Going to Dhritarashtra

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः पराजिताः पार्था वनवासाय दीक्षिताः। अजिनान्युत्तरीयाणि जगृहुश्च यथाक्रमम्॥
Vaishampayana said Thereupon the vanquished sons of Pritha, preparing for their exile in the forest, attired themselves in deer skins and Uttriya (upper garment).

अजिनैः संवृतान् दृष्ट्वा हृतराज्यानरिंदमान्। प्रस्थितान् वनवासाय ततो दुःशासनोऽब्रवीत्॥
Seeing those chastisers of foes attired in deer skins and robbed of their kingdom at point of going the forest, Dushasana exclaimed.

प्रवृत्तं धार्तराष्ट्रस्य चक्रं राज्ञो महात्मनः। पराजिताः पाण्डवेया विपत्तिं परमां गताः॥
Dushasana Said The absolute sovereignty of son of Dhritarashtra, the high-souled king, (Duryodhana) has (now) commenced. The Pandavas are vanquished, and they have been plunged into great misery.

अद्यैव ते सम्प्रयाताः समैर्वर्त्मभिरस्थलैः। गुणज्येष्ठास्तथा श्रेष्ठाः श्रेयांसो यद् वयं परैः॥
The gods are propitious to us, whether or not we have proceeded in the very narrow path (of sin); for we are today superior to our enemy in wealth and in every thing.

नरकं पातिताः पार्था दीर्घकालमनन्तकम्। सुखाच्च हीना राज्याच्च विनष्टाः शाश्वती: समाः॥
The sons of Pritha are plunged into eternal hall. They are deprived of happiness and kingdom for ever-lasting days.

धनेन मत्ता ये ते स्म धार्तराष्ट्रान् प्रहासिषुः। ते निर्जिता हृतधना वनमेष्यन्ति पाण्डवाः॥
Those Pandavas, who being intoxicated with the pride of wealth, laughed at the son of Dhritarashtra, will now have to go to the forest defeated and deprived of their wealth.

चित्रान् सन्नाहानवमुच्य पार्था वासांसि दिव्यानि च भानुमन्ति। विवास्यन्तां रुरुचर्माणि सर्वे यथा ग्लहं सौबलस्याभ्युपेताः॥
Let them abandon their variegated armours, and their resplendent robes of celestial make. Let them all put on deer skins according to the stake they had accepted of the son of Subala (Shakuni).

न सन्ति लोकेषु पुमांस ईदृशा इत्येव ये भावितबुद्धयः सदा। ज्ञास्यन्ति तेऽऽत्मानमिमेऽद्य पाण्डवा विपर्यये षण्ढतिला इवाफलाः॥
The Pandavas, who always boasted that they had no equals in all the world, will now know and regard themselves in this their calamity as grains of sesame without kernal.

इदं हि वासो यदि वेदृशानां मनस्विनां रौरवमाहवेषु। अदीक्षितानामजिनानि यद्वद् बलीयसां पश्यत पाण्डवानाम्॥
Though in this dress, the Pandavas appear like wise and powerful men installed in a sacrifice, but see (consider) them as persons not entitled to perform sacrifices.

महाप्राज्ञः सौमकिर्यज्ञसेनः कन्यां पाञ्चालीं पाण्डवेभ्यः प्रदाय। अकार्षीद् वै सुकृतं नेह किंचित् क्लीबाः पार्थाः पतयो याज्ञसेन्याः॥
The greatly wise descendant of Somaka, Yajnasena (Drupada), having bestowed the Panchala princess on the Pandavas, did not act well. The husbands of Yajnaseni (Draupadi) are impotent.

सूक्ष्मप्रावारानजिनोत्तरीयान् दृष्टवारण्ये निर्धनानप्रतिष्ठान्। कां त्वं प्रीति लप्स्यसे याज्ञसेनि पतिं वृणीष्वेह यमन्यमिच्छसि॥
O Yajnaseni, what joy will you get in seeing these your husbands in the forest attired in skins and rags and deprived of their wealth and possessions. Select a husband from these present.

