Descent of the Celestials, Gandharvas, Danavas etc.

जनमेजय उवाच देवानां दानवानां च गन्धर्वोरंगरक्षसाम्। सिंहव्याघ्रमृगाणां च पन्नगानां पतत्रिणाम्॥ सर्वेषां चैव भूतानां संभवं भगवन्नहम्। श्रोतुमिच्छामि तत्त्वेन मानुषेषु महात्मनाम्। जन्म कर्म च भूतानामेतेषामनुपूर्वशः॥
Janamejaya said : Worshipful Sir, I desire to hear from you in detail the accounts of the births and deeds and achievements among men, of the Devas, the Danavas, the Rakshasas, the Gandharvas, the lions, the tigers, the snakes, the birds and other animals and in short of all creatures, that became incarnate in human forms.

वैशंपायन उवाच मानुषेषु मनुष्येन्द्र संभूता ये दिवौकसः। प्रथमं दानवांश्चैव तास्ते वक्ष्यामि सर्वशः॥
Vaishampayana said : O king of men, I shall first tell you all about those Devas and the Danavas who were born amongst men.

विप्रचित्तिरितिख्यातो य आसीद्दानवर्षभः। जरासन्ध इति ख्यातः स आसीन्मनुजर्षभः॥
The best of the Danavas, who was known by the name of Viprachitti, became that best of men who is known as Jarasandha.

दितेः पुत्रस्तु यो राजन्हिरण्यकशिपुः स्मृतः। स जज्ञे मानुषे लोके शिशुपालो नरर्षभः॥
O king, that son of Diti, who was known by the name of Hiranyakashipu, became (that king) who was known in this world by the name of powerful Shishupala.

संह्लाद इति विख्यातः प्रह्लादस्यानुजस्तु यः। स शल्य इति विख्यातो जज्ञे बाह्रीकपुङ्गवः॥
The younger brother of Prahlada who was known as Sanhlada, became among men that best of Balhikas, known as famous Shalya.

अनुहादस्तु तेजस्वी योऽभूत्ख्यातो जघन्यजः। धृष्टकेतुरिति ख्यातः स बभूव नरेश्वरः॥
The youngest (brother of Prahlada) known as Anuhrada, became famous in this world as Dhristaketu.

यस्तु राजञ्च्छिबिर्नाम दैतेयः परिकीर्तितः। द्रुम इत्यभिविख्यातः स आसीद्भुवि पार्थिवः॥
O king, that son of Diti who was known as Shibi, became the famous monarch Druma on earth.

बाष्कलो नाम यस्तेषामासीदसुरसत्तमः। भगदत्त इति ख्यातः स जज्ञे पुरुषर्षभः॥
O best of men, that best of Asuras, who was known as Bashkala, became the great Bhagadatta on earth.

अयःशिरा अश्वशिरा अयःशङ्कश्च वीर्यवान्। तथा गगनमूर्धा च वेगवांश्चात्र पञ्चमः॥
The five powerful and swift Asuras, namely Ayahshira, Ashvashira, Ayahshanku, Gaganmurdha and Vegavan,

पञ्चैते जज्ञिरे राजन्वीर्यवन्तो महासुराः। केकयेषु महात्मान: पार्थिवर्षभसत्तमाः॥
O king, these powerful great Asuras were all born in the illustrious dynasty of Kekaya and became great kings.

केतुमानिति विख्यातो यस्ततोऽन्यः प्रतापवान्। अमितौजा इति ख्यातः सोग्रकर्मा नराधिपः॥
The mighty Asura, who was known as Ketuman, became the king Amitauja of terrible deeds.

स्वर्भानुरिति विख्यातः श्रीमान्यस्तु महासुरः। उग्रसेन इति ख्यात उग्रकर्मा नराधिपः॥
The great and fortunate Asura, who was known as Svarbhanu, became the king Ugrasena of fearful deeds.

यस्त्वश्व इति विख्यातःश्रीमानासीन्महासुरः। अशोको नाम राजाभून्महावीर्योऽपराजितः॥
The great and fortunate Asura who was known as Ashva, became the invincible king Ashoka of great prowess.

तस्मादवरजो यस्तु राजन्नश्वपतिः स्मृतः। दैतेयः सोऽभवद्राजा हार्दिक्यो मनुजर्षभः॥
O king, that son of Diti, the younger brother of Ashva, who was known as Ashvapati, became the mighty king Hardikya.

वृषपर्वेति विख्यातः श्रीमान्यस्तु महासुरः। दीर्घप्रज्ञ इति ख्यातः पृथिव्यां सोऽभवनृपः॥
The great and fortunate Asura who was known as Vishaparva, became king Dhirghaprajna on earth.

अजकस्त्ववरो राजन्य आसीवृषपर्वणः। स शाल्व इति विख्यातः पृथिव्यामभवनृपः॥
O king, the younger brother of Vrishaparva, who was known as Ajaka, became Shalva on earth.

अश्वग्रीव इति ख्यातः सत्त्ववान्यो महासुरः। रोचमान इति ख्यातः पृथिव्यां सोऽभवनृपः॥
The great Asura who was known as Ashvagriva, became king Rochamana on earth.

सूक्ष्मस्तु मतिमानराजन्कीर्तिमान्यः प्रकीर्तितः। बृहद्रथ इति ख्यातः क्षितावासीत्स पार्थिवः॥
O king, the intelligent and illustrious Asura who was known as Sukshma, became the illustrious king Brihadratha on earth.

तुहुण्ड इति विख्यातो य आसीदसुरोत्तमः। सेनाबिन्दुरिति ख्यातः स बभूव नराधिपः॥
That best of Asuras, who was known as Tuhunda, became the king Senabindu on earth.

इषुपान्नाम यस्तेषामसुराणां बलाधिकः। नग्नजिन्नाम राजासीद्भुवि विख्यातविक्रमः॥
That great strong Asura, who was known as Ishupada, became king Nagnajita of worldknown prowess.

