None: Chapter 46

was (DYUTA PARVA) Vow of Yudhishthira

वैशम्पायन उवाच समाप्ते राजसूये तु क्रतुश्रेष्ठे सुदुर्लभे। शिष्यैः परिवृतो व्यासः पुरस्तात् समपद्यत॥
Vaishampayana said When that best of sacrifices, Rajasuya, ever difficult of accomplishment, completed, Vyasa, surrounded by his disciples, came before him (Yudhishthira).

सोऽभ्ययादासनात् तूर्णं भ्रातृभिः परिवारितः। पाद्येनासनदानेन पितामहमपूजयत्॥
On his arrival he soon rose from his seat, surrounded by his brothers, and worshipped his grandfather (Vyasa) with offering him a seat and water to wash his feet.

अथोपविश्य भगवान् काञ्चने परमासने। आस्तामिति चोवाच धर्मराज युधिष्ठिरम्॥
When the illustrious (Rishi) took his seat on a best seat made of gold, he said to Dharmaraja Yudhishthira "to take his seat".

अथोपविष्टं राजानं भ्रातृभिः परिवारितम्। उवाच भगवान् व्यासस्तत्तद्वाक्यविशारदः॥
When the king was seated surrounded by his brothers, the illustrious Vyasa, the skillful speaker, thus spoke.

दिष्ट्या वर्धसि कौन्तेय साम्राज्यं प्राप्य दुर्लभम्। वर्धिताः कुरवः सर्वे त्वया कुरुकुलोद्वह॥
“O son of Kunti, you grow in prosperity for good fortune; you have acquired the imperial dignity which is very difficult to be acquired. O perpetuator of the Kuru race, all the Kurus have grown in prosperity for your sake.

आपृच्छे त्वां गमिष्यामि पूजितोऽस्मि विशाम्पते। एवमुक्तः स कृष्णेन धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः॥
O king, with your permission I shall (now) go. I have been duly worshipped”. Having been thus addressed by Krishna (Vyasa), Dharmaraja Yudhishthira,

अभिवाद्योपसंगृह्य पितामहमथाब्रवीत्। युधिष्ठिर उवाच संशयो द्विपदां श्रेष्ठ ममोत्पन्नः सुदुर्लभः॥
Saluted his grandfather by touching his feet and thus spoke to him, “O foremost of all men, a very great doubt has arisen in my mind.

तस्य नान्योऽस्ति वक्ता वै त्वामृते द्विजपुङ्गव। उत्पातांस्त्रिविधान् प्राह नारदो भगवानृषिः॥ दिव्यांश्चैवान्तरिक्षांश्च पार्थिवांश्च पितामह। अपि चैद्यस्य पतनाच्छन्नमौत्पातिकं महत्॥
O best of the twice-born, there is none else except you who can remove it. The illustrious Rishi Narada said that three kinds of portents, namely celestials, atmospherical and terrestrial, happen (if Rajasuya sacrifice is performed). O grandsire, have these portents been removed by the fall of the Chedi king?

वैशम्पायन उवाच राज्ञस्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा पराशरसुतः प्रभुः। कृष्णद्वैपायनो व्यास इदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Vaishampayana said Having heard these words from the king, the son of Parashara, the lord Krishna Dvaipayana, Vyasa, thus spoke to him.

त्रयोदश समा राजन्नुत्पातानां फलं महत्। सर्वक्षत्रविनाशाय भविष्यति विशाम्पते॥
"O king, for thirteen years those portents will produce great results. O king, they may even cause the destruction of all the Kshatriyas.

त्वामेकं कारणं कृत्वा कालेन भरतर्षभ। समेतं पार्थिवं क्षत्रं क्षयं यास्यति भारत। दुर्योधनापराधेन भीमार्जुनबलेन च॥
O best of the Bharata race, O descendant of Bharata, in course of time, making you the sole cause, the assembled Kshatriya kings will all be destroyed for the fault of Duryodhana and the prowess of Bhima and Arjuna.

स्वप्ने द्रक्ष्यसि राजेन्द्र क्षपान्ते त्वं वृषध्वजम्। नीलकण्दं भवं स्थाणुं कपालं त्रिपुरान्तकम्॥ उग्रं रुद्रं पशुपति महादेवमुमापतिम्। हरं शर्वं वृषं शूलं पिनाकिं कृत्तिवाससम्॥ कैलासकूटप्रतिमं वृषभेऽवस्थितं शिवम्। निरीक्षमाणं सततं पितृराजाश्रितां दिशम्॥
O king of kings, in your dream you will see towards the end of this night Vrishadhvaja (Bull-marked), Nilkantha (blue throated), Bhava, Sthanu, (deep in mediation) Kapali, (drinking from human skull), Tripurantaka (slayer to Tripura), fierce and terrible Pashupati (the lord of creatures), Mahadeva (the god of gods), Umapati, (the husband of Uma) Hara, Sharva, Vrisha, Shuli, (holding the trident) Pinaki (armed with Pinaka bow), attired in skin, Shiva, tall and white as the cliff of the Kailasa, seated on his bull and always gazing towards the direction, presided over by the Pitris (South).

एवमीदृशकं स्वप्नं द्रक्ष्यसि त्वं विशाम्पते। मा तत्कृते ह्यनुध्याहि कालो हि दुरतिक्रमः॥
O king, you will see such a dream (today). Do not be grieved for it, for none can rise superior of Time.

