DYUTA PARVA: Chapter 51

Lamentations of Duryodhana

दुर्योधन उवाच यन्मया पाण्डवेयानां दृष्टं तच्छृणु भारत। आहृतं भूमिपालैहि वसु मुख्यं ततस्ततः॥
Duryodhana said O descendant of Bharata hear about all the best of wealth that belongs to the Pandavas and that was brought by the kings of earth one after another.

नाविदं मूढमात्मानं दृष्ट्वाहं तदरेर्धनम्। फलतो भूमितो वापि प्रतिपद्यस्व भारत॥ और्णान् बैलान् वार्षदंशाञ्जातरूपपरिष्कृतान्। प्रावाराजिनमुख्यांश्च काम्बोजः प्रददौ बहून्॥
Seeing that wealth of the enemy. I lost my reason, and I scarcely knew myself O descendant of Bharata, hear as I describe that wealth consisting of both manufactures and the produce of land. The king of Kamboja gave many of the best kinds of skins, woollen blankets, blankets made of the soft fur of mice and other animals living in holes and blankets made of the wool of cats, all inlaid with threads of gold;

अश्वांस्तित्तिरिकल्माषांस्त्रिशतं शुकनासिकान्। उष्ट्रवामीस्त्रिंशतं च पुष्टाः पीलुशमीीङ्गुदैः॥
Also three hundred horses of the Tittiri and Kalmasha kinds, all possessing nose like the parrots; also three hundred camels, three hundred female asses, all fattened with olive and Pilusha.

गोवासना ब्राह्मणाश्च दासनीयाश्च सर्वशः। प्रीत्यर्थं ते महाराज धर्मराज्ञो महात्मनः॥
O great king, many Brahmanas, who rear cattle and who are fit to be engaged in menial service, in order to gratify the illustrious Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira) waited,

त्रिखर्वं बलिमादाय द्वारि तिष्ठन्ति वारिताः। ब्राह्मणा वाटधानाच गोमन्तः शतसङ्घशः॥ कमण्डलूनुपादाय जातरूपमयाञ्छुभान्। एवं बलिं समादाय प्रवेशं लेभिरे न च॥ शतं दासीसहस्राणां कासिकनिवासिनाम्॥
At the gate with hundred millions of tribute and were denied admittance. Hundreds of Brahmanas, possessing wealth of kine and living upon the lands that Yudhishthira gave them, came there with their handsome golden Kamandalus (water-pot) filled with Ghee. Though they brought such tribute, yet they were refused admittance. Hundred thousands of serving maids of the Karpasika country.

श्यामास्तन्व्यो दीर्घकेश्यो हेमाभरणभूषिताः। शूद्रा विप्रोत्तमाएणि राङ्कवाण्यजिनानि च॥ बलिं च कृत्स्नमादाय भरुकच्छनिवासिनः। उपनिन्युर्महाराज हयान् गान्धारदेशजान्॥
All of beautiful features of slender waist, and of long hair, and all adorned with golden ornaments, also many skins of Ranku deer worthy of the best Brahmanas, and also horses of the Gandhara country, were brought by the Shudra kings who lived in the regions on the coast of the sea. O great king,

इन्द्रकृष्टैर्वतयन्ति धान्यैर्ये च नदीमुखैः। समुद्रनिष्कुटे जाताः पारेसिन्धु च मानवाः॥ ते वैरामां: पारदाश्च आभीराः कितवैः सह। विविधं बलिमादाय रत्नानि विविधानि च॥ अजाविकं गोहिरण्यं खरोष्ट्र फलजं मधु। कम्बलान् विविधांश्चैव द्वारि तिष्ठन्ति वारिताः॥
The Vairamas, the Paradas, the Tungas and the Kitavas who lived upon crops that depended on water from the sky or of the river, and those who were born in regions on these shore, in woodlands or in countries on the other side of the sea, being refused admittance waited at the gate, though they brought with them goats and kine, asses and camels, vegetable honey and blankets, jewels and gems of various kinds.

प्राग्ज्योतिषाधिपः शूरो म्लेच्छानामधिपो बली। यवनैः सहितो राजा भगदत्तो महारथः॥ आजानेयान् हयाञ्छीघ्रानादायानिलरंहसः। बलिं च कृत्स्नमादाय द्वारि तिष्ठति वारितः॥
The brave ruler of Pragjyotisha, and the powerful king of the Mlecchas the car-warrior king Bhagadatta, waited at the gate at the head of a large number of Yavanas. He too was unable to enter, though he brought a large tribute comprising of horses of the best breed and of the speed of the wind.

अश्मसारमयं भाण्डं शुद्धदन्तत्सरूनसीन्। प्राग्ज्योतिषाधिपो दत्त्वा भगदत्तोऽव्रजत् तदा॥
Thereupon the king of Pragjyotisha Bhagadatta had to go away from the gate, giving away a number of swords with handles made of the purest ivory and well-adorned with diamonds and every kind of gems.

व्यक्षांस्त्र्यक्षाल्ललाटाक्षान् नानादिग्भ्यः समागतान् औष्णीकानन्तवासांश्च रोमकान् पुरुषादकान्॥
Many races, coming from various regions, some with eyes on the forehead, and also the Aushnikas, the Nishadas, the Romakas, also those that were cannibals.

