Story of Dushyanta

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततो मृगसहस्राणि हत्वा सबलवाहनः। राजा मृगप्रसङ्गेन वनमन्यद् विवेश ह॥
Vaishampayana said : The king with his soldiers, having killed thousands of animals, entered another forest following an animal.

एक एवोत्तमबलः क्षुत्पिपासाश्रमान्वितः। स वनस्यान्तमासाद्य महच्छून्यं समासदत्॥
Alone, fatigued with hunger and thirst he came to a large desert at the end of the forest.

तचाप्यतीत्य नृपतिरुत्तमाश्रमसंयुतम्। मनःप्रह्लादजननं दृष्टिकान्तमतीव च॥
Having passed over this her bless desert, the king came to a forest full of holy hermitages. It was beautiful to the eyes and delightful to the heart.

शीतमारुतसंयुक्तं जगामान्यन्महद् वनम्। पुष्पितैः पादपैः कीर्णमतीव सुखशाद्वलम्॥ विपुलं मधुरारावैर्नादितं विहगैस्तथा। पुंस्कोकिलनिनादैश्च झिल्लीकगणनादितम्॥
It was cool and it breathed delightful breeze. It was full of trees covered with flowers. It extended far and wide in green soft grass. It echoed with the sweet songs of the birds. It resounded with the sweet notes of the male Kokila and the shrill cries of cicadas.

प्रवृद्धविटपैर्वृक्षः सुखच्छायैः समावृतम्। षट्पदाघूर्णिततलं लक्ष्म्या परमया युतम्॥
It contained magnificent trees withstretched out branches, which had formed pleasant shady canopies. The bees hovered over the flowery creepers and beautiful groves were every where.

नापुष्पः पादपः कश्चिन्नाफलो नापि कण्टकी। षट्पदैर्नाप्यपाकीर्णस्तस्मिन् वै काननेऽभवत्।॥
There was no tree without flowers and fruits; there was no shrub with prickles on them; there was no plant that had no bees swarming around it.

विहगैर्नादितं पुष्पैरलंकृतमतीव च। सर्वर्तुकुसुमैर्वृक्षैः सुखच्छायैः समावृतम्॥
The whole forest resounded with the sweet songs of the birds; and it was decked with all the beautiful flowers of all the seasons. It was full of pleasant shades of blossoming trees.

मनोरमं महेष्वासो विवेश वनमुत्तमम्। मारुताकलितास्तत्र द्रुमाः कुसुमशाखिनः॥ पुष्पवृष्टिं विचित्रां तु व्यसृजंस्ते पुनः पुनः। दिवःस्पृशोऽथ संघुष्टाः पक्षिभिर्मधुरस्वनैः॥
Such was the charming and excellent forest that the great bow-man (Dushyanta) entered. The trees, decked with flowers and waved with the soft breeze. Showered sweet flowers, again and again, on the head of the king.

विरेजुः पादपास्तत्र विचित्रकुसुमाम्बराः। तेषां तत्र प्रवालेषु पुष्पभारावनामिषु॥ रुवन्ति रावान् मधुरान् षट्पदा मधुलिप्सवः। तत्र प्रदेशांश्च बहून् कुसुमोत्करमण्डितान्॥ लतागृहपरिक्षिप्तान् मनसः प्रीतिवर्धनान्। सम्पश्यन् सुमहातेजा बभूव मुदितस्तदा॥
Clad with the flowery attire of many colours, the sweet singing birds sitting on their branches hanging with the weight of flowers, the busy bees tempted by honey buzzing in sweet chorus around their blossoms, stood many trees (in that forest). There were innumerable bowers of creepers covered with thick clusters of flowers. The greatly energetic king was much pleased and charmed with the scenery.

परस्पराश्लिष्टशाखैः पादपैः कुसुमान्वितैः। अशोभत वनं तत् तु महेन्द्रध्वजसंनिभैः॥
The trees, with its flowery branches, entwining with one another, looked exceedingly beautiful and appeared like so many Indra's poles.

