DYUTA PARVA: Chapter 48

Lamentations of Duryodhana

शकुनिरुवाच दुर्योधन न तेऽमर्षः कार्यः प्रति युधिष्ठिरम्। भागधेयानि हि स्वानि पाण्डवा भुञ्जते सदा॥
Shakuni said O Duryodhana, you should not be jealous of Yudhishthira. the Pandavas are enjoying what their good fortune yields them.

विधानं विविधाकारं परं तेषां विधानत: । अनेकैरभ्युपायैश्च त्वया न शकिताः पुरा॥ आरब्धाश्च महाराज पुनः पुनरिंदम। विमुक्ताश्च नरव्याघ्रा भागधेयपुरस्कृताः॥
O Chastiser of foes, O great king, you were unable to destroy them by repeatedly adopting various plans, many of which you reduced to practice. These best of men for their good fortune escaped (all) your machinations.

तैर्लब्धा द्रौपदी भार्या द्रुपदश्च सुतैः सह। सहायः पृथिवीलाभे वासुदेवश्च वीर्यवान्॥
They obtained Draupadi as wife and Drupada with his two sons (as allies); and also the greatly powerful Vasudeva (Krishna) as a help to acquire the whole world.

लब्धश्चानभिभूतार्थैः पित्र्योंऽशः पृथिवीपते। विवृद्धस्तेजसा तेषां तत्र का परिदेवना॥
O ruler of earth, having obtained their paternal share of the kingdom and not being deprived of it, they have grown (in prosperity) by their own energy. What is there to make you sorry in all this?

धनञ्जयेन गाण्डीवमक्षय्यौ च महेषुधी। लब्धान्यस्त्राणि दिव्यानि तोषयित्वा हुताशनम्॥
Having worshipped Hutashana (Fire) Dhananjaya (Arjuna) has obtained the Gandiva (bow), the two inexhaustible quivers and many celestial weapons.

तेन कार्मुकमुख्येन बाहुवीर्येण चात्मनः। कृता वशे महीपालास्तत्र का परिदेवना॥
With that best of bow and by the prowess of his arins, he has brought all the rulers of earth under his sway. What is there to be sorry at?

अग्निदाहान्मयं चापि मोक्षयित्वा स दानवम्। सभां तां कारयामास सव्यसाची परंतपः॥
Having saved the Danava Maya from the conflagration of fire, the chastiser of foes, Savyasachi (Arjuna) made him build that Assembly-hall.

तेन चैव मयेनोक्ताः किंकरा नाम राक्षसाः। वहन्ति तां सभां भीमास्तत्र का परिदेवना॥
At the command of Maya, those fearful Rakshasas, named Kinkaras, guard that Assembly-hall. What is there then be sorry at?

यच्चासहायतां राजन्नुक्तवानसि भारत। तन्मिथा भ्रातरो हीमे तव सर्वे वशानुगा॥
O descendant of Bharata, O king, you have said that you have no one to help you. This is not true. These your brothers are all obedient to you.

द्रोणस्तव महेष्वासः सह पुत्रेण वीर्यवान्। सूतपुत्रश्च राधेयो गौतमश्च महारथः॥
The wielder of the great bow the greatly powerful Drona with his son, the Suta's son, Radheya (Karna), the great car-warrior, Goutama (Kripa),

अहं च सह सोदर्यैः सौमदत्तिश्च पार्थिवः। एतैस्त्वं सहितः सर्वैर्जय कृत्स्ना वसुन्धराम्॥
I with my brothers, the king Somadatti, these are all your allies. Conquer the whole earth with them.

दुर्योधन उवाच त्वया च सहितो राजन्नेतैश्चान्यैर्महारथैः। एतानेव विजेष्यामि यदि त्वमनुमन्यसे॥
Duryodhana said O king, if it please you, I shall conquer the Pandavas with you and with these great carwarriors.

एतेषु विजितेष्वद्य भविष्यति मही मम। सर्वे च पृथिवीपालाः सभा सा च महाधना॥
If I can conquer them, the whole world will be mine; as also the kings and the Assembly hall which is so full of wealth.

शकुनिरुवाच धनंजयो वासुदेवो भीमसेनो युधिष्ठिरः। नकुलः सहदेवश्च दुपदश्च सहात्मजैः॥ नैते युधि पराजेतुं शक्या देवगणैरपि। महारथा महेष्वासाः कृतास्त्रा युद्धदुर्मदाः॥
Shakuni Said Dhananjaya, Vasudeva, Bhimasena, Yudhishthira, Nakula, Sahadeva, Drupada, and his two sons, these (heroes) cannot be conquered in a battle even by the celestials. They are all great car-warriors, and the wielders of great bows; they are accomplished in arms and invincible in war.

अहं तु तद् विजानामि विजेतुं येन शक्यते। युधिष्ठिरं स्वयं राजंस्तन्निबोध जुषस्व च॥
But I know the means by which Yudhishthira may be vanquished. O king, listen to it and adopt it.

दुर्योधन उवाच अप्रमादेन सुहृदामन्येषां च महात्मनाम्। यदि शक्या विजेतुं ते तन्ममाचक्ष्व मातुल॥
Duryodhana said O uncle, without any danger to our friends and other illustrious men, if there is means to conquer him, tell it to me.

शकुनिरुवाच द्यूतप्रियश्च कौन्तेयो न स जानाति देवितुम्। समाहूतश्च राजेन्द्रो न शक्ष्यति निवर्तितुम्॥
Shakuni Said The son of Kunti (Yudhishthira) is very much fond of gambling, but he does now know how to play. That king of kings, (Yudhishthira) if asked to play, will not be able to refuse.

देवने कुशलश्चाहं न मेऽस्ति सदृशो भुवि। त्रिषु लोकेषु कौरव्य तं त्वं द्यूते समाह्वय॥
I am skillful in the play at dice. There is none equal to me (in this play), on earth, may, not even in the three worlds. O descendant of Kuru, (therefore) ask him to play.

तस्याक्षकुशलो राजन्नादास्येऽहमसंशयम्। राज्यं श्रियं च तां दीप्तां त्वदर्थं पुरुषर्षभ॥
O king, O best of men, expert as I am in the play at dice, I am certain to win for you his kingdom and his greatly effulgent prosperity.

इदं तु सर्वं त्वं राज्ञे दुर्योधन निवेदय। अनुज्ञातस्तु ते पित्रा विजेष्ये तान् न संशयः॥
But, O Duryodhana, tell all this to the king (Dhritarashtra). At the command of your father, I will win the whole of Yudhishthira's possessions without the least doubt.

दुर्योधन उवाच त्वमेव कुरुमुख्याय धृतराष्ट्राय सौबल। निवेदय यथान्यायं नाहं शक्ष्ये निवेदितुम्॥
Duryodhana said O son of Subala, tell yourself all this to the chief of the Kurus, Dhritarashtra, I shall not be able to do it.