History of Yayati

जनमेजय उवाच ययातिः पूर्वजोऽस्माकं दशमो यः प्रजापतेः। कथं स शुक्रतनयां लेभे परमदुर्लभाम्॥ एतदिच्छाम्यहं श्रोतुं विस्तरेण तपोधन। आनुपूर्व्या च मे शंस राज्ञो वंशकरान् पृथक्॥
Janamejaya said : How did our ancestor (Yayati) who was the tenth from Prajapati, obtain the unobtainable daughter of Shukra? O great ascetic, I desire to hear this in detail. Tell me also separately the account of those kings who were the founders of dynasties.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ययातिरासीनृपतिर्देवराजसमद्युतिः। तं शुक्रवृषपर्वाणौ वब्राते वै यथा पुरा॥ तत् तेऽहं सम्प्रवक्ष्यामि पृच्छते जनमेजय। देवयान्याश्च संयोगं ययाते हुषस्य च॥
Vaishampayana said : O Janamejaya, the king Yayati was as effulgent as Indra himself. I shall tell you in reply to your question how Shukra and Vrishaparva bestowed (on the king) their daughters in due rites and I shall specially narrate how the union of the Nahusha, took place with Devayani.

सुराणामसुराणां च समजायत वै मिथः। ऐश्वर्य प्रति संघर्षस्त्रैलोक्ये सचराचरे॥
In the days of yore, great battles were often faught between the Devas and the Asuras for the sovereignty over the three worlds.

जिगीषया ततो देवा वव्रिरेऽऽङ्गिरसं मुनिम्। पौरोहित्येन याज्यार्थे काव्यं तूशनसं परे॥ ब्राह्मणौ तावुभौ नित्यममन्योन्यस्पर्धिनौ भृशम्। तत्र देवा निजघ्नुर्यान् दानवान् युधि संगतान्॥ तान् पुनर्जीवयामास काव्यो विद्याबलाश्रयात्। ततस्ते पुनरुत्थाय योधयांचक्रिरे सुरान्॥
From the desire of securing victory, the celestials appointed the Rishi who was the son of Angirasa (Brihaspati) as their priest to conduct their sacrifices; and their opponents appointed Ushanas (Shukra) as their priest for the same purpose. There was much boastful rivalry between these two Brahmanas. All those Danavas that were killed in battle by the Devas were revived by that sage (Shukra) with the power of his knowledge; and they, thus being made alive, fought again with the celestial.

असुरास्तु निजघ्नुर्यान् सुरान् समरमूर्धनि। न तान् संजीवयामास बृहस्पतिरुदारधीः॥
The Asuras also killed many Devas, but the greatly learned Brihaspati could not revive them.

न हि वेद स तां विद्यां यां काव्यो वेत्ति वीर्यवान्। संजीविनी ततो देवा विषादमगमन् परम्॥
He did not know the science of Sanjivini (giving life to the dead) which the greatly powerful Rishi (Shukra) knew very well. The celestial were, therefore, very sorry.

ते त देवा भयोद्विग्ना: काव्यादुशनसस्तदा। ऊचुः कथमुपागम्य ज्येष्ठं पुत्रं बृहस्पतेः॥
Thereupon, the celestials, in great anxiety and in fear of the learned Ushanas, went to Kacha, the eldest son of Brihaspati; and they spoke to him thus.

भजमानान् भजस्वास्मान् कुरु नः साह्यमुत्तमम्। था सा विद्या निवसति ब्राह्मणेऽमिततेजसि॥
"We ask for your protection, we worship you. Help us in a work which we consider as very important. The knowledge of that science which is known to that Brahmana of immeasurable prowess. Shukra, must be obtained by you as soon as possible. You will then be a sharer with us in all sacrificial offerings. You shall find that Brahmana (Shukra) in the court of (king) Vrishaparva.

रक्षते दानवांस्तत्र न स रक्षत्यदानवान्। तमाराधयितुं शक्तो भवान् पूर्ववयाः कविम्॥
He always protects the Danavas, but never the celestials, their opponents. You are younger than he and you are, therefore, able to revere him.

