Introduction of the story

लोमहर्षणपुत्र उग्रश्रवाः पौराणिको नैमिषारण्ये शौनकस्य कुलपतेादशवार्षिक सत्रे ऋषीनभ्यागतानुपतस्थे॥
Lomaharshana's son Ugrashrava Sauti, well-read in the Puranas, being present at the twelve years' sacrifice of Kulapati Shaunaka in the forest of Naimisha, stood before the Rishis in attendance.

पौराणिकः पुराणे कृतश्रमः स कृताञ्जलिस्तानुवाच। किं भवन्तः श्रोतुमिच्छन्ति किमहं ब्रवाणीति॥
Having read the Puranas with great pains he was very learned in them. Now with joined hands he addressed them thus, "What, Reverend Sirs, do you wish to hear? What am I to relate?"

तमृषयः ऊचुः परमं लोमहर्षणे वक्ष्यामस्त्वां नः प्रतिवक्ष्यसि वचः शुश्रूषतां कथायोगं न: कथायोगे॥
The Rishis replied, "O son of Lomaharshana, we shall ask you and you will relate to us, who are anxious to hear, some excellent stories.

तत्र भगवान् कुलपतिस्तु मध्यास्ते॥
But noble Kulapati Shaunaka is now engaged in the room of the holy fire,

योऽसौ दिव्या:कथा वेद देवतासुरसंश्रिताः। मनुष्योरगगन्धर्वकथा वेद च सर्वशः॥
He knows the divine stories relating to the Devas and Asuras. He also knows the stories relating to men, Nagas and Gandharvas.

स चाप्यस्मिन्मखे सौते विद्वान् कुलपतिर्द्विजः। दक्षोधृतव्रतो धीमान् शास्त्रे चारण्यके गुरुः॥
O Sauti, that Kulapati Brahmana is the chief in this sacrifice; he is able, faithful to his vows, wise and a master of the Shastras and Aranyakas.

सत्यवादी शमपरस्तपस्वी नियतव्रतः। सर्वेषामेव नो मान्यः स तावत्प्रतिपाल्यताम्॥
He is truthful, a lover of peace, a Rishi of hard austerities and an observer of the ordained penances. He is respected by all of us and we should, therefore, wait for him.

तस्मिन्नध्यासति गुरावासनं परमार्चितम्। ततो वक्ष्यसि यत्त्वां स प्रक्ष्यति द्विजसत्तमः॥
When he will sit on the highly honoured seat for the preceptor, you will reply to what best of the twice born will ask you.

सौतिरुवाच एवमस्तु गुरौ तस्मिन्नुपविष्टे महात्मनि। तेन पृष्टः कथा: पुण्या वक्ष्यामि विविधाश्रयाः॥
Sauti said: So be it. When the noble Rishi will be seated, I shall relate sacred stories relating to variety of subjects as I shall be asked by him.

सोऽथ विप्रर्षभः सर्वं कृत्वा कार्यं यथाविधि। देवान्वाग्भिः पितॄनद्भिस्तर्पयित्वाजगाम ह। यत्र ब्रह्मर्षयः सिद्धाः सुखासीना धृतव्रताः। यज्ञायतनमाश्रित्य सूतपुत्रपुरःसराः॥
The best of Brahmanas (Shaunaka) after having performed all his Prayers to Devas and the Pitris by offering water, came back to the place of sacrifice where Sauti was seated before the assembly of Rishis of rigid vows.

ऋत्विक्ष्वथ सदस्येषु स वै गृहपतिस्तदा। उपविष्टेषूपविष्टः शौनकोऽथाब्रवीदिदम्॥
When Shaunaka was seated in the midst of Ritviks and Sadasyas (members) who also had come to their places, Sauti spoke as follows.