Agni freed from curse

सौतिरुवाच शप्तस्तु भृगुणा वह्निः क्रुद्धो वाक्यमथाब्रवीत्। किमिदं साहसं ब्रह्मन्कृतवानसि मां प्रति॥
Sauti said: Thus being cursed by Bhrigu. Agni said in anger, “What do you mean, Brahmana, by this rashness that you have shown towards me.”

धर्मे प्रयतमानस्य सत्यं च वदतः समम्। पृष्टो यदब्रवं सत्यं व्यभिचारोऽत्र को मम॥
What transgression is committed by me, who tried to do justice and to speak the truth impartially? Being asked, I told the truth.

पृष्टो हि साक्षी यः साक्ष्यं जानानोऽप्यन्यथा वदेत्। स पूर्वानात्मनः सप्त कुले हन्यात्तथा परान्॥
A witness, who being asked about a thing which he knows, says something else than what it (really) is, ruins his ancestors and descendants, both to the seventh generations.

यश्च कार्यार्थतत्त्वज्ञो जानानोऽपि न भाषते। सोऽपि तेनैव पापेन लिप्येन नात्र संशयः॥
He, who, knowing a thing full well, does not disclose what he knows when asked is undoubtedly tainted with sin.

शक्तोऽहमपि शप्तुं त्वां मान्यास्तु ब्राह्मणा मम। जानतोऽपि च ते ब्रह्मन्कथयिष्ये निबोध तत्॥
I can also curse you, but Brahmanas are held in respect by me. Although, O Brahinana, these are known to you, I shall yet speak them to you. Please understand.

योगेन बहुधात्मानं कृत्वा तिष्ठामि मूर्तिषु। अग्निहोत्रेषु सत्रेषु क्रियासु च मखेषु च॥
Having multiplied myself by Yoga power, I am present in many forms. (I am present) in the Agnihotra, Satras, rituals and in other sacrifices.

वेदोक्तेन विधानेन मयि यद्भूयते हविः। देवता पितरश्चैव तेन तृप्ता भवन्ति वै॥
The Devas and Pitris are satisfied from the ghee that is offered in my flame, according to the ordinances of the Vedas.

आपो देवगणाः सर्वे आपः पितृगणास्तथा। दर्शश्च पौर्णमासश्च देवानां पितृभिः सह॥
The waters are all the Devas. Waters are the Pitris. The Devas have equal rights with the Pitris to perform the sacrifices, called Darsha and Paurnamasa. Darsha and Paurnamasa yajnas are performed for both Devas and Pitris.

देवताः पितरस्तस्मात्पितरश्चापि देवताः। एकीभूताश्च पूज्यन्ते पृथक्त्वेन च पर्वसु॥
Therefore the Devas are the Pitris and the Pitris are the Devas. They are worshipped as identical beings and they are also separately worshipped at Parvas (changes of the moon).

देवता: पितरश्चैव भुञ्जते मयि यद्भुतम्। देवतानां पितॄणां च मुखमेतदहं स्मृतम्॥
The Devas and the Pitris eat what is offered unto me. I am. therefore, called the mouth of the Devas and the Pitris.

अमावास्यां हि पितरः पौर्णमास्यां हि देवताः। मन्मुखेनैव हूयन्ते भुञ्जते च हुतं हविः॥ सर्वभक्षः कथं त्वेषां भविष्यामि मुखं त्वहम्।
At the new-moon the Pitris and at the fullmoon the Devas are fed through my mouth with the oblations are offered unto me. Being their mouths, how can I be the eater of all things?"

सौतिरुवाच चिन्तयित्वा ततो वह्निश्चक्रे संहारमात्मनः। द्विजानामग्निहोत्रेषु यज्ञसत्रक्रियासु च॥
Sauti said: After reflecting for some time, Agni withdrew himself from all places in the world. (he withdrew himself) from the Agnihotra of the twice-born, yajnas, satras and from other ceremonies.

निरोंकारवषट्काराः स्वधास्वाहाविवर्जिताः। विनाऽग्निना प्रजाः सर्वास्तत आसन्सुदुःखिताः॥
Without the fire being deprived of Oms and Vashats, of Svadhas and Svahas, all creatures became very much distressed.