देवयानी च दयितां सुतां तस्य महात्मनः। त्वमाराधयितुं शक्तो नान्यः कश्चन विद्यते॥
You can also adore Devayani, the favourite daughter of that illustrious man. You are capable of conciliating them both. There is none else who can do it.

शीलदाक्षिण्यमाधुर्यैराचारेण दमेन च। देवयान्यां हि तुष्टायां विद्यां तां प्राप्स्यसि ध्रुवम्॥
"You are sure to obtain that knowledge (of Sanjivini from the Rishi) by gratifying Devayani with your conduct, liberality, sweetness and general behaviour.”

तथेत्युक्त्वा ततः प्रायाद् बृहस्पतिसुत: कचः। तदाभिपूजिता देवैः समीपे वृषपर्वणः॥
Having been thus addressed and worshipped by the celestials, he said, “Be it so." He then went to the court of king Vrishaparva.

स गत्वा त्वरितो राजन् देवैः सम्प्रेषित: कचः। असुरेन्द्रपुरे शुक्रं दृष्ट्वा वाक्यमुवाच ह॥
O king, having been thus sent by the celestials, Kacha soon came to the city of the king of the Asuras; and seeing Shukra there, he thus addressed him.

ऋषेरङ्गिरस: पौत्रं पुत्रं साक्षाद् बृहस्पतेः। नाम्ना कचमिति ख्यातं शिष्यं गृह्णातु मां भवान्॥
“Reverend Sir, accept me as your disciple. I am the grandson of Rishi Angirasa and the son of Brihaspati. I am known as Kacha by naine.

ब्रह्मचर्य चरिष्यामि त्वय्यहं परमं गुरौ। अनुमन्यस्व मां ब्रह्मन् सहस्रं परिवत्सरान्॥
Accepting you as my great preceptor, I shall practise Brahmacharya for one thousand years. Therefore, command me.

शुक्र उवाच कच सुस्वागतं तेऽस्तु प्रतिगृह्णामि ते वचः। अर्चयिष्येऽहमय॑ त्वामर्चितोऽस्तु बृहस्पतिः॥
Shukra said:: O Kacha, you are welcome, I accept your words. I shall treat you with regard, for by my doing it, Brihaspati will be regarded.

वैशम्पायन उवाच कचस्तु तं तथेत्युक्त्वा प्रतिजग्राह तद् व्रतम्। आदिष्टं कविपुत्रेण शुक्रेणोशनसा स्वयम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Commanded by the son of Kavi, Ushanas, also called Shukra, Kacha said, “Be it so." And he rook the vow he spoke of.

व्रतस्य प्राप्तकालं स यथोक्तं प्रत्यगृह्णत। आराधयन्नुपाध्यायं देवयानी च भारत॥ नित्यमाराधयिष्यंस्तौ युवा यौवनगोचरे। गायन् नृत्यन् वादयंश्च देवयानीमतोषयत्॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, (Kacha) took the vow he had spoken of at the proper time and began to worship his preceptor (Shukra) and Devayani. That youth (Kacha) daily gratified Devayani who was also in her youth with singing, dancing and playing on various kinds of instruinents.

स शीलयन् देवयानी कन्यां सम्प्राप्तयौवनाम्। पुष्पैः फलैः प्रेषणैश्च तोषयामास भारत॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, he gratified that maiden, Devayani, who was in her youth, with the presentations of flowers and fruits and serving her as an obedient servant.

देवयान्यपि तं विप्रं नियमव्रतधारणम्। गायन्ती च ललन्ती च रहः पर्यचरत् तथा॥
And Devayani also, when they were alone, gratified that vow-observing youth (Kacha) with her songs and sweetness of manners.

