Words of Dhritarashtra

वैशम्पायन उवाच तमागतमथो राजा विदुरं दीर्घदर्शिनम्। साशरू इव पप्रच्छ धृतराष्ट्रोऽम्बिकासुतः॥
Vaishampayana said As soon as Vidura of great foresight came, the king Dhritarashtra, the son of Ambika, asked him timidly.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच कथं गच्छति कौन्तेयो धर्मपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। भीमसेनः सव्यसाची माद्रीपुत्रौ च पाण्डवौ॥
Dhritarashtra said How does the son of Kunti, and Dharma, Yudhisthira, proceed along? How does Bhimasena also Savyasachi (Arjuna) and the two Pandavas, the sons of Madri?

धौम्यश्चैव कथं क्षत्तद्रौपदी च यशस्विनी। श्रोतुमिच्छाम्यहं सर्वं तेषां शंस विचेष्टितम्॥
O Khattwa, how does Dhaumya? How does the illustrious Draupadi (proceed along)? I desire to hear everything. Describe to me all their acts.

विदुर उवाच वस्त्रेण संवृत्य मुखं कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। बाहू विशालौ सम्पश्यन् भीमो गच्छति पाण्डवः॥
Vidura said The son of Kunti (has gone away), covering his face with cloth, the Pandava Bhima has proceeded along looking at his mighty arms.

सिकता वपन् सव्यसाची राजानमनुगच्छति। माद्रीपुत्रः सहदेवो मुखमालिप्य गच्छति॥
Savyasachi (Arjuna) has followed the king, (Yudhisthira) scattering sands along. The son of Madri, Sahadeva proceeds (the way) besmearing his face.

पांसूपलिप्तसर्वाङ्गो नकुलश्चित्तविह्वलः। दर्शनीयतमो लोके राजानमनुगच्छति॥
That handsomest of men in the world, Nakula, has gone following the king in great grief, staining himself with dust.

कृष्णा तु केशैः प्रच्छाद्य मुखमायतलोचना। दर्शनीया प्ररुदती राजानमनुगच्छति॥
The large eyed and beautiful Krishna (Draupadi) has followed the king, covering her face with her dishevelled hair and bathing in tears.

धौम्यो रौद्राणि सामानि याम्यानि च विशाम्पते। गायन् गच्छति मार्गेषु कुशानादाय पाणिना॥
O king, Dhaumya proceeds along with Kusha grass in hand, uttering the fearful Mantras of the Sama Veda relating to Yama.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच विविधानीह रूपाणि कृत्वा गच्छन्ति पाण्डवाः। तन्ममाचक्ष्व विदुर कस्मादेवं व्रजन्ति ते॥
Dhritarashtra said The Pandavas are going assuming various guise. O Vidura, tell me why they are going in this way.

विदुर उवाच निकृतस्यापि ते पुत्रैर्हते राज्ये धनेषु च। न धर्माच्चलते बुद्धिर्धर्मराजस्य धीमतः॥
Vidura said Through persecuted by your sons, and robbed off his kingdom and wealth, the mind of the wise Dharmaraja (Yudhisthira) has not deviated from the path of virtue.

योऽसौ राजा घृणी नित्यं धार्तराष्ट्रेषु भारत। निकृत्या भ्रंशितः क्रोधान्नोन्मीलयति लोचने।॥
O descendant of Bharata, the king (Yudhisthira) is always kind to the sons of Dhritarashtra. Deprived of kingdom by foul means, he does not open his eyes in anger.

नाहं जनं निर्दहेयं दृष्ट्वा घोरेण चक्षुषा। स पिधाय मुखं राजा तस्माद् गच्छति पाण्डवः॥१२।
"I shall not consume men by looking at them with fearful eyes," thinking this, the Pandava king proceeds along with covered face.

यथा च भीमो व्रजति तन्मे निगदतः शृणु। बाह्वोर्बले नास्ति समो ममेति भरतर्षभ।॥
Hear, I tell you, why Bhima goes in this way. O best of the Bharata race, thinking “There is none equal to me in strength of arms."