सिद्धचारणसंधैश्च गन्धर्वाप्सरसां गणैः। सेवितं वनमत्यर्थं मत्तवानरकिन्नरम्॥
It was the abode of the Siddhas, the Charanas, the various sorts of Gandharvas, the Apsaras, the monkeys and the Kinnaras, all drunk with joy.

सुखः शीतः सुगन्धी च पुष्परेणुवहोऽनिलः। परिक्रामन् वने वृक्षानुपैतीव रिरंसया॥
Pleasant, cool and fragrant breezes, mixed with the effluvia of sweet flowers, blew every where and appeared as if they had come there to play with the trees.

एवंगुणसमायुक्तं ददर्श स वनं नृपः। नदीकच्छोद्भवं कान्तमुच्छ्रितध्वजसंनिभम्॥
The king saw that forest endued with such beauties. It was situated in the delta of a river and looked like a pole erected in Indra's honour.

प्रेक्षमाणो वनं तत् तु सुप्रहृष्टविहङ्गमम्। आश्रमप्रवरं रम्यं ददर्श च मनोरमम्॥
The king saw in that forest, the abode of ever cheerful birds, a charming and delightful hermitage of ascetics.

नानावृक्षसमाकीर्णं सम्प्रज्वलितपावकम्। तं तदाप्रतिमं श्रीमानाश्रमं प्रत्यपूजयत्॥
It was surrounded by many trees and the holy fire was burning within it. He (the king) worshipped that matchless hermitage.

यतिभिर्वालखिल्यैश्च वृतं मुनिगान्वितम्। अग्न्यगारैश्च बहुभिः पुष्पसंस्तरसंस्तृतम्॥
He saw innumerable Yatis, Valakhilyas and other Munis sitting there in that hermitage). It was adorned with rooms containing the sacrificial fire. The flowers, dropping from the trees, had made a beautiful carpet on the ground.

महाकच्छैङ्घहद्भिश्च विभ्राजितमतीव च। मालिनीमभितोराजन् नदी पुण्यां सुखोदकाम्॥ नैकपक्षिगणाकीर्णां तपोवनमनोरमाम्। तत्र व्यालमृगान् सौम्यान् पश्यन् प्रीतिमवाप सः॥
The place looked very beautiful with the tall trees with their large trunks. O king, the transparent and sacred river Malini flowed by it. The river was charming to the ascetics and abounded with every species of water-fowls. He (the king) was much delighted to see the innocent deer-cubs playing (playfully) on her banks.

तं चाप्रतिस्थः श्रीमानाश्रमं प्रत्यपद्यत। देवलोकप्रतीकाशं सर्वतः सुमनोहरम्॥
Thereupon, the king, whose chariot no foe could obstruct, entered that charming hermitage, exceedingly beautiful all over and which was like the region of heaven.

नदीं चाश्रमसंश्लिष्टां पुण्यतोयां ददर्श सः। सर्वप्राणभृतां तत्र जननीमिव धिष्ठिताम्॥
He saw that the hermitage was situated on the banks of the river, a most sacred one and she flowed as the mother of all the creatures living there.

सचक्रवाकपुलिनां पुष्पफेनप्रवाहिनीम्। सकिन्नरगणावासां वानरःनिषेविताम्॥
Milk-white waves played on her breast. Chakravakas sported on her banks. It was the abode of the Kinnaras and it was frequented by the monkeys and the bears.

पुण्यस्वाध्यायसंघुष्टां पुलिनैरुपशोभिताम्। मत्तवारणशार्दूलभुजगेन्द्रनिषेविताम्॥
The holy ascetics, engaged in study and meditation, lived there on the beautiful banks of that river. It was frequented by the intoxicated elephants, tigers and great snakes.

