DYUTA PARVA: Chapter 54

Words of Duryodhana

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच त्वं वै ज्येष्ठो ज्यैष्ठिनेयः पुत्र मा पाण्डवान् द्विषः। द्वेष्टा ह्यसुखमादत्ते यथैव निधनं तथा॥
Dhritarashtra said You are my eldest son, born of my eldest wife. Therefore, O son, be not jealous of the Pandavas, He who is jealous is always unhappy and suffer the death pangs.

अव्युत्पन्नं समानार्थं तुल्यमित्रं युधिष्ठिरम्। अद्विषन्तं कथं द्विष्यात् त्वादृशो भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, Yudhishthira does not know what deception is; he possesses wealth equal to yours; he has your friends for his; and he is not jealous of you. Why then are you jealous of him?

तुल्याभिजनवीर्यश्च कथं भ्रातुः श्रियं नृप। पुत्र कामयसे मोहान्मैवं भूः शाम्य मा शुचः॥
O prince, you are equal to Yudhishthira in friends and allies. Why should you then out of folly covet the property of your cousin? Be not so. Cease to be jealous. Do not grieve.

अथ यज्ञविभूतिं तां काङ्क्षसे भरतर्षभ। ऋत्विजस्तव तन्वन्तु सप्ततन्तुं महाध्वरम्॥
O best of the Bharata race, if you desire to possess the dignity of performing a sacrifice, let Ritvijas arrange for you the great sacrifice, called Saptatantu.

आहरिष्यन्ति राजानस्तवापि विपुलं धनम्। प्रीत्या च बहुमानाच्च रत्नान्याभरणानि च।॥
The kings will then gladly bring (for you) much wealth and many gems and ornaments.

अनार्याचरितं तात परस्वस्पृहणं भृशम्। स्वसंतुष्टः स्वधर्मस्थो यः स वै सुखमेधते॥
O son, to covet other's property is exceedingly mean. He, who is contended and is engaged in the practices of his own order, enjoys happiness.

अव्यापारः परार्थेषु नित्योद्योगः स्वकर्मसु। रक्षणं समुपात्तानामेतद् वैभवलक्षणम्॥
Not to try to get the wealth of others, to perseveres in one's own affairs and to protect what has been earned, these are the indications of true greatness.

विपत्तिष्वव्यथो दक्षो नित्यमुत्थानवान् नरः। अप्रमत्तो विनीतात्मा नित्यं भद्राणि पश्यति॥
He who is unmoved in calamity, is skilled in his own business, is ever exerting, vigilant, and humble will always meet with prosperity.

बाहूनिवैतान् मा छेत्सीः पाण्डुपुत्रास्तथैव ते। भ्रातृणां तद्धनार्थं वै मित्रद्रोहं च मा कुरु॥
The Pandavas are like your arms; do not chop off your those arms. do not plunge yourself into internal dissensions coveting the wealth of your brothers.

स्तथैव ते भ्रातृधनं समग्रम्। मित्रद्रोहे तात महानधर्मः पितामहा ये तव तेऽपि तेषाम्॥
O prince, do not be jealous of the Pandavas. Your wealth is equal to that of your cousins. To quarrel with one's own friends is a great sin. They who are your grandsires are their grandsires also.

अन्तर्वेद्यां ददद् वित्तं कामाननुभवन् प्रियान्। क्रीडन् स्त्रीभिर्निरातङ्कः प्रशाम्य भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, give away (wealth) in charity on the occasions of sacrifices; gratify every dear object of your desire; sport freely in the company of women, and enjoy peace.