एते हि सर्वे कुरवः समेताः क्षान्ता दान्ताः सुद्रविणोपपन्नाः। एषां वृणीष्वैकतमं पतित्वे न त्वां तपेत् कालविपर्ययोऽयम्॥
These Kurus, assembled here, are all forbearing and self-controlled. They are all vastly wealthy. Select one amongst these as your husband, so that this calamity may not drag you(in its train).

यथाफलाः षण्ढतिला यथा चर्ममया मृगाः। तथैव पाण्डवाः सर्वे यथा काकयवा अपि॥
All the Pandavas are now like grains of sesame that are without kernal or toy animals incased in skins, or the grains of paddy without kernal.

किं पाण्डवांस्ते पतितानुपास्य मोघः श्रमः षण्ढतिलानुपास्य। नश्रावयद् धृतराष्ट्रस्य पुत्रः॥
Why do you wait any longer upon the fallen sons of Pandu? The labour is thrown away that is bestowed on pressing the sesame grain that is without the kernal. Vaishampayana said The son of Dhritarashtra (Dushasana) uttered such cruel and harsh words in the hearing of the Pandavas.

तद् वै श्रुत्वा भीमसेनोऽत्यमर्षी निर्भत्र्योच्चैः संनिगृह्मैव रोषात्। उवाच चैनं सहसैवोपगम्य सिंहो यथा हैमवतः शृगालम्॥
Having heard them, the unforbearing Bhimasena suddenly rushed towards that prince in anger like a Himalayan lion does towards a jackal. He loudly rebuked him in these words.

भीमसेन उवाच क्रूर पापजनैर्जुष्टमकृतार्थं प्रभाषसे। गान्धारविद्यया हि त्वं राजमध्ये विकत्थसे॥
Bhima said O crooked-minded wretch, you rave in words that are uttered only by the sinful. Being advanced by the skill of the Gandhara king, you (dare to) boast in the midst of these kings.

यथा तुदसि मर्माणि वाक्शरैरिह नो भृशम्। तथा स्मारयिता तेऽहं कृन्तन् मर्माणि संयुगे॥
As you pierce our hearts with these your words like arrows, so will I pierce your heart in battle, making you recollect all this.

ये च त्वामनुवर्तन्ते क्रोधलोभवशानुगाः! गोप्तारः सानुबन्धास्तान् नेतास्मि यमसादनम्॥
I shall send to the abode of Yama all those with their descendants and relatives who are from anger or covetousness walking behind you as your protectors.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवं ब्रुवाणमजिनैर्विवासितं दुःशासनस्तं परिनृत्यति स्म। मध्ये कुरूणां धर्मनिबद्धमार्ग गौौरिति स्माह्वयन् मुक्तलज्जः॥
Vaishampayana said Dushasana, abandoning all sense of shame, danced around in the midst of the Kurus and loudly said, "O cow," "O cow”. Bhima uttered these words of wrath, but did nothing, for he could not deviate from the path of virtue.

भीमसेन उवाच नृशंस परुषं वक्तुं शक्यं दुःशासन त्वया। निकृत्या हि धनं लब्ध्वा को विकस्थितुमर्हति॥
Bhima said Wretch, do you dare use harsh words ass these? O Dushasana, who should boast having thus won wealth by foul means?

मैव स्म सुकृताल्लोकान् गच्छेत् पार्थो वृकोदरः। यदि वक्षो हि ते भित्त्वा न पिबेच्छोणितं रणे॥
I tell you, if Vrikodara, the son of Pritha, does not drink your life-blood piercing open your breast in battle, let him not attain to regions of blessedness.