स्वस्ति तेऽस्तु गमिष्यामि कैलास पर्वतं प्रति। अप्रमत्तः स्थितो दान्तः पृथिवीं परिपालय॥
Be blessed. I shall now (go towards the Kailasa mountain). Rule the earth with vigilance and steadiness and bear patiently all privations".

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्त्वा स भगवान् कैलासं पर्वतं ययौ। कृष्णद्वैपायनो व्यासः सह शिष्यैः श्रुतानुगैः॥
Having said this, the illustrious Krishna Dvaipayana, Vyasa, accompanied by his disciples, who always followed the dictates of the Vedas, went towards the Kailasa mountain.

गते पितामह राजा चिन्ताशोकसमन्वितः। निःश्वसन्नुष्णमसकृत् तमेवार्थं विचिन्तयन्॥
On the departure of the grandfather (Vyasa), the king became afflicted with grief and anxiety. He continuously sighed and reflected on what the Rishi said.

कथं तु दैवं शक्येत पौरुषेण प्रबाधितुम्। अवश्यमेव भविता यदुक्तं परमर्षिणा॥
He said to himself, "what the great Rishi has said must came to pass. How can fates be warded off by human exertions?

ततोऽब्रवीन्महातेजाः सर्वान् भ्रातृन् युधिष्ठिरः। श्रुतं वै पुरुषव्याघ्रा यन्मां द्वैपायनोऽब्रवीत्॥
Thereupon, the greatly effulgent Yudhishthira thus spoke to all his brothers. "O best of men, you have heard what Dvaipayana (Vyasa) has said.

तदा तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा मरणे निश्चिता मतिः। सर्वक्षत्रस्य निधने यद्यहं हेतुरीप्सितः॥
Hearing his words, my firm resolve is to die, when I have been ordained to be the cause of the destruction of all the Kshatriyas.

कालेन निर्मितस्तात को ममार्थोऽस्ति जीवतः। एवं ब्रुवन्तं राजानं फाल्गुनः प्रत्यभाषत।॥
O children, if Time has willed it, what need is there for me to live?” To the king who was thus speaking replied Falguni (Arjuna),

मा राजन् कश्मलं घोरं प्रविशो बुद्धिनाशनम्। सम्प्रधार्य महाराज यत् क्षेमं तत् समाचर॥
"O king, do not yield yourself to the great depression which destroys one's reason. O great king, mustering fortitude, do what is beneficial".

ततोऽब्रवीत् सत्यधृतिर्धातॄन् सर्वान् युधिष्ठिरः। द्वैपायनस्य वचनं ह्येवं समनुचिन्तयन्॥
Thereupon Yudhishthira, ever devoted to truth, thinking all the while the words of Dvaipayana (Vyasa), spoke thus to all his brothers.

अद्यप्रभृति भद्रं वः प्रतिज्ञां मे निबोधत। त्रयोदश समास्तात को ममार्थोऽस्ति जीवतः॥
"O children, O blessed ones, listen to the vow I make from this day. For what other purpose am I to live for thirteen years?

न प्रवक्ष्यामि परुषं भ्रातृनन्यांश्च पार्थिवान्। स्थितो निदेशे ज्ञातीनां योक्ष्ये तत् समुदाहरन्॥
I shall not speak a harsh word to my brothers or to any of the kings of the earth. I shall remain obedient to my relatives and practice virtue.

एवं मे वर्तमानस्य स्वसुतेष्वितरेषु च। भेदो न भविता लोके भेदमूलो हि विग्रहः॥
If I live in this way, making no distinction between my own sons and those of others, there will be no disagreement in the world. Disagreement is the cause of war.

विग्रहं दूरतो रक्षन् प्रियाण्येव समाचरन्। वाच्यतां न गमिष्यामि लोकेषु मनुजर्षभाः॥
O best of men, I shall keep war at a distance, and I shall ever do what is agreeable to others. Thus no evil reputation will touch me in the world."

भ्रातुर्येष्ठस्य वचनं पाण्डवाः संनिशम्य तत्। तमेव समवर्तन्त धर्मराजहिते रताः॥
Having heard these words of their elder brother, the Pandavas, ever engaged in doing what is agreeable to Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira), approved of them.

संसत्सु समयं कृत्वा धर्मराड् भ्रातृभिः सह। पितॄस्तर्प्य यथान्यायं देवताश्च विशाम्पते॥
O king, Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira), having thus taken the vow with his brothers in that assembly, gratified the Pitris and the celestial.

कृतमङ्गलकल्याणो भ्रातृभिः परिवारितः। गतेषु क्षत्रियेन्द्रेषु सर्वेषु भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, on the departure of all the Kshatriya kings, he (Yudhishthira), surrounded by his brothers, performed the usual auspicious rites.

युधिष्ठिरः सहामात्यः प्रविवेश पुरोत्तमम्। दुर्योधनो महाराज शकुनिश्चापि सौबलः। सभायां रमणीयायां तत्रैवास्ते नराधिप॥
Yudhishthira then with his ministers entered his excellent palace. O great king, Duryodhana and the son of Subala, Shakuni, (then) lived in that charming Sabha (assembly hall).