Brief account of incarnation of gods etc.

जनमेजय उवाच य एते कीर्तिता ब्रह्मन्ये चान्ये नानुकीर्तिताः। सम्यक् ताञ्छ्रोतुमिच्छामि राज्ञश्चान्यान्सहस्रशः॥
Janamejaya said : O Brahmana, I wish to hear in detail the accounts of those that you have named and of those that you have not named and other kings and potentates by thousands.

यदर्थमिह संभूता देवकल्पा महारथाः। भुवि तन्मे महाभाग सम्यगाख्यातुमर्हसि॥
O great man, you should tell me in full the object for which these great car-warriors, all equal to the celestials, were born on earth.

वैशंपायन उवाच रहस्यं खल्विदं राजन्देवानामिति नः श्रुतम्। तत्तु ते कथयिष्यामि नमस्कृत्वा स्वयंभुवे॥
Vaishampayana said : O king, we have heard that what you ask is a mystery even to the celestials. I shall however, speak of it, after bowing my head to the Self-Born (Brahma).

त्रिःसप्तकृत्वः पृथिवीं कृत्वा निःक्षत्रियां पुरा। जामदग्न्यस्तपस्तेपे महेन्द्रे पर्वतोत्तमे॥
The son of Jamadagni, (Parshurama), after making the earth bereft of Kshatriyas for twenty-one times, went to the best of the mountains, named Mahendra and began his penances.

तदा निःक्षत्रिये लोके भार्गवेण कृते सति। ब्राह्मणाक्षत्रिया राजन्सुतार्थिन्योऽभिचक्रमुः॥
O king, when the earth was thus bereft of Kshatriyas, the Kshatriya women used to come to the Brahmanas for offspring.

ताभिः सह समापेतुर्ब्राह्मणाः संशितव्रताः। ऋतावृतौ नरव्याघ्र न कामाननृतौ तथा॥
O best of men, the Brahmanas had connections with them only at their seasons and not when they were not in their seasons and they the Brahmans did not do it with lust.

तेभ्यश्च लेभिरे गर्भ क्षत्रियास्ताः सहस्रशः। ततः सुषुविरे राजन्क्षत्रियान्वीर्यवत्तरान्॥
Thus thousands of Kshatriya women conceived through these connections with the Brahmanas and O king, thus were born many Kshatriyas of great prowess,

कुमाराश्च कुमारीश्च पुनः क्षत्राभिवृद्धये। एवं तद्ब्राह्मणै क्षत्रं क्षत्रियासु तपस्विभिः॥
And many boys and girls, in order to thrive the Kshatriya race. Thus sprang the Kshatriya race from Kshatriya women from their connections with ascetic Brahmanas.

जातं वृद्धं च धर्मेण सुदीर्घेणायुधान्वितम्। चत्वारोऽपि ततो वर्णा बभूवुर्ब्राह्मणोत्तराः॥
The new generation, blessed with long life, began to thrive in virtue and thus were again established the four castes having Brahmanas at their head.

अभ्यगच्छन्नृतौ नारी न कामानानृतौ तथा। तथैवान्यानि भूतानि तिर्यग्योनिगतान्यपि॥ ऋतौ दारांश्च गच्छन्ति तत्तथा भरतर्षभ। ततो वर्धन्त धर्मेण सहस्रशतजीविनः॥
At the time (of which I speak), every man went to his wife only at the time of her season and never from lust or when she was not at her season. Other creatures also, even those that were born in the race of birds, followed this example. O best of the Bharata race, thus were born hundreds and thousands of creatures and they all thrived in virtue.

ताः प्रजाः पृथिवीपाल धर्मव्रतपरायणाः। आधिभिर्व्याधिभिश्चैव विमुक्ताः सर्वशो नराः॥
O lord of the earth, all creatures were virtuous and religious and all men were free from sorrow and disease.

अथेमां सागरापाङ्गी गां गजेन्द्रगताखिलाम्। अध्यतिष्ठत्पुनः क्षत्रं सशैलवनपत्तनाम्॥
O king having the walk of an elephant, thus once more, the wide earth, with the ocean for her boundaries, with her mountains and woods and towns was governed by the Kshatriyas.