पञ्चवर्षशतान्येवं कचस्य चरतो व्रतम्। तत्रातीयुरथो बुद्ध्वा दानवास्तं ततः कचम्॥ गा रक्षन्तं वने दृष्ट्वा रहस्येकममर्षिताः। जघ्नुर्वृहस्पतेद्वेषाद् विद्यारक्षार्थमेव च॥
When five hundreds years had thus passed away of his vow, the Danavas came to know his intention. One day the Danavas saw Kacha when he was tending (his preceptor's) kine. They then killed him out of the hatred they bore against Brihaspati and from the desire of saving the knowledge of Sanjivini.

हत्वा शालावृकेभ्यश्च प्रायच्छल्लवशः कृतम्। ततो गावो निवृत्तास्ता अगोपा: स्वं निवेशनम्॥
They hacked him to pieces and gave his body to be devoured by jackals and wolves. The kine returned to the fold without the cowherd (Kacha).

सा दृष्ट्वा रहिता गाश्च कचेनाभ्यागता वनात्। उवाच वचनं काले देवयान्यथ भारत॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, when Devayani saw that the kine had returned

देवयान्युवाच आहुतं चाग्निहोत्रं ते सूर्यश्चास्तं गतः प्रभो। अगोपाचागता गावः कचस्तात न दृश्यते॥
Devayani said: O sire, the Agnihotra (evening fire) is kindled, the sun has also set. The kine have come back without their cowherd. But Kacha is not to be seen.

व्यक्तं हतो मृतो वापि कचस्तात भविष्यति। तं विना न च जीवेयमिति सत्यं ब्रवीमि ते॥
O father, it is evident, Kacha is either dead or killed. I tell you truly that I shall not live without him.

शुक्र उवाच अयमेहीति संशब्द्य मृतं संजीवयाम्यहम्। ततः संजीविनी विद्यां प्रयुज्य कचमाह्वयत्॥
Shukra said: I will revive him by saying, "Come here." Then with the help of the knowledge of Sanjivini, he summoned Kacha (to come to him.)

भित्त्वा भित्त्वा शरीराणि वृकाणां स विनिर्गत:। आहूतः प्रादुरभवत् कचो हृष्टोऽथ विद्यया॥
Having been thus summoned, Kacha appeared in joy, tearing the bodies of the wolves (that had devoured him.)

कस्माचिरायितोऽसीति पृष्टस्तामाह भार्गवीम्। समिधश्च कुशादीनि काष्ठभारं च भामिनि॥ गृहीत्वा श्रमभारातॊ वटवृक्षं समाश्रितः। गावश्च सहिताः सर्वा वृक्षच्छायामुपाश्रिताः॥
Having been asked by the daughter of Bhargava, (Shukra) the reason of his delay, he said, “O sweet lady, burdened with sacrificial wood and Kusha grass, I was coming towards the hermitage and feeling tired, I sat under a banian tree. All the kine also were staying under the shade of that tree.

असुरास्तत्र मां दृष्ट्वा कस्त्वमित्यभ्यचोदयन्। बृहस्पतिसुतश्चाहं कच इत्यभिविश्रुतः॥
The Asuras, having seen me there, asked me, “Who are you?” They heard my this reply, "I am Kacha, the son of Brihaspati."

इत्युक्तमात्रे मां हत्वा पेषीकृत्वा तु दानवाः। दत्त्वा शालावृकेभ्यस्तु सुखं जग्मुः स्वमालयम्॥
As soon as I said this, those Danavas killed me and having hacked my body to pieces, they gave it to jackals and wolves. They then went to their homes in joy.

आहूतो विद्यया भद्रे भार्गवेण महात्मना। त्वत्समीपमिहायातः कथंचित् समजीवितः॥
"O amiable lady, summoned by the illustrious Bhargava (your father), I have somehow or other come before you having been made alive."

हतोऽहमिति चाचख्यौ पृष्टो ब्राह्मणकन्यया। स पुनर्देवयान्योक्तः पुष्पाहारो यदृच्छया॥ वनं ययौ कचो विप्रो ददृशुर्दानवाश्च तम्। पुनस्तं पेषयित्वा तु समुद्राम्भस्यमिश्रयन्॥
On another occasion, the Brahmana Kacha at the request of Devayani, went into the forest to collect flowers and when he was freely roaming there, he was again seen by the Danavas. They again killed him, (pounded him to powders) and mixed him with the waters of the ocean.

