ASTIKA PARVA: Chapter 56

Boon for Astika by the king

जनमेजय उवाच बालोऽप्ययं स्थविर इवावभाषते नायं बालः स्थविरोऽयं मतो मे। इच्छाम्यहं वरमस्मै प्रदातुं तन्मे विप्राः संविदध्वं यथावत्॥
Janamejaya said : Though this (Rishi) is but a boy, he speaks like a wise old man. He is not a boy; I think he is wise and old. I wish to bestow on him a boon. Therefore, O Brahmanas, give me necessary permission.

सदस्या ऊचुः बालोऽपि विप्रो मान्य एवेह राज्ञां विद्वान्यो वै स पुनर्वै यथावत्। सर्वान्कामांस्त्वत्त एवार्हतेऽद्य यथा च नस्तक्षक एति शीघ्रम्॥
The Sadasyas said : A Brahmana, though he may be a boy, deserves the respect of kings, more so if he is learned. This boy deserves to have his all desires fulfilled, but not before Takshaka is here with all speed.

सौतिरुवाच व्याहतुकामे वरदे नृपे द्विजं वरं वृणीष्वेति ततोऽभ्युवाच। होता वाक्यं नातिहष्टान्तरात्मा कर्मण्यस्मिंस्तक्षको नैति तावत्॥
Sauti said : The king, being willing to grant a boon to the Brahmana boy, said, "Ask from me a boon.” The Hota, being rather displeased at this, said, "Takshaka has not as yet come to this sacrifice.

जनमेजय उवाच यथा चेदं कर्म समाप्यते मे यथा च वै तक्षक एति शीघ्रम्। तथा भवन्तः प्रयतन्तु सर्वे परं शक्त्या स हि मे विद्विषाणः॥
Janamejaya said : Try your best to bring this my sacrifice to a successful completion; exert your might, so that Takshaka may come here without further delay. He is my enemy.

ऋत्विज ऊचुः यथा शास्त्राणि न: प्राहुर्यथा शंसति पावकः। इन्द्रस्य भवने राजस्तक्षको भयपीडितः॥
The Ritvijas said : O king, Takshaka is now living in fear in the abode of Indra. The Shastra declares this to us and the Fire also says it.

यथा सूतो लोहिताक्षो महात्मा पौराणिको वेदितवान्पुरस्तात्। स राजानं प्राह पृष्टस्तदानीं यथाहुर्विप्रास्तद्वदेतऋदेव॥
Sauti said: The illustrious Suta, Lohitakshya, wellversed in the Puranas, had also said this before. Asked by the king again on this occasion, he told him what he said before.

पुराणमागम्य ततो ब्रवीम्यहं दत्तं तस्मै वरमिन्द्रेण राजन्। वसेह त्वं मत्सकाशे सुगुप्तो न पावकस्त्वां प्रदहिष्यतीति॥
(He said), “O king, what the Brahmanas have said is true. Knowing as I do the Puranas, I say, O king, Indra has granted him a boon, saying, 'Live here in concealment and fire will not be able to burn you."

एतच्छ्रुत्वा दीक्षितस्तप्यमान आस्ते होतारं चोदयन्कर्मकाले। रथो महेन्द्रः स्वयमाजगाम॥
Having heard this, the king, installed in the sacrifice, became very sorry and urged the Hota to do his duty. He too, with Mantras, began to pour the ghee into the fire. Thereupon Indra himself came to the place.

विमानमारुह्य महानुभावः सर्वैर्देवैः परिसंस्तूयमानः। बलाहकैश्चाप्यनुगम्यमानो विद्याधरैरप्सरसां गणैश्च॥
The illustrious god came on his car, adored and worshipped by all the celestial standing around his chariot and entertained by masses of clouds, celestial singers and various classes of celestial dancing girls.

तस्योत्तरीये निहितः स नागो भयोद्विग्नः शर्म नैवाभ्यगच्छत्। ततो राजा मन्त्रविदोऽब्रवीत्पुन: क्रुद्धो वाक्यं तक्षकस्यान्तमिच्छन्॥
The snake (Takshaka), however, kept himself hidden within the garments of Indra. Thereupon the king, being desirous of the destruction of Takshaka, spoke to his Mantraknowing Brahmanas thus,

जनमेजय उवाच इन्द्रस्य भवने विप्रा यदि नागः स तक्षकः। तमिन्द्रेणैव सहितं पातयध्वं विभावसौ॥
Janamejaya said : O Brahmanas, if Takshaka be in the abode of Indra, throw him into the fire with Indra also.

सौतिरुवाच जनमेजयेन राज्ञा तु नोदितस्तक्षकं प्रति। होता जुहाव तत्रस्थं तक्षकं पन्नगं तथा॥
Sauti said: Thus urged by king Janamejaya (to destroy Takshaka), the Hota again and again poured libations (into the fire), calling the snake (Takshaka by name who was then staying there (hidden within the garments of Indra).