एकचक्र इति ख्यात आसीद्यस्तु महासुरः। प्रतिविन्ध्य इति ख्यातो बभूव प्रथितः क्षितौ॥
The great Asura who was known as Ekachakra, became known on earth as Prativindhya.

विरूपाक्षस्तु दैतेयश्चित्रयोधी महासुरः। चित्रधर्मेति विख्यातः क्षितावासीत्स पार्थिवः॥
The great Asura, capable of displaying various modes of fight and known as Virupaksha, became known as king Chitradharman on earth.

हरस्त्वरिहरो वीर आसीद्यो दानवोत्तमः। सुबाहुरिति विख्यातः श्रीमानासीत्स पार्थिवः॥
That best of Danavas, known as the heroic Hara, became the famous and fortunate king Subahu on earth.

अहरस्तु महातेजाः शत्रुपक्षक्षयंकरः। बाह्रीको नाम राजा स बभूव प्रथितः क्षितौ॥
That Asura of great prowess, the chastiser of his foes, known as Ahara, became king Bahlika on earth.

निचन्द्रश्चन्द्रवक्रस्तु य आसीदसुरोत्तमः। मुञ्जकेश इति ख्यातः श्रीमानासीत्स पार्थिवः॥
That best of Asuras, who was known as Nichandra and whose face was as beautiful as the moon, became the fortunate king Munjakesha on earth.

निकुम्भस्त्वजिताः संख्ये महामतिरजायत। भूमौ भूमिपतिः श्रेष्ठो देवाधिप इति स्मृतः॥
That great intelligent and invincible Asura, who was known as Nikumbha, became the best of kings Devadhipa on earth.

शरभो नाम यस्तेषां दैतेयानां महासुरः। पौरवो नाम राजर्षिः स बभूव नरोत्तमः॥
That Asura who was known as Sarabha amongst the sons of Diti, became the royal sage Pourava on earth.

कुपटस्तु महावीर्यः श्रीमान्राजन्महासुरः। सुपार्श्व इति विख्यातः क्षितौ जज्ञे महीपतिः॥
O king, that greatly powerful and fortunate Asura who was as Kupata, became the famous king Suparshva on earth.

क्रथस्तु राजनराजर्षिः क्षितौ जज्ञे महासुरः। पार्वतेय इति ख्यातः काञ्चनाचलसन्निभः॥
O king, the great Asura who was known as Kratha, became the royal sage Parvateya, as effulgent as a golden mountain.

द्वितीयः शलभस्तेषामसुराणां बभूव ह। प्रह्लादो नाम वाह्लीकः स बभूव नराधिपः॥
That Asura, who was known as Shalabha the second, became king Prahlada in the land of the Bahlikas on earth. was as

चन्द्रस्तु दितिजश्रेष्ठो लोके ताराधिपोपमः। चन्द्रवर्मेति विख्यातः काम्बोजानां नराधिपः॥
That best of the Diti's sons, who was known as Chandra and who was as handsome as the lord of the stars (moon), became Chandravarman, the king of Kambojas on earth.

अर्क इत्यभिविख्यातो यस्तु दानवपुङ्गवः। ऋषिको नाम राजर्षिर्बभूव नृपसत्तमः॥
O king, that best of Danavas, who was known as Arka, became the royal sage Rishika on earth.

मृतपा इति विख्यातो स आसीदसुरोत्तमः। पश्चिमानूपकं विद्वि तं नृपं नृपसत्तम॥
O best of kings, that best of Asuras, who known Mritapa, became king Paschimanupaka on earth.

गविष्ठस्तु महातेजा यः प्रख्यातो महासुरः। दुमसेन इति ख्यातः पृथिव्यां सोऽभवन्नृपः॥
That greatly powerful Asura, known as Gavishtha, became king Drumasena on earth.

मयूर इति विख्यातः श्रीमान्यस्तु महासुरः। स विश्व इति विख्यातो बभूव पृथिवीपतिः॥
That great and fortunate Asura, who was known as Mayura, became king Vishva on earth.

सुपर्ण इति विख्यातस्तस्मादवरजस्तु यः। कालकीर्तिरिति ख्यातः पृथिव्यां सोऽभवनृपः॥
That Asura who was the younger brother of Mayura and who was known as Suparna, became king Kalakirti on earth.

चन्द्रहन्तेति यस्तेषां कीर्तितः प्रवरोऽसुरः। शुनको नाम राजर्षिः स बभूव नराधिपः॥
The greatly powerful, Asura, who was known as Chandrahanta, became king Sunaka on earth.

विनाशनस्तु चन्द्रस्य य आख्यातो महासुरः। जानकिर्नाम विख्यातः सोऽभवन्मनुजाधिपः॥
The great Asura, who was known as Chandravinashana, became king Janaki on earth.

दीर्घजिह्वस्तुकौरव्य य उक्तो दानवर्षभः। काशिराजः स विख्यातः पृथिव्यां पृथिवीपते॥
O king of the Kuru race, that best of the Danayas who was known as Dirgajihva, became king Kashiraja on earth.

ग्रहं तु सुषुवे यं तु सिंहिकार्केन्दुमर्दनम्। स क्राथ इति विख्यातो बभूव मनुजाधिपः॥
That Asura (Rahu) who was born of Singhika and who persecuted the sun and the moon, became king Kratha on earth.

दनायुधस्तु पुत्राणां चतुर्णां प्रवरोऽसुरः। विक्षरो नाम तेजस्वी वसुमित्रो नृपः स्मृतः॥
The eldest of the four sons of Danayu, who was known as Vikshara, became the powerful king Vasumitra of earth.

द्वितीयो विक्षरावस्तु नराधिप महासुरः। पाण्ड्यराष्ट्रधिप इति विख्यातः सोऽभवन्नृपः॥
The second brother of Vikshara, the great Asura, became the king of the country called Pandya.

