DYUTA PARVA: Chapter 61

The gambling match

युधिष्ठिर उवाच मत्तः कैतवकेनैव यज्जितोऽस्मि दुरोदरे। शकुने हन्त दीव्यामो ग्लहमानाः परस्परम्॥ सन्ति निष्कसहस्रस्य भाण्डिन्यो भरिताः शुभाः।
Yudhishthira said O Shakuni, you have won this stake by unfair means. Do you feel pride for it? Let us play, staking thousands and thousands.

कोशो हिरण्यमक्षय्यं जातरूपमनेकशः। एतद् राजन् मम धनं तेन दीव्याम्यहं त्वया।॥
O king, I have many beautiful jars each filled with one thousand Nishkas (gold coins) I have in my treasury inexhaustible gold, and much silver and other minerals. this is the wealth with which I shall (now) stake with you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच कौरवाणां कुलकरं ज्येष्ठं पाण्डवमच्युतम्। इत्युक्तः शकुनिः प्राह जितमित्येव तं नृपम्॥
Vaishampayana said Having been thus addressed, Shakuni thus spoke to the perpetuator of the Kuru race, the eldest Pandava of undeteriorating glory, “Lo, I have whom?"

युधिष्ठिर उवाच अयं सहस्रसमितो वैयाघ्रः सुप्रतिष्ठितः। सुचक्रोपस्करः श्रीमान् किङ्किणीजालमण्डितः॥ संहादनो राजरथो य इहास्मानुपावहत्। जैत्रो रथवरः पुण्यो मेघसागरनिःस्वनः।। अष्टौ यं कुररच्छायाः सदश्वा राष्ट्रसम्मताः॥ वहन्ति नैषां मुच्येत पदाद् भूमिमुपस्पृशन्। एतद् राजन् धनं मह्यं तेन दीव्याम्यहं त्वया॥
Yudhishthira said. This my sacred, victorious and royal car, which gladdens the heart and which brought us here, which is equal to one thousand cars, which is symmetrical in make and covered with tiger's skins, which is furnished with excellent wheels and flag-staff, which is beautiful and adorned with small bells, the clatter of the wheel of which is like the roars of clouds or the ocean and which is drawn by eight noble steeds renowned all over the kingdom, (the steeds) that are white as the moon-beam and from whose hoofs no earthly being can escape, this, O king, is my wealth with which I shall (now) stake with you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवं श्रुत्वा व्यवसितो निकृतिं समुपाश्रितः। जितमित्येव शकुनियुधिष्ठिरमभाषत।॥
Vaishampayana said Having heard this, and adopting unfair means, Shakuni, ever ready with the dice said to Yudhishthira, “Lo, I have won?"

युधिष्ठिर उवाच शतं दासीसहस्राणि तरुण्यो हेमभद्रिकाः। कम्बुकेयूरधारिण्यो निष्ककण्ठ्यः स्वलंकृताः॥
Yudhishthira said I have one hundred thousand serving girls, who are all you and all adorned with golden bracelets on their wrists and upper arms, who have Nishkanthas and other ornaments,

महार्हमाल्याभरणाः सुवस्त्राश्चन्दनोक्षिताः। मणीन् हेम च बिभ्रत्यश्चतुःषष्टिविशारदाः॥ अनुसेवां चरन्तीमाः कुशला नृत्यसामसु। स्नातकानाममात्यानां राज्ञां च मम शासनात्। एतद् राजन् मम धनं तेन दीव्याम्यहं त्वया॥
And also costly garlands round their necks, who are attired in rich garments and anointed with sandal paste, who are well-skilled in sixty four elegant arts, specially in dancing and singing, and who wait upon and serve at my command the celestials, the snatakas and the kings. With this wealth, I shall (now) stake with you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एतच्छ्रुत्वा व्यवसितो निकृतिं समुपाश्रितः। जितमित्येव शकुनियुधिष्ठिरमभाषत॥
Vaishampayana said Having heard this and adopting unfair means, Shakuni, ever ready with the dice, sand to Yudhishthira, “Lo, I have won?"

युधिष्टिर उवाच एतावन्ति च दासानां सहस्राण्युत सन्ति मे। प्रदक्षिणानुलोमाश्च प्रावारवसनाः सदा॥
Yudhishthira said I have thousands of serving men, skilled in waiting upon guests, who are always attired in silken robes.

प्राज्ञा मेधाविनो दान्ता युवानो मृष्टकुण्डलाः। पात्रीहस्ता दिवारात्रमतिथीन् भोजयन्त्युत। एतद् राजन् मम धनं तेन दीव्याम्यहं त्वया॥
Who possess wisdom and intelligence, who are self-controlled, young, adorned with ear-rings and who feed all guests with plates and dishes in hand. With this wealth, O king, I shall (now) stake with you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एतच्छ्रुत्वा व्यवसितो निकृतिं समुपाश्रितः। जितमित्येव शकुनियुधिष्ठिरमभाषत॥
Vaishampayana said Having heard this and adopting unfair means, Shakuni, ever ready with the dice, sand to Yudhishthira, “Lo, I have won?"

युधिष्ठिर उवाच सहस्रसंख्या नागा मे मत्तास्तिष्ठन्ति सौबल। हेमकक्षाः कृतापीडाः पद्मिनो हेममालिनः॥
Yudhishthira said O son of Subala, I have one thousand musty elephants with golden girdles, who are adorned with ornaments, who have the marks of the lotus on their temples necks and other parts and who are adorned with golden garlands.

