History of Yayati

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः काव्यो भृगुश्रेष्ठ समन्युरुपगम्य हा वृषपर्वाणमासीनमित्युवाचाविचारयन्॥
Vaishampayana said : The best of the Bhrigu race, the son of Kavi (Shukra) himself became angry. Coming to the place where Vrishaparva was seated he fearlessly addressed him thus-

नाधर्मश्चरितो राजन् सद्यः फलति गौरिव। शनैरावय॑मानो हि कर्तुर्मूलानि कृन्तति॥
"O king, the sinful acts like the earth immediately do not bear fruit. But they do gradually and secretly cut away the roots of their doer.

पुत्रेषु वा नतृषु वा न चेदात्मनि पश्यति। फलत्येव ध्रुवं पापं गुरुभुक्तमिवोदरे॥
Such fruits, are seen, either in one's ownself, or in one's son, or in one's grandson. Sin must bear fruits, like rich food they cannot be digested.

यदधात यथा विप्रं कचमाङ्गिरसं तदा। अपापशीलं धर्मज्ञं शुश्रूषं मद्गृहे रतम्॥
As you killed the grandson of Rishi Angirasa, the Brahmana Kacha, who was virtuous, learned in religious precepts and attentive to duties, when he lived with me.

वधादनहतस्तस्य वधाच दुहितुर्मम। वृषपर्वन् निबोधेदं त्यक्ष्यामि त्वां सबान्धवम्। स्थातुं त्वद्विषये राजन् न शक्ष्यामि त्वया सह॥
As you have mal-treated my daughter who did not deserve it, O Vrishaparva, know, I shall leave you and all your race. O king, for this reason I can no longer stay with you.

अहो मामभिजानासि दैत्य मिथ्याप्रलपिनम्। यथेममात्मनो दोषं न नियच्छस्युपेक्षसे॥
Do not think, O Danava, that I am raving or I am a liar. You think very little of your faults and do not try to correct them.

वृषपर्वोवाच नाधर्मं न मृषावादं त्वयि जानामि भार्गव। त्वयि धर्मश्च सत्यं च तत् प्रसीदतु नो भवान्॥ यद्यस्मानपहाय त्वमितो गच्छसि भार्गव। समुद्रं सम्प्रवेक्ष्यामो नान्यदस्ति परायणम्॥
Vrishaparva said : O son of Bhrigu, never I attributed to you falsehood or impiety. Virtue and truth ever dwell in you. Be gracious to me. O son of Bhrigu, if you really leave me and go away (from this place), we shall have then to go into the deep bottom of the ocean. There is no other alternative for us.

शुक्र उवाच समुद्रं प्रविशध्वं वा दिशो वा द्रवतासुराः। दुहितु प्रियं सोढुं शक्तोऽहं दयिता हि मे॥
Shukra said: O Asura, I care very little whether you go into the bottom of the sea, of fly away to all directions, I am incapable of bearing my daughter's grief.

प्रसाद्यतां देवयानी जीवितं यत्र मे स्थितम्। योगक्षेमकरस्तेऽहमिन्द्रस्येव बृहस्पतिः॥
My life depends on her. Seek, O Asuras, to please her. As Brihaspati always seeks the good of Indra, so I seek your good with my ascetic powers.

वृषपर्वोवाच यत् किंचिदसुरेन्द्राणां विद्यते वसु भार्गव। भुवि हस्तिगवाश्वं च तस्य त्वं मम चेश्वरः॥
Vrishaparva said : O son of Bhrigu, you are the absolute master of everything that belongs to the Asura chief in this world these elephants, kine and horses, nay even myself.

शुक्र उवाच यत् किंचिदस्ति द्रविणं दैत्येन्द्राणां महासुर। तस्येश्वरोऽस्मि यद्येषा देवयानी प्रसाद्यताम्॥
Shukra said: Ogreat Asura, if it is (really) true that I am the lord over all the wealth of the Asuras, then go and try to please Devayani.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तस्तथेत्याह वृषपर्वा महाकविः। देवयान्यन्तिकं गत्वा तमर्थ प्राह भार्गवः॥
Vaishampayana said : When the great son of Kavi (Shukra) was thus addressed by Vrishaparva, he went to Devayani and the son of Bhrigu told her all.