बली वीर इति ख्यातो यस्त्वासीदसुरोत्तमः। पौण्ड्रमात्स्यक इत्येवं बभूव स नराधिपः॥
That best of Asuras, who was known by the name of Vira, became king Paundramatsyaka on earth.

वृत्र इत्यभिविख्यातो यस्तु राजन्महासुरः। मणिमानाम राजर्षिः स बभूव नराधिपः॥
O king, that great Asura who was known as Vritra became the royal sage Manimala on earth.

क्रोधहन्तेति यस्तस्य बभूवावरजोऽसुरः। दण्ड इत्यभिविख्यातः स आसीनृपतिः क्षितौ॥
That Asura, who was the younger brother of Vritra and was known as Krodhahanta, became king Danda on earth.

क्रोधवर्धन इत्येवं यस्त्वन्यः परिकीर्तितः। दण्डधार इति ख्यातः सोभऽवन्मनुजर्षभः॥
That Asura who was known as Krodhavardhana became king Dandadhara on earth.

कालेयानां तु ये पुत्रास्तेषामष्टौ नराधिपाः। जज्ञिरे राजशार्दूल शार्दूलसमविक्रमाः॥
O best of kings, the eight sons of the Asura Kaleyas were all born on earth and they all became great kings as powerful as tigers.

मगधेषु जयत्सेनस्तेषामासीत्स पार्थिवः। अष्टानां प्रवरस्तेषां कालेयानां महासुरः॥
Of the eight great Kaleya Asuras, the eldest Jayatsena became the king of Magadha.

द्वितीयस्तु ततस्तेषां श्रीमान्हरिहयोपमः। अपराजित इत्येवं स बभूव नराधिपः॥
The second, as powerful as Indra, became king Aparajita on earth.

तृतीयस्तु महातेजा महामायो महासुरः। निषादाधिपतिर्जज्ञे भुवि भीमपराक्रमः॥
The third was a great Asura, endued with great prowess and power of deception, (Magical powers) and he became the greatly powerful king of the Nishadas.

तेषामन्यतमो यस्तु चतुर्थः परिकीर्तितः। श्रेणिमानिति विख्यातः क्षितौ राजर्षिसत्तमः॥
The fourth of the brothers became the best of royal sages, Shrenimana.

पञ्चमस्त्वभवत्तेषां प्रवरो यो महासुरः। महौजा इति विख्यातो बभूवेह परंतपः॥
That great Asura, the fifth (brother) became king Mahauja, the oppressor of his foes on earth.

षष्ठस्तु मतिमान्यो वै तेषामासीन्महासुरः। अभीरुरिति विख्यातः क्षितौ राजर्षिसत्तमः॥
That greatly intelligent and powerful Asura who was the sixth (brother) became the vest of royal sages Abhiru on earth.

समुद्रसेनस्तु नृपस्तेषामेवाभवद्गणात्। विश्रुतः सागरान्तायां क्षितौ धर्मार्थतत्त्ववित्॥
The seventh of the brothers) became king Samudrasena, famous all over the earth from its centre to the sea and he was learned in the Shastras.

बृहन्नामाष्टमस्तेषां कालेयानां नराधिप बभूव राजा धर्मात्मा सर्वभूतहिते रतः॥
O king, the eighth of the Kaleyas, who was known as Brihata became a virtuous king, ever engaged in doing good to all creatures,

कुक्षिस्तु राजन्विख्यातो दानवानां महाबलः। पार्वतीय इति ख्यातः काञ्चनाचलसंनिभः॥
That mighty Danava, who was known as Kukshi, became king Parvatiya, as effulgent as a golden mountain.

क्रथनश्च महावीर्यः श्रीमानराजा महासुरः। सूर्याक्ष इति विख्यातः क्षितौ जज्ञे महीपतिः॥
That mighty and powerful Asura, who was known as Krathana, became king Suryaksha on earth.

असुराणां तु यः सूर्यः श्रीमांश्चैव महासुरः। दरदो नाम बाल्हीको वरः सर्वमहीक्षिताम्॥
That handsome Asura, who was known as Surya, became on earth that best of all kings Darada the king of the Bahlikas.

गण: क्रोधवशो नाम यस्ते राजप्रकीर्तितः। तत: संजज्ञिरे वीराः क्षिताविह नराधिपाः॥
O king, many heroic monarchs, were born on earth form the race of Asuras, called Krodhavasha, of whom I have already spoken to you.

मद्रकः कर्णवेष्टश्च सिद्धार्थः कीटकस्तथा। सुवीरश्च सुबाहुश्च महावीरोऽथ बाह्निकः॥ क्रथो विचित्रः सुरथः श्रीमान्नीलश्च भूमिपः। चीरवासाश्च कौरव्य भूमिपाश्चैव नामतः॥ दन्तवक्त्रश्च नामासीर्जयश्चैव दानवः। रुक्मी च नृपशार्दूलो राजा च जनमेजयः॥ आषाढो वायुवेगश्च भूरितेजास्तथैव च। एकलव्य सुमित्रश्च वाटधानोऽथ गोमुखः॥ कारूषकाश्च राजानः क्षेमधूर्तिस्तथैव च। श्रुतायुरुद्वहश्चैव बृहत्सेनस्तथैव च॥ क्षेमोग्रतीर्थः कुहरः कलिङ्गेषु नराधिपः। मतिमांश्च मनुष्येन्द्र ईश्वरश्चेति विश्रुतः॥
(They were) were) Madraka, Karmaveshta, Siddhartha, Kitaka, Suvira, Subahu, Mahavira, Bahlika, Kratha, Vichitra, Suratha, handsome Nila, Chiravasa, Bhumipala, Dantavaktra, Durjaya, Rukmi, Janamejaya, Ashada, Vayuvega, Bhuriteja, Ekalavya, Sumitra, Vatadhana, Gomukha, Karushakas, Kshemdhurti, Shrutayu, Udvaha, Brihatsena, Kshema, Ugratirtha, the king of Kalinga and Matimana, the king who was known as Ishvara.