प्रशासति पुनः क्षत्रे धर्मेणेमां वसुंधराम्। ब्राह्मणाद्यास्ततो वर्णा लेभिरे मुदमुत्तमाम्॥
When thus the earth was again governed virtuously by the Kshatriyas, the other castes, having Brahmanas at their head, were filled with great joy.

कामक्रोधोद्भवान्दोषान्निरस्य च नराधिपाः। धर्मेण दण्डं दण्ड्येषु प्रणयन्तोऽन्वपालयन्॥
All the kings (of the world), becoming free from vices born of lust and anger and punishing those that deserved punishment, protected the earth.

तथा धर्मपरे क्षत्रे सहस्राक्ष: शतक्रतुः। स्वादु देशे च काले च वर्षेणापालयत्प्रजाः॥
And (Indra) the deity that performed one hundred sacrifices and who has one thousand eyes, seeing that all the Kshatriya sovereigns ruled their kingdoms very virtuously, poured down vivifying showers of rains at the proper time and at the proper place and thus protected all creatures.

न बाल एव प्रियते सदा कश्चिचज्जनाधिप। न च स्त्रियं प्रजानाति कश्चिदप्राप्तयौवनः॥
O king, no one died in early age and none took to wife before attaining to age.

एवमायुष्मतीभिस्तु प्रजाभिर्भरतर्षभ। इयं सागरपर्यन्ता समापूर्यत मेदिनी॥
O best of the Bharata race, thus was filled the earth to the very shores of the sea with long-lived men.

ईजिरे च महायज्ञैः क्षत्रिया बहुदक्षिणैः। साङ्गोपनिषदान्वेदान्विप्राश्चाधीयते तदा।॥
The Kshatriyas performed great sacrifices and bestowed much wealth on the Brahmanas and all the Brahmanas also studied the Vedas and the Vedangas and the Upanishads.

न च विक्रीणते ब्रह्म ब्राह्मणाश्च तदा नृप। न च शूद्रसमाभ्यासे वेदानुच्चारयन्त्युत॥
O king, no Brahmana ever sold the Vedas and none of them ever read them aloud before a Shudra.

कारयन्तः कृर्षि गोभिस्तथा वैश्याः क्षिताविह। युञ्जते धुरि नो गाश्च कृशां गांश्चाप्यजीवयन्॥
The Vaishyas tilled well the earth with the help of bullocks and they never yoked kine to the plough. They carefully fed the lean ones.

फेनपांश्च तथा वत्सान्न दुहन्ति स्म मानवाः। न कूटमानैर्वणिजः पण्यं विक्रीणते तदा॥
Men never milched the cows as long as the calves could not live on the milk of their mothers. No merchant sold his goods with false scales.

कर्माणि च नरव्याघ्र धर्मोपतानि मानवाः। धर्ममेवानुपश्यन्तश्चक्रुर्धर्मपरायणाः॥
O best of men, all men, thus virtuously inclined, did every thing with their eyes fixed on virtue.

स्वकर्मनिरताश्चासन्सर्वे वर्णा नराधिप। एवं तदा नरव्याघ्र धर्मो न ह्रसते क्वचित्॥
O king, all men of all castes were mindful of the respective duties of their respective castes. O best of men, their virtue never sustained any diminution.

काले गाव: प्रसूयन्ते नार्यश्च भरतर्षभ। भवन्त्य॒तुषु वृक्षाणां पुष्पाणि च फलानि च।॥
Both women and kine gave birth to offspring at the proper time and trees bore flowers and fruits at their proper seasons.

एवं कृतयुगे सम्यग्वर्तमाने तदा नृप। आपूर्यत मही कृत्स्ना प्राणिभिर्बहुभिर्भृशम्॥
O king, the Krita (Satya) Yuga having come into the world, the whole earth was filled with numerous beings.

एवं समुदिते लोके मानुषे भरतर्षभ। असुरा जज्ञिरे क्षेत्रे राज्ञां तु मनुजेश्वर॥
O best of the Bharata race, O lord of men, when such was the happy state of the world, the Asuras began to take birth in royal dynasties.

