वैशंपायन उवाच गुरवे प्राड्नमस्कृत्य मनोबुद्धिसमाधिभिः। संपूज्य च द्विजान्सर्वास्तथान्यान्विदुषो जनान्॥ महर्षेर्विश्रुतस्येह सर्वलोकेषु धीमतः। प्रवक्ष्यामि मतं कृत्स्नं व्यासस्यास्य महात्मनः॥
Vaishampayana said : Bowing down first to my preceptor with the eight parts of my body touching the ground and then worshipping with devotion, reverence and singleness of mind all the Brahmanas and learned men (present here), I shall now recite in full the narration, I heard from the best of intelligent men, the high-souled great Rishi, Vyasa.

श्रोतुं पात्रं च राजंस्त्वं प्राप्येमा भारती कथाम्। गुरोर्वक्त्रपरिस्पन्दो मनः प्रोत्साहयतीव मे॥
O king, you are a proper person to hear the history of Bharata. I feel no fear to perform this great act (reciting the Bharata) encouraged as I am by my preceptor.

शृणु राजन्यथा भेदः कुरुपाण्डवयोरभूत्। राज्यार्थे द्यूतसंभूतो वनवासस्तथैव च॥
Hear, O king, why the quarrel between the Kurus and the Pandavas occurred and how occurred the exile (of the Pandavas) as the result of the game at dice, prompted by the desire of the Kurus to gain the kingdom,

यथा च युद्धमभवत्पृथिवीक्षयकारकम्। तत्तेऽहं कथयिष्यामि पृच्छते भरतर्षभ।॥
And how the battle was fought to exterminate all men. O best of the Bharata race, I shall relate all this to you as you ask me.

मृते पितरि ते वीरा वनादेत्य स्वमन्दिरम्। नचिरादेव विद्वांसो वेदे धनुषि चाभवन्॥
On the death of their father, these heroes (the Pandavas) came back to their own home from the forest. They became experts in the science of archery within a very short time.

तांस्तथा सत्ववीयॊजः संपन्नान्पौरसंमतान्। नामृष्यन्कुरवो दृष्ट्वा पाण्डवाञ्छ्रीयशोभृतः॥
The Kauravas became jealous of the Pandavas, who were all gifted with great physical strength, energy and power of mind. They were also very popular with the citizens.

ततो दुर्योधन: क्रूरः कर्णश्च सह सौबलः। तेषां निग्रहनिर्वासान्विविधांस्ते समारभन्॥
Thereupon, the wicked-minded Duryodhana, with Karna and the son of Subala, (Shakuni), tried to banish them and persecuted them in various ways.

ततो दुर्योधनः शूरः कुलिङ्गस्य मते स्थितः। पाण्डवान्विविधोपायै राज्यहेतोरपीडयत्॥
The wicked-minded Duryodhana, guided by the bird of the evil omen, (Shakuni), ! persecuted the Pandavas by various means in order to have the undisputed possession of the kingdom.

ददावथ विषं पापो भीमाय धृतराष्ट्रजः। जरयामास तद्वीरः सहान्नेन वृकोदरः॥
That wretch of the son of Dhritarashtra gave poison to Bhima with his food, but that hero digested it.

प्रमाणकोट्यां संसुप्तं पुनर्बध्वा वृकोदरम्। तोयेषु भीमं गङ्गायाः प्रक्षिप्य पुरमाव्रजत्॥
That wretch one day bound the sleeping Bhima on the bank of the Ganges and throwing him into the water, went away.

यदा विबुद्धः कौन्तेयस्तदा संच्छिद्य बन्धनम्। उदतिष्ठन्महाबाहुर्भीमसेनो गतव्यथः॥
But when the strong-armed Bhima, the son of Kunti, awoke, he tore up the strings with which he was bound and his pains were all gone.

आशीविषैः कृष्णसपैं: सुप्तं चैनमदंशयत्। सर्वेष्वेवाङ्गदेशेषु न ममार च शत्रुहा॥
While asleep, he was caused to be bitten in every part of his body by black snakes of virulent poisons, but that chastiser of foes did not still perish.