गणात्क्रोधवशादेष राजपूगोऽभवक्षितौ। जातः पुरा महाभागो महाकीर्तिर्महाबलः॥
These greatly fortunate, powerful and illustrious and best of monarchs were all born on earth of the race of Asuras, called Krodhavasha.

कालनेमिरिति ख्यातो दानवानां महाबलः। स कंस इति विख्यात उग्रसेनसुतो बली॥
That great Danava who was known as Kalanemi became the son of Ugrasena, king Kamsa, on earth.

यस्त्वासीद्देवको नाम देवराजसमद्युतिः। स गन्धर्वपतिर्मुख्यः क्षितौ जज्ञे नराधिपः॥
The best of the kings of the Gandharvas was born on earth as Devaka who was as effulgent as Indra himself.

बृहस्पतेवृहत्कीर्तेर्देवर्षेर्विद्धि भारत। अंशाद्रोणं समुत्पन्नं भारद्वाजमयोनिजम्॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, Drona, the son of Bharadvaja, who was not born of any woman, sprang from the celestial Rishi Brihaspati.

धन्विनां नृपशार्दूल यः सर्वास्त्रवित्तमः। महाकीर्तिर्महातेजा: स जज्ञे मनुजेश्वर॥
O best of kings, he was a hero of great achievements and the best of all those that were learned in the ways of using arms. He was most illustrious and most powerful.

धनुर्वेदे च वेदे च यं तं वेदविदो विदुः। वरिष्ठं चित्रकर्माणं द्रोणं स्वकुलवर्धनम्॥
He was called learned, in the Vedas, as well as in the Science of arms by all men wellversed in the Vedas. He was a doer of wonderful deeds and a pride of his race.

महादेवान्तकाभ्यां च कामात्क्रोधाच्च भारत। एकत्वमुपपन्नानां जज्ञे शूरः परंतपः॥ अश्वत्थामा महावीर्यः शत्रुपक्षभयावहः। वीरः कमलपत्राक्षः क्षितावासीन्नराधिप॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, O king, his son, the heroic, surpassingly energetic and lotus-eyed Ashvathama, the terror of all his foes and the great oppressor of all enemies, was born on earth from the united portions of Mahadeva, Yama, Kama and Krodha.

जज्ञिरे वसवस्त्वष्टौ गङ्गायां शान्तनोः सुताः। वसिष्ठस्य च शापेन नियोगाद्वासवस्य च॥
Begot by her husband Shantanu, the eight Vasus were given birth to by Ganga, on account of the curse of Rishi Vasistha and also from the command of Indra.

तेषामवरजो भीष्मः कुरूणामभयंकरः। मतिमान्वेदविद्वाग्मी शत्रुपक्षक्षयंकरः॥
The youngest of them was Bhishma, who was the dispeller of the fears of the Kurus, who was greatly intelligent, who was a great scholar in the Vedas and a best of speakers and the destroyer of the enemy's ranks.

जामदग्न्येन रामेण सर्वास्त्रविदुषां वरः। योऽयुध्यत महातेजा भार्गवेण महात्मना॥
That best of men, being learned in the science of arms and endued with great energy, fought with the illustrious (Parshu) Rama, the son of Jamadagni.

यस्तु राजन्कृपो नाम ब्रह्मर्षिरभवक्षितौ। रुद्राणां तु गणाद्विद्धि संभूतमतिपौरुषम्॥
O king, that Brahmana Rishi, who was known in the world as Kripa, was the embodiment of all manliness, was born of the Rudraganas.

शकुनि म यस्त्वासीद्राजा लोके महारथः। द्वापरं विद्धि तं राजन्संभूतमरिमर्दनम्॥
O king, that king and great car-warrior, that chastiser of foes, who was known as Shakuni in the world, know him to be the Dvapara himself.

सात्यकिः सत्यसन्धश्च योऽसौ वृष्णिकुलोद्वहः। पक्षात्स जज्ञे मरुतां देवानामरिमर्दनः॥
He who was known as Satyaki, the upholder of the pride of Vrishnis and the chastiser of foes, was born of the portion of celestial Marutas.

दुपदश्चैव राजर्षिस्तत एवाभवद्गणात्। मानुषे नृपलोकेऽस्मिन्सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वरः॥
That royal sage, king Drupada, the best of all the wielder of arms, was also born the portions of the same celestials (Marutas).

ततश्च कृतवर्माणं विद्धि राजञ्जनाधिपम्। तमप्रतिमकर्माणं क्षत्रियर्षभसत्तमम्॥
O king, know that Kritavarma that king of men, that man of matchless deeds, that best of best Kshatriyas,

मरुतां तु गणाद्विद्धि संजातमरिमर्दनम्। विराटं नाम राजानं परराष्ट्रप्रतापनम्॥
That chastiser of foes, was also born of the same celestials. The king Virata, the conqueror of other kingdoms, was also born of the same celestials.

अरिष्टायास्तु यः पुत्रो हंस इत्यभिविश्रुतः। स गन्धर्वपतिर्जज्ञे कुरुवंशविवर्धनः॥
That son of Arishta, known as Hansa, the king of the Gandharvas, was born to increase the Kuru race.

धृतराष्ट्र इति ख्यातः कृष्णद्वैपायनात्मजः। दीर्घबाहुर्महातेजाः प्रज्ञाचक्षुर्नराधिपः॥
He was known on earth as Dhritarashtra, the son of Krishna Dvaipayana; he had long arms, he was greatly powerful and he was a king with prophetic eyes.

मातुर्दोषादृषेः कोपादन्ध एव व्यजायत। तस्यैवावरजो भ्राता महासत्त्वो महाबलः॥ स पाण्डुरिति विख्यातः सत्यधर्मरतः शुचि।
He became blind for the fault of his mother and anger of the Rishi. His younger brother was greatly powerful and strong. He was known as Pandu and was devoted to truth, virtue and purity.

