ASTIKA PARVA.: Chapter 29

Story of Garuda

सौतिरुवाच तस्य कण्ठमनुप्राप्तो ब्राह्मणः सह भार्यया। दहन्दीप्त इवाङ्गारस्तमुवाचन्तरिक्षगः॥
Sauti said : A Brahmana with his wife had entered into his throat and he began to burn the bird's throat like a flaming piece of charcoal. The great bird addressed him thus,

द्विजोत्तम विनिर्गच्छ तूर्णमास्यादपावृतात्। न हि मे ब्राह्मणो वध्यः पापेष्वपि रतः सदा॥
"O best of the twice born! soon come out of my mouth. I open it for you. A Brahmana will never be killed by me, even if he is always engaged in sinful acts."

ब्रुवाणमेवं गरुडं ब्राह्मणः प्रत्यभाषत। निषादी मम भार्येयं निर्गच्छतु मया सह॥
When Garuda addressed the Brahmana thus, he said, "Let my wife who is a Nishada come out with me."

गरुड उवाच एतामपि निषादी त्वं परिगृह्याशु निष्पत। तूर्णं संभावयात्मानमजीर्णं मम तेजसा॥
Garuda said: Take the Nishada woman with you and come out at once. Save yourself without delay for you are not yet digested by the heat of my stomach.

सौतिरुवाच ततः स विप्रो निष्क्रान्तो निषादीसहितस्तदा। वर्धयित्वा च गरुडमिष्टं देशं जगाम ह॥
Sauti said: Thereupon the Brahmana came out with the Nishada woman and eulogising Garuda went to the country where he desired to go.

सह भार्ये विनिष्क्रान्ते तस्मिन्विप्रे च पक्षिराट्। वितत्य पक्षावाकाशमुत्पपात मनोजवः॥
When the Brahmana with his wife came out, the king of the birds, fleet as mind, stretching his wings, rose to the sky.

ततोऽपश्यत्स पितरं पृष्ठश्चाख्यातवान्पितुः। यथान्यायममेयात्मा तं चोवाच महानृषिः॥
He then saw his father and hailed by him, made him proper answer. And the great Rishi then asked him.

कश्यप उवाच कच्चिद्वः कुशलं नित्यं भोजने बहुलं सुत। कच्चिच्च मानुषे लोके तवान्नं विद्यते बहु॥
Kashyapa said : My son, are you doing well? Do you get sufficient food every day. Is there plenty of food for you in the world of men?

गरुड उवाच माता मे कुशला शश्वत्तथा भ्राता तथा ह्यहम्। न हि मे कुशलं तात भोजने बहुले सदा॥
Garuda said: My mother is well; and so is my brother and so am I. But, father, I do not get sufficient food and therefore my happiness is not complete.

अहं हि सर्पः प्रहित: पोममाहर्तुमुत्तमम्। मातुर्दास्यविमोक्षार्थमाहरिष्ये तमद्य वै॥
I have been sent by the snakes to get the Ambrosia, which is not easy to get. (However) I shall bring it to-day in order to emancipate my mother from her slavery.

मात्रा चात्र समादिष्टो निषादान्भक्षयेति ह। न च मे तृप्तिरभवद्भक्षयित्वा सहस्रशः॥
My mother commanded me to eat the Nishadas. I have eaten thein by thousands, but my hunger is not appeased.

तस्माद्भक्ष्यं त्वमपरं भगवन्प्रदिशस्व मे। यद्भुक्त्वाऽमृतमाहर्तुं समर्थः स्यामहं प्रभो॥ क्षुत्पिपासाविघातार्थं भक्ष्यमाख्यातु मे भवान्।
O great one, point out to me some other food, by eating which, O Lord, I would become capable to bring the Ambrosia by force. You should point out some food which can appease my hunger and thirst.

कश्यप उवाच इदं सरो महापुण्यं देवलोकेऽपि विश्रुतम्। यत्र कूर्माग्रजं हस्ती सदाकर्षत्यवाङ्मुखः॥
Kashyapa said : This lake you see before you is very sacred. It is even known in the celestial regions. There is an elephant with its face downwards continually dragging a tortoise which is his elder brother.

तयोर्जन्मान्तरे वैरं संप्रवक्ष्याम्यशेषतः। तन्मे तत्त्वं निबोधत्स्व यत्प्रमाणौ च तावुभौ॥
I shall speak to you in detail their hostility in the former life. Hear from me the true story, the proof of which is their presence here.