चिरं गतं पुन: कन्या पित्रे तं संन्यवेदयत्। विप्रेण पुनराहूतो विद्यया गुरुदेहजः। पुनरावृत्य तद् वृत्तं न्यवेदयत तद् यथा॥
Finding him again late in coming home, that maiden again told her father what had happened. Having been again summoned by that Brahmana (Shukra) to come home, Kacha appeared before the daughter of his preceptor. He again repeated to her all that had happened to him.

ततस्तृतीयं हत्वा तं दग्ध्वा कृत्वा च चूर्णशः। प्रायच्छन् ब्राह्मणायैव सुरायामसुरास्तदा।॥
They killed him for the third time. And having reduced him to ashes by burning, they mixed those ashes with the wine which they offered to the Brahmana (Shukra).

देवयान्यथ भूयोऽपि पितरं वाक्यमब्रवीत्। पुष्पाहारः प्रेषणकृत् कचस्तात न दृश्यते॥
Devayani again spoke to her father thus, "O father, Kacha was sent to gather flowers, but he is not to be seen.

व्यक्तं हतो मृतो वापि कचस्तात भविष्यति। तं विना न च जीवेयं कचं सत्यं ब्रवीमि ते॥
It is evident, Kacha is either dead or killed. I tell you truly, I shall not live without him.”

शुक्र उवाच बृहस्पतेः सुतः पुत्रि कचः प्रेतगतिं गतः। विद्यया जीवितोऽप्येवं हन्यते करवाणि किम्॥ मैवं शुचो मा रुद देवयानि न त्वादृशी मर्त्यमनुप्रशोचते। यस्यास्तव ब्रह्म च ब्राह्मणाश्च सेन्द्रा देवा वसवोऽथाश्विनौ च॥ मुपस्थाने संनमन्ति प्रभावात्। अशक्योऽसौ जीवयितुं द्विजातिः संजीवितो बध्यते चैव भूयः॥
Shukra said : O daughter, the son of Brihaspati, Kacha has gone to the land of the Dead. Though again and again revived by my knowledge, he is often killed. What shall I do? O Devayani, do not grieve, do not weep. One like you should not grieve for one who is mortal. You are worshipped by Brahma, by Brahmanas, the celestials with (their king) Indra, the Vasus, the Ashvinis, the Asuras and by the whole universe. It is impossible to keep him alive. For every time I revive him he is killed (by the Danavas).

देवयान्युवाच यस्याङ्गिरा वृद्धतमः पितामहो बृहस्पतिश्चापि पिता तपोनिधिः। ऋषेः पुत्रं तमथो वापि पौत्रं कथं न शोचेयमहं न रुद्याम्॥
Devayani said : Why should I not grieve and weep for Kacha, whose grandfather is old Angirasa himself and whose father is the great ascetic Brihaspati, who is the grandson of a Rishi and the son of a Rishi.

स ब्रह्मचारी च तपोधनश्च सदोत्थितः कर्मसु चैव दक्षः। कचस्य मार्ग प्रतिपत्स्ये न भोक्ष्ये प्रियो हि मे तात कचोऽभिरूपः॥
He himself is a Brahmachari and an ascetic; he is always wakeful in every work. O father, I shall starve and follow the way on which Kacha has gone. The handsome Kacha is dear to me.

वैशम्पायन उवाच स पीडितो देवयान्या महर्षिः समाह्वयत् संरम्भाचैव काव्यः। असंशयं मामसुरा द्विषन्ति ये मे शिष्यानागतान् सूदयन्ति॥
Vaishampayana said : The great Rishi (Shukra), the son of Kavi, being much afflicted by Devayani's words, cried in anger, "The Asuras certainly want to injure me, for they killed my disciple living with ime.