तेषां तु विप्रकारेषु तेषु तेषु महामतिः। मोक्षणे प्रतिकारे च विदुरोऽवहितोऽभवत्॥
In all these various persecutions of the Pandavas by the Kurus, the high-souled Vidura was always engaged in counter-acting their evil designs and in saving the persecuted Pandavas.

स्वर्गस्थो जीवलोकस्य यथा शक्रः सुखावहः। पाण्डवानां तथा नित्यं विदुरोऽपि सुखावहः॥
As Indra keeps the heavens and earth in happiness, so did Vidura always keep the Pandavas in happiness.

यदा तु विविधोपायैः संवृतैर्विवृतैरपि। नाशकद्विनिहन्तुं तान्दैवभाव्यर्थरक्षितान्॥ ततः संमन्त्र्य सचिवैर्वृषदुःशानादिभिः। धृतराष्ट्रमनुज्ञाप्य जातुषं गृहमादिशत्॥
When Duryodhana found himself incapable of destroying the Pandavas who were protected by Fate and kept alive for graver objects, by various secret and open means he called together his councillors, Karna, son Dushasana and others. He then caused a house of lac to be built with the knowledge of Dhritarashtra.

सुतप्रियैषी ताराजा पाण्डवानम्बिकासुतः। ततो विवासयामास राज्यभोगबुभुक्षया॥
That king, the of Ambika, (Dhritarashtra), out of affection for his sons and being tempted by the desire for sovereignty, sent them (the Pandavas) to exile.

ते प्रातिष्ठन्त सहिता नगरान्नागसाह्वयात्। प्रस्थाने चाभवन्मन्त्री क्षत्ता तेषां महात्मनाम्॥
They (the Pandavas) went away with their mother from Hastinapur and when they went away, the son of the Vaisya woman (Vidura) became the adviser of those illustrious men.

तेन मुक्ता जतुगृहानिशीथे प्राद्रवन्वनम्। ततः संप्राप्य कौन्तेया नगरं वारणावतम्॥
Being saved through him from the house of lac, they fled at the dead of night to a deep forest. They, the sons of Kunti, came to a city, called Varanavata;

न्यवसन्त महात्मानो मात्रा सह परंतपाः। धृतराष्ट्रेण चाज्ञप्ता उषिता जातुषे गृहे॥
And those chastisers of foes, those illustrious men, lived there with their mother in the house of lac, as commanded by Dhritarashtra..

पुरोचनाद्रक्षमाणाः संवत्सरमतन्द्रिताः। सुरुङ्गां कारयित्वा तु विदुरेण प्रचोदिताः॥
They lived in the house for one year, watchfully protecting themselves from Purochana. In the meantime they dug a subterranean passage according to the directions of Vidura.

आदीष्य जातुषं वेश्म दग्ध्वा चैव पुरोचनम्। प्राद्रवन्भयसंविग्ना मात्रा सह परंतपाः॥
They then set fire to the house of lac and burnt Purochana. They, those chastisers of foes, then fled with their mother in anxiety and in fear.

ददृशुर्दारुणं रक्षो हिडिम्बं वननिर्झरे। हत्वा च तं राक्षसेन्द्रं भीताः समवबोधनात्॥ निशि संप्राद्रवन्पार्था धार्तराष्ट्रभयार्दिताः। प्राप्ता हिडिम्बा भीमेन यत्र जातो घटोत्कचः॥
They saw, near a fountain in the forest, a fearful Rakshasa named Hidimba. They killed that king of Rakshasas. They, the sons of Pritha, afraid of the sons of Dhritarashtra, then fled in the darkness, so that they might not run the risk of being seen by any body. Here did Bhima acquire Hidimba of whom Ghatotkacha was born.

एकचक्रां ततो गत्वा पाण्डवाः संशितव्रताः। वेदाध्ययनसंपन्नास्तेऽभवन्ब्रह्मचारिणा॥
The Pandavas of rigid vows, learned in the Vedas, then came to a place called Ekachakra and lived there as Brahmacharies.