बाहू विशालौ कृत्वासौ तेन भीमोऽपि गच्छति। बाहू विदर्शयन् राजन् बाहुद्रविणदर्पितः॥ चिकीर्षन् कर्म शत्रुभ्यो बाहुद्रव्यानुरूपतः। प्रदिशञ्छरसम्पातान् कुन्तीपुत्रोऽर्जुनस्तदा॥
O king Bhima ever proud of his strength of arms, goes repeatedly stretching forth his mighty arms and exhibiting them and desiring to do to his enemies, deeds worthy of those arms. The son of Kunti, Arjuna, capable of using both his arms (in throwing weapon),

सिकता वपन् सव्यसाची राजानमनुगच्छति। असक्ताः सिकतास्तस्य यथा सम्प्रति भारत। असक्तं शरवर्षाणि तथा मोक्ष्यति शत्रुषु॥ न मे कश्चिद् विजानीयान्मुखमद्येति भारत।
That Savyasachi, O descendant of Bharata, follows the king, scattering dust emblematical of the arrows he will shower in the battle. O descendant of Bharata, it indicated that as the sand grains are scattered by him with ease, so will he rain arrows with ease on the enemy. O lord, thinking “None may recognise me in this day of calamity,"

मुखमालिप्य तेनासौ सहदेवोऽपि गच्छति॥ नाहं मनांस्याददेयं मार्गे स्त्रीणामिति प्रभो। पांसूपलिप्तसर्वाङ्गो नकुलस्तेन गच्छति॥
Sahadeva proceeds along besmearing his face. Nakula goes with his body besmeared with ashes, thinking, “I may steal the hearts of the ladies that may look at me."

एकवस्त्रा प्ररुदती मुक्तकेशी रजस्वला। शोणितेनाक्तवसना द्रौपदी वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Draupadi, attired in one piece of cloth, stained with blood, and her hair dishevelled (proceeds along) weeping and saying.

यत्कृतेऽहमिदं प्राप्ता तेषां वर्षे चतुर्दशे। हतपत्यो हतसुता हतबन्धुजनप्रियाः॥ बहुशोणितदिग्धाङ्गयो मुक्तकेशयो रजस्वलः। एवं कृतोदका भार्याः प्रवेक्ष्यन्ति गजाह्वयम्॥
“The wives of those for whom I have been reduced to such a plight shall, on the fourteenth year hence, deprived of their husbands, sons, relatives and dear ones smeared all over with blood, all in their seasons, and with hair dishevelled enter Hastinapur having offered oblations of water to the manes of their dead husbands.

कृत्वा तु नैर्ऋतान् दर्भान् धीरो धौम्यः पुरोहितः। सामानि गायन् याम्यानि पुरतो याति भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, the learned and self controlled priest Dhaumya, holding the Kusha (grass) in his hand and pointing them towards the south west, walk before (the Pandavas) singing the Mantras of the Samaveda.

हतेषु भारतेष्वाजौ कुरूणां गुरवस्तदा। एवं सामानि गास्यन्तीत्युक्त्वा धौम्योऽपि गच्छति॥२३
Dhaumya is preceding, saying "When the descendant of Bharata will be killed in battle, the priests and preceptors of the Kurus will thus sing the Sama Mantras."

हा हा गच्छन्ति नो नाथाः समवेक्षध्वमीदृशम्। अहो धिक् कुरुवृद्धानां बालानामिव चेष्टितम्॥
“Alas, alas, our lords are going away! O fie on the Kuru chiefs who have acted like children.

राष्ट्रेभ्यः पाण्डुदायादाँल्लोभान्निर्वासयन्ति ये। अनाथाः स्म वयं सर्वे वियुक्ताः पाण्डुनन्दनैः॥
In thus banishing the heirs of Pandu from covetousness! We shall be masterless, being thus separated from the Pandavas,

दुर्विनीतेषु लुब्धेषु का प्रीतिः कौरवेषु नः। इति पौराः सुदुःखार्ताः क्रोशन्ति स्म पुनः पुनः॥२६
What love can we bear for the wicked and covetous Kurus”? The citizens repeatedly bewailed thus in great grief.