अत्रेस्तु सुमहाभागं पुत्रं पुत्रवतः वरम्। विदुरं विद्धि तं लोके जातं बुद्धिमतां वरम्॥
Know, that he who was known as Vidura, he wino was the best of all virtuous men, he who was the god of justice himself who was the excellent and greatly fortunate son of Atri (Surya). one

कलेरंशस्तु संजज्ञे भुवि दुर्योधनो नृपः। दुर्बुद्धिर्दुर्मतिश्चैव कुरूणामयशस्करः॥
The evil and wicked-minded king Duryodhana, the destroyer of the fame of the Kuru dynasty, was born of the portion of the Kali.

जगतो यस्तु सर्वस्य विद्विष्ट कलिपूरुषः। यः सर्वां घातयामास पृथिवीं पृथिवीपते॥
O king, It was he who was the cause of the slaughter of all creatures and of the world, he ruined the earth.

उद्दीपितं येन वैरं भूतान्तकरणं महत्। पौलस्त्या भ्रातरश्चास्य जज्ञिरे मनुजेष्विह॥
It was he who fanned the fire of hostility, the great fire of destruction. The sons of Pulastya became on earth the brothers of Duryodhana.

शतं दुःशासनादीनां सर्वेषां क्रूरकर्मणाम्। दुर्मुखो दुःसहश्चैव ये चान्येनानुकीर्तिताः॥
They were hundred, Dushasana Durmukha, Dusaha and others, all wicked to the extreme. I do not mention their names.

दुर्योधनसहायास्ते पौलस्त्या भरतर्षभ। वैश्यापुत्रो युयुत्सुश्च धार्तराष्ट्रः शताधिकः॥
All of them supported Duryodhana in his wicked acts. O best of the Bharata race, they were all sons of Pulastya (Rakshas). Over and above these one hundred sons, Dhritarashtra had another son Yuyutsu, begot on a Vaisya woman.

जनमेजय उवाच ज्येष्ठानुज्येष्ठा तामेषां नामधेयानि वा विभो। धृतराष्ट्रस्य पुत्राणामानुपूर्वेण कीर्तय॥
Janamejaya said : O Lord, tell me the names of all the sons of Dhritarashtra beginning from the eldest, according to the order of their births.

वैशंपायन उवाच दुर्योधनो युयुत्सुश्च राजन्दुश्शासनस्तथा। दुःसहो दुःशलश्चैव दुर्मुखश्च तथापरः॥ विविंशतिर्विकर्णश्च जलसन्धः सुलोचनः। विन्दानुविन्दौ दुर्घर्ष: सुबाहुर्दुष्प्रधर्षणः॥ दुर्मर्षणो दुर्मुखश्च दुष्कर्णः कर्ण एव च। चित्रोपचित्रौ चित्राक्षश्चारुचित्राङ्गदश्च ह॥ दुर्मदो दुष्प्रहर्षश्च विवित्सुर्विकटः समः। ऊर्णनाभः पद्मनाभस्तथा नन्दोपनन्दकौ॥ सेनापतिः सुषेणश्च कुण्डोदरमहोदरौ। चित्रबाहुश्चित्रवर्मा सुवर्मा दुर्विरोचनः॥ अयोबाहुर्महाबाहुश्चित्रचापसुकुण्डलौ। भीमवेगो भीमबलो बलाकी भीमविक्रमः॥ उग्रायुधो भीमशरः कनकायुदृढायुधः। दृढवर्मा दृढक्षत्रः सोमकीर्तिरनूदरः :॥ जरासन्धो दृढसन्धः सत्यसन्धः सहस्रवाक्। उग्रश्रवा उग्रसेनः क्षेममूर्तिस्तथैव च॥ अपराजितः पण्डितको विशालाक्षो दुराधनः॥ दृढहस्तः सुहस्तश्च वातवेगसुवर्चसौ। आदित्यकेतुर्बह्वाशी नागदत्तानुयायिनौ॥ कवची निषङ्गी दण्डो दण्डधारो धनुर्ग्रहः। उग्रो भीमरथो वीरो वीरबाहुरलोलुपः॥ अभयो रौद्रकर्मा च तथा दृढरथश्च यः। अनाधृष्यः कुण्डभेदी विरावी दीर्घलोचनः॥ दीर्घबाहुर्महाबाहुयूंढोरुः कनकाङ्गदः। कुण्डजश्चित्रकश्चैव दुःशला च शताधिका॥ वैश्यापुत्रो युयुत्सुश्च धार्तराष्ट्रः शताधिकः।
Vaishampayana said : (They are) Duryodhana, Yuyutsa, Dushasana, Dussaha, Dushala, Durmukha, Vivingshati, Vikarna, Jalasandha, Sulochana, Vinda, Anuvinda, Durdharsha, Subahu, Dushpradharshana, Durmarshana, Durmukha, Dushkarna, Karna, Chitra, Upachitra, Chitraksha, Charu, Chitrangada, Durmada, Dushpradharsha, Vivitsu, Vikata, Sama, Urnanabha, Padmanabha, Nanda, Upananda, Senapati, Shushena, Kundodara, Mahodara, Chitrabahu, Chitravarma, Suvarmana, Durvirochana, Ayobahu, Mahabahu, Chitrachapa, Sukundala, Bhimavega, Bhimabala, Balaki, Bhima, Vikrama, Ugrayudha, Bhimashara, Kanakayu, Drindayudha, Drindavarmana, Drindakshetra, Somakirti, Anudara, Jarasandha, Drindasandha, Satyasandha, Sahasrayaka, Ugrashrava, Ugrasena, Kshemamurti, Aparajita, Panditaka, Vishalaksha, Duradhana, Drindahasta, Suhasta, Vatavega, Suvarcha, Adityaketu, Bahvashi, Nagadatta, Anuyayi, Nishangi, Kavachi, Dandi, Dandadhara, Dhanugraha, Ugra, Bhimaratha, Vira, Virabahu, Alolupa, Abhaya, Raudrakarma, Drindaratha, Anadhrishya, Kundabhedi, Viravi, Dirghalochana, Dirghbahu, Mahabahu, Vyudhoru, Kanakangada, Kundaja and Chitraka. He (Dhritarashtra) had also a daughter, named Dushala, above and over these one hundred sons. Dhritarashtra had another son, named Yuyutsa, born of a Vyasa woman, who was also above and over these one hundred sons.

