DYUTA PARVA: Chapter 58

Arrival of Yudhishthira

वैशम्पायन उवाच महाजवैर्बलिभिः साधुदान्तैः। बलान्नियुक्तो धृतराष्ट्रेण राज्ञा मनीषिणां पाण्डवानां सकाशे॥
Vaishampayana said Thus commanded against his will by king Dhritarashtra, Vidura started for (the palace of) the wise Pandavas by means of quiet and patient horses of best species, possessing great speed and strength.

सोऽभिपत्य तदध्वानमासाद्य नृपतेः पुरम्। प्रविवेश महाबुद्धिः पूज्यमानो द्विजातिभिः॥
The greatly intelligent (Vidura) proceeded by the way leading to the city of the Pandavas; and having arrived there, he, being duly worshipped by the Brahmanas, entered the city.

स राजगृहमासाद्य कुबेरभवनोपमम्। अभ्यगच्छत धर्मात्मा धर्मपुत्रं युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Coming to the royal palace which was like the palace of Kubera, the virtuous minded (Vidura) went to the son of Dharma, Yudhishthira.

तं वै राजा सत्यधृतिर्महात्मा अजातशत्रुर्विदुरं यथावत्। स्ततोऽपृच्छद् धृतराष्ट्र सपुत्रम्॥
The illustrious and enemiless descendant of Ajamida, ever devoted to truth, reverentially saluted Vidura and asked him about the welfare of Dhritarashtra and his sons.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच विज्ञायते ते मनसोऽप्रहर्षः कच्चित् क्षत्तः कुशलेनागतोऽसि। कच्चित् पुत्राः स्थविरस्यानुलोमा वशानुगाश्चापि विशोऽथ कच्चित्॥
Yudhishthira said O Khattwa, your mind seems to be cheerless. Do you come in peace? Are the sons (of Dhritarashtra) obedient to their old father? Are the people obedient to his (Dhritarashtra's) rule?

विदुर उवाच राजा महात्मा कुशलौ सपुत्र आस्ते वृतो ज्ञातिभिरिन्द्रकल्पः। विशोक एवात्मरतिर्महात्मा।॥
Vidura said The illustrious king with his sons is well. Surrounded by his relatives, he reigns like Indra. O king, the illustrious monarch is happy with his sons who are all obedient to him. But he is bent upon his own aggrandisement.

इदं तु त्वां कुरुराजोऽभ्युवाच पूर्वं पृष्ट्वा कुशलं चाव्ययं च। इयं सभा त्वत्सभातुल्यरूपा भ्रातृणां ते दृश्यतामेत्य पुत्र॥
The Kuru king has commanded me first to enquire after your peace and prosperity, and then to tell you on his behalf the following. (He says to you), "The Assembly-hall of your cousin (built by me) is equal to your Sabha. Therefore, (come) and see it.

समागम्य भ्रातृभिः पार्थ तस्यां सुहृद्यूतं क्रियतां रम्यतां च। प्रीयामहे भवतां संगमेन समागताः कुरवश्चापि सर्वे॥
O son of Pritha, coming there enjoy the palace and play a friendly match at dice with your cousins. We shall be very happy at your arrival, so will be all the Kurus assembled there."

दुरोदरा विहिता ये तु तत्र महात्मना धृतराष्ट्रेण राज्ञा। नित्यागतोऽहं नृपते तज्जुषस्व॥
O king, you will see there all those gamblers, those cheats who have been brought there by the illustrious king Dhritarashtra. I have come here for this. Let the king's command be approved by you.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच द्यूते क्षत्तः कलहो विद्यते नः को वै द्यूतं रोचयेद् बुध्यमानः। किं वा भवान् मन्यते युक्तरूपं भवद्वाक्ये सर्व एव स्थिताः स्म॥॥
Yudhishthira said o Khattwa, gambling may produce quarrel. Knowing this, who is there who will consent to gamble? What do you think proper for us to do? We are all obedient to your advice,

विदुर उवाच जानाम्यहं द्यूतमनर्थमूलं कृतश्च यत्नोऽस्य मया निवारणे। राजा च मां प्राहिणोत् त्वत्सकाशं श्रुत्वा विद्वच्छ्रेय इहाचरस्व॥
Vidura said I know gambling is the root of all misery. I tried to dissuade the king from it. The king, however, has sent me to you. O learned man, knowing all this, do what is good.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच के तत्रान्ये कितवा दीव्यमाना विना राज्ञो धृतराष्ट्रस्य पुत्रैः। पृच्छामि त्वां विदुर ब्रूहि न स्तान् यैर्दीव्यामः शतशः संनिपत्य॥
Yudhishthira said Besides the sons of king Dhritarashtra who are the other dishonest gamblers that are present there to play? O Vidura, I ask you, tell us who are the men with whom we shall have to play staking hundreds upon hundreds.