हूयमाने तथा चैव तक्षकः सपुरंदरः। आकाशे ददृशे चैव क्षणेन व्यथितस्तदा॥
As the libations were continually poured into the fire, Takshaka with Indra, anxious and afflicted, became visible in a moment in the sky.

पुरंदरस्तु तं यज्ञं दृष्ट्वोरुभयमाविशत्। हित्वा तु तक्षकं त्रस्तः स्वमेव भवनं ययौ॥
Having seen that sacrifice, Indra was filled with fear and casting off Takshaka, he hastened back to his own abode.

इन्द्रे गते तु राजेन्द्र तक्षको भयमोहितः। मन्त्रशक्त्या पावकार्चिः समीपमवशो गतः॥
On the departure of Indra, the king of snakes, Takshaka, insensible with fear, was brought near the sacrificial fire by virtue of the Mantras.

ऋत्विज ऊचुः वर्तते तव राजेन्द्र कमैतद्विधिवत्प्रभो। अस्मै तु द्विजमुख्याय वरं त्वं दातुमर्हसि॥
The Ritvijas said : O king of kings, O Lord, your this act (sacrifice) is being properly performed. It is now proper for you to grant a boon to this best of Brahmanas (Astika).

जनमेजय उवाच बालाभिरूपस्य तवाप्रमेय वरं प्रयच्छामि यथानुरूपम्। वृणीष्व यत्तेऽभिमतं हृदि स्थितं तत्ते प्रदास्याम्यपि चेददेयम्॥
Janamejaya said : O immeasurable one, you are of such child-like and handsome features, that I desire to bestow upon you a worthy boon. Therefore, ask that which you desire in your heart to possess. I promise you, I will grant it if it be even ungrantable.

ऋत्विज ऊचुः अयमायाति तूर्णं स तक्षकस्ते वशं नृप। श्रूयतेऽस्य महान्नादो नदतो भैरवं रवम्॥
The Ritvijas said : O king, behold, Takshaka has come under your control. His terrible cries and loud roars are heard.

नूनं मुक्तो वज्रभृता स नागो भ्रष्टो नाकान्मन्त्रविसस्तकायः। घूर्णन्नाकाशे नष्टसंज्ञोऽभ्युपैति तीव्रानि:स्वासान्निःश्वसन्पन्नगेन्द्रः॥
The snake has been forsaken by the wielder of thunder-bolt (Indra). his body has been disabled by our Mantras. (Behold), he is falling from the heavens, (behold) the king of snakes, deprived of his consciousness, comes rolling in the sky breathing loudly.

सौतिरुवाच पतिष्यमाणे नागेन्द्रे तक्षके जातवेदसि। इदमन्तरमित्येवं तदास्तीकोऽभ्यचोदयत्॥
Sauti said : When the king of snakes, Takshaka, was at the point of falling into the sacrificial fire, within that very short moment, Astika spoke thus,

आस्तीक उवाच वरं ददासि चेन्मह्यं वृणोमि जनमेजय। सनं ते विरमत्वेतन्न पतेयुरिहोरगाः॥
Astika said: O Janamejaya, if you will at all to grant me a boon, let your this sacrifice be stopped and let no more snakes fall into the fire.

सौतिरुवाच एवमुक्तस्तदा तेन ब्रह्मन्पारिक्षितस्तु सः। नातिहष्टमनश्चेदमास्तीकं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Sauti said : O Brahmana, the son of Parikshit, having been thus addressed, became exceedingly sorry and spoke to Astika thus,

जनमेजय उवाच सुवर्ण रजतं गाश्च यच्चान्यन्मन्यसे विभो। तत्ते दद्यां वरं विप्र न निवर्तेत्क्रतुर्मम॥
Janamejaya said : O illustrious man, I shall give you gold, silver, kine, or whatever else you desire to possess. But let not my this sacrifice be stopped.

आस्तीक उवाच सुवर्णं रजतं गाश्च न त्वां राजन्वृणोम्यहम्। सत्रं ते विरमत्वेतत्स्वस्ति मातृकुलस्य नः॥
Astika said: O king, I do not ask from you gold, silver or kine. Let your this sacrifice be stopped, so that my maternal relatives are saved.

सौतिरुवाच आस्तीकेनैवमुक्तस्तु राजा पारिक्षितस्तदा। पुनः पुनरुवाचेदमास्तीकं वदतांवरः॥
Sautisaid: Thus addressed by Astika, the son of Parikshit (Janamejaya,) again and again said to that best of speakers, Astika,

अन्यं वरय भद्रं ते वरं द्विजवरोत्तम। अयाचत न चाप्यन्यं वरं स भृगुनन्दन॥
"O best of the best Brahmanas, O blessed one, O illustrious man, ask some other boon." But, O descendant of the Bhrigu race, he did not ask any other boon.

ततो वेदविदस्तात सदस्याः सर्व एव तम्। राजानमूचुः सहिता लभतां ब्राह्मणो वरम्॥
Thereupon, all the Sadasyas, learned in the Vedas, told the king in one voice, in the Vedas, told the king in one voice, “Let the Brahmana receive the boon (asked by him.")