एकपादांश्च तत्राहमपश्यं द्वारि वारितान्। राजानो बलिमादाय नानावर्णाननेकशः॥ कृष्णग्रीवान् महाकायान् रासभान् दूरपातिनः। आजहुर्दशसाहस्रान् विनीतान् दिक्षु विश्रुतान्॥
And also those that possessed only one leg. I saw, were refused admittance at the gate. These kings brought as tribute ten thousand celebrated asses of various and innumerable colours, with black necks and huge bodies, with great speed and much docility.

प्रमाणरागसम्पन्नान् वक्षुतीरसमुद्भवान्। बल्यर्थं ददतस्तस्मै हिरण्यं रजतं बहु॥
They were all of good size and delightful colour; they were all born on the coast and shore the Vanku, of all these kings gave much gold and silver.

दत्त्वा प्रवेशं प्राप्तास्ते युधिष्ठिरनिवेशने। इन्द्रगोपकवर्णाभाञ्छुकवर्णान् मनोजवान्॥ तथैवेन्द्रायुधनिभान् संध्याभ्रसदृशानपि। अनेकवर्णानारण्यान् गृहीत्वाश्वान् महाजवान्॥ जातरूपमनर्घ्यं च ददुस्तस्यैकपादकाः। चीनाञ्छकांस्तथा चौड्रान् बर्बरान् वनवासिनः॥
Having given so much, tribute they got admission to the palace of Yudhishthira. the one legged people who came there gave him (Yudhishthira) many wild horses, some red as coccinella (a sort of red insect) and some white, some of the rain-bow colour, some looking like evening clouds and some of variegated colour, and all possessing the speed of mind. They also gave to the king much gold of superior quality. Innumerable chins, Shakas, Aodaras and many barbarians and dwellers of forest,

वार्ष्णेयान् हारहूणांश्च कृष्णान् हैमवतांस्तथा। नीपानूपानधिगतान् विविधान् द्वारवारितान्॥
The Vrishnis, the Harahunas, the dark people of the Himalayas, the Nipas and the people living on the sea coast, were all refused admittance at the gate.

बल्यर्थं ददतस्तस्य नानारूपाननेकशः। कृष्णग्रीवान् महाकायान् रासभाञ्छतपातिनः। अहार्पर्दशसाहस्रान् विनीतान् दिक्षु विश्रुतान्॥ प्रमाणरागस्पर्शाढ्यं बाल्हीचीनसमुद्भवम्। और्णं च राङ्कवं चैव कीटजं पट्टजं तथा॥
They gave as tribute ten thousand various asses of good size and black necks and capable of daily running two thousand miles, all of many shapes and all well-trained and celebrated over the world, all possessing symmetrical proportion and excellent colour, they skins being pleasant to the touch, also many woollen blankets made in chin, also many skins of Ranku deer, and also many clothes made of Jute and many others made of the threads of insects.

कुटीकृतं तथैवात्र कमलाभं सहस्रशः। श्लक्ष्णं वस्त्रमकार्पासमाविकं मृदु चाजिनम्॥ निशितांश्चैव दीर्घासीनृष्टिशक्तिपरश्वधान्। अपरान्तसमुद्भूतांस्तथैव परशूञ्छितान्॥ रसान् गन्धांश्च विविधान् रत्नानि च सहस्रशः। बलिं च कृत्स्नमादाय द्वारि तिष्ठन्ति वारिताः॥
They also gave thousands of other cloths not made of cotton and all possessing the colour of the lotus, being made of smooth and soft texture. They also gave thousands of soft sheepskins, also many sharp and long swords and scimitars, hatches and fine-edged battleaxes, manufactured in the western countries also thousands of perfumes, jewels and gems. But being refused admittance they all waited at the gate.

शकास्तुषाराः कङ्काश्च रोमशाः शृङ्गिणो नराः। महागजान् दूरगमान् गणितानर्बुदान् हयान्॥ शतशश्चैव बहुशः सुवर्णं पद्मसम्मितम्। बलिमादाय विविधं द्वारि तिष्ठन्ति वारिताः॥
The Shakas, the Tusharas, the Kankas, the Romakas and the men with horns, bringing with them (as tribute) many large elephants which could go long distance, and also ten thousand horses and also hundreds of millions of gold, waited at the gate being refused admittance.

आसनानि महार्हाणि यानानि शयनानि च। मणिकाञ्चनचित्राणि गजदन्तमयानि च॥ कवचानि विचित्राणि शस्त्राणि विविधानि च। रथांश्च विविधाकाराञ्जातरूपपरिष्कृतान्॥
Costly carpets, vehicles and beds, armours of various colours, decked with jewels, gems and ivory, and also weapons of various kinds and cars of various shapes handsomely made and adorned with gold.

हयैर्विनीतैः सम्पन्नान् वैयाघ्रपरिवारितान्। विचित्रांश्च परिस्तोमान् रत्नानि विविधानि च॥
Well-trained horses covered with the tiger skins, rich and variegated blankets for covering elephants, various kinds of gems and jewels,

नाराचानर्धनाराचाज्छस्त्राणि विविधानि च। एतद् दत्त्वा महद् द्रव्यं पूर्वदेशाधिपा नृपाः। प्रविष्टा यज्ञसदनं पाण्डवस्य महात्मनः॥
Long and short arrows, and various other kinds of weapons such valuable things were presented by the eastern kings. They then entered the sacrificial palace of the illustrious Pandava.