तस्यास्तीरे भगवतः काश्यपस्य महात्मनः। आश्रमप्रवरं रम्यं महर्षिगणसेवितम्॥
On the banks of that river, stood the excellent and charming hermitage of the illustrious Rishi, (the descendant of) Kashyapa, frequented by many great ascetic Rishis.

नदीमाश्रमसम्बद्धां दृष्ट्वाऽऽश्रमपदं तथा। चकाराभिप्रवेशाय मतिं स नृपतिस्तदा॥
Having seen the river and the hermitage he desired to enter into that sacred place.

अलंकृतं द्वीपवत्या मालिन्या रम्यतीरया। नरनारायणस्थानं गङ्गयेवोपशोभितम्॥
The river was studded with many islands with beautiful and charming shores. It looked like the abode of Nara and Narayana, beautified with the river Ganges.

मत्तबहिणसंघुष्टं प्रविवेश महद् वनम्। तत् स चैत्ररथप्रख्यं समुपेत्य नरर्षभः॥
The best of men then entered that hermitage, which was resounding with the notes of the intoxicated pea-cocks and which appeared like the gardens of Chitraratha of Kubera.

अतीवगुणसम्पन्नमनिर्देश्यं च वर्चसा। महर्षि काश्यपं द्रष्टुमथ कण्वं तपोधनम्॥
He desired to see the great ascetic Rishi, the illustrious Kanva, of the lineage of Kashyapa, the possessor of all virtues and who was too effulgent to be looked at.

ध्वजिनीमश्वसम्बाधां पदातिगजसंकुलाम्। अवस्थाप्य वनद्वारि सेनामिदमुवाच सः॥
Halting his army of flag-holders, cavalry, infantry and elephants at the out-skirt of the

मुनि विरजसं द्रष्टुं गमिष्यामि तपोधनम्। काश्यपं स्थीयतामत्र यावदागमनं मम॥
“I shall go to see the mighty ascetic, the son of Kashyapa, who is free from Rajoguna. Stay here till I return."

तद् वनं नन्दनप्रख्यमासाद्य मनुजेश्वरः। क्षुत्पिपासे जहौ राजा मुदं चावाप पुष्कलाम्॥
The king forgot his hunger and thirst and derived infinite pleasure as soon as he entered that forest, like Nandana, (the garden of Indra.)

सामात्यो राजलिङ्गानि सोऽपनीय नराधिपः। पुरोहितसहायश्च जगामाश्रममुत्तमम्॥
The king, having laid aside all signs of royalty, entered that excellent hermitage with his Minister and Priest only.

दिदृक्षुस्तत्र तमृषि तपोराशिमथाव्ययम्। ब्रह्मलोकप्रतीकाशमाश्रमं सोऽभिवीक्ष्य ह। षट्पदोद्गीतसंघुष्टं नानाद्विजगणायुतम्॥
He desired to see that Rishi who was an indestructible mass of ascetic merit. He saw that the hermitage was like the region of Brahma. Bees were sweetly buzzing and birds were pouring forth their melodies.

ऋचो बह्वचमुख्यैश्च प्रेर्यमाणाः पदक्रमैः। शुश्राव मनुजव्याघ्रो विततेष्विह कर्मसु॥
That best of men heard in one place the chanting of the Rigveda with the proper intention by the best of Brahmanas.

यज्ञविद्याङ्गविद्भिश्च यजुर्विद्भिश्च शोभितम्। मधुरैः सामगीतैश्च ऋषिभिर्नियतव्रतैः॥ भारुण्डसामगीताभिरथर्वशिरसोद्गतः। यतात्मभिः सुनियतैः शुशुभे स तदाश्रमः॥
That hermitage was beautified with Brahmanas, learned in the Angas of Yajnavidya, reciting the hymns of Yajur-veda, The Rishis of rigid vows were reciting Saman hymns in harmonious strains. That time the hermitage aorned with Brahmanas who controlled their senses were reciting the Saman songs of Atharvashiras known as Bharunda.

