Commencement of the sacrifice

वैशम्पायन उवाच पितामहं गुरुं चैव प्रत्युद्गम्य युधिष्ठिरः। अभिवाद्यः ततो राजन्निदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Vaishampayana said O king, having approached and worshipped his grandfather (Bhishma) and his preceptor (Drona), Yudhishthira thus spoke to,

भीष्मं द्रोणं कृपं द्रौणिं दुर्योधनविविंशती। अस्मिन् यज्ञे भवन्तो मामनुगृहणन्तु सर्वशः॥
Bhishma, Drona, Kripa, the son of Drona (Ashvathama), Duryodhana and Vivanshati. “But all of you gracious to me in my this sacrifice.

इदं वः सुमहच्चैव यदिहास्ति धनं मम। प्रणयन्तु भवन्तो मां यथेष्टमभिमन्त्रिताः॥
All this my great wealth is yours. Consult you all with one another, and guide me as you desire."

एवमुक्त्वा स तान् सर्वान् दीक्षितः पाण्डवाग्रजः। युयोज स यथायोगमधिकारेष्वनन्तरम्॥
Having thus spoken to all, the eldest of the Pandavas (Yudhishthira), who had been already installed in the sacrifice, appointed every one of them in suitable office.

भक्ष्यभोज्याधिकारेषु दुःशासनमयोजयत्। परिग्रहे ब्राह्मणानामश्वत्थामानमुक्तवान्॥
He appointed Dushasana to superintend the department of food and other enjoyable articles. Ashvathama was solicited to look after the Brahmanas.

राज्ञां तु प्रतिपूजार्थं संजयं स न्ययोजयत्। कृताकृतपरिज्ञाने भीष्मद्रोणौ महामती॥
Sanjaya was appointed to return worship to all (invited kings). The high-minded Bhishma and Drona were employed to see what was done and what was left undone.

हिरण्यस्य सुवर्णस्य रत्नानां चान्ववेक्षणे। दक्षिणानां च वै दाने कृपं राजा न्ययोजयत्॥
The king (Yudhishthira) appointed Kripa to look after the diamonds, the gold the pearls and the gems, and he was also appointed to distribute Dakshina (gift) to the Brahmanas.

तथान्यान् पुरुषव्याघ्रांस्तस्मिंस्तस्मिन् न्ययोजयत्। वाह्निको धृतराष्ट्रश्च सोमदत्तो जयद्रथः। नकुलेन समानीताः स्वामिवत् तत्र रेमिरे॥
Thus other best of men were all appointed in various other offices. Having been brought there by Nakula, Valhika, Dhritarashtra, Somadatta, and Jayadratha enjoyed there as the lords (of the sacrifice).

क्षत्ता व्ययकरस्त्वासीद् विदुरः सर्वधर्मावेत्। दुर्योधनस्त्वर्हणानि प्रतिजग्राह सर्वशः॥
Kshatta (Vidura), learned in all the precepts of virtue, became the master of exchequer. Duryodhana became the receiver of tributes brought by the kings.

चरणक्षालने कृष्णो ब्राह्मणानां स्वयं ह्यभूत। सर्वलोकसमावृत्तः पिप्रीषुः फलमुत्तमम्॥
Krishna, the centre of all men, with the desire of gaining the excellent fruit, him-self willingly took the task of washing the feet of the Brahmanas.

द्रष्टुकामाः सभां चैव धर्मराजं युधिष्ठिरम्। न कश्चिदाहरत् तत्र सहस्रावरमर्हणम्॥
Wishing to see that Sabha and also Dharmaraja Yudhishthira, no one came there with less tribute than one thousand (in kind) number of quantity).

रत्नैश्च बहुभिस्तत्र धर्मराजमवर्धयत् कथं तु मम कौरव्यो रत्नदानैः समाप्नुयात्॥ यज्ञमित्येव राजनः स्पर्धमाना ददुर्धनम्। भवनैः सविमानाप्रैः सोदर्बलसंवृतैः॥ लोकराजविमानैश्च ब्राह्मणावसथैः सह। कृतैरावसथैर्दिव्यैर्विमानप्रमिमैस्तथा।॥ विचित्रै रत्नवद्भिश्च ऋद्ध्या परमया युतैः। राजभिश्च समावृत्तैरतीव श्रीसमृद्धिभिः। अशोभत सदो राजन् कौन्तेयस्य महात्मनः॥
All (the assembled kings) honoured Dharmaraja with large presents of jewels, Every one of those kings proudly said, “Let the Kuru king complete his sacrifice with the gems and wealth that I present to him,(without taking any presents from any other king)”. O king, the sacrificial ground of the illustrious son of Kunti, crowded with guards and warriors, with the cars of the celestialss and with the kings, all possessing beauty and wealth, looked extremely handsome with the numerous palaces, so built as to last for ever, and so high that their tops touched the car of the celestialss who came to see that sacrifice, with the dwellings of the Brahmanas, and the mansions that were built for the king which resembled the cars of the celestialss, and adorned with gems and filled with every king of wealth.

ऋद्ध्या तु वरुणं देवं स्पर्धमानो युधिष्ठिरः। षडग्निनाथ यज्ञेन सोऽयजद् दक्षिणावता॥
Yudhishthira, as if vying with the deity Varuna himself in wealth, commenced the (Rajasuya) sacrifice which was distinguished by large Dakshinas to Brahmanas and emblazoned with the six fires.

सर्वाञ्जनान् सर्वकामैः समृद्धैः समतर्पयत्। अन्नवान् बहुभक्ष्यश्च भुक्तवज्जनसंवृतः। रत्नोपहारसम्पन्नो बभूव स समागमः॥
The king gratified every body with present of great value and with every object that one could desire, with abundance of rice and of every kind of food, and also with a large quantity of jewels brought as tribute. Every one of that vast concourse of people was fed to his fill.

इडाज्यहोमाहुतिभिर्मत्रशिक्षाविशारदैः। तस्मिन् हि ततृपुर्देवास्तते यज्ञे महर्षिभिः॥
The celestialss were gratified in that sacrifice by the Ida, Ghee, Homa and libations poured by the great Rishis, learned in Mantras and pronunciations.

यथा देवास्तथा विप्रा दक्षिणान्नमहाधनैः। ततृपुः सर्ववर्णाश्च तस्मिन् यज्ञे मुदान्विताः॥
Like the celestialss, the Brahmanas were also gratified with the sacrificial gifts, food and great wealth. Men of all the orders were gratified and were filled with joy.