आसीद्विभावसुर्नाम महर्षिः कोपनो भृशम्। भ्राता तस्यानुजश्चासीत्सुप्रतीको महातपाः॥
There was in the olden days a great Rishi, named Vibhavasu, who was of exceedingly angry disposition. He had a younger brother, named Supratika, a great ascetic.

स नेच्छति धनं भ्राता सहैकस्थं महामुनिः। विभाग कीर्तयत्येवसुप्रतीको हि नित्यशः॥
That great Rishi was not willing to keep his wealth joint with his brother, Supratika always spoke of a partition.

अथाब्रवीच्च तं भ्राता सुप्रतीकं विभावसुः। विभागं बहवो मोहात्कर्तुमिच्छन्ति नित्यशः॥
Some time after Vibhavasu told his brother S ratika, “It is from foolishness, blinded by wealth, that many wish to divide (paternal) wealth.

ततो विभक्तास्त्वन्योऽन्य विक्रुध्यन्तेऽर्थमोहिताः। ततः स्वार्थपरान्मूढान्पृथग्भूतान्स्वकैर्धनैः॥ विदित्वा भेदयन्त्येतानमित्रामित्ररूपिणः। विदित्वा चापरे भिन्नानन्तरेषु पतन्त्यथ॥
But as soon as it is partitioned, they begin to quarrel from the blindness arising from wealth. And enemies in the guise of friends, cause estrangement between ignorant and selfish brothers. They confirm their quarrels by pointing out faults and thus they fall one by one.

भिन्नानामतुलो नाशः क्षिप्रमेव प्रवर्तते। तस्माद्विभागं भ्रातृणां न प्रशंसन्ति साधवः॥
Absolute ruin very soon overtakes those (brothers) that are separated. Therefore, good men never approve of the partition amongst brothers,

गुरुशास्त्रेऽनिबद्धानामन्योऽन्येनाभिशंकिनाम्। नियन्तुं न हि शक्यस्त्वं भेदतो धनमिच्छसि॥
Who, when divided, do not have any regard for Shastras or Gurus. As you, without regarding my advice, impelled by the desire of separation, wish to partition for wealth,

यस्मात्तस्मात्सुप्रतीक हस्तित्वं समवाप्स्यसि। शप्तस्त्वेवं सुप्रतीको विभावसुमथाब्रवीत्॥
For this, O Supratika, you will become an elephant.” Thus being cursed Supratika told Vibhavasu,

त्वमप्यन्तर्जलचरः कच्छपः संभविष्यसि। एवमन्योन्यशापात्तौ सुप्रतीकविभावसू॥
“You will become an aquatic tortoise." Thus being cursed by each other Supratika and Vibhavasu,

गजकच्छपतां प्राप्तावार्थं मूढचेतसौ। रोषदोषानुषङ्गेन तिर्यग्योनिगतावुभौ॥
Both fools now live as a tortoise and an elephant. Owing to their wrathful nature they have both become inferior animals.

परस्पर द्वेषरतौ प्रमाणबलदर्पितौ। सरस्यस्मिन्महाकायौ पूर्ववैरानुसारिणौ॥
They are both engaged in hostilities with each other. Proud of their great strength and the weight of their body, in this lake, these two huge creatures are now engaged in their old hostilities.

तयोरन्यतरः श्रीमान्समुपैति महागजः। यस्य बृंहितशब्देन कूर्मोऽप्यन्तर्जलेशयः॥ उत्थितोऽसौ महाकायः कृत्स्नं विक्षोभयन्सरः। यं दृष्ट्वा वेष्टितकरः पतत्येष गजो जलम्॥
Look, the handsome elephant is coming to the lake. Hearing his roar the huge tortoise rises up, violently agitating the water of the lake; and seeing him the elephant, coiling his trunk, rushes into the water.

दन्तहस्ताग्रलांगूलपदावेगेन वीर्यवान्। विक्षोभयंस्ततोनागः सरो बहुझषाकुलम्॥
The greatly powerful elephant, with the motion of his tusks and fore-part of his trunk and with tail and feet, violently agitates the water of the lakes full of fishes.

कूर्मोऽष्यभ्युद्यतशिरा युद्धायाभ्येति वीर्यवान्। षडुच्छ्रितो योजनानि गजस्तद्द्विगुणायतः॥
The greatly powerful tortoise also, with its head up, comes to the fight. The elephant is six Yojanas in height and twice that measure in circumference.