विदुर उवाच गान्धारराजः शकुनिर्विशाम्पते। राजातिदेवी कृतहस्तो मताक्षः। विविंशतिश्चित्रसेनश्च राजा सत्यव्रतः पुरुमित्रो जयश्च॥
Vidura said. O king, expert in dice, with great skill of hand, even desperate at stakes the Gandhara king, Shakuni, Vivingshati, Chitrasena, king Satyavrata, Purumitra and Jaya (these are present there).

युधिष्ठिर उवाच महाभयाः कितवाः संनिविष्टा मायोपधा देवितारोऽत्र सन्ति। धात्रा तु दिष्टस्य वशे किलेदं सर्वं जगत् तिष्ठति न स्वतन्त्रतम्॥
Yudhishthira said It appears that some of the most desperate and terrible gamblers who always depend on deceit (in their play) are present there. The whole universe, however, is at the will of its creator under the control of Fate. It is not free.

त्र गन्तुमिच्छामि कवे दुरोदरम्। इष्टो हि पुत्रस्य पिता सदैव तदस्मि कर्ता विदुरात्थ मां यथा॥
O leaned man, I do not desire to engage in gambling at the command of king Dhritarashtra, for a father always Wishes to benefit his son. You are our master, OVidura, tell me what is proper (for us to do).

न चाकाम: शकुनिना देविताहं न चेन्मां जिष्णुराहयिता सभायाम्। आहूतोऽहं न निवर्ते कदाचित् तदाहितं शाश्वतं वै व्रतं मे॥
I am unwilling to gamble. I will not do it (gamble) unless the wicked Shakuni does not challenge me in the Sabha. If however he challenges me, I will never refuse. This is my settled and eternal vow.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्त्वा विदुरं धर्मराजः प्रायात्रिकं सर्वमाज्ञाप्य तूर्णम्। प्रायाच्छ्वोभूते सगणः सानुयात्रः सह स्त्रीभिद्रौपदीमादि कृत्वा॥
Vaishampayana said Having said this to Vidura, Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira) commanded that preparations for his journey might be soon made. The next day accompanied by his relatives and attendants and taking with his Draupadi and the women of the household he started (for Hastinapur).

दैवं हि प्रज्ञां मुष्णाति चक्षुस्तेज इवापतत्। धातुश्च वशमन्वेति पाशैरिव नरः सितः॥
“As a brilliant body falling before the eye deprives the power of seeing so does Fate our reason. Man, tied as it were with a cord, submits to the sway of providence”.

इत्युक्तवा प्रययौ राजा सह क्षत्रा युधिष्ठिरः। अमृष्यमाणस्तस्याथ समाह्वानमरिंदमः॥
Having said this, the chastiser of foes Yudhishthira, went with Khattwa (Vidura) without deliberating over the summons (of Dhritarashtra).

बाह्रीकेन रथं यत्तमास्थाय परवीरहा। परिच्छन्नो ययौ पार्थो भ्रातृभिः सह पाण्डवः॥
The slayer of hostile hosts, the son of Pritha, the Pandava (Yudhishthira) attired in. royal robes and riding on the car presented to him by the Valhika king started with his brothers.

राजश्रिया दीप्यमानो ययौ ब्रह्मपुरःसरः। धृतराष्ट्रेण चाहूतः कालस्य समयेन च॥
Summoned by Dhritarashtra and impelled by what has been ordained by Time and blazing with royal prosperity, the king with the Brahmanas walking before him went (from his city).

स हास्तिनपुरं गत्वा धृतराष्ट्रगृहं ययौ। समियाय च धर्मात्मा धृतराष्ट्रेण पाण्डवः॥
Arriving at Hastinapur he went in the Dhritarashtra's palace. The high-souled Pandava (Yudhishthira) then that Dhritarashtra,

तथा भीष्मेण द्रोणेन कर्णेन च कृपेण च। समियाय यथान्यायं द्रौणिना च विभुः सह॥
Bhishma, Drona, Karna and Kripa, the lord (Yudhishthira) also met the son of Drona (Ashvathama) he duly saluted and embraced all of them and was saluted and embraced by them in return.