आदित्यैर्हि तदा दैत्या बहुशो निर्जिता युधि। ऐश्वर्याभ्रंशिताः स्वर्गात्संबभूवुः क्षिताविह॥
The sons of Diti, (the Asuras), having been continually defeated by the sons of Aditi, (the celestials) and deprived of sovereignty and heaven, began to take birth on earth.

इह देवत्वमिच्छन्तो मानुषेषु मनस्विनः। जज्ञिरे भुवि भूतेषु तेषु तेष्वसुरा विभो॥ गोष्वश्वेषु च राजेन्द्र खरोष्ट्रमहिषेषु च। क्रव्यात्सु चैव भूतेषु गजेषु च मृगेषु च॥
O king, wishing to enjoy sovereignty in this earth, the powerful Asuras took birth among humens, cows, horses, mules, camels, buffaloes, elephants, deer; they also took birth as Rakshasas and others.

जातैरिह महीपाल जायमानैश्च तैर्मही। न शशाकात्मनात्मानमियं धारयितुं धरा॥
O protector of the world, owing to the birth of those (Asuras) that were already born and those that were being born, the Earth became incapable of supporting herself.

अथ जाता महीपालाः केचिद्बहुमदान्विताः। दितेः पुत्रा दनोश्चैव तदा लोक इहाच्युताः॥
Amongst the sons of Diti and Danu, some, being thrown off from heaven, took birth as men and became proud and insolent monarchs on earth.

वीर्यवन्तोऽवलिप्तास्ते नानारूपधरा महीम्। इमां सागरपर्यन्तां परीयुररिमर्दनाः॥
Possessed of great prowess, they covered the earth in various shapes. They, becoming great oppressors, filled the earth to the very shores of the sea.

ब्राह्मणान्क्षत्रियान्वैश्यान्शूद्रांश्चैवाप्यपीडयन्। अन्यानि चैव सत्त्वानि पीडयामासुरोजसा॥
They began to oppress the Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras; they began to persecute all other creatures with their strength.

त्रासयन्तोऽभिनिनन्तः सर्वभूतगणांश्च ते। विचेसः सर्वशो राजन्महीं शतसहस्रशः॥
O king, frightening and killing all creatures, they roamed over the earth in hundred and thousands.

आश्रमस्थान्महर्षीश्च धर्षयन्तस्ततस्ततः। अब्रह्मण्या वीर्यमदा मत्ता मदबलेन च॥
Bereft of virtue and truth, proud of their strength, intoxicated with their insolence, they even insulted the holy Rishis in their hermitages.

एवं वीर्यबलोसिक्तैर्भूरियत्नैर्महासुरैः। पीड्यमाना मही राजन्ब्रह्माणमुपचक्रमे॥
O king, the earth, thus oppressed by the Asuras of great strength, energy and abundant means, thought of appealing to Brahma.

न हमीभूतसत्त्वौघाः पन्नगाः सनगां महीम्। तदा धारयितुं शेकुः संक्रान्तां दानवैर्वलात्॥
The united strength of the Naga Shesha and other creatures (such as the tortoise and the elephant), could not support the earth, attacked by the powerful Danavas.

ततो मही महीपाल भारार्ता भयपीडिता। जगाम शरणं देवं सर्वभूतपितामहम्॥
O protector of the world, thereupon the Earth, afflicted with fear and oppressed by the weight (of the Danavas went to the Grandfather of all creatures and asked his protection.

सा संवृतं महाभागैर्देवद्विजमहर्षिभिः। ददर्श देवं ब्रह्माणं लोककर्तारमव्ययम्॥ गन्धर्वैरप्सरोभिश्च दैवकर्मसु निष्ठितः। वन्द्यमानं मुदोपेतैर्ववन्दे चैनमेत्य सा॥
She saw the divine Brahma, the creator of the worlds, who is undeteriorating, seated (on his seat), surrounded by the celestials and great and illustrious Rishis and adored by the delighted Gandharvas and Apsaras who are always engaged in the services of the celestials.