एतदेकशतं राजन्कन्या चैका प्रकीर्तिता।। नामधेयानुपूर्व्या च ज्येष्ठानुज्येष्ठतां विदुः॥
O king, thus have I told you the names of the one hundred sons (of Dhritarashtra) and also of the name of his daughter. You have now known their names according to the orders of their births.

सर्वे त्वतिरथाः शूराः सर्वे युद्धविशारदाः। सर्वे वेदविदश्चैव राजञ्च्छास्त्रे च पारगा॥
They were all heroes, great car-warriors and learned in the use of arms. They were also well-versed in the Vedas and experts in statesmanship

सर्वे संग्रामविद्यासु विद्याभिजनशोभिनः। सर्वेषामनुरूपाश्च कृता दारा महीपते॥
O king, all of them were mighty in attack and defence and all of them were learned. They married wives suitable to them in beauty and accomplishments.

दुःशलां समये राजन्सिन्धुराजाय कौरवः। जयद्रथाय प्रददौ सौबलानुमते तदा॥
At the marriageable age, the king of the Kurus at the advice of Shakuni bestowed his daughter Dushala on Jayadratha, the king of the Sindhus.

धर्मस्यांशं तु राजानं विद्धि राजन्युधिष्ठिरम्। भीमसेनं तु वातस्य देवराजस्य चार्जुनम्॥
Know, O king, king Yudhishthira was a portion of Dharma; Bhima was that of Maruta; Arjuna was that of the king of the celestials (Indra).

अश्विनोस्तु तथैवांशौ रूपेणाप्रतिमौ भुवि। नकुलः सहदेवश्च सर्वभूतमनोहरौ॥
The most handsome men amongst all men and the matchless beauties on earth, Nakula and Sahadeva were the portions of the Ashvinas.

यस्तु वर्चा इति ख्यातः सोमपुत्रः प्रतापवान्। सोऽभिमन्युर्वृहत्कीर्तिरर्जुनस्य सुतोऽभवत्॥
He, who was known as Varcha the son of Soma, became Abhimanyu of wonderful deeds, the son of Arjuna.

यस्यावतरणे राजन्सुरान्सोमोऽब्रवीदिदम्। नाहं दद्यां प्रियं पुत्रं मम प्राणैर्गरीयसम्॥
O king, before his (Varcha) incarnation on earth, Soma thus spoke to the celestials, "I cannot part with my son; he is dearer to me than life.

समयः क्रियतामेष न शक्यमतिवर्तितम्। सुरकार्यं हि नः कार्यमसुराणां क्षितौ वधः॥
Let this agreement be made and let not that agreement be violated. The destruction of the Asuras is the work of the celestials, therefore it is our work also.

तत्र यास्यत्ययं वर्चा न च स्थास्यति वै चिरम्। ऐन्द्रिनरस्तु भविता यस्य नारायणः सखा॥
Let this Varcha go, but let him not stay long on earth. Nara will be born as Indra's son and he will have Narayana as his friend.

सोऽर्जुनोत्यभिविख्यातः पाण्डोः पुत्रः प्रतापवान्। तस्यायं भविता पुत्रो बालो भुवि महारथः॥
He will be known on earth as powerful Arjuna, the son of Pandu. My boy will be his son and even in his boyhood will be a great car-warrior.

ततः षोडशवर्षाणि स्थास्यत्यमरसत्तमाः। अस्य षोडशवर्षस्य स संग्रामो भविष्यति॥
O best of immortals, let him remain on earth only for sixteen years. On his sixteenth year, will take place that great fight.

यत्रांशा वः करिष्यन्ति कर्मवीरनिषूदनम्। नरनारायणाभ्यां तु स संग्रामो विना कृतः॥
In which your incarnations will kill innumerable heroes. And in the fight in which Nara and Narayana (Arjuna and Krishna) will not be present,

चक्रव्यूह समास्थाय योधयिष्यन्ति वः सुराः। विमुखञ्च्छात्रवान्सर्वान्कारयिष्यति मे सुतः॥
And in which, O celestials, the (Kuru) heroes will fight with constructing a Chakravyuha, (in that fight) my son will defeat all foes and compel them to retreat.

बालः प्रविश्य च व्यूहमभेद्यं विचरिष्यति। महारथानां वीराणां कदनं च करिष्यति॥
The boy will enter into that impenetrable Vyuha and will walk about the place. He will defeat and kill many heroes and great carwarriors.

सर्वेषामेव शत्रूणां चतुर्थांशं नयिष्यति। दिनार्धेन महाबाहुः प्रेतराजपुरं प्रति॥
The mighty-armed hero, within the course of half a day, will send the one-fourth part of the foes, to the land of the dead.

ततो महारथैर्वीरैः समेत्य बहुशो रणे। दिनक्षये महाबाहुर्मया भूयः समेष्यति॥
Then towards the close of the day, many heroes and great car-warriors will return to the charge and attack my son. Thereupon, my mighty-armed son will come back to me.

एकं वंशकरं पुत्रं वीरं वै जनयिष्यति। प्रनष्टं भारतं वंशं स भूयो धारयिष्यति॥
He will beget one heroic son who will keep alive the almost extinct Bharata dynasty."

एतत्सोमवचः श्रुत्वा तथास्विति दिवौकसः। प्रत्यूचुः सहिताः सर्वे ताराधिपमपूजयन्॥
Having heard these words of Soma, the celestials said, “Be it so.” They then all worshipped and praised the lord of the stars (Soma).