कूर्मस्त्रियोजनोत्सेधो दशयोजनमण्डलः। तावुभौ युद्धसंमत्तौ परस्परवधैषिणौ।॥
The tortoise is also three Yojanas in height and his circumference is ten Yojanas. Eat up both of these animals, madly engaged in battle and bent upon killing each other.

उपयुज्याशु कर्मेदं साधयेत्सितमात्मनः। महाभ्रघनसंकाशं तं भुक्त्वामृतमानय। महागिरिसमप्रख्यं घोररूपं च हस्तिनम्॥
(After eating them), accomplish the task you desire to perform. Eating the fearful elephant which looks like a huge mountain and a huge mass of clouds, go and bring the Aimbrosia.

सौतिरुवाच इत्युक्त्वा गरुडं सोऽथ माङ्गल्यमकरोत्तदा॥
Sauti said : Having said this to Garuda, he blessed him, saying,

युध्यतः सह देवैस्ते युद्धे भवतु मङ्गलम्। पूर्णकुम्भो द्विजा गावो यच्चान्यत्किंचिदुत्तमम्॥ शुभं स्वस्त्ययनं चापि भविष्यति तवाण्डज। युध्यमानस्य संग्रामे देवैः सार्धं महाबल॥
“O oviparous one, let good come to you when you engage in battle with the celestials. Let water-pots filled to the brim, let Brahmanas, kine and other auspicious objects bless you. In the battle with the powerful celestials,

ऋचो यजूंषि सामानि पवित्राणि हवींषि च। रहस्यानी च सर्वाणि सर्वे वेदाश्च ते बलम्॥
Let Riks, Yajus, Saman, the sacred sacrificial ghee, all the mysteries and all the Vedas become your strength."

इत्युक्तो गरुडः पित्रा गतस्तं ह्रदमन्तिकात्। अपश्यन्निर्मलजलं नानापक्षिसमाकुलम्॥
Having been thus addressed by his father, Garuda went to the side of the lake. He saw it full of clear water and full of birds of various kinds flying all around.

स तत्स्मृत्वा पितुर्वाक्यं भीमवेगोऽन्तरिक्षगः। नखेन गजमेकेन कूर्ममेकेन चाक्षिपत्॥
Remembering his father's words, the swiftflying great bird seized the elephant and the tortoise, one in each claw.

समुत्पपात चाकाशं तत उच्चैविहंगमः। सोऽलम्बं तीर्थमासाद्य देववृक्षानुपागमत्॥
The great bird then soared high into the sky. Coming to a holy shrine, called Alamba, where there were many celestial trees.

ते भीताः समकम्पन्त तस्य पक्षानिलाहताः। नो भञ्ज्यादिति तदा दिव्याः कनकशाखिनः॥
Struck by the wind raised by his wings, the trees began to tremble in fear. Those trees, with golden boughs, feared that they would be broken down.

प्रचलाङ्गान्स तान्दृष्ट्वा मनोरथफलद्रुमान्। अन्यानतुलरूपाङ्गानुपचक्राम खेचरः॥
Thereupon the bird, seeing the trees that are capable of giving everything, were trembling in fear, went to other trees of matchless appearance.

काञ्चनै राजतैश्चैव फलैर्वैदूर्यशाखिनः। सागराम्बुपरिक्षिप्तान्भ्राजमानान्महादुमान्॥
And those big trees were adorned with fruits of gold and silver; and with branches of precious gems; and they were washed by the waters of the sea. There was a big banian amongst them.

तमुचाच खगश्रेष्ठं तत्र रौहिणपादपः। अतिप्रवृद्धः सुमहानापतन्तं मनोजवम्॥
The great tree spoke to the best of the birds, who was flying away with the speed of the mind, saying,

रौहिण उवाच यैषा मम महाशाखा शतयोजनमायता। एतामास्थाय शाखां त्वं खादेमौ गजकच्छपौ॥
“Sit down on this big branch of mine which extends a hundred Yojanas; and eat the elephant and the tortoise."

ततो दुमं पतगसहस्रसेवितम् महीधरप्रतिमवपुः प्रकम्पयन्। खगोत्तमो द्रुतमभिपत्य वेगवान् बभञ्जतामविरलपत्रसंचयाम्॥
When the best of birds, huge as a huge mountain and of great swiftness, alighted on the tree, the abode of thousands of birds, it trembled; and the bough, full of leaves, was broken.