समेत्य च महाबाहुः सोमदत्तेन चैव ह। दुर्योधनेन शल्येन सौबलेन च वीर्यवान्॥
The greatly powerful and mighty armed (hero) them met Somadatta, Duryodhana, Shalya the son of Subala (Shakuni).

ये चान्ये तत्र राजानः पूर्वमेव समागताः। दुःशासनेन वीरेण सर्वैभ्रातृभिरेव च।॥
And the other monarchs that had arrived there before him; and also the brave Dushasana and all his other cousins;

जयद्रथेन च तथा कुरुभिश्चापि सर्वशः। ततः सर्वैर्महाबाहुभ्रातभिः परिवारितः॥
Also Jayadratha and all other Kurus. Then the mighty armed hero, surrounded by all his brothers,

प्रविवेश गृहं राज्ञो धृतराष्ट्रस्य धीमतः। ददर्श तत्र गान्धारी देवी पतिमनुव्रताम्॥
Entered the palace of the wise king Dhritarashtra, and saw there lady Gandhari ever obedient to her husband.

स्नुषाभिः संवृतां शश्वत् तारा भिरिव रोहिणीम्। अभिवाद्य स गान्धारी तया च प्रतिनन्दितः॥ ददर्श पितरं वृद्धं प्रज्ञाचक्षुषमीश्वरम्॥
Surrounded by her daughters-in-law like Rohini by the stars. Having saluted Gandhari and having been blessed by her in return. He his old father (uncle, Dhritarashtra), the great lord whose knowledge was his eye.

राज्ञा मूर्धन्युपाघ्रातास्ते च कौरवनन्दनाः। चत्वारः पाण्डवा राजन् भीमसेनपुरोगमा:॥
O king, the monarch (Dhritarashtra) smelt his head as also those of the four other Kuru princes, the Pandavas, Bhima being at their head.

ततो हर्षः समभवत् कौरवाणां विशाम्पते। तान् दृष्ट्वा पुरुषव्याघ्रान् पाण्डवान् प्रियदर्शनान्॥
O king, seeing those best of men, the handsome Pandavas, all the Kurus became exceedingly glad.

विविशुस्तेऽभ्यनुज्ञाता रत्नवन्ति गृहाणि च। ददृशुश्चोपयातांस्तान् दुःशलाप्रमुखाः स्त्रियः॥
Commanded by the king Dhritarashtra, the Pandavas retired to rooms, adorned with gems saw and jewels. Here the ladies of the household with Dushala (Duryodhana' sister) at their head visited them.

याज्ञसेन्याः परामृद्धिं दृष्ट्वा प्रज्वलितामिव। स्नुषास्ता धृतराष्ट्रस्य नातिप्रमनसोऽभवन्॥
Seeing the blazing and splendid beauty and prosperity of Yajnaseni (Draupadi), Dhritarashtra's daughters-in-law were filled with jealousy and became cheerless.

ततस्ते पुरुषव्याघ्रा गत्वा स्त्रीभिस्तु संविदम्। कृत्वा व्यायामपूर्वाणि कृत्यानि प्रतिकर्म च॥
Having conversed with the ladies, those best of men (then) went through their daily physical exercises, and they then performed the usual daily religious rites.

ततः कृताछिकाः सर्वे दिव्यचन्दनभूषिताः। कल्याणमनसश्चैव ब्राह्मणान् स्वस्ति वाच्य च॥
Having performed their daily rites and decked their body with excellent Chandana and having desired to secure good luck and prosperity they caused Brahmanas to utter benedictions. Then having eaten best food, they retired to the sleeping apartments.

मनोज्ञमशमनं भुक्त्वा विविशुः शरणान्यथा उपगीयमाना नारीभिरस्वपन् कुरुपुङ्गवाः॥ जगाम तेषां सा रात्रिः पुण्या रतिविहारिणाम्। स्तूयमानाश्च विश्रान्ताः काले निद्रामथात्यजन्॥
Those best of the Kurus, those subjugators of hostile towns, were sung into sleep by beautiful damsels. Receiving what came in due succession, they passed that delicious night in pleasure and sport. Having awakened by the sweet music of the bards, they rose from their bed after rest.

सुखोषितास्ते रजनी प्रातः सर्वे कृताछिकाः। सभां रम्यां प्रविविशुः कितवैरभिनन्दिताः॥
Having passed the day in happiness, they rose in the morning and having performed the usual rites, they entered the Sabha and were saluted by those who assembled there for gambling.