as the king by all the people. It is after his name that Kuru Jangala has become so famous in the world.

कुरुक्षेत्रं स तपसा पुण्यं चक्रे महातपाः। अश्ववन्तमभिष्यन्तं तथा चैत्ररथं मुनिम्॥ जनमेजयं च विख्यातं पुत्रांश्चास्यानुशुश्रुम। पञ्चैतान् वाहिनी पुत्रान् व्यजायत मनस्विनी॥ :।
That great ascetic made Kurukshetra famous by his asceticism there. We have heard that Avikshit, Abhishyanta, Chaitraratha, Muni and famous Janamejaya were the five sons begot by him on his highly intelligent wife Vahini.

अविक्षितः परिक्षित् तु शबलाश्वस्तु वीर्यवान्। आदिराजो विराजश्च शाल्मलिश्च महाबलः॥ उचैःश्रवा भड्कारो जितारिश्चाष्टमः स्मृतः। एतेषामन्ववाये तु ख्यातास्ते कर्मजैर्गुणैः। जनमेजयादयः सप्त तथैवान्ये महारथाः॥
Avikshit begot Parikshit, powerful Sabalashva, Adiraja, Viraja, greatly strong Shalmali, Uchchaishrava, Bhangakara and the eighth Jitari. In the race of these (eight heroes) were born, as the fruits of their many virtuous acts, seven greatly powerful car-warriors, Janamejaya being at the head.

परिक्षितोऽभवन् पुत्राः सर्वे धर्मार्थकोविदाः। कक्षसेनोग्रसेनौ तु चित्रसेनश्च वीर्यवान्॥ इन्द्रसेनः सुषेणश्च भीमसेनश्च नामतः। जनमेजयस्य तनया भुवि ख्याता महाबलाः॥ धृतराष्ट्रः प्रथमजः पाण्डुर्बाह्नीक एव च। निषधश्च महातेजास्तथा जाम्बूनदो बली।॥ कुण्डोदरः पदातिश्च वसातिश्चाष्टमः स्मृतः। सर्वे धर्मार्थकुशलाः सर्वभूतहिते रताः॥
Parikshit had sons who were all learned Dharma and Artha. They were Kakshasena, Ugrasena and greatly effulgent Chitrasena, Indrasena, Sushena and Bhimasena. All the sons of Janamejaya were famous in the world as being greatly powerful (princes). They were Dhritarashtra, the eldest, Pandu, Balhika, greatly effulgent Nishada, the mighty Jambunada, Kundodara, Padati and the eighth Vasati. They were all learned in Dharma and Artha and engaged in doing good to all creatures.

धृतराष्ट्रोऽथ राजाऽऽसीत् तस्य पुत्रोऽथ कुण्डिकः। हस्ती वितर्कः क्राथश्च कुण्डिनश्चापि पञ्चमः॥ हविःश्रवास्तथेन्द्राभो भुमन्युश्चापराजितः। धृतराष्ट्रसुतानां तु त्रीनेतान् प्रथितान् भुवि॥ प्रतीपं धर्मनेत्रं च सुनेत्रं चापि भारत। प्रतीपः प्रथितस्तेषां बभूवाप्रतिमो भुवि॥
Amongst them Dhritarashtra became king and he had eight sons, namely Kundika, Hasti, Vitarka, Kratha, Kundina, Havishrava, Indrabha and the invincible Bhumanyu. Amongst the sons of Dhritarashtra only three were famous. O descendant of Bharata, (they were) Pratipa, Dharmanetra and Sunetra. Amongst the three Pratipa became unrivalled of all.

प्रतीपस्य त्रयः पुत्रा जज्ञिरे भरतर्षभ। देवापिः शान्तनुश्चैव बाह्लीकश्च महारथः॥ देवापिश्च प्रवव्राज तेषां धर्महितेप्सया। शान्तनुश्च महीं लेभे बाह्रीकश्च महारथः॥
O best of the Bharata race, Pratipa begot three sons, namely Devapi, Shantanu and mighty car-warrior Balhika. Devapi adopted asceticism, impelled by the desire to do good to his brothers. Consequently the kingdom was obtained by Shantanu and the mighty carwarrior Balhika.

भरतस्यान्वये जाताः सत्त्ववन्तो नराधिपाः। देवर्षिकल्पा नृपते बहवो राजसत्तमाः॥
O king, besides these (I have mentioned), there were born in the Bharata race many other good monarchs all greatly effulgent and all like the celestial Rishis in virtue and ascetic power.

एवंविधाश्चाप्यपरे देवकल्पा महारथाः। जाता मनोरन्ववाये ऐलवंशविवर्धनाः॥
In this way were born in the race of Manu, many mighty car-warriors like the celestials themselves and who by their number greatly increased the Aila dynasty.