अथर्षयः समुद्विग्ना देवान्गत्वाब्रुवन्वचः। अग्निनाशाक्रियाभ्रंशाभ्रान्ता लोकास्त्रयोऽनघाः।। विधद्ध्वमत्र तत्कार्यं न स्यात्कालात्ययो यथा। अथर्षयश्च देवाश्च ब्रह्माणमुपगम्य तु॥
Thereupon the Rishis went to the celestials in great anxiety and addressed them thus, "O immaculate beings, the three worlds have been confounded at the cessation of their sacrifices and ceremonies for the loss of fire. Therefore, be pleased to do the needful. There should not be any loss of time.” Their celestials and the Rishis together having approached the great Brahma,

अग्नेरावेदयन्शापं क्रियासहरमेव च। भृगुणा वै महाभागः शप्तोऽग्निः कारणान्तरे॥
They told him all about the curse on Agni and consequent interruption of all ceremonies. They said, “O Mahabhaga, Agni has been cursed by Bhrigu for some reason.

कथं देवमुखो भूत्वा यज्ञभागाग्रभुक्तथा। हुतभुक्सर्वलोकेषु सर्वभक्षत्वमेष्यति॥
How is it possible for Agni, who is the mouth of the celestials, who eats the first part of what is offered in sacrifice, who eats also the sacrificial ghee to become the eater of everything promiscuously?”

श्रुत्वा तु तद्वचस्तेषामग्निमाहूय विश्वकृत्। उवाच वचनं श्लक्ष्णं भूतभावनमव्ययम्॥
The creator of the world having heard all this, called Agni to his presence. He said, to Agni, who is eternal like him and who is creator of all, in gentle words.

लोकानामिह सर्वेषां त्वं कर्ता चान्त एव च। त्वं धारयसि लोकांस्त्रीन् क्रियाणां च प्रवर्तकः॥
"You are the creater of all creatures, you are their destroyer, you preserve the three words, you are also the promoter of all sacrifices and ceremonies,

स तथा कुरु लोकेश नोच्छिोरन्यथा क्रियाः। कस्मादेवं विमूढस्त्वमीश्वरःसन्हुताशन॥
Therefore act in a way, so that world's ceremonies are not interrupted. O the eater of sacrificial ghee, being the Lord of all, how have you become so foolish?

त्वं पवित्र सदा लोके सर्वभूतगतिश्च ह। न त्वं सर्वशरीरेण सर्वभक्षत्वमेष्यसि॥
You are always pure in the Universe, you are the stay of all creatures. You shall not be the eater of all things with all your body,

अपाने ह्यर्चिी यास्ते सर्वं भक्ष्यन्ति ताः शिखिन्। क्रव्यादा च तनुर्या ते सा सर्वं भक्षयिष्यति॥
O deity of flames, Only the flames, that are in the vilest part of your body, will eat all things, alike and the part of your body which eats will also eat all things.

यथा सूर्यांशुभिः स्पृष्टं सर्वं शुचि विभाव्यते। तथा त्वदर्चिनिर्दग्धं सर्वं शुचि भविष्यति॥ त्वमग्ने परमं तेजः स्वप्रभावाद्विनिर्गतम्। स्वतेजसैव तं शापं कुरु सत्यमृषेविभो। देवानां चात्मनो भागं गृहाण त्वं मुखे हुतम्॥
As all thing become pure, touched by the sunbeams, so will everything be pure that will be burnt in your flames. O Agni, you are the supreme energy, born of your own power. By that power, make the Rishi's curse true. Continue to receive your portion and that of the celestials offered into your mouth."

सौतिरुवाच एवमस्त्विति तं वह्निः प्रत्युवाच पितामहम्। जगाम शासनं कर्तुं देवस्य परमेष्ठिनः॥
Sauti said: Agni then replied to the Grandfather, "Be it so" and he went away to obey the command of the Parameshthi (Supreme Lord).

देवर्षयश्च मुदितास्ततो जग्मुर्यथागतम्। ऋषयश्च यथापूर्वं क्रियाः सर्वाः प्रचक्रिरे॥
The Rishis and the celestial also in great delight returned to the place whence they came. And the Rishis continued to perform their ceremonies and sacrifices as before.

दिवि देवा मुमुदिरे भूतसंघाश्च लौकिकाः। अग्निश्च परमां प्रीतिमवाप हतकल्मषः॥
The celestials in heaven and all creatures on earth were exceedingly rejoiced; and Agni too rejoiced, because he became free from the curse.

एवं स भगवाञ्छापं लेभेऽग्निर्भृगुतः पुरा। एवमेष पुरावृत्त इतिहासोऽग्निशापजः। पुलोम्नश्च विनाशोऽयं च्यवनस्य च संभवः॥
Thus in the days of yore, O possessor of the six attributes, was Agni cursed by Bhrigu, Such is the ancient history founded thereon, which contains the account of the destruction of Puloma, the Rakshasa and the birth of Chyavana.