ASTIKA PARVA: Chapter 57

Narration of the names of snakes

शौनक उवाच ये सर्पाः सर्पसत्रेऽस्मिन्पतिता हव्यवाहने। तेषां नामानि सर्वेषां श्रोतुमिच्छामि सूतज॥
Shaunaka said: O son of Suta, I desire to hear the names of those snakes, that fell into the fire of the Snakesacrifice.

सौतिरुवाच सहस्राणि बहून्यस्मिन्प्रयुतान्यर्बुदानि च। न शक्यं परिसंख्यातुं बहुत्वाद्विजसत्तम॥
Sauti said: O best of the twice-born, they were many thousands, tens of thousands and millions and billions; so great was their number that I am unable even to count them.

यथास्मृति तु नामानि पन्नगानां निबोध मे। उच्यमानानि मुख्यानां हुतानां जातवेदसि॥
As far as I remember, hear, I shall mention the names of the principal snakes that fell into the fire.

वासुकेः कुलजातांस्तु प्राधान्येन निबोध मे। नीलरक्तान्सितान्योरान्महाकायान्विषोल्बणान्॥
Hear first the names of the chief ones of Vasuki's family, they were of colour, blue, red and white; they were of terrible forms, huge bodies and dreadfully poisonous.

अवशान्मातृवाग्दण्डपीडितान्कृपणान्हुतान्। कोटिशो मानसः पूर्णः शल: पालो हलोमकः॥ पिच्छलः कौणपश्चक्रः कालवेगः प्रकालनः। हिरण्यबाहुः शरणः कक्षकः कालदन्तकः॥
Helpless and miserable, affected with their mother's curse, they all fell into that sacrificial fire as libations of ghee. (They were) Kotisha, Manasa, Purna, Shala, Pala, Halimaka, Pichchhala, Kaunapa, Chakra, Kalavega Prakalana, Hiranyabahu, Sharana Kakshaka and Kaladantaka.

एते वासुकिजा नागाः प्रविष्टा हव्यवाहने। अन्ये च बहवो विप्र तथा वै कुलसंभवाः। प्रदीप्ताग्नौ हुताः सर्वे घोररूपा महाबलाः॥ तक्षकस्य कुले जातान्प्रवक्ष्यामि निबोध तान्।
These are the snakes, born of Vasuki, that fell into the fire. O Brahmana, numerous other fearful and powerful snakes, born in the family of Takshaka, were burnt in the blazing fire. Hear, I shall mention their names now.

पुच्छाण्डको मण्डलकः पिण्डसेक्ता रभेणकः। उच्छिखः शरभो भङ्गो बिल्वतेजा विरोहणः॥ शिली शलकरो मूकः सुकुमारः प्रवेपनः। गरः शिशुरोमा च सुरोमा च महाहनुः॥
Puchchhandaka, Mandalaka, Pindasektta, Rabhenaka, Uchchhikha, Sharabha, Bhangas, Bilvatejas, Virohana, Shili, Shalakara, Mooka, Sukumara, Pravepana, Mudgara, Shishuroman, Suroman and Mahahanu.

ए? तक्षकजा नागाः प्रविष्टा हव्यवाहनम्। पारावतः पारियातः पाण्डरो हरिणः कृशः॥ विहङ्गः शरभो मेदः प्रमोदः संहतापनः। ऐरावतकुलादेते प्रविष्टा हव्यवाहनम्॥
These snakes, born of Takshaka, fell into the fire. Paravata, Pariyata, Pandara, Harina, Krisha, Vihanga, Sharabha, Meda, Pramoda, Sanhatapan these, born in the family of Airvata, fell into the fire.

कौरव्यकुलजान्नाञ्छृणु मे त्वं द्विजोत्तम। एरकः कुण्डलो वेणी वेणीस्कन्धः कुमारकः॥ बाहुकः शृङ्गवेश्च धूर्तकप्रातरातको। कौरव्यकुलजास्त्वेते प्रविष्टा हव्यवाहनम्॥
Now hear, O best of Brahmanas, the names of the snakes, born in the family of Kauravya, that I mention. Eraka, Kundala Veni, Veniskandha, Kumaraka, Bahuka, Shringavera, Dhurtaka, Pratara and Ataka, these, born in the Kauravya family, fell into the fire.

धृतराष्ट्रकुले जाताञ्च्छणु नागान्यथातथम्। कीर्त्यमानान्मया ब्रह्मन्वातवेगान्विषोल्बणान्॥
Now hear, O Brahmana, I mention those born in the family of Dhritarashtra, they were all exceedingly powerful, as swift as the wind and full of virulent poison.

शंकुकर्णः पिठरकः कुठारमुखसेचकौ। पूर्णाङ्गदः पूर्णमुखः प्रहासः शकुनिर्दरिः॥ अमाहठः कामठकः सुषेणो मानसोऽव्ययः। भैरवो मुण्डवेदाङ्गः पिशङ्गश्चोद्रपारकः रकः॥ ऋषभो वेगवान्नागः पिण्डारकमहाहनू। रक्ताङ्गः सर्वसारङ्गः समृद्धपटवासकौ॥ वराहको वीरणकः सुचित्रश्चित्रवेगिकः। पराशरस्तरुणको मणिः स्कन्धस्तथारुणिः॥
Shankukarna, Pitharaka, Kuthara Mukha, Sechaka, Purnangada, Purnamukha, Prahasa, Shakuni, Dari, Amahatha, Kamathaka, Sushena, Manasa, Avyaya, Bhairava, Mundavedanga, Pishanga, Udraparaka, Rishabha, Vegavana Naga, Pindaraka, Mahahanu, Rakttanga, Sarvasaranga, Samridha, Pata, Vasaka, Varahaka, Viranaka, Suchitra, Chitravegika, Parashara, Tarunka, Mani, Skandha and Aruni.

इतिनागा मया ब्रह्मन्कीर्तिताः कीर्तिवर्धनाः। प्राधान्येन बहुत्वात्तु न सर्वे परिकीर्तिताः॥
O Brahmana, thus have I recited the names of the chief snakes, all famous for their great deeds. I have not been able to mention all, their number being countless.

एतेषां प्रसवो यश्च प्रसवस्य च संततिः। न शक्यं परिसंख्यातुं ये दीप्तं पावकं गताः॥
I am unable to mention the names of the sons of these and again the sons of their sons that fell into the blazing fire. They are countless.

त्रिशीर्षाः सप्तशीर्षाश्च दशशीर्षास्तथापरे। कालानलविषा घोरा हुताः शतसहस्रशः॥
Some of them had three heads, some seven and some ten. They had poison like the fire at the end of the Yuga and they were all terrible in appearance.

महाकाया महावेगाः शैलशृङ्गसमुच्छ्रयाः। योजनायामविस्तारा द्वियोजनसमायताः॥
They had huge bodies and great speed, they were as tall as mountain peaks. Some of them were as long as a Yama, some a Yojana and some two Yojanas.

कामरूपाः कामबला दीप्तानलविषोल्बणाः। दग्धास्तत्र महासत्रे ब्रह्मदण्डनिपीडिताः॥
They were capable of assuming any form at will and of mustering any strength at will, they had the poison like the blazing fire, (such were the snakes that) that were burnt in the great sacrifice, affected by Brahma's punishment, (their mother's curse.)