Yudhishthira's departure to the forest

युधिष्ठिर उवाच आमन्त्रयामि भरतांस्तथा वृद्धं पितामहम्। राजानं सोमदत्तं च महाराजं च बाह्निकम्॥
Yudhisthira said I bid farewell to all the descendants of Bharata, to my old grandsire (Bhisma) to king Somadatta, the great king Valhika.

द्रोणं कृपं नृपांश्चान्यानश्वत्थामानमेव च। विदुरं धृतराष्ट्रं च धार्तराष्ट्रांश्च सर्वशः॥
To Drona, to Kripa, to all the other kings, to Ashvathama, Vidura, Dhritarashtra, and to all the sons of Dhritarashtra.

युयुत्सुं संजयं चैव तथैवान्यान् सभासदः। सर्वानामन्त्र्य गच्छामि द्रष्टास्मि पुनरेत्य वः॥
To Yuyutsu, Sanjaya, and all the Sabhasadas (court-officials). I bed you all farewell. I shall see you (again) on my return.

वैशम्पायन उवाच न च किंचिदथोचुस्तं ह्रिया सन्ना युधिष्ठिरम्। मनोभिरेव कल्याणं दध्युस्ते तस्य धीमतः॥
Vaishampayana said Those that were present there could not out of shame tell anything to Yudhisthira, but they all prayed for the welfare of the intelligent (king).

विदुर उवाच आर्या पृथा राजपुत्री नारण्यं गन्तुमर्हति। सुकुमारी च वृद्धा च नित्यं चैव सुखोचिता॥
Vidura said The reversed Pritha (Kunti) is a princess. She should not go to the forest. She is delicate and old, and she is ever in happiness.

इह वत्स्यति कल्याणी सत्कृता मम वेश्मनि। इति पार्था विजानीध्वमगदं वोऽस्तु सर्वशः॥
The blessed lady will remain in my house (well) respected by me. O sons of Pritha, know this, and let safety by yours in every way.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तथेत्युक्त्वाब्रुवन् सर्वे यथा नो वदसेऽनघ। त्वं पितृव्यः पितृसमो वयं च त्वत्परायणाः॥
Vaishampayana said Thereupon they (the Pandavas) all said, “O sinless one, let it be as you say. You are our uncle, and (therefore) you are the same as our father. We are all obedient to you.

यथाऽऽज्ञापयसे विद्वंस्त्वं हि नः परमो गुरुः। यच्चान्यदपि कर्तव्यं तद् विधत्स्व महामते॥
O learned man, you are our most respected Guru (superior). O high-souled one, command us what else is there to be done".

विदुर उवाच युधिष्ठिर विजानीहि ममेदं भरतर्षभ। नाधर्मेण जितः कश्चिद् व्यथते वै पराजय॥
Vidura said O Yudhisthira, O best of the Bharata race, know this to be my opinion that he who is defeated by sinful means need not be pained for such defeat.

त्वं वै धर्मं विजानीषे युद्धे जेता धनंजयः। हन्तारीणां भीमसेनो नकुलस्त्वर्थसंग्रही॥
You know every rule of Dharma. Dhananjaya (Arjuna) is ever victorious in battle. Bhimsena is the slayer of foes, Nakula is the gatherer of wealth.

संयन्ता सहदेवस्तु धौम्यो ब्रह्मविदुत्तमः। धर्मार्थकुशला चैव द्रौपदी धर्मचारिणी॥
Sahadeva has administrative talents, Dhaumya is the best of all men learned in the Vedas, and the virtuous Draupadi is learned in Dharma and Artha.

अन्योन्यस्य प्रियाः सर्वे तथैव प्रियदर्शनाः। परैरभेद्याः संतुष्टाः को वो न स्पृहयेदिह॥
You are all attached to one another and you all feel delight at one another's presence; enemies cannot separate you from one another, and you are all contented.

एष वै सर्वकल्याणः समाधिस्तव भारत। नैनं शत्रुर्विषहते शक्रेणापि समोऽप्युत॥
O descendent of Bharata, for this patient abstraction from the worldly possessions will be great benefit to you. No enemy, even if he be like Shakra (Indra), will be able to stand it.

हिमवत्यनुशिष्टोऽसि मेरुसावर्णिना पुरा। द्वैपायनेन कृष्णेन नगरे वारणावते॥
You were instructed on the mountains of Himalaya by Meru-Savarani. You were instructed in Varanavata by Krishna Dvaipayana (Vyasa).

भृगुतुङ्गे च रामेण दृषद्वत्यां च शम्भुना। अश्रौषीरसितस्यापि महर्षेरञ्जनं प्रति॥
On the Bhrigu mountain by Rama, on the banks of the Drishadvati by Shambhu (Shiva). You have also received instructions from the great Rishi Asita on the Anajna mountains.

कल्माषीतीरसंस्थस्य गतस्त्वं शिष्यतां भृगोः। द्रष्टा सदा नारदस्ते धौम्यस्तेऽयं पुरोहितः॥
You became a disciple of Bhrigu on the banks of the Kalmashi. Narada and your this priest Dhaumya will be now your instructors.

मा हासीः साम्पराये त्वं बुद्धि तामृषिपूजिताम्। पुरूरवसमैलं त्वं बुद्ध्या जयसि पाण्डव॥
Do not abandon the excellent lessons, ever adored by the Rishis, as regards the next world. O sons of Pandu, you surpass in intelligence even Pururava, the son of Ila.

शक्त्या जयसि राज्ञोऽन्यानृषीन् धर्मोपसेवया। ऐन्द्रे जये धृतमना याम्ये कोपविधारणे॥
In strength all other kings, and in virtue even the Rishis. Resolve earnestly to win the victory which is the attribute of Indra, to control anger which is the attribute of Yama.

तथा विसर्गे कौबेरे वारुणे चैव संयमे। आत्मप्रदानं सौम्यत्वमद्भ्यश्चैवोपजीवनम्॥
To give in charity which is the attribute of Kuvera, and to control all passions which is the attribute of Varuna. Obtain the power of gladdening from the moon, the power of sustaining all from the water.

भूमेः क्षमा च तेजश्च समग्रं सूर्यमण्डलात्। वायोर्बलं प्राप्नुहि त्वं भूतेभ्यश्चात्मसम्पदम्॥
Forbearance from earth, energy from the whole of the solar disc, strength from the winds, and affluence from the creatures.

अगदं वोऽस्तु भद्रं वो द्रष्टास्मि पुनरागतान्। आपद्धर्मार्थकृच्छ्रेषु सर्वकार्येषु वा पुनः॥ यथावत् प्रतिपद्येथाः काले काले युधिष्ठिर। आपृष्टोऽसीह कौन्तेय स्वस्ति प्राप्नुहि भारत॥
Welfare and immunity from disease by yours. I hope to see you return (in all safety). O Yudhisthira, act properly and duly in all seasons-in the time of distress, in that of difficulty, and in respect of every thing, O son of Kunti, O descendant of Bharata, with our permission depart. Blessings be on you.

कृतार्थं स्वस्तिमन्तं त्वां द्रक्ष्यामः पुनरागतम्। न हि वो वृजिनं किंचिद् वेद कश्चित्पुरा कृतम्।।
None can say that you have done any thing sinful before. We hope to see you return in safety and crowned with success.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तस्तथेत्युक्त्वा पाण्डवः सत्यविक्रमः। भीष्मद्रोणौ नमस्कृत्य प्रातिष्ठत युधिष्ठिरः॥
Vaishampayana said Thus addressed the greatly powerful Pandava (Yudhisthira), saying, “Be it so" and bowing low to Bhisma and Drona, went away.