ते तत्र नियताः कालं कंचिदूषुर्नरर्षभाः। मात्रा सहैकचक्रायां ब्राह्मणस्य निवेशने॥
They those best of men, with their mother lived there for some time in the house of a Brahmana, in temperance and in abstinence.

तत्राससाद क्षुधितं पुरुषादं वृकोदरः। भीमसेनो महाबाहुर्बकं नाम महाबलम्॥
It was here that the mighty-armed Bhima met with a greatly powerful and hungry maneating Rakshasa, named Baka.

तं चापि पुरुषव्याघ्रो बाहुवीर्येण पाण्डवः। निहत्य तरसा वीरो नागरान्पर्यसान्त्वयत्॥
The best of men, the son of Pandu, Bhima, soon killed him with the strength of his arms and thus made the citizens safe and fearless.

ततस्ते शुश्रुवुः कृष्णां पञ्चालेषु स्वयंवराम्। श्रुत्वा चैवाभ्यगच्छन्त गत्वा चैवालभन्त ताम्॥
They then heard of the Sayamvara of Krishnaa, (Draupadi) the daughter of the king of Panchala. Having heard it, they went there and obtained her,

ते तत्र द्रौपदी लब्ध्वा परिसंवत्सरोषिताः। विदिता हास्तिनपुरं प्रत्याजग्मुररिंदमाः॥
Having obtained Draupadi, they lived there for a year. And then those chastisers of foes, having been known, went back to Hastinapur.

उक्ता धृतराष्ट्रेण राज्ञा शान्तनवेन च। भ्रातृभिर्विग्रहस्तात कथं वो न भवेदिति॥
They were then told by the king Dhritarashtra, and the son of Shantanu, as follows: "O dear children, so that dissensions may not take place among you all brothers and cousins,

अस्माभिः खाण्डवप्रस्थे युष्मद्वासोऽनुचिन्तितः। तस्माज्जनपदोपेतं सुविभक्तमहापथम्॥ वासाय खाण्डवप्रस्थं व्रजध्वं गतमत्सराः। तयोस्ते वचनाज्जग्मुः सह सर्वैः सुहृज्जनैः॥ नगरं खाण्डवप्रस्थं रत्नान्यादाय सर्वशः। तत्र ते न्यवसन्पार्थाः संवत्सरगणान्बहून्॥
We have settled that Khandavaprastha will be your abode. Therefore, casting of all jealousies go to live at Khandavaprastha, which contains many towns and broad roads, “Having heard these words, they (the Pandavas), with all their friends and followers, went to Khandavaprastha, taking with them many jewels and precious stones. And the sons of Pritha lived there for many years.

वशे शस्त्रप्रतापेन कुर्वन्तोऽन्यान्महीभृतः। एवं धर्मप्रधानास्ते सत्यव्रतपरायणाः॥
They brought by the force of their arms many chiefs and potentates under their subjugation. Setting their hearts on virtue and firmly adhering to truth,

अप्रमत्तोत्थिताः :क्षान्ताः प्रतपन्तोऽहितान्बहून्। अजयद्भीमसेनस्तु दिशं प्राची महायशाः॥
Being unexcited by wrath, being calm in demeanour and putting down numerous evils, the Pandavas gradually rose in power. The greatly illustrious Bhima subjugated the East.

उदीचीमर्जुनो वीरः प्रतीची नकुलस्तथा। दक्षिणां सहदेवस्तु विजिग्ये परवीरहा॥
The heroic Arjuna conquered the North; Nakula the West and the slayer of heroic foes, Sahadeva, the South.

एवं चक्रुरिमां सर्वे वशे कृत्स्नां वसुंधराम्। पञ्चभिः सूर्यसंकाशैः सूर्येण च विराजता॥
Having done this their kingdom extended over the whole world. Each like a sun in splendour, they looked like five suns; some reasons

षट्सूर्येवाभवत्पृथ्वी पाण्डवैः सत्यविक्रमः। ततो निमित्ते कस्मिंश्चिद्धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः॥ वनं प्रस्थापयामास तेजस्वी सत्यविक्रमः। प्राणेभ्योऽपि प्रियतरं भ्रातरं सव्यसाचिनम्॥
And the earth appeared to have six suns on account of the presence of the heroic Pandavas. Then for the just king Yudhishthira sent to the forest his greatly powerful and heroic brother Savyasachin (Arjuna), dearer to him than life itself.