एवं ते कथितं राजंस्तव जन्म पितुः पितुः। अग्नेर्भागं तु विद्धि त्वं धृष्टद्युम्नं महारथम्॥
O king, thus have I told you the accounts of the births of your father and his father (and so on;. Know, O king, the great car-warrior Dhrishtadyumna was born of a portion of Agni.

शिखण्डिनमथोराजस्त्रीपूर्वं विद्धि राक्षसम्। द्रौपदेयाश्च ये पञ्च बभूवुर्भरतर्षभ।१२७॥
Know that Shikhandi, who was previously a woman, was born of a portion of a Rakshasa. O best of the Bharata race, those that became the five sons of Draupadi,

विश्वान्देवगणान्विद्धि संजातान्भरतर्षभ। प्रतिविध्यः सुतमोसः श्रुतकीर्तिस्तथापरः॥
Know, O best of the Bharata race, were the celestials called Vishvedevas. (They were) Prativindhya, Sutasoma, Shrutakirti.

नाकुलिस्तु शतानीकः श्रुतसेनश्च वीर्यवान्। शूरो नाम यदुश्रेष्ठो वसुदेवपिताभवत्॥
Shatanika, the son of Nakula and the powerful Shrutasena. The best of the Yadus, Shura, became the father of Vasudeva.

तस्य कन्या पृथा नाम रूपेणासदृशी भुवि। पितुः स्वस्त्रीयपुत्राय सोऽनपत्याय वीर्यवान्॥ अग्रमग्रे प्रतिज्ञाय स्वस्यापत्यस्य वै तदा। अग्रजातेति तां कन्यां शूरोऽनुग्रहकांक्षया॥ अददत्कुन्तिभोजाय स तां दुहितरं तदा। सा नियुक्ता पितुर्गेहे ब्राह्मणातिथिपूजने॥
His daughter was named Pritha, who was matchless on earth in beauty. Her father (Shura) promised before Fire that he would give his first-born child to the son of his paternal aunt, king Kuntibhoja, who was childless. He gave his daughter (Pritha) to that king, expecting to get his favour. And king Kuntibhoja, adopted her as his daughter. She was engaged in her (foster) father's house in attending upon Brahmanas and guests.

उग्रं पर्यचरद्घोरं ब्राह्मणं संशितव्रतम्। निगूढनिश्चयं धर्मे यं तं दूर्वाससं विदुः॥ तमुग्रं शंसितात्मानं सर्वयत्तैरतोषयत्। तुष्टोऽभिचारसंयुक्तमाचचक्षे यथाविधि॥
One day she attended upon the terrible and wrathful ascetic, vow-observing Durvasa, who was learned in the mysteries of religion and well-acquainted with truth. She, with all possible care, gratified that self-controlled ascetic.

उवाच चैनां भगवान्प्रीतोऽस्मि सुभगे तव। यं यं देवं त्वमेतेन मन्त्रेणावाहयिष्यसि॥
The illustrious man said, “O fortunate girl, I am much pleased with you. To those of the celestials whom you will call by this Mantra (that I teach you).

तस्य तस्य प्रसादात्त्वं देवि पुत्राञ्जनिष्यसि। एवमुक्ता च सा बाला तदा कौतूहलान्विता॥
(They will instantly come) and by their grace you will give birth to offspring." Thus addressed that girl, being much curious (to see the effect of the Mantra).

कन्या सती देवमर्कमाजुहाव यशस्विनी। प्रकाशकर्ता भगवांस्तस्यां गर्भं दधौ तदा॥
Called Surya when she was a maid. The illustrious god of light (Surya) made her conceive.

अजीजनत्सुतं चास्यां सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वरम्। सकुण्डलं सकवचं देवगर्भश्रियान्वितम्॥
And she begot a son, who became the best of all wielders of arms. He was born with a coat of arms and a pair of ear-rings and he looked as handsome as a celestial child.

दिवाकरसमं दीप्त्या चारुसर्वाङ्गभूषितम्। निगूहमाना जातं वै बन्धुपक्षभयात्तदा॥
And as effulgent as the sun and every part of his body was well embellished. From the fear of her friends and relatives, privately,

उत्ससर्ज जले कुन्ती तं कुमारं यशस्विनम्। तमुत्सृष्टं जले गर्भं राधाभर्ता महायशाः॥
She throw that illustrious son into water (river). But the child, thus thrown into the water, was taken up by the illustrious husband of Radha.

राधायाः कल्पयामास पुत्रं सोऽधिरथस्तदा। चक्रतुर्नामधेयं च तस्य बालस्य तावुभौ॥ दम्पतीव सुषेणेति दिक्षु सर्वासु विश्रुतम्। संवर्धमानो बलवान्सर्वास्त्रेषूत्तमोऽभवत्॥
Adhiratha (the husband of Radha) made the child his son. And the couple then gave him the name of Vasushena, by which name he soon became known all over the country. As he grew up, he became very strong and excelled in the use of all weapons.

वेदाङ्गानि च सर्वाणि जजाप जयतां वरः। यस्मिन्काले जपन्नास्ते धीमान्सत्यपराक्रमः॥ नादेयं ब्राह्मणेष्वासीत्तस्मिन्काले महात्मनः। तमिन्द्रो ब्राह्मणो भूत्वा पुत्रार्थे भूतभावनः॥
He became the best victor and learned in all the Vedangas. When that wise and truthloving man was doing his japa, then there was nothing to that high-souled man which he could not give to the Brahmanas. To do good to his son (Arjuna), illustrious Indra, one day assuming the form of a Brahimana,

ययाचे कुण्डले वीरं कवचं च सहाङ्गजम्। उत्कृत्य कर्णो ह्यददत्कवचं कुण्डले तथा॥
Begged from him his ear-rings and his natural coat of arms. Removing the ear-rings and coat of arms from his ear and breast, he gave them to him (Indra).

