History of Yayati

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवं स नाहुषो राजा ययातिः पुत्रमीप्सितम्। राज्येऽभिषिच्य मुदितो वानप्रस्थोऽभवन्मुनिः॥
Vaishampayana said : Having thus installed his dear son Puru on the throne, the son of Nahusha king Yayati, became very happy and accepted the Vanaprastha mode of life.

उषित्वा च वने वासं ब्राह्मणैः संशितव्रतः। फलमूलाशनो दान्तस्तत: स्वर्गमितो गतः॥
He lived in the forest with the Brahmanas, becoming self-controlled and living on fruits and roots. Thus patiently bearing privations of all sorts, he at last ascended to heaven.

स गतः स्वर्निवासं तं निवसन् मुदितः सुखी। कालेन चातिमहता पुनः शक्रेण पातितः॥ निपतन् प्रच्युतः स्वर्गादप्राप्तो मेदिनीतलम्। स्थित आसीदन्तरिक्षे स तदेति श्रुतं मया॥
Having thus ascended heaven, the king lived there in bliss. But some time after, he was hurled down (from heaven) by Indra. I have heard that having thus fallen from heaven, he stayed in the sky and did not fall on the earth.

तत एव पुनश्चापि गतः स्वर्गमिति श्रुतम्। राज्ञा वसुमता सार्धमष्टकेन च वीर्यवान्॥ प्रतर्दनेन शिबिना समेत्य किल संसदि।
I have heard that some tiine after, he again ascended heaven in company with greatly powerful Vasumana, Ashtaka, Pratardana and Shibi.

जनमेजय उवाच कर्मणा केन स दिवं पुनः प्राप्तो महीपतिः॥६।
Janamejaya said : I desire to hear in detail why that king, after entering heaven, was hurled down from it and why he again gained admittance.

सर्वमेतदशेषेण श्रोतुमिच्छामि तत्त्वतः। कथ्यमानं त्वया विप्र विप्रर्षिगणसंनिधौ॥ देवराजसमो ह्यासीद् ययातिः पृथिवीपतिः। वर्धनः कुरुवंशस्य विभावसुसमद्युतिः॥ तस्य विस्तीर्णयशसः सत्यकीर्तेर्महात्मनः। चरितं श्रोतुमिच्छामि दिवि चेह च सर्वशः॥
O Brahmana, let this be narrated by you before all these Brahmana Rishis. The lord of the earth Yayati was like the king of the celestials (Indra). He was the progenitor of the exhaustive Kuru race; he was as effulgent as the sun. He was illustrious, world-wide famous and a man of wonderful achievements. I desire to hear in full the story of his life both here in this world and in heaven.

वैशम्पायन उवाच हन्त ते कथयिष्यामि ययातेरुत्तमां कथाम्। दिवि चेह च पुण्यार्थी सर्वपापप्रणाशिनीम्॥
Vaishampayana said: I shall narrate to you the excellent history of Yayati's exploits both here on earth and in heaven. The story is sacred and it destroys all the sins of those that hear it.

ययाति हुषो राजा पूरूं पुत्रं कनीयसम्। राज्येऽभिषिच्य मुदितः प्रवव्राज वनं तदा॥ अन्त्येषु स विनिक्षिप्य पुत्रान् यदुपुरोगमान्। फलमूलाशनो राजा वने संन्यवसचिरम्॥
The son of Nahusha, king Yayati, having installed his youngest son Puru on the throne, went to the forest to lead the life of a recluse. He passed over the claims of his other sons with Yadu at their head and he lived in the forest on fruits and roots.

शंसितात्मा जितक्रोधस्तर्पयन् पितृदेवताः अग्नींश्च विधिवत्रुह्वन् वानप्रस्थविधानतः॥
He brought his mind and his passions under complete control. He pleased the Pitris and celestial by performing sacrifices. He poured libations according to the prescribed rites of men leading the Vanaprastha.

अतिथीन् पूजयामास वन्येन हविषा विभुः। शिलोच्छवृत्तिमास्थाय शेषान्नकृतभोजनः॥
The illustrious king entertained the guests and strangers with fruits of the forest and ghee. He supported himself by eating only the scattered corn seeds.

पूर्ण वर्षसहस्रं च एवंवृत्तिरभूनृपः। अब्भक्षः शरदस्त्रिंशदासीनियतवाङ्गनाः॥ ततश्च वायुभक्षोऽभूत् संवत्सरमतन्द्रितः। तथा पञ्चाग्निमध्ये च तपस्तेपे स वत्सरम्॥ एकपादः स्थितश्चासीत् षण्मासाननिलाशनः। पुण्यकीर्तिस्ततः स्वर्गे जगामावृत्य रोदसी॥
The king thus passed full one thousand years. He passed thirty years, living on water only and observed the vow of silence with mind under complete control. He passed full one year in fasting, living on air alone and having no sleep. He passed another one year in the midst of four fires and the burning sun overhead. He stood for six months continually on one leg. (Having thus passed his life in austere penances), the king, (Yayati) the doer of sacred deeds, ascended heaven.