एवमाकारलिङ्गैस्ते व्यवसायं मनोगतम्। कथयन्तश्च कौन्तेया वनं जग्मुर्मनस्विनः॥
The son of Kunti, all possessing great energy of mind, has gone away to the forest indicating by signs the resolution that were in their minds.

एवं तेषु नरावयेषु निर्यत्सु गजसाह्वयात्। अनभ्रे विद्युतश्चासन् भूमिश्च समकम्पत॥
At the departure of those foremost of men from Hastinapur, lightning flashed in the cloudless sky, earth began to tremble,

राहुरग्रसदादित्यमपर्वणि विशाम्पते। उल्का चाप्यपसव्येन पुरं कृत्वा व्यशीर्यत॥
Rahu came to devour the sun, although it was not the day of an eclipse, meteors began to fall, keeping the city to their right.

प्रत्याहरन्ति क्रव्यादा गृध्रगोमायुवायसाः। देवायतनचैत्येषु प्राकाराट्टालकेषु च॥
Jackals, vultures, ravens, and other carnivorous beasts and birds began to shriek from the temples of the gods, from the tops of sacred trees and from walls and housetops.

एवमेते महोत्पाताः प्रादुरासन् दुरासदाः। भरतानामभावाय राजन् दुर्मन्त्रिते तव॥
O king, thus extraordinary and fearful protents were seen and heard, indicating the destruction of the Bharata race the consequence of your evil counsels;

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवं प्रवदतोरेव तयोस्तत्र विशाम्पते। धृतराष्ट्रस्य राज्ञश्च विदुरस्य च धीमतः॥
Vaishampayana said O king, when the king Dhritarashtra and the intelligent Vidura were thus talking, there as came.

स्थितः। नारदश्च सभामध्ये कुरूणामग्रतः महर्षिभिः परिवृतो रौद्रं वाक्यमुवाच ह॥
To the Sabha (and stood) in the midst of the Kurus, Narada surrounded by great Rishis. He then uttered these terrible words.

इतश्चतुर्दशे वर्षे विनक्ष्यन्तीह कौरवाः। दुर्योधनापराधेन भीमार्जुनबलेन च॥
Narada said On the fourteenth year hence, for the fault of Duryodhana will be destroyed the Kurus by the prowess of Bhima and Arjuna.

इत्युक्त्वा दिवमाक्रम्य क्षिप्रमन्तरधीयत। ब्राह्मीं श्रियं सुविपुलां बिभ्रद् देवर्षिसत्तमः॥
Vaishampayana said Having said this, that foremost of all celestial Rishis, adorned with surprising Vedic grace, disappeared from the scene, passing into the sky.

ततो दुर्योधनः कर्णः शकुनिश्चापि सौबलः। द्रोणं द्वीपममन्यन्त राज्यं चास्मै न्यवेदयन्॥
Thereupon Duryodhana, Karna and the son of Subala, Shakuni, considering Drona as the island (refuse) offered him the kingdom.

अथाब्रवीत् ततो द्रोणो दुर्योधनममर्षणाम्। दुःशासनं च कर्णं च सर्वानेव च भारतान्॥
Then Drona spoke thus to the wicked Duryodhana, Dushasana, Karna and all the other Bharatas.

अवध्यान् पाण्डवान् प्राहुर्देवपुत्रान् द्विजातयः। अहं वै शरणं प्राप्तान् वर्तमानो यथाबलम्॥ गन्ता सर्वात्मना भक्त्या धार्तराष्ट्रान् सराजकान्। नोत्सहेयं परित्यक्तुं दैवं हि बलवत्तरम्॥
Drona said The Brahmanas have said that the Pandavas of celestial origin are incapable of being killed. The sons of Dhritarashtra, with all their forces, heartily and with reverence have sought my protection; I shall look after them to the best of my power. I cannot abandon them. Destiny is Supreme.

धर्मतः पाण्डुपुत्रा वै वनं गच्छन्ति निर्जिताः। ते च द्वादश वर्षाणि वने वत्स्यन्ति पाण्डवाः॥
The sons of Pandu, being defeated at dice, are going to the forest to save their virtue. The Pandavas will live for twelve years in the forest.