शक्तिं शक्रो ददौ तस्मै विस्मितश्चेदमब्रवीत्। देवासुरमनुष्याणां गन्धर्वोरगरक्षसाम्॥
Indra, who being much surprised (for his liberality), presented him with a dart and spoke to him thus, "The Devas, Asuras, Gandharvas, Rakshasas, Uragas or men,

यस्मिन्क्षेप्स्यसि दुर्धर्षं स एको न भविष्यति। पुरा नाम च तस्यासीद्वसुषेण इति क्षितौ॥
At whoinever, O hero, you will hurt this weapon, he will certainly be killed. He (the son of Pritha) was previously known by the name of Vasushena,

ततो वैकर्तनः कर्णः कर्मणा तेन सोऽभवत्। आमुक्तकवचो वीरो यस्तु जज्ञे महायशाः॥
But for his mighty deeds, he was subsequently called Karna. Because the greatly illustrious hero removed his natural coat of Arms (from his breast).

स कर्ण इति विख्यातः पृथायाः प्रथमः सुतः। स तु सूतकुले वीरो ववृधे राजसत्तम॥
He, the eldest son of Pritha, was called Karna. O best of kings, he thus began to grow up in the Suta caste.

दुर्योधनस्य सचिवं मित्रं शत्रुविनाशनम्। दिवाकरस्य तं विद्धि राजन्नशमनुत्तमम्॥ यस्तु नारायणो नाम देवदेवः सनातनः। तस्यांशो मानुष्वेसीद् वासुदेवः प्रतापवान्॥
Karna, the best of kings, expert in the use of all arms, the destroyer of his foes, became the friend and counsellor of Duryodhana, Know, O king, he was born of a portion of the sun. Of that god of gods, that everlasting Being, whose name is Narayana, the powerful Vasudeva (Krishna), was a portion in the world of men.

शेषस्यांशश्च नागस्य बलदेवो महाबलः। सनत्कुमारं प्रद्युम्नं विद्धि राजन् महौजसम्॥ एवमन्ये मनुष्येन्द्रा बहवोंऽशा दिवौकसाम्। जज्ञिरे वसुदेवस्य कुले कुलविवर्धनाः॥
Baladeva was a portion of the Naga, Shesha. O king, know that the greatly energetic Pradyumna was a portion of Sanatkumara. In this was many dwellers of heaven became great men on earth, In the race of Vasudeva, thus increasing its glory.

गणस्त्वप्सरसां यो वै मया राजन् प्रकीर्तितः। तस्य भागः क्षितौ जज्ञे नियोगाद् वासवस्य ह॥
O king, the Apsaras, of whom I have already spoken, were also born on earth in portions as ordered by Indra.

तानि षोडश देवीनां सहस्राणि नराधिप। बभूवुर्मानुषे लोके वासुदेवपरिग्रहः॥ श्रियस्तु भाग: संजज्ञे रत्यर्थं पृथिवीतले।
O king, sixteen thousand portions of these celestial ladies, became in the world of men the wives of Vasudeva. A portion of Sree (Lakshmi), herself became incarnate on earth out of love (for Narayana).

भीष्मकस्य कुले साध्वी रुक्मिणी नाम नामतः॥१५६। द्रौपदी त्वथ संजज्ञे शचीभागादनिन्दिता। द्रुपदस्य कुले कन्या वेदिमध्यादनिन्दिता॥
She was born in the race of Bhishmaka and that illustrious lady was named Rukmini. Draupadi was born from a portion of Sachi, (the wife of Indra) in the race of Drupada and from the altar of the sacrifice.

नातिइस्वा न महती नीलोत्पलसुगन्धिनी। पद्मायताक्षी सुश्रोणी स्वसिताञ्चितमूर्धजा॥
She was neither tall nor short, she had the fragrance of blue lotus. Her eyes were like the lotus leaves, her thighs were fair and round and her dense masses of hair were black and curly.

सर्वलक्षणसम्पूर्णा वैदूर्यमणिसन्निभा। पञ्चानां पुरुषेन्द्राणां चित्तप्रमथनी रहः॥
She was endued with all auspicious marks and her complexion was like the emerald. She was the charmer of the hearts of the five kings of men (the Pandavas).

सिद्धिधृतिश्च ये देव्यौ पञ्चानां मातरौ तु ते। कुन्ती माद्री च जज्ञाते मतिस्तु सुबलात्मजा॥
The goddesses Siddhi and Dhriti became the mothers of the five (Pandavas). They were named Kunti and Madri. And the goddess, who was Mati, became the daughter of Subala (Gandhari, the wife of Dhritarashtra).

इति देवासुराणां ते गन्धर्वाप्सरसां तथा। अंशावतरणं राजन् राक्षसानां च कीर्तितम्॥ ये पृथिव्यां समुद्धृता राजानो युद्धदुर्मदाः। महात्मानो यदूनां च ये जाता विपुले कुले॥ ब्राह्मणाः क्षत्रिया वैश्या मया ते परिकीर्तिताः। धन्यं यशस्यं पुत्रीयमायुष्यं विजयावहम्। इदमंशावतरणं श्रोतव्यमनसूयता॥
Thus, O king, have I described to you the births and incarnations of the portions of the Devas, Asuras, Gandharvas, Apsaras and Rakshasas, those that appeared on earth as invincible kings. Those illustrious ones that were born in the extensive race of the Yadus, those that were born as Brahmanas, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas, have all been described. This Anshavatarana (accounts of incarnations), which is capable of bestowing wealth, fame, long-life, offspring and victory, should be heard with proper frame of mind.

अंशावतरणं श्रुत्वा देवगन्धर्वरक्षसाम्। प्रभवाप्ययवित् प्राज्ञो न कृच्छ्रेष्ववसीदति॥
Hearing the incarnations of the Devas, the Asuras and the Gandharvas, the learned person, thus knowing the mystery of creation, preservation and destruction, does not feel depressed, even in the greatest sorrow.