धार्तराष्ट्रान् रणे हत्वा मिषतां सर्वधन्विनाम्। शां गन्तास्मि नवरात् सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
I tell you truly that killing the sons of Dhritarashtra in battle in the presence of all the warriors, I shall without the least delay pacify my this anger.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तस्य राजा सिंहगतेः सखेलं दुर्योधनो भीमसेनस्य हर्षात्। गतिं स्वगत्यानुचकार मन्दो निर्गच्छतां पाण्डवानां सभायाः॥
Vaishampayana said When the Pandavas were going out of the Sabha, the wicked king Duryodhana from excess of joy mimicked by his own steps the playful and lion-like movements of Bhimasena.

नैतावता कृतमित्यब्रवीत् तं वृकोदरः संनिवृत्तार्धकायः। शीघ्रं हि त्वां निहतं सानुबन्ध संस्मार्याहं प्रतिवक्ष्यामि मूढ॥
Thereupon, Vrikodara(Bhima), half turning towards him, said. “O fool, do not think that by this you gain any ascendancy over me. I shall soon kill you with all your followers and answer you recalling all this to your mind”.

एवं समीक्ष्यात्मनि चावमानं नियम्य मन्युं बलवान् स मानी। राजांनुगः संसदि कौरवाणां विनिष्क्रामन् वाक्यमुवाच भीमः॥
Seeing this insult offered to him, the powerful and proud Bhima, suppressing his rising anger and following the king (Yudhisthira) spoke these words when going out of the Kuru court.

भीमसेन उवाच अहं दुर्योधनं हन्ता कर्णं हन्ता धनंजयः। शकुनि चाक्षकितवं सहदेवो हनिष्यति॥
Bhima said I shall be the slayer of Duryodhana, Dhananjaya (Arjuna) will be the slayer of Karna. Sahadeva will kill the gambler Shakuni.

इदं च भूयो वक्ष्यामि सभामध्ये बृहद् वचः। सत्यं देवाः करिष्यन्ति यन्नो युद्धं भविष्यति॥
I repeat in the midst of this assembly these proud words which the celestial will surely make good, if ever we engage in battle (with the Kurus).

सुयोधनमिमं पापं हन्तास्मि गदया युधि। शिरः पादेन चास्याहमधिष्ठास्यामि भूतले॥
I shall kill this sinful wretch Suyodhana (Duryodhana) in a club-fight. Felling him on the ground, I shall place my foot on his head.

वाक्यशूरस्य चैवास्य परुषस्य दुरात्मनः। दुःशासनस्य रुधिरं पातास्मि मृगराडिव॥
As regards this wicked-minded man Dushasana, who is bold in speech, I will drink his blood like a lion.

अर्जुन उवाच नैवं वाचा व्यवसितं भीम विज्ञायते सताम्। इतश्चतुर्दशे वर्षे द्रष्टारो यद् भविष्यति॥
Arjuna said Bhima, the resolutions of superior men are not known only in words. On the fourteenth year, they will see what will happen.

भीमसेन उवाच दुर्योधनस्य कर्णस्य शकुनेश्च दुरात्मनः। दुःशासनचतुर्थानां भूमिः पास्यति शोणितम्॥
Bhima said The earth will drink the blood of Duryodhana, Karma, the wicked-minded Shakuni and the fourth Dushasana.

अर्जुन उवाच असूयितारं द्रष्टारं प्रवक्तारं विकत्थनम्। भीमसेन नियोगात् ते हन्ताहं कर्णमाहवे॥
Arjuna said O Bhimasena, I will as you direct, kill in battle this Karna so malicious, jealous, harshspecched and vain.

अर्जुनः प्रतिजानीते भीमस्य प्रियकाम्यया। कर्णं कर्णानुगांश्चैव रणे हन्तास्मि पत्रिभिः॥
For doing what is agreeable to Bhima, Arjuna vows that he will kill in battle with his arrows this Karna with all his followers.

ये चान्ये प्रतियोत्स्यन्ति बुद्धिमोहेन मां नृपाः। तांश्च सर्वानहं बाणैर्नेतास्मि यमसादनम्॥
I will send to the abode of Yama with my arrows also those other kings that will from foolishness fight against me.