चरितब्रह्मचर्याश्च क्रोधामर्षवशानुगाः। वैरं निर्यातयिष्यन्ति महद् दुःखाय पाण्डवाः॥
Practising Brahmacharya. The Pandavas will to our great grief return in anger (at the end of the thirteenth) to take great ngeanceve on their foes.

मया च भ्रंशितो राजन् दुपदः सखिविग्रहे। पुत्रार्थमयजद् राजा वधाय मम भारत॥
I formerly deprived Drupada of his kingdom in a quarrel over friendship. O descendant of Bharata, robbed of his kingdom, the king (Drupada) performed a sacrifice to obtain a son who would kill me.

याजोपयाजतपसा पुत्रं लेभे स पावकात्। धृष्टद्युम्नं द्रौपदी च वेदीमध्यात् सुमध्यमाम्॥
By the ascetic power of Yaja and Upayaja, he has obtained a son from (the sacrificial) fire, (namely) Dhristadyumna and (a daughter) the faultless Krishna (Draupadi), both risen from the sacrificial alter.

धृष्टद्युम्नस्तु पार्थानां श्यालः सम्बन्धतो मतः। पाण्डवानां प्रियरतस्तस्मान्मां भयमाविशत्॥
Dhristadyumna is the brother-in-law of the sons of Pritha by marriage; he is ever engaged in doing the favourite works of the Pandavas. I have, therefore, a great fear.

ज्वालावर्णो देवदत्तो धनुष्मान् कवची शरी। मर्त्यधर्मतया तस्मादद्य मे साध्वसो महान्॥
Of celestial origin and of effulgence as that of fire, he was born with bow, arrows and armour. I have great fear from him.

गतो हि पक्षतां तेषां पार्षतः परवीरहा। स्थातिरथसंख्यायां योऽग्रणीरर्जुनो युवा॥
The slayer of hostile heroes, the son of Prishata (Drupada), has taken the side of that your hero who stands at the head of all great car warriors.

सृष्टप्राणो भृशतरं तेन चेत् संगमो मम। किमन्यद् दुःखमधिकं परमं भुवि कौरवाः॥
I shall have to lose my life if he and I have ever to meet each other in battle. O Kurus, what could be a greater grief to me than this in the world?

धृष्टद्युम्नो द्रोणमृत्युरिति विप्रथितं वचः। मद्वधाय श्रुतोऽप्यष लोके चाप्यति विश्रुतः॥
“Dhristadyumna is the slayer of Drona" is the general belief. I have heard that he is born to kill me. This is also widely known in the world.

सोऽयं नूनमनुप्राप्तस्त्वत्कृते काल उत्तमः। त्वरितं कुरुत श्रेयो नैतदेतावता कृतम्॥
For your sake, that fearful time of destruction has come, Do without any loss of time what may be beneficial to you.

मुहूर्तं सुखमेवैतत् तालच्छायेव हैमनी। यजध्वं च महायज्ञैर्भोगानश्नीत दत्त च॥
Your happiness will last but for a moment as the shadow of the top of the palm tree rests in winter only but a moment at its base. Perform various sacrifices; enjoy and give away every thing at your heart's content.

इतश्चतुर्दशे वर्षे महत् प्राप्यस्यथ वैशसम्। द्रोणस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा धृतराष्ट्रोऽब्रवीदिदम्॥
On the fourteenth year a great calamity will overwhelm you. (Vaishampayana said) Having heard the words of Drona, Dhritarashtra said.

सम्यगाह गुरुः क्षत्तरुपावर्तय पाण्डवान्। यदि ते न निवर्तन्ते सत्कृता यान्तु पाण्डवाः। सशस्त्ररथपादाता भोगवन्तश्च :॥ पुत्रकाः
Dhritarashtra said O Kshatta (Vidura), the preceptor has said what is true. Go and back the Pandavas. If they do not come back, let them go, but after being treated with respect and affection; let my these children (the Pandavas) go with arms, soldiers and cars, enjoying every good thing.