अथ विज्ञापयामास भूमिस्तं शरणार्थिनी। संनिधौ लोकपालानां सर्वेषामेव भारत॥
The Earth adored the Grandsire and O best of the Bharata race, telling him all that had happened, before all the regents of the world she asked his protection.

तत्प्रधानात्मनस्तस्य भूमेः कृत्यं स्वयंभुवः। पूर्वमेवाभवद्राजन्विदितं परमेष्ठिनः॥
O king, the object (for which she came) was already known beforehand to the Omniscient, Self-created and Supreme Lord.

स्रष्टा हि जगतः कस्मान्न संबुध्यते भारत। ससुरासुरलोकानामशषेण मनोगतम्॥
O descendant of the Bharata race he is the creator of the universe, why should he not know fully what is in the minds of the creatures, including the very Devas and the Danavas?

तामुवाच महाराज भूमि भूमिपतिः प्रभुः। प्रभवः सर्वभूतानामीशः शंभुः प्रजापतिः॥
O great king, the Lord of the earth, Prajapati, Isha, Shambhu, then thus spoke to her.

ब्रह्मोवाच यदर्थमभिसंप्राप्ता मत्सकाशं वसुंधरे। तदर्थं संनियोक्ष्यामि सर्वानेव दिवौकसः॥
Brahma said: O Vasundhara (the holder of wealth,) I shall appoint all the dwellers of heaven in the work for which you have come to me.

वैशंपायन उवाच इत्युक्त्वा स महीं देवो ब्रह्मा राजन्विसृज्य च। आदिदेश तदा सर्वान्विबुधान्भूतकृत्स्वयम्॥ अस्या भूमेनिरसितुं भारं भागैः पृथक्पृथक्। अस्यामेव प्रसूयध्वं विरोधायेति चाब्रवीत्॥
Vaishampayana said : O king, having thus addressed the Earth, the divine Brahma, bade her farewell. Then the Creator commanded all the celestials, saying, "All of you go and take your birth on earth to free her from her burden. Go according to your respective parts and seek battles (with the Danavas).

तथैव च समानीय गन्धर्वाप्सरसां गणान्। उवाच भगवान्सर्वानिदं वचनमर्थवत्॥
Then the creator of all the creatures, calling all the tribes of the Gandharvas and Apsaras, spoke to them thus, “All of you go and take your birth amongst men according to your respective parts and in the forms you prefer.

ब्रह्मोवाच स्वैः स्वैरंशैः प्रसूयध्वं यथेष्टं मानुषेषु च। अथ शक्रादयः सर्वे सर्वे श्रुत्वा सुरगुरोर्वचः। तथ्यमर्थ्यं च पथ्यं च तस्य ते जगृहुस्तदा॥
All the celestials with Indra at their head, having heard these words of the lord of the celestials, words that were true, that were desirable under the circumstances and which were fraught with benefit, accepted them.

अथ ते सर्वशोऽशैः स्वैर्गन्तुं भूमि कृतक्षणाः। नारायणममित्रघ्नं वैकुण्ठमुपचक्रमुः॥
Having then resolved to take birth on the earth according to their respective parts, they all went to Vaikuntha to the slayer of foes, Narayana,

यः स चक्रगदापाणि: पीतवासा: शितिप्रभः। पद्मनाभः सुरारिघ्नः पृथुचार्वञ्चितेक्षणः॥
Who bears the discus and the mace in his hands, who wears yellow coloured cloth, who is greatly effulgent, who has the lotus in his navel, who is the slayer of the foes of the celestials, who is fixedly staring at his wide chest,

प्रजापतिपतिर्देवः सुरनाथो महाबलः। श्रीवत्साङ्को हृषीकेशः सर्वदैवतपूजितः॥
Who is the lord of the Prajapati (Brahma) himself, who is the sovereign of all the gods, who is of infinite strength, who has the mark of the auspicious wheel on his breast, who is the central force of every one's faculties and who is adored by all the deities;

तं भुव: शोधनायेन्द्र उवाच पुरुषोत्तमम्। अंशेनावतरेत्येवं तथेत्याह च तं हरिः॥
To him, this most exalted of all persons, Indra said, “Be incarnate." And Hari replied, "Be it so."