DYUTA PARVA: Chapter 55

Lamentations of Duryodhana

दुर्योधन उवाच यस्य नास्ति निजा प्रज्ञा केवलं तं बहुश्रुतः। न स जानाति शास्त्रार्थं दर्वी सूपरसानिव॥
Duryodhana said He, who has not personal knowledge, but has merely heard of many things cannot understand the real meaning of the Shastras, like the spoon which has no perception of the taste of the soup it touches.

जानन् वै मोहयसि मां नावि नौरिव संयता। स्वार्थे किं नावधानं ते उताहो द्वेष्टि मां भवान्॥
You know everything, but you still confound me. Like a boat tied to another boat, you and I are tied to each other. Are you unmindful of your own interest? Do you entertain hostile feelings towards me?

न सन्तीमे धार्तराष्ट्रा येषां त्वमनुशासिता। भविष्यमर्थमाख्यासि सर्वदा कृत्यमात्मनः॥
The sons of Dhritarashtra are doomed to destruction in as much as they are ruled by you. That which should be done at once, you say should be done in future.

परनेयोऽग्रणीर्यस्य स मार्गान् प्रति मुह्यति। पन्थानमनुगच्छेयुः कथं तस्य पदानुगाः॥
He often loses his way whose guide follows the instruction of others. How can those who follow him obtain the right path?

राजन् परिणतप्रज्ञो वृद्धसेवी निजेन्द्रियः। प्रतिपन्नान् स्वकार्येषु सम्मोहयसि नो भृशम्॥
O king, you are of mature wisdom; you wait on the old, and your passions are also under complete control. You should not confound us, when we are ready to seek our own interest.

लोकवृत्ताद् राजवृत्तमन्यदाह बृहस्पतिः। तस्माद् राज्ञाप्रमत्तेन स्वार्थश्चिन्त्यः सदैव हि॥
Brihaspati has said that the usage of kings are different from those of common people. Therefore, kings should always look to their interest with vigilance.

क्षत्रियस्य महाराज जये वृत्तिः समाहिता। स वै धर्मस्त्वधर्मो वा स्ववृत्तौ का परीक्षणा॥
O great king, the character of a Kshatriya is to be known from (his) success. Whether sinful or virtuous, what scruples can there be in performing the duties of one's own (caste).

प्रकालयेद् दिशः सर्वाः प्रतोदेनेव सारथिः। प्रत्यमित्रश्रियं दीप्तां जिघृक्षुर्भरतर्षभ।॥
O best of the Bharata race, he, who is desirous of securing the blazing prosperity of his enemy, should bring all directions under his subjection, as the charioteer does his steeds with his whip.

प्रच्छन्नो वा प्रकाशो वा योगो योऽरिं प्रबाधते। तद् वै शस्त्रं शस्त्रविदां न शस्त्रं छेदनं स्मृतम्॥
The men, skilled in arms, say that the means, either covered or open, which can vanquish the enemy, is to be called the (true) weapon and not that which cuts.

शत्रुश्चैव हि मित्रं च न लेख्यं न च मातृका। यो वै संतापयति यं स शत्रुः प्रोच्यते नृप॥
O king, there is no figure or dimension to know who is one's friend and who is one's foe. He who gives pain to the other is to be called by him his enemy.

असंतोषः श्रियो मूलं तस्मात् तं कामयाम्यहम्। समुच्छ्रये यो यतते स राजन् परमो नयः॥
O king, discontent is the root of prosperity. Therefore, I desire to have it. O king, he who tries to acquire prosperity is truly a man of policy.

ममत्वं हि न कर्तव्यमैश्वर्ये वा धनेऽपि वा। पूर्वावाप्तं हरन्त्यन्ये राजधर्मं हि तं विदुः॥
None should love his wealth and affluence, for the wealth, that has been earned and hoarded, might be plundered. This (such plundering) is the usage of the kings.

अद्रोहसमयं कृत्वा चिच्छेद नमुचेः शिरः। शक्रः साभिमता तस्य रिपौ वृत्तिः सनातनी॥
It was during an armistice and also at the time when a pledge was given (not to fight) that Shakra (Indra) cut off the head of Namuchi. As he approved of this eternal usage towards the enemy, he did act in this way.

द्वावेतौ ग्रसते भूमिः सर्पो बिलशयानिव। राजानं चाविरोद्धारं ब्राह्मणं चाप्रवासिनम्॥
Like a snake that swallows up frogs and other animals living in holes, the earth swallows up a king who is peaceful and (also) a Brahmana who does not stir out of his house.

नास्ति वै जातितः शत्रुः पुरुषस्य विशाम्पते। येन साधारणी वृत्तिः स शत्रुर्नेतरो जनः॥
O king, none can by nature by any person's foe. He, and none else, is one's enemy who has common pursuits with another.

शत्रुपक्षं समृध्यन्तं यो मोहात् समुपेक्षते। व्याधिराज्यायित इव तस्य मूलं छिनत्ति सः॥
He who foolishly neglects a growing foe cuts off his root, as a disease which he keeps without treatment (destroys his body).

अल्पोऽपि शरिरत्यर्थं वर्धमानः पराक्रमैः। वल्मीको मूलज इव ग्रसते वृक्षमन्तिकात्॥
If a foe, however insignificant he is, be allowed to grow in prowess, he swallows one as the white ants at the root of a tree eat up the tree itself.

आजमीढ रिपोर्लक्ष्मीर्मा ते रोचिष्ट भारत। एष भारः सत्त्ववतां नयः शिरसि विष्ठितः॥
O descendant of Ajamida, O descendant of Bharata, let not the enemy's prosperity be acceptable to you. The wise men should carry on their heads this policy like a load.

जन्मवृद्धिमिवार्थानां यो वृद्धिमभिकाडक्षते। एधते ज्ञातिषु स वै सद्यो वृद्धिर्हि विक्रमः॥
He, who always wishes for the increase of his wealth, grows and prospers amongst his relatives, as the body naturally grows from the day of birth. Prowess brings speedy growth.

नाप्राप्य पाण्डवैश्वर्यं संशयो मे भविष्यति। अवाप्स्ये वा श्रियं तां हि शयिष्ये वा हतो युधि॥
Covet as much as I do the wealth and prosperity of the Pandavas, they have not as yet become my own. I am doubtful about my ability; I am, however, determined to remove my doubt. I will either obtain their wealth or lay my own life in battle.

एतादृशस्य किं मेऽद्य जीवितेन विशाम्पते। वर्धन्ते पाण्डवा नित्यं वयं त्वस्थिरवृद्धयः॥
O king, when the state of my mind is such, when the Pandavas are daily growing in prosperity and our possessions are daily decreasing, what do I care for life?