चलेद्धि हिमवान् स्थानानिष्प्रभः स्याद् देवाकरः। शैत्यं सोमात् प्रणश्येत मत्सत्यं विष नेद् यदि॥
If my this vow be not carried out, then the Himalaya mountains might be removed from where they are, the maker of the day (sun) might lose his rays and the Moon his coolness.

न प्रदास्यति चेद् राज्यमितो वर्षे चतुर्दशे। दुर्योधनोऽभिसत्कृत्य सत्यमेतद् भविष्यति॥
All this will surely happen if on the fourteenth year from this, Duryodhana does not return us our kingdom with proper respect.

वैशम्पायन उवाच इत्युक्तवति पार्थे तु श्रीमान् माद्रवतीसुतः। प्रगृह्य विपुलं बाहुं सहदेवः प्रतापवान्॥
Vaishampayana said When Arjuna said this, the handsome and powerful son of Madri, Sahadeva, waving his mighty arms,

सौबलस्य वधं प्रेप्सुरिदं वचनमब्रवीत्। क्रोधसंरक्तनयनो निःश्वसन्निव पन्नगः॥
And sighting like a snake and desiring to kill Shakuni, spoke thus with eyes red with anger.

सहदेव उवाच अक्षान् यान् मन्यसे मूढ गान्धाराणां यशोहर। नैतेऽक्षा निशिता बाणास्त्वयैते समरे वृताः॥
Sahadeva said O fool, O destroyer of the fame of the Gandhara kings, what you are thinking as dice is not dice. They are sharp-pointed arrows which you have invited in battle.

यथा चैवोक्तवान् भीमस्त्वामुद्दिश्य सबान्धवम्। कर्ताहं कर्मणस्तस्य कुरु कार्याणि सर्वशः॥
I shall certainly accomplish all which Bhima has said as regards you with all your followers. If you have anything to do, do it before that day comes.

हन्तास्मि तरसा युद्धे त्वामेवेह सबान्धवम्। यदि स्थास्यसि संग्रामे क्षत्रधर्मेण सौबल॥
O son of Subala, I shall certainly kill you with all your friends and relatives if you stay in the fight according to the usage of the Kshatriyas.

सहदेववचः श्रुत्वा नकुलोऽपि विशाम्पते। दर्शनीयतमो नृणामिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Vaishampayana said O king, hearing the words of Sahadeva, Nakula, the handsomest of men, spoke thus.

नकुल उवाच सुतेयं यज्ञसेनस्य द्यूतेऽस्मिन् धृतराष्ट्रजैः। यैर्वाचः श्राविता रूक्षाः स्थितैर्दुर्योधनप्रिये॥ तान् धार्तराष्ट्रान् दुर्वृत्तान् मुमूर्षुन् कालनोदितान्। गमयिष्यामि भूयिष्ठानहं वैवस्वतक्षयम्॥
Nakula said I shall certainly send to the abode of Yama all those wicked-minded sons of Dhritarashtra, who being desirous of death and impelled by Fate, and also moved by the wish of doing what would please Duryodhana, have used harsh and insulting words towards this Yajnaseni, (Draupadi) at the gambling match.

निदेशाद् धर्मराजस्य द्रौपद्याः पदवीं चरन्। निर्धार्तराष्ट्रां पृथिवीं कर्तास्मि नचिरादिव॥
At the command of the king (Yudhisthira) and remembering the wrongs done to (Draupadi), I shall soon make the earth freed from the sons of Dhritarashtra.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवं ते पुरुषव्याघ्राः सर्वे व्यायतबाहवः। प्रतिज्ञा बहुलः कृत्वा धृतराष्ट्रमुपागमन्॥
Vaishampayana said Having thus taken many vows, those mighty armed and foremost of men (the Pandavas) went to Dhritarashtra.