स्ते मां यथा व्यभिचरन्ति नित्यम्। अप्यस्य पापस्य भवेदिहान्तः कं ब्रह्महत्या न दहेदपीन्द्रम्॥
These followers of Rudra (Asuras) want to make me a non-Brahmana by making me participate in their crimes of killing Brahmanas. The crime of killing a Brahmana even bums Indra. This crime has a terrible end."

गुरोहि भीतो विद्यया चोपहूतः शनैर्वाक्यं जठरे व्याजहार।
Having said this, he summoned Kacha, but being afraid of his preceptor's safety, he feebly replied from within the stomach of Shukra.

वैशम्पायन उवाच स्त्वं चोदरे तिष्ठसि ब्रूहि विप्र॥
Vaishampayana said : Shukra then asked him, “O Brahmana, how have you entered my stomach. Tell me truth."

कच उवाच तव प्रसादान्न जहाति मां स्मृतिः स्मरामि सर्वं यच्च यथा च वृत्तम्। न त्वेवं स्यात् तपसः संक्षयो मे ततः केशं घोरमिमं सहामि॥
Kacha said: By your grace my memory has not left me. I recollect every thing that had happened not been destroyed. Therefore, I am capable of bearing this insufferable pain.

असुरैः सुरायां भवतोऽस्मि दत्तो हत्वा दग्ध्वा चूर्णयित्वा च काव्य। ब्राह्मीं मायां चासुरीं विप्र मायां त्वयि स्थिते कथमेवातिवर्तेत्॥
O son of Kavi, I was killed by the Asuras; my body was burnt and reduced to ashes and I was then given to you with your wine. O Brahman, when you are present, how is possible for the Asura Maya (the power of the Asuras) to overcome the Brahma Maya (the power of the Brahmanas)?

शुक्र उवाच किं ते प्रियं करवाण्यद्य वत्से वधेन मे जीवितं स्यात् कचस्य। नान्यत्र कुर्मम भेदनेन दृश्येत् कचो मद्गतो देवयानि॥
Shukra said: O Devayani, what good can I do to you? Kacha's life can be revived only with my death. Kacha is within me. There is no other way of his coming out, except by ripping open my stomach.

देवयान्युवाच द्वौ मां शोकावग्निकल्पौ दहेतां कचस्य नाशस्तव चैवोपघातः। कचस्य नाशे मम नास्ति शर्म तवोपघाते जीवितुं नास्मि शक्ता॥
Devayani said : Both the shocks will burn me like fire. The death of Kacha and that of yours are both same to me. The death of Kacha will kill me. If you die, I shall not be able to bear life.

शुक्र उवाच संसिद्धरूपोऽसि बृहस्पतेः सुत यत् त्वां भक्तं भजते देवयानी। विद्यामिमां प्राप्नुहि जीविनीं त्वं न चेदिन्द्रः कचरूपी त्वमद्य॥
Shukra said: O son of Brihaspati, you are crowned with success, when Devayani adores you so much. If you are not Indra in the guise of Kacha, today, accept, I give you the science of reviving life.

न निवर्तेत् पुनर्जीवन् कश्चिदन्यो ममोदरात्। ब्राह्मणं वर्जयित्वैकं तस्माद् विद्यामवाप्नुहि॥
come None can out alive from my stomach. A Brahmana, however, must not be killed. Therefore, accept the knowledge I teach you.

मस्मद्देहादुपनिष्क्रम्य तात। समीक्षेथा धर्मवतीमवेक्षा गुरोः सकाशात् प्राण्य विद्यां सविद्यः॥
Come to life again as my son. Possessed of the knowledge I teach you and being again revived by me, O child, take care that you act with gratitude when you come out of my stomach.

वैशम्पायन उवाच गुरोः सकाशात् समवाप्य विद्यां भित्त्वा कुक्षि निर्विचक्राम विप्रः। कचोऽभिरूपस्तत्क्षणाद् ब्राह्मणस्य शुकात्यये पौर्णमास्यामिवेन्दुः॥
Vaishampayana said : Receiving the knowledge (of reviving life) from his preceptor, the handsome Kacha ripped open the stomach (of Shukra) and came out like the moon on the evening of the full-moon night.