सुदान्ता राजवहनाः सर्वशब्दक्षमा युधि। ईषादन्ता महाकायाः सर्वे चाष्टकरेणवः॥ सर्वे च पुरभेत्तारो नवमेघनिभा गजाः। एतद् राजन् मम धनं तेन दीव्याम्यहं त्वया॥
Who possess fine(white) tusks, tusks like plough-shafts, who are worthy of carrying kings and capable of withstanding every kind of noise on the field of battle, who have huge bodies, who are capable of battering down the walls of the hostile cities, who are of the colour of newly formed clouds and each of whom possesses eight female elephants. With this wealth, O king, I shall (now) stake with you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच इत्येवंवादिनं पार्थं प्रहसन्निव सौबलः। जितमित्येव शकुनियुधिष्ठिरमभाषत॥
Vaishampayana said Having heard this and adopting unfair means, Shakuni, ever ready with the dice, said to Yudhishthira, “Lo, I have won?"

युधिष्ठिर उवाच रथास्तावन्त एवेमे हेमदण्डाः पताकिनः। हयैर्विनीतैः सम्पन्ना रथिभिश्चित्रयोधिभिः॥
Yudhishthira said I have as many cars as elephants, all furnished with golden poles and flat-staffs, and also well trained horses and car-warriors who fight wonderfully.

एकैको ह्यत्र लभते सहस्रपरमां भृतिम्। युध्यतोऽयुध्यतो वापि वेतनं मासकालिकम्। एतद् राजन् मम धनं तेन दीव्याम्यहं त्वया॥
And each of whom receives one thousand coins as his monthly salary whether he fights or not. With this wealth, O king, I shall (now) stake with you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच इत्येवमुक्ते वचने कृतवैरो दुरात्मवान्। जितमित्येव शकुनियुधिष्ठिरमभाषत॥
Vaishampayana said Having heard this and adopting unfair means, Shakuni, ever ready with the dice, said to Yudhishthira, “Lo, I have won?" was

युधिष्ठिर उवाच अश्वास्तित्तिरिकल्माषान् गान्धर्वान् हेममालिनः। ददौ चित्ररथस्तुष्टो यांस्तान् गाण्डीवधन्वने॥ युद्धे जितः पराभूतः प्रीतिपूर्वमरिंदमः। एतद् राजन् मम धनं तेन दीव्याम्यहं त्वया॥
Yudhishthira said The steeds of the Tittiri, Kalmasha and Gandharva breeds, adorned with golden garlands, all of whom were gladly presented to the wielder of the Gandiva (Arjuna) by the chastiser of foes, Chitraratha, who vanquished and subdued in battle, with this wealth, O king, I shall (now) stake with you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एतच्छ्रुत्वा व्यवसितो निकृति समुपाश्रितः। जितमित्येव शकुनियुधिष्ठिरमभाषत॥
Vaishampayana said Having heard this and adopting unfair means, Shakuni, ever ready with the dice, said to Yudhishthira, "Lo, I have won?”

युधिष्ठिर उवाच स्थानां शकटानां च श्रेष्ठानां चायुतानि मे। युक्तान्येव हि तिष्ठन्ति वाहैरुच्चावचैस्तथा॥
Yudhishthira said I have ten thousand wagons and vehicles to which are yoked draught animals of the foremost breed.

एवं वर्णस्य वर्णस्य समुच्चीय सहस्रशः। यथा समुदिता वीराः सर्वे वीरपराक्रमाः॥
I have soldiers picked up by thousands from each order who are all brave and who are endued with the prowess of (great) heroes.

क्षीरं पिबन्तस्तिष्ठन्ति भुञ्जानाः शालितण्डुलान्। षष्टिस्तानि सहस्राणि सर्वे विपुलवक्षसः। एतद् राजन् मम धनं तेन दीव्याम्यहं त्वया।॥
And who drink milk and eat good rice. They are sixty thousands in number, and all of them possess broad cheats. With this wealth, O king, I shall (now stake with you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एतच्छ्रुत्वा व्यवसितो निकृतिं समुपाश्रितः। जितमित्येव शकुनिथुधिष्ठिरमभाषत॥
Vaishampayana said Having heard this and adopting unfair means Shakuni, ever ready with the dice, said to Yudhishthira, "Lo, I have won?"

युधिष्ठिर उवाच ताम्रलोहैः परिवृता निधयो ये चतुःशताः। पञ्चद्रौणिक एकैकः सुवर्णस्याहतस्य वै॥ जातरूपस्य मुख्यस्य अनर्धेयस्य भारत। एतद् राजन् मम धनं तेन दीव्याम्यहं त्वया॥
Yudhishthira said I have four hundred Nidhis (very valuable jewels) encased in sheets of copper and iron; each one of them is equal to five Draunikas of the costliest and purest gold leaf of the Jatarupa kind. With this wealth, o king, I shall (now) stake with you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एतच्छ्रुत्वा व्यवसितो निकृति समुपाश्रितः। जितमित्येव शकुनियुधिष्ठिरमभाषत॥
Vaishampayana said Having heard this and adopting unfair means, Shakuni, ever ready with the dice, said to Yudhishthira, "Lo, I have won?”