देवयान्युवाच यदि त्वमीश्वरस्तात राज्ञो वित्तस्य भार्गव नाभिजानामि तत् तेऽहं राजा तु वदतु स्वयम्॥
Devayani said : O son of Bhrigu, O father, if you are really the lord over the Asura king and all his wealth, then let the king come personally to me and speak it in my presence.

वृषपर्वोवाच यं काममभिकामासि देवयानि शुचिस्मिते। तत् तेऽहं सम्प्रदास्यामि यदि वापि हि दुर्लभम्॥
Vrishaparva said : O Devayani, O lady of sweet smiles, whatever you desire to possess, however difficult it may be to get, I am willing to give you.

देवयान्युवाच दासी कन्यासहस्रेण शर्मिष्ठामभिकामये। अनु मां तत्र गच्छेत् सा यत्र दद्याच मे पिता॥
Devayani said : I desire to have Sharmishtha as my maidservant one thousand other damsels. She must also follow me to the house of him on whom my father will bestow me.

वृषपर्वोवाच उत्तिष्ठ त्वं गच्छ धात्रि शर्मिष्ठां शीघ्रमानय। यं च कामयते कामं देवयानी करोतु तम्॥
Vrishaparva said : O nurse, go and bring quickly Sharmishtha here. Let her also act according to the desire of Devayani.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततो धात्री तत्र गत्वा शर्मिष्ठां वाक्यमब्रवीत्। उत्तिष्ठ भद्रे शर्मिष्ठे ज्ञातीनां सुखमावह॥
Vaishampayana said : The nurse then went to Sharmishtha and told her, “O amiable Sharmishtha, rise and follow me.

त्यजति ब्राह्मण: शिष्यान् देवयान्या प्रचोदितः। सायं कामयते कामं स कार्योऽद्य त्वयानघे॥
Accomplish the good of your race. Urged by Devayani, the Brahmana (Shukra) is about to leave his disciples (the Asuras). O sinless lady, you must do as Devayani desires."

शर्मिष्ठोवाच यं सा कामयते कामं करवाण्यहमद्य तम्। यद्येवमाह्वयेच्छुक्रो देवयानीकृते हि माम्। मद्दोषान्मा गमच्छुक्रो देवयानी च मत्कृते॥
Sharmishtha said : I shall cheerfully do as Devayani desires. Both Shukra and Devayani, must not leave the Asuras through any fault of mine.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः कन्यासहस्रेण वृता शिबिकया तदा। पितुर्नियोगात् त्वरिता निश्चक्राम पुरोत्तमात्॥
Vaishampayana said : Having been commanded by her father, Sharmishtha with one thousand maidens came out of her father's excellent palace.

शर्मिष्ठोवाच अहं दासीसहस्रेण दासी ते परिचारिका। अनु त्वां तत्र यास्यामि यत्र दास्यति ते पिता॥
Sharmishtha said : I am your maid-servant, with my one thousand maids. I shall follow you where your father will bestow you.

देवयान्युवाच स्तुवतो दुहिताहं ते याचतः प्रतिगृह्णतः । स्तूयमानस्य दुहिता कथं दासी भविष्यसि॥
Devayani said: I am the daughter of one who is a hired chanter of praise, who asks for alms and accepts them, whereas you are the daughter of one who is adored. Why should you become my maid-servant?

शर्मिष्ठोवाच येन केनचिदार्तानां ज्ञातीनां सुखमावहेत्। अतस्त्वामनुयास्यामि यत्र दास्यति ते पिता॥
Sharmishtha said : One must try to do good to one's affected relatives. Therefore, I shall follow you where your father will bestow you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच प्रतिश्रुते दासभावे दुहित्रा वृषपर्वणः। देवयानी नृपश्रेष्ठ पितरं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Vaishampayana said : O best of kings, when Sharmishtha thus promised to be the maid-servant of Devayani, she then thus spoke to her father.

देवयान्युवाच प्रविशामि पुरं तात तुष्टास्मि द्विजसत्तम। अमोघं तव विज्ञानमस्ति विद्याबलं च ते॥
Devayani said : () best of Brahmanas, O father, I am satisfied. I shall now enter the Asura capital. I know your science and power of knowledge is not futile.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तो दुहित्रा स द्विजश्रेष्ठो महायशाः। प्रविवेश पुरं हृष्टः पूजितः सर्वदानवैः॥
Vaishampayana said : Having been thus addressed by his daughter, that best of Brahmanas, that illustrious man entered the capital with all happiness, sand he was worshipped by all the Danavas.