अथर्ववेदप्रवराः पूगयज्ञियसामगाः। संहितामीरयन्ति स्म पदक्रमयुतां तु ते॥ शब्दसंस्कारसंयुक्तैर्बुवद्भिश्चापरैर्द्विजैः। नादितः स बभौ श्रीमान् ब्रह्मलोक इवापरः॥
Brahmanas, learned in the Atharva Veda, reciting the Sanhitas according to the proper rules of voice. At other places, Brahmanas learned in the science of ortheopy, were reciting Mantras of other kinds. That holy hermitage, resounding with these holy sounds, did really look like the region of Brahma.

यज्ञसंस्कारविद्भिश्च क्रमशिक्षाविशारदैः। न्यायतत्त्वात्मविज्ञानसम्पन्नैर्वेदपारगैः॥ नानावाक्यसमाहारसमवायविशारदैः। विशेषकार्यविद्धिश्च मोक्षधर्मपरायणैः॥ स्थापनाक्षेपसिद्धान्तपरमार्थज्ञतां गतः। शब्दच्छन्दोनिरुक्तज्ञैः कालज्ञानविशारदैः॥ द्रव्यकर्मगुणज्ञैश्च कार्यकारणवेदिभिः। पक्षिवानररुतज्ञैश्च व्यासग्रन्थसमाश्रितैः॥ नानाशास्त्रेषु मुख्यैश्च शुश्राव स्वनमीरितम्। लोकायतिकमुख्यैश्च समन्तादनुनादितम्॥
There were many Brahmanas who were experts in the art of making sacrificial platforms and in the rules of Krama in sacrifice. There were many other learned in Nyaya, (Logic) and mental sciences; and many having complete knowledge of the Veda. There were those that were learned in the meanings of every kind of expressions, those that were experts in performing special rites, those that knew the Moksha-dharma. Those that were well-versed in establishing propositions, rejecting superfluous causes and were learned in the science of words, of prosody and of Nirukta, those that were learned in the science of Time (Astrology). In the properties of matter, in the fruits of sacrificial rites, those that possessed a knowledge of causes and effects, those that understood the languages of monkeys and birds and those that were wellread in all large treatises. And various Shastras. The king, as he proceeded, heard their incantations and chanting, which were capable of charming all human arts.

तत्र तत्र च विप्रेन्द्रान् नियतान् संशितव्रतान्। जपहोमपरान् विप्रान् ददर्श परवीरहा॥
The destroyer of the enemy's army, (Dushyanta), saw around him innumerable learned Brahmanas of rigid vows who were all engaged in japa and homa.

आसनानि विचित्राणि रुचिराणि महीपतिः। प्रयत्नोपहितानि स्म दृष्ट्वा विस्मयमागमत्॥
The king was much astonished to see the beautiful carpets which these Brahmanas offered him (for his seat).

देवतायतनानां च प्रेक्ष्य पूजां कृतां द्विजैः। ब्रह्मलोकस्थमात्मानं मेने स नृपसत्तमः॥
That best of kings, seeing the rites with which the Brahmanas worshipped the deities, thought himself in the land of Brahma.

स काश्यपतपोगुप्तमाश्रमप्रवरं शुभम्। नातृप्यत् प्रेक्षमाणो वै तपोवनगुणैर्युतम्॥ वृतं समन्तादृषिभिस्तपोधनैः। विवेश सामात्यपुरोहितोऽरिहा विविक्तमत्यर्थमनोहरं शुभम्॥
The more the king saw that auspicious and sacred hermitage of the son of Kashyapa (Kanva), protected by that Rishi's ascetic virtues and endued with all the requisites of a holy retreat, more he desired to see it. He was not satisfied with this cursory view of the beautiful hermitage). The destroyer of foes, accompanied by his Minister and his Priest, then entered that charming and sacred hermitage of the son of Kashyapa, inhabited by the great ascetic Rishis of rigid vows.