अर्जुनं पुरुषव्याघ्रं स्थिरात्मानं गुणैर्युतम्। स वै संवत्सरं पूर्णं मासं चैकं वने वसन्॥
That best of men, the self-controlled and virtuous (Arjuna) lived in the forest for eleven years and one month.

ततो गच्छद्धृषीकेशं द्वारवत्यां कदाचन। लब्धवांस्तत्र बीभत्सुर्भार्यां राजीवलोचनाम्॥
Thus roving about in many places, on one occasion, he went to Krishna in Dwarka and he obtained there for his wife the lotus-eyed,

अनुजां वासुदेवस्य सुभद्रां भद्रभाषिणीम्। सा शचीव महेन्द्रेण श्रीः कृष्णेनेव संगता॥
And sweet-speeched younger sister of Krishna, named Subhadra. Like Sachi with the great Indra and like Lakshmi with Krishna,

सुभद्रा युयुजे प्रीत्या पाण्डवेनार्जुनेन ह। अतर्पयच्च कौन्तेयः खाण्डवे हव्यवाहनम्॥ बीभत्सुर्वासुदेवेन सहितो नृपसत्तम। नातिभारो हि पार्थस्य केशवेन सहाभवत्॥
Subhadra was much pleased to be united with Arjuna, the son of Pandu. O best of kings, the son of Kunti with Krishna then gratified Agni by giving him the Khandava to burn, The task did not at all appear heavy to Arjuna, assisted as he was by Krishna.

व्यवसायसहायस्य विष्णोः शत्रुवधेष्विव। पार्थायाग्निर्ददौ चापि गाण्डीवं धनुरुत्तमम्॥
As nothing is a heavy task to Vishnu, in the matter of destroying his enemies. Agni gave to the son of Pritha the excellent bow Gandiva.

इषुधी चाक्षयैर्बाणै रथं च कपिलक्षणम्। मोक्षयामास बीभत्सुर्मयं यत्र महासुरम्॥
An inexhaustible quiver and one warchariot, bearing an ape as its standard. On this occasion did Arjuna rescue the frightened great Asura Maya.

स चकार सभां दिव्यां सर्वरत्नसमार्चिताम्। तस्यां दुर्योधनो मन्दो लोभं चक्रे सुदुर्मतिः॥
And he (Maya) built the beautiful assembly-hall, adorned with all sorts of jewels and precious stones. Seeing this building, the wicked Duryodhana was tempted to possess it.

ततोऽक्षैर्वञ्चयित्वा च सौबलेन युधिष्ठिरम्। वनं प्रस्थापयामास सप्त वर्षाणि पञ्च च॥
Thereupon he deceived Yudhishthira by means of a game, played by the son of Subala (Shakuni) and he sent him to the forest for twelve years.

अज्ञातमेकं राष्ट्रे च ततो वर्षं त्रयोदशम्। ततश्चतुर्दशे वर्षे याचमानाः स्वकं वसु॥
And another additional year to live in concealment, thus making the period (of banishment) complete thirteen years. On the fourteenth year, when they (the Pandavas) returned and claimed their kingdom,

नालभन्त महाराज ततो युद्धमवर्तत। ततस्ते क्षत्रमुत्साद्य हत्वा दुर्योधनं नृपम्॥ राज्यं विहतभूयिष्ठं प्रत्यपद्यन्त पाण्डवाः। एवमेतत्पुरावृत्तं तेषामक्लिष्टकर्मणाम्। भेदो राज्यविनाशाय जयश्च जयतां वर॥
O King, they did not get it. Thereupon war declared and the Pandavas, after exterminating the whole race of Kshatriyas and killing king Duryodhana obtained back their kingdom. This is the history of the Pandavas, who never acted under the influence of evil passions. O best of kings, this is the account of the dissension that ended in the loss of their kingdom by the Kurus and of the victory of the Pandavas. was