मुत्थापयामास मृतं कचोऽपि। विद्यां सिद्धां तामवाप्याभिवाद्य ततः कचस्तं गुरुमित्युवाच॥
Seeing the remains of his preceptor lying like a heap of ascetic virtues and learning, Kacha revived him with the knowledge he had received. He then spoke to the preceptor thus-

यः श्रोत्रयोरमृतं संनिषिञ्चेद् विद्यामविद्यस्य यथा ममायम्। तं मन्येऽहं पितरं मातरं च तस्मै न दुह्येत् कृतमस्य जानन्॥
“I regard him, who pours the Ambrosia of knowledge into one's ears, as you have done to me who was devoid of knowledge, both as my father and as my mother. He who has gratitude can never injure his preceptor.

ऋतस्य दातारमनुत्तमस्य निधिं निधीनामपिलब्धविद्याः। ये नाद्रियन्ते गुरुमर्चनीयं पापाँल्लोकांस्ते व्रजन्त्यप्रतिष्ठाः॥
Those that, having acquired knowledge, injure their preceptor who is an object of adoration, who is the giver of knowledge and who is the most precious of all precious objects on earth, become hated on earth and finally go to the regions of the sinful.

वैशम्पायन उवाच सुरापानाद् वञ्चनां प्राप्य विद्वान् संज्ञानाशं चैव महातिघोरम्। दृष्ट्वा कचं चापि तथाभिरूपं पीतं तदा सुरया मोहितेन॥ स्तदोशना विप्रहितं चिकीर्षुः। सुरापानं प्रति संजातमन्युः काव्यः स्वयं वाक्यमिदं जगाद।॥
Vaishampayana said : Having been deceived while under the influence of wine and remembering the terrible consequences of drink and the total loss of consciousness, the result of it and seeing before him the handsome Kacha whom he had drink with the wine while intoxicated, (the learned Shukra), with the wish of effecting a reform in the manner of the Brahmanas, rose from the ground in anger and spoke thus-

न्मोहात् सुरां पास्यति मन्दबुद्धिः। दस्मिल्लोके गर्हितः स्यात् परे च॥
"That wretched Brahmana, who being unable to resist the temptation, will drink liquor from this day, shall be considered as to have committed the sin of slaying a Brahmana and he shall be hated both in this and in the other world."

मया चैतां विप्रधर्मोक्तिसीमां मर्यादां वै स्थापितां सर्वलोके। सन्तो विप्राः शुश्रुवांसो गुरूणां देवा लोकाश्चोपशृण्वन्तु सर्वे॥६८।
I set this limit to the conduct of the Brahmanas everywhere. Let this (my solemn words) be heard by the honest men, by the Brahmanas, by the celestials and by those who regard their superiors."

स्तपोनिधीनां निधिरप्रमेयः। निदं समाहूय वचोऽभ्युवाच॥
Having said this, the illustrious Rishi, the ascetic of ascetics, summoned the Danavas who had been deprived of their good sense by Fate. He then told them.

आचक्षे वो दानवा बालिशाः स्थ सिद्धः कचो वत्स्यति मत्सकाशे। संजीविनीं प्राप्य विद्यां महात्मा तुल्यप्रभावो ब्राह्मणो ब्रह्मभूतः॥
"O foolish Danavas, know that Kacha had obtained his wish. He will henceforth dwelt with me. Having obtained the knowledge of Sanjivini, that illustrious Brahmana has become as powerful as Brahma himself."

एतावदुक्त्वा वचनं विरराम स भार्गवः। दानवा विस्मयाविष्टाः प्रययुः स्वं निवेशनम्॥
Having said this much, Bhargava (Shukra) stopped. The Danavas, being astonished, went away to their homes.

गुरोरुष्य सकाशे तु दशवर्षशतानि सः। अनुज्ञात: कचो गन्तुमियेष त्रिदशालयम्॥
Kacha, after having lived with his preceptor for full one thousand years, prepared to go to the land